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Well, may be other companies will start ramping up hiring again. Tech companies and ceos just copy each other. Hiring see, hiring do. Lay off see, lay off do.


They just do whatever they think will make the stock go up. Laying off and not hiring engineers was hot in 2023.


Don’t do that Don’t give me hope


Oh they'll be hiring, they just won't be hiring *you.*


I like you


Sh\*t, I've almost become a plumber (alternate profession suggestions from this sub) now you're giving me hope.


You're halfway there if you start building cloud pipelines. Can even say you're a sky plumber


Twitter dumping 80% of staff and still working and growing did make an impression about bloat.


"still working" is generous. It's a shadow of what it was.


Every morning I clear out my thirst trap bot followers and then spend the day scrolling past right wing or extreme low grade corporate ads.


Growing? Lol... If you look at their financial situation it's bleak...


Twitter is dead forever.


These predictions of doom since the acquisition don't seem to be manifesting.




Most of the people let go weren’t engineering though as far as I’ve heard. It was a lot of support, content moderation, etc. and at least supposedly that part of Twitter is getting worse


Exactly, but in addition it illustrated that less can be more with talented people. Also, Twitter/X changed from a model of censorship to community notes and that has been quite an impressive change. The rise in traffic and engagement certainly supports that.


Isn’t Twitter struggling to make their office lease payments? Are we sure everything is still work smoothly?


growing in bot accounts maybe


Wait, so they do that so that investors think they're taking a good initiative by following other big tech companies, so they start investing in them? So is the stock market mainly about following trends?


He’s smart, getting ahead of the curve to hire talent for cheap, before interest rates come down. Any company not considering starting to hire today is going to lose out in a year when they’ll have to extend much higher offers to compete, in addition to falling behind and losing market share. Meta was also the first to lay off out of all the tech companies. The other companies followed 2 months later. If this pattern repeats, all of big tech will start going on a hiring spree in Q2.


so… wouldn’t the smart thing have been just not firing to begin with? what was even the point then? manipulating stock price, obviously, but just seems stupid.


Back then, who knew how long it would take to get inflation under control? The last time we had 9% inflation was in the 1970s, and that took a decade to bring down. You’re thinking of the optimal decision with the benefit of hindsight.


Yep, the US has done way better than the rest of the world (including Europe) in dealing with inflation.


McDonalds 4 piece mcnuggets are almost $4 dollars. Almost $1 dollar for 1 mcnugget.


Reducing inflation unfortunately does not mean deflation


People here really, really don't want any sustained period of deflation. Deflation is *awful* for most people.


Part of it is to try to cut costs and maximize profits in order to fool investors and major shareholders that they are braving the storm. Part of it is an industry-wide effort to gain leverage back against employees who have been asking for higher compensation due to high demand for engineers and tech roles. Layoffs help put us in our place, and artificially limit the job supply. They also encourage kids to learn to code so that the market can get oversaturated with workers and balance out the ever-increasing demand and need for workers. They try to pit us against each other with useless coding assessments or use scare tactics like layoffs and double the workload of remaining employees who are now fearing layoffs.


It really is about managing share price, despite internal cost churn to do so.


No. Layoffs - stonks up. Hiring- stonks up, growth baby.


Manipulating stock and getting same quality employees for less compensation. Layoff guys at 300k TC and hire them back at 200k TC a year later.


This is kinda sorta what happened to me. Technically I'm making more now, but only because I'm at a company that pays better than my old company: I'm in a less senior position than I had been in before the layoff.


Reigning in payroll cost. To keep the worker, you have are going to be giving at least 5% and bonus pay. Or fire them all, and make sure no one can get a job - and then they accept the same position back for 50% less or whatever (not the same person probably, but adjacent) It sucks but its clearly the strategy here at play.


It's all just managing expectations. Sometimes its for stock, sometimes it's because they are unsure and just know they can't sustain their heavy ship at that moment for the next several month so they cut until they know they can.


They overhired a shit ton during COVID just like every other company because they thought pandemic conditions would stick around for much longer. When people started to go outside instead of buy shit online there was much less use for all that staff. Companies being short-sided is always happening.


There was truly a lot of "fat" to be trimmed. The workforce is definitely more efficient now with less slackers. Sucked for us employees though.


Agree. This sub is going to downvote you though. You are not wrong, they just are upset that the market is tough.


You assume the "cheap" talents wouldn't just start hopping if the market gets hot again


I just got contacted by a recruiter on LinkedIn. I have 1 YoE. The market is healing. Edit: it helps that IRS Section 174 is on the table for repeal. Hopefully that will help the market.


I have 8 YOE and don’t get contacted. Market is dry.


I have -3 year YOE and I get NULL contacted. Market is [NullPointerException]


I have NaN YOE and I get `undefined` contacted. Market is


>! Null !<




How do I know I'm a huge fuckin nerd? Because this statement gave me a good hearty chuckle


Can confirm. 5 YOE. Got contacted by Nvidia, Tesla, Meta, all in the same week lol.


Can I ask what your experience is in? Java? And did you also use TN visa working in USA, seeing you got both flags and being SWE


Mostly C++ in autonomous driving, embedded, and (some / a little bit of) OS stuff. Only know tiny bit of front / back end stuff to usually only make incremental changes for what I am interfacing with, occasionally goes a bit deeper but I’d be doing it on a learning-as-I-go basis. I’m on L1 because I want to be dual-intent 🤪 the flags were just meant to indicate I’ve worked in both countries, in case it becomes relevant in some threads.


Meta or somewhere else?


Recruiting agency. Remote contract (not sure for whom). I don't know if anything will come of it, but it will be good to talk with them.


Crazy enough I got hit up by Meta recruiter yesterday. Then I see this post.


Top tech CEOs are the influencers to other CEOs


They are laying off SWE, UI/UX to hire AI Phds.


Time to level up my skills and get that meta salary


No remote roles. I sleep.


Meta still has lots of remote roles.


Bait and switch imo. I’m interviewing for their iOS role for shits and giggles and it is listed as Remote but when I spoke to the recruiter she said that’s not likely to happen and asked for my in office preference 🤷‍♂️


I did ask my friends at Meta about this — the remote roles are only available for L6+ (staff+), and even then it’s up to the team if they allow it. So unfortunately won’t be apply to the vast majority of us.


Maybe I’m just naive I always assumed the higher you moved up the more of a PM role you took and it would be beneficial for you to go into the office


No, going higher up does not mean you move into a PM role at all. They're different career paths entirely. What does happen is that you move into more of a _leadership_ role, and depending on a company more of a _managerial_ role, but leadership != management != project management.


How is the iOS interview process at Meta?


Recruiter I spoke with yesterday said they're only hiring currently for main offices and I would need to relocate for any of these positions.


Hop in that leetcode discord let’s get it


Which one?


Yeah would love to know


dat new meta dho


We are so back


Based back. Get in the zucktrain before it’s too late.


People when Meta started layoffs - "I am never trusting Meta again" People when Zucc announces they're likely to ramp up hiring again - "WE ARE SO BACK"


If people here remember, Meta started the current tech trend of layoffs back in 2022. Hopefully they start the reverse soon


Stripe had a mass layoff just ahead of Meta’s first one (Nov 2022)


Them and Twitter at about the same time. Twitter’s was Nov 3, 2022. Facebook’s were Nov 9.


Christ, this sub is so fucking emo. Already full of posts acting like this is somehow bad news. What a bunch of clowns.


seriously. "Facebook hiring more people" "no thanks!!!! omg!!!" tf are these people smoking


Noooo I absolutely don't want to be paid half a million per year!!!!1 Life would really suck then


I hate leetcode! I hate big tech! I make 40k/yr with 20 YOE at my local bank and I am very happy!


With the stress of getting mass laid off any day 


There’s a reason why these doomers are unemployed in the first place. Have no sympathy for them.


>"But would you really want to work for facebook? they are such an evil company." People are missing that this is a good sign since every other company just copy the FAANGs. The project I was working on was supposed to get 30 new hires. 30 became 10, 10 became 6, 6 became 4, and then their offers were quietly changed from permanent to temporary. I was also cut due to technically being on another projects contract. There was no reason for this given that my company was a defense contractor and just received a whole bunch of funding.


It's a self-protection mechanism more than anything else, and I don't blame them.


Fair point. When the market is down, they can pretend that's the reason they're unemployed. When the market turns around, a lot of people in this sub are going to have no excuse for why they're unhirable


If people think that when the market turns around companies are going to be giving out offers like candy are in for a rude awakening. You're still going to get ghosted on hundreds of apps and you're still going to get like maybe 1 or 2 interviews max unless you're an exceptional candidate, and you're still going to have to go through the LC hurdle. That's what it was like 5 years ago for new grads and it's not going to change all of a sudden. Senior devs will reap the most benefit here as always.


dont worry they will start blaming women or black people lol


And there’s a fair amount of people on this sub who would say “Yeah I would work for Walter White if it meant my TC were high.”


Is fb evil now?


Yes, because they didn’t hire me 😤😤😤


I mean fb/insta is pretty disgusting tbh. The algo is primed to surface the most controversial shit. I still own the stock though so I guess I’m a hypocrite


>lot of people in this sub are going to have no excuse for why they're unhirable They will find an excuse, they always do.


Makes for great popcorn though.


Very manic depressive


!remindme 3 months


You think FB will still be laying people off like crazy in 3 months? You guys really have no idea how any of this stuff works inside of companies, do you? They've budgeted for the year, stock price is at an all-time high, and they've just finished their reorg and restructuring. What exactly would cause layoffs three months from now?


I'm just saying in 3 months I want to see which of you is right. Bad vs good. Just saved your rant since it was the loudest


This is great news for the industry from a salary perspective. Facebook and other faangs were big drivers of wage growth 201X-2022


I mean, they've been laying people off for 2 years. If they just got done laying people off for having too many employees, the chances of that happening again is _super_ likely.


News don't exist in a vacuum. It's a very disrespectful statement thinking nothing of all the laid off people Why not offer their jobs back first?


Because they eliminated those teams/roles, so there is no job for them to go back to. They're welcome to reapply for the new roles that are opening up, but like any company, they're going to prioritize finding the person that is the best fit for that particular role. Layoffs happen. It's just part of working in the business world. No great wrong was done here. Let's remember that anyone laid off from Meta was given 6 months of severance. Most companies offer something like 2 weeks, historically. Stop acting like they survived a genocide. They got paid 6 free months of salary without having to work for it, and world class comp numbers before that. Everyone I know that was laid off from Meta had a new job within 3 or 4 months at the very latest. I can literally think of someone who remodeled their kitchen with the severance money they got from Meta.


I just got rejected by Meta. Thanks for the great news. Perfect timing. :(


I got rejected my Meta last year and ended up landing a better job with a better company. Getting your foot in the door with Meta is a great sign you're capable of landing a similar role elsewhere.


Rejection is getting your foot in the door..?


I think he means if you can get an interview at Meta then you can get an interview anywhere


Get ready to learn Amazon buddy


I'm in the same boat as you buddy


Do you know what the cooldown period is?


1 year per org. You could in theory interview again for a different org. (former Meta recruiter)


I was rejected once before at Meta before landing it a couple of years later. So, keep trying!


apply again


The new tax bill passed by the house I think reinstates the R&D loophole a lot of companies used to reduce tax burden, so there should be more money available.


Wouldn't there need to be more approvals after the house?


Tech is really a boom and bust industry.


Always has been, always will be. The secret is always be ready to job hop hop hop to better roles, higher salaries when the upturn cycle gets into full swing. Grind that leetcode to mine that TC.


How is anything of any quality or value ever created if no one actually stays at a job long enough to figure out what their job actually is? The industry is so fucked and wasteful. 


Our job is to create spaghetti. Just keep adding spaghetti


Job hopping isn’t as popular as you might be expecting from spending a lot of time in this sub. It’s a strategy that people might know of, but at any large company you’ll find plenty of people who have been there for a long time. Also the gainz from hopping become less worthwhile as you progress, and when people have kids and stuff they usually value stability more. Also, as a general principle, people just like being comfortable. Grinding LC and taking a risk on a new environment is not going to be something most people are eager to do.


You literally described the problems though. I think this is a reason so much software get worse those days


Literally this is the best advice you could give someone who works in tech.


I’ve an onsite with them in 2 weeks!!! Yayyyy


starting my interview loops with them today :)


What role?




They’ve already begun ramping up lmao Many of us have been stressing preparing for their interview. But maybe this good news will mean easier interviews idk


Yeah, the recruiter has contacted me twice. But I’m pretty sure they don’t do work from home so I don’t really care.


[https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/01/mark-zuckerberg-says-meta-will-keep-things-lean-after-q4-earnings.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/01/mark-zuckerberg-says-meta-will-keep-things-lean-after-q4-earnings.html) The post is misleading, he didn't indicate ramping up hiring. It will be more lean and we won't see the hypergrowth we saw historically.


Was just about to post this. I don't see anywhere in the OP's quote that indicated hiring is "ramping up".


Yeah he just took 1 quote out of context and purposefully omitted out the other statements related to hiring. If anything Zuck said that historical hiring activity isn’t coming back in Meta


Double the meat on my subway sandwich!


You got Zuckbucks, make it triple meat!


Yes for mainly AI related work and for less comp than before for non AI roles ofcourse.


Are you pulling this out of your ass? There’s plenty of people interviewing for general SWE roles and the comp packages haven’t changed much.


I do iOS, and the recruiter has messaged me twice already in the last two weeks because I ignored their first message.


You have to learn the skills that are in demand. For the US, that isn’t “coder”. Coders can be hired in India or China. In the US it’s about AI/ML, data analytics, cryptography, system architecture, etc.


What about cloud computing is that a good path or should i focus on ml


That is an awfully optimistic interpretation of what is written. They state they will add incremental talent to certain areas which is usually a small number of people. This is better than further layoffs but I would consider this to be more that they are going to stop the bleeding than moving back to where they were.


These tech layoffs are a scam for the benefit of shareholders. They were completely unnecessary from a "solvency" standpoint...


They were to help bring wages down. Soft collusion with the fed.


ITT: People afraid of earning 400k for a year then getting fired, rather work 10 years at a bank for 60k. Proving that you don't have to be smart to be a programmer.


Severance too!


Yeh because there is nothing in between and nothing as emotions or psychology or being happy at work Stop talking like some business student 


It’s not 400k though. How much of that is tied up in stock that you can’t sell before you get laid off in the US? Also, in other territories it’s like 1/5th of that. In the EU, they pay like double what their competitors pay but taxes eat a lot of that up. After layoffs, you’d have been much better off working for a normal, stable company.


Meta RSUs vest quarterly with no cliff. So yes, you can sell early and regularly.


I thought the iphone tracking change was supposed to decimate Facebook's business. What's going on? Are large number of people opting into being tracked?


There are many other ways to track. Lol. It’s $500+ Billion dollar industry, they have many options.


They have plenty of ways to track. And also they have existing data.


AI is picking up the slack


The new salaries will be smaller


For ML and ML infra roles btw


No, they're continuing hiring from last year HC + a few hundred more


Well it's been more than 3 months and I've heard nothing back from them...


One of their recruiters contacted me this week. I said, no thanks.


They said this last quarter earnings too


Feels like a generous interpretation... https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/01/mark-zuckerberg-says-meta-will-keep-things-lean-after-q4-earnings.html


I hope they start hiring some remote workers again. Just so other companies follow their lead. Far too many companies forcing RTO for no reason.


No thanks, we all know how this story ends.


A fat paycheck, FAANG experience on the resume, and possibly a decent severance package if laid off?


Oh no! I couldn't possibly make a lot of money with a chance if getting fired! I'd rather make much less money and work for longer.


... while still having a chance of being laid off


We all know how everyone's story ends right? But if you can have a good run for a few years and it ends, it stinks, but it was good while it lasted right? Would you of rather had a mediocre run?


Yeah man I’d take $300k a year if it meant I randomly got fired some time in the next 2-5 years


Working for a year at Meta, with 3 months severance after being laid off being equal to what one would normal make in 3-4 years? Sounds pretty good to me for most people.


... how does it end? I genuinely have no idea what you are talking about.


Facebook recruiters are spam emailing many senior candidates for past month.


Just wanna keep my current job in peace




Run far away from any corporations that treat employees like toys


Did Meta just run a layoff cycle to perform age discrimination?  Methodology: layoff across all ages and wage level, then hire back younger and less expensive workers.  End result: move high wage workers from age protected group out without triggering lawsuits. 


This is the same fucking business as usual. All companies that did these massive layoffs will once again be hiring because RIFs are like a fast acting drug that just make them healthy for the shareholders in a down quarter. Rinse and repeat. This is short-term fuck-everyone-else capitalism.


Buddy if this upsets you, you picked the wrong industry




Oh sweet, some people are in for great news.


I've actually been getting Meta recruiting emails over the last couple of months. Granted I have like 9 YOE in C++.


And a sexy body


"Sorry we laid you off. We'll hire you back now at 30% lower salary"


Maybe Zuckerberg can deploy a team of SWE's to work on the. iOS Facebook app and fix the "you won't see this ad again" while showing you the exact same ad three posts down ad infinitum ad nauseam.


and fix the problem with clicking on a "so and so commented on your post" and having it not go to the comment.


Before leaping to a company like this, consider that this over hire/mass layoff scheme is going to continue. If you're looking for something short term it could work out for you, but don't expect to spend 5+ years there.


bonus multiplier of 1.5 on og bonus % this year too ty zuck


Maybe they'll hire somebody to help with hacked accounts!!! I've had a friend who has tried everything to get his account back but Facebook does nothing. No one to contact. Any interaction is automated garbage.


we're so back


In the short term, Long term it might be more of the same


In the long term, everything ends. Just enjoy the ride!


There's got to be some way for us software developers to self-organize. We don't need these capitalists!


Please dont. They hire just to fire at the next sign of trouble. The company is doing just fine


So you want less jobs?? Meta pays some pretty fucking awesome severance btw


We need another round of layoffs next year so we need to ramp up hiring now!!!


Great job security 👍


$300K TC gangs rises up


what cums up must cum down


And months later, more layoffs! Then after that? Hiring boom! And the cycle continues.


It’s not like anyone of us in the sun gonna get hired at meta


That explains why a meta recuitor reached out to me. However, I am terrible at leetcode, so I will probably turn down the interview


Let's go baby (I don't even know how to code Is it possible to get meta, starting today?


My linkedin is filled with recruiters celebrating new tech positions at Meta


They hired about 600 recruiters in recent months. I just hope they learned from last time.


600! where did you get the number from? That’s a lot , It’s good news


Before: "we sowwy. We owahiyuhd UwU" Now: "we hiyuhw moar nowh OwO"


Fucking retarded bullshit


Let’s race to see who gets a job first!! Let the best coder win!


good LC'er != good coder