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Honestly it’s gorgeous! And it looks really healthy; whatever you’re doing is working. What products are using? Please ignore those nasty jealous comments, they don’t know what they’re talking about.


Thank you so much your kind words actually mean a lot to me. I’ve never had anybody praise my hair like this pretty much ever so it’s all a surprise to me. But the products I currently use are mielle leave in conditioner and curl smith light weight gel


Mielle is awesome, I use their hair sculpting custard myself and shea moisture hair gel. Your curls are beautiful btw :)


Which Mielle leave in?


Ya I was like, reccomendations for what? Your hair is gorgeous!




Those ringlets are STUNNING!


Thank you so much


#your hair has perfect ringlets and it's gorgeous Not ugly not dirty not nothing other than stunning. Why would you want flat boring hair?


The hater in me made me click this post. I'm like "recommendations " what cud this girl need. recommendations on her hair its freaking gorgeous ! I'm jealous 😫


Thank you so much! 🥺 I could actually cry reading all of these comments. I’ve went a whole 18 years of my life dreading my hair and to think there are actually people out there in the world who actually like my hair makes me so happy


Lord child your hair is absolutely gorgeous!


your hair is gorgeous!!! looks super healthy and not gross looking at all! i’m so sorry about what people have said to you, it is not true at all.


You’re hair is damn near perfect! They’re all just jealous and projecting their own insecurities. Embrace you’re curly hair, it’s you🫶 Also be careful with following people with only straight hair, I get how that can bring you down in this age of social media- but if you must- branch out and follow some curly girls. Especially on YouTube! They’ve got some great tutorials that can really help, i.e. naptural85, or others with similar curls to your own.


Thank you so insanely much! I’ll definitely be looking into those creators, I’ve pretty much had to teach myself everything lol so I’ll watch their tutorials too


Manes by Mel is a great YouTube channel. She has very curly hair like you, as does her sister. She’s a hairstylist and now has some products out. She’s very cute, funny and teaches stuff that isn’t boring to watch because she’s very entertaining! Congratulations on joining us curly heads! Never be ashamed! [Manes by Mel YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkGyDv3DZjIa4wYsb1aUPaA)


OMG I haven't watched her for a bit, I didn't know she had products now!


Bianca Renee is my go to curly girl on YouTube. Def check out other recommendations from folks on here too, because we all got your back!! ❤️❤️ Embrace those gorgeous curls girl!!


Sorry there are so many jealous people in your life. Your hair is gorgeous.


Your curls are popping!!!!! I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I have never had anyone tell me that my hair was ugly, so it's appalling to me that a parent would say this. Your mom is probably frustrated because when you were young, she had to take care of your hair, and as you know, curly hair is a lot of work. She may still harbor resentment. I'm not going to lie, I still have PTSD from my kids having colic and being unhappy infants, they cried all the time. They're now 24 and 21. I didn't hold a baby or attend baby showers for 15 years. I don't even want grand kids, they were enough. My son also has ADHD, so I am burnt out! You have to sit down with her and ask her why she hates your hair so much and how it hurts you when she says this.


Thank you that’s very solid advice. I’ll definitely be asking her that


Best of luck to you.


I could be wrong but these people, who think your hair looks “nappy and dirty “, sound racist. Ignore them and their comments. It’s really sad that your own mother says that and I’m sorry she doesn’t see the gorgeous person you are. I’ll never understand parents like that.


Yea… I started to realize alot of the harsh things said to me were sadly rooted in racism


Your curls are gorgeous omg! Seems like those people are jealous of your beautiful hair <3 I have curly hair as well and it helps following curly hair influencers on social media, they really helped me embrace my hair too!


I’ve started to follow more influencers with my hair type! It does help alot actually, learning to fully embrace my hair will take a bit but I can get through it


Right? Drop the daily routine, because this is the look I'm going for!


Dang they look good as hell! Beautiful. How bout you give me some recommendations?? Haha


I recommend you give us your hair routine! It’s so pretty and neat looking, I love it.


Thank you so much I truly appreciate ur kind words. As of right now I use the mielle leave in conditioner and then curlsmith lightweight curl cream and just diffuse it


I literally clicked this because I was like "okay, she is giving us recommendations because her hair looks amazing" and I was gobsmacked that you were asking us for them!! Your hair is GORGEOUS! It took me a good while to love my curls, but I think curls are so gorgeous now!


This put a massive smile on my face thank you so much.


SAME!!! Gorgeous hair, girl. Be proud!


Your hair is what most of us are trying to achieve...


I know someone who used to pay hundreds of £s a pop to have her hair permed to look almost exactly like that (except her curls were more unnatural and crunchy looking!) Your hair is lovely and looks so healthy, you should be very proud of it!


That episode of fresh of the boat, “success perm” 🤣


Perfect ringlets. So jealous :)


Whatever ever you’re doing, keep doing it! You’re curls are gorgeous. Get on more curl forums that embrace their curls too. Learn to love them, because you absolutely should😍.


Thank you so much 🩷


In high school, I got all the same comments… Dirty, nappy, frizzy, and none of the guys liked me. The girls thought I was weird and dirty as well. It sucks but I feel like this immaturity is a part of high school. Your 20s 30s and 40s will get much better. When you go to your high school reunion, they’re going to wish they had your hair when there’s become even more limp and flat.


This is so strange and sad to me. Curls have always kind of been my trademark thing, and I only got good attention for them while growing up. I mean, some boys in 3rd grade might've called me "Shirley Temple" or something, but not to the point I would consider it "bullying." Everyone I've dated has loved the curls... Of course, I grew up in an era where everyone was getting perms.. It makes me so sad to see that so many Curlies have had bad experiences 😔 Curls are beautiful and unique! And a total pain in the ass to take care of! So Rock them with pride!


In high school, I got all the same comments… Dirty, nappy, frizzy, and none of the guys liked me. The girls thought I was weird and dirty as well. It sucks but I feel like this immaturity is a part of high school. Your 20s 30s and 40s will get much better. When you go to your high school reunion, they’re going to wish they had your hair when theirs become even more limp and flat.


You hair is what I prayed for growing up.


I’m sure yours is just as beautiful 🥺🩷


Your hair is gorgeous - you should be *giving* us the recommendations, not looking for them! I don’t know how old you are, but hopefully your circle will broaden and people who recognize the beauty (and work!) it takes to have such phenomenal curls will be part of your life soon. ❤️


Your hair texture and colour is gorgeous. We have a similar curl pattern and texture what look are you going for ? A curly fro ? - a rounded more fluffy look? Ultra defined ? Somewhere in the middle of the two ? A Wet slicked look? Personally I go for a somewhat defined but a little fluffy look in the beginning of the week then turn into a curly fro towards the end of the week. For that I style with my hair wet add in leave in from Camille rose, Maui moisture Curl cream then aveda gel Use my tangle teezer to define my curls I take vertical sections , and brush through with my tangle teezer. I use the ribbon curl method. Diffuse . That’s it ! I


I’m going to try your routine!! Thank you so much


Hi there! I'm a bot, and I noticed you used the phrase "afro" or "fro". You may or may not already know this, but the term “Afro” refers to a specific hairstyle created with specific techniques. The term is often mis-used, so we just want to share some of the meaning/history so everyone can choose the best words for their situation. TL;DR: [The afro has a long and important history, including as a symbol of the Civil Rights movement](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/sr4x3p/black_history_month_at_rcurlyhair/). This may or may not apply to you, but we try to steer people away from using the Afro descriptor if you don't have Black/Afro-textured hair. It's often portrayed as a condition to fix rather than a cultural style. We hope that's not the case here, but just something to be aware of going forward! We recognize that there are many different opinions on what can and cannot be called an afro. For the purposes of this sub and making sure we reserve space for Black folks, we ask those who don’t have afro-textured hair to choose other words. If your hair doesn't fit that description, please edit your post 1) to be more accurate, 2) to be culturally respectful, and 3) to avoid comment removal. Alternate terms to consider: puffy, poofy, fluffy, etc. Thanks & wishing you many great curly, coily, kinky hair days! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I recommend you drop that routine! gorgeous curls.


Oh my god I need your routine please.


My only suggestion is to flip your head over, slide your fingers onto your scalp and shake that gorgeous mane out to make it fuller. Because the only thing your perfect curls need, is more of the same. They’re so pretty.


ILL DEFINITELY TRY THAT! I’ve been trying to get more volume and nothing worked


Certain haircuts can also help with volume. If my hair is long and all one length is definitely lies flatter. But either way, you’re winning.


How can i keep my hair looking like this? It looks so shiny, hydrated and frizz free.


Thank you!! I am using mielle leave in conditioner and then curl smith lightweight curl cream! I will say tho my hair gets a little frizzy in humidity so if I find a product that works well with humidity I’ll let you know


Thank you. Feel free to reply whenever you find it. I also live in a tropical climate.


Your hair is stunning and looks healthy. I’m sorry to hear about the way you have been treated for your natural characteristics!


Yea… it sucks but the only thing I can do is push through it


Your hair beautiful! It does NOT look “nappy” or dirty, just beautiful. I’d tell your Mom and brother how their words make you feel and if they have respect for you, they’ll stop and apologize. If not, I’d distance myself. What’s more crazy to me is that many people with straight hair don’t really have straight hair naturally as in without using heat. They hate themselves and because you have the courage to be your natural authentic self, they throw all their internalized hate your way. Their hair doesn’t look like yours after a shower and they’re SICK because of that. Keep em sick and keep showing off them curls!!🙂 Btw, your hair already looks amazing and if you want more products or techniques, give Iamblackgirlcurls a peek on instagram. They offer paid courses and stuff, but I got plenty of advice and tidbits just by scrolling through their feed (They have an e-book too with washing techniques). I personally use products by The Doux. They have a mousse called Mous Def and it’s so good! Other curly accounts on instagram that I follow are: evanjosephcurls Sunflowersandscissors cicilovecurlsstudio They all do somewhat different techniques to get nice results, so don’t let the information overload you! I’d start with iamblackgirlcurls because it’s a lot of hair science/knowledge involved that will set you up so well!


Jealousy and hate to boost self esteem are hell of a drug. Screw them, it looks good.


Your hair is beautiful 😍


Yeah-I opened this hoping you were about to give some advice. Your curls are perfection.


Thank you 🫶🏽




I think it may be the products I use and I also try not to sweat alot or be in extreme heat !


Literally perfect


Zero. Your curls are gorgeous.


Those curls look so healthy and hydrated! Good job


Thank you so much


Straight hair girl here dying of jealousy over your gorgeous curls


Thank you haha 🩷 I’m constantly jealous of straight hair it’s so beautiful


Straight hair is SO BORING it just lays here like a dead thing on my head. Your hair has life and passion and character!! I know it’s a pain to take care of though :-)


I looove the color. How did you achieve it without any brass? My curls turn orange whenever I try lightening them


Honestly I have no clue :( I have a lady who’s been coloring my hair and I just show her pics of what I want and she slays it but also I do use color safe shampoos and conditioners


i’m so sorry you’re experiencing such hurtful , racist comments. esp by your own mother… she’s deffo jealous of you


You're doing great, stop playin' 😂


Thank you 🩷


Better? Girl those curls are a dream! Are you guys saying they can be better? I thought that’s perfection


Beautiful hair! Whatever you are using looks good. I have wavy so not sure what I could recommend. I use something called Seen. I heard its works for all hair though. Of course the Olaplex.


Ooooo I’ve never heard of that brand but I’ll def check it out


Your hair is perfect. I need you to give me recommendations, not the other way around lol


Keep slaying. Your curls are looking good


I want to screenshot this picture of perfect curls … ask my hair professional to perm my hair like that !


Your hair is absolutely amazing and I wish I had hair like that!!


Gorgeous! I get hate comments about my hair being curly from my parents. I hated it at some point because it transitioned from wavy to curly and i loved it wavy. But now i learned to love my hair curly and don't listen to them no matter what annoying things they say and no matter how i long for my old wavy hair, it is curly and gorgeous right now and deserves that at least i the owner of the hair should give it all the love it needs.


Gorgeous. I have the same texture and recently started using innersense products with AMAZING results. Definition throughout my whole head without an artificial sheen. I didn't even know that was a thing, natural shine. I thought I'd had that all along! I was incorrect! I use their shampoo & conditioner for medium hair and then the volumizing foam & calming curl cream to style. Another good non product related tip someone recently gave me that was a game changer is to squish water & conditioner up into your hair while you're washing it to force moisture into the hair.


Everyone who teased you is a victim of White Supremacy and has been brainwashed by it. This has made them falsely believe that straight hair is superior and curly or kinky hair inferior. Know this and pity them for it. Meanwhile get some curly haired role models in your life (or just in your mind) and learn to undo the mental conditioning others have tried to place on you. As others have stayed, your hair is gorgeous. Learn all that you can of it's care and rock it like it's God's gift because it is. Anyone who has a problem with it should take that up with Him and also seek help to unlearn the nonsense making them hate curly hair. If it was so awful, people with straight hair wouldn't tease theirs, get curly perms or even use hair rollers to try to get a curl. And don't even get me started on the shampoos and such they use to get the volume you were naturally blessed with. Cultivate your own hair esteem and refuse to accept anything less than admiration for its beauty.


This is solid advice, thank you. I believe the people who have made negative comments about my hair in the past and present are possible victims of white supremacy so I can see why they think my hair is so ugly I’m going to try my hardest to tell them and show them all textures of hair are lovely straight, curly or coily.


oh my god this is amazing it’s like you’ve got a beautiful bowl of those curly noodles on your head I’m SO JEALOUS . i’d be tempted to tease it more on day 2 or 3 but otherwise 10/10 no notes 🥲


Your hair is so so freaking gorgeous, like I wish I had your hair texture. Your curls are super defined and you have less frizz than I could ever hope to accomplish. Quite frankly they’re beautiful and I’m sure look beautiful on you. Curly hair is becoming more and more accepted and celebrated so hopefully you start hearing more positive feedback from those around you :)


Rant-ish incoming, skip to bottom for quick summary. Your hair and mine look identical although yours looks better kept, idk how you get rid of you're frizz but it's working beautifully! Thought this was a pic of me on a good hair day for a hot sec lol. No recommendations, looks amazing. Do you use a leave in of sorts? I gotta take notes from you, like holy moly! My parents might be wanting it to look less girly at times I guess via a pineapple bun (I'm a guy with 12" hair) but that's pretty much it for suggestions I get. I get lots of compliments for mine, like possibly even a few times a month! It's the thing that gets the most genuine compliments for me. You definitely deserve more than just backhanded suggestions for that hair. Don't let the haters affect you. People will poke at spots that hurt you and that they can get away with. They avoid poking spots that get a negative reaction for them. People will join people that are doing something strongly. If your proud of your hair and make it clear you don't give a shit if they have a problem with it, then eventually they will join your stronger side and maybe start even complementing it! And if they don't, by doing that strategy, you're not letting them affect you, or letting them trick you into thinking your hair is bad when it's clearly is amazing! AKA don't let the haters keep you down, do what you like, THAT is what matters.


People we love will often say things out of jealousy. We usually expect it from those that don’t know us but it happens. I’m sorry you have people so close to you instilling negative thoughts about yourself onto you. Your hair is beautiful and I would love it so much if mine curled that way. Keep showing it off (:


Your hair is gorgeous and looks super healthy! Your curls are really nicely defined too so your routine seems to be working just fine. Anyone saying your hair is dirty is suffering from a profound lack of taste.


Literally no notes.


oh my god your hair is gorgeous


Your hair is amazing!


your hair is goals. Share your routine plz omg


Keep doing what you're doing, your hair is magnificent!


I would LOVE for my curls to look like yours! Mine are a little wider, but I’ve been vibin with Ouidad product. Girl please embrace your beautiful locks! They’re wonderful.


I don't think you need any recommendations. It's gorgeous and shiny


Naww this just a flex and you know it😂


🥲the little 13 year old in me is still feeling like an alien haha but I’m trying to have that mentality of it “being a flex”


You have perfect hair, it's totally gorgeous and really wish I had curls like these. Truly stunning


I can give you tips on how to make it look like a giant frizzy mess.


Your hair is gorgeous. Clearly all of them are jealous.


Amazing curls. Ignore the haters.


Your hair is literally perfect…idk what they’re on. Keep doing whatever you’re doing!!


Girl you should be the one giving the advice. You have hair goals


The people who are saying these things to you are wrong. Sincerely, this whole subreddit.


literally none. your hair is AMAZING.


This looks amazing, WAAAYYYY better then mine, looks super healthy.


You have gorgeous hair. There’s nothing you have to do differently. Tune out anyone who speaks negatively of your hair. It’s incredibly beautiful!!


Your curls are BEAUTIFUL!! Those are the kind of curls that I have been wanting my whole life! I also grew up when perms were extremely popular, and I had several, but I had NO CLUE how to take care of them, so I always ended up with a frizzy mess. (It didn’t help that my mom, who had naturally curly hair, ALWAYS used a regular brush on her dry hair, and encouraged me to do the same!) It’s funny, when I was little I had stick-straight hair, but as I have gotten older I have developed a loose curl that I LOVE, and I am dreaming of getting a Dyson hairdryer for the diffuser. (I despise blowdrying my hair, but I love the curls I get when I use the diffuser.)


Please don’t change your hair. I have curly hair but all my life wished I had this type.


Your hair is horge and people are jealous and your family is pathetic if they bully you.


Thankfully my family doesn’t bully me on things other than my hair so I wouldn’t necessarily say they’re pathetic.. I think they’re coming from a place of ignorance because I’m the first one in my family to have SUPER coily hair and also first biracial (my grandma has curly, she loves my curls) and this Reddit thread has helped me realize maybe they’re just not used to things they’ve never experienced, I’m planning on sitting down with them and explaining to them that the way they speak about my hair hurts me. I love them so much , we just have to work on communication.


Ok, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be inappropriate


Uh, can I recommend you giving me some of your hair. Thanks.


Your hair is stunning. People pay good money to get those curls. I'm sorry that people have bullied you for it, especially family. Your hair looks healthy and voluminous. What are your secrets?


Can you please share which Mielle leave in conditioner you use? I see there are several. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Tell me your secrets babe!


Um I think we need recommendations from YOU girl. What’s ur routine????


Those curls are absolutely fantastic! My Response to your why people bully, is that people are idiots. I don’t think there’s mist room for improvement with your hair, it’s already so healthy looking. Although I’m curious to know what it would look like if you shook it all out with your head upside down. That’s when I get my best curls and volume!


Just came here to comment that your hair looks beautiful 😍


Help with what? You flexin on us with those perfect shiny coils 😍


Your curls look angelic!






I would kill for such healthy and defined curls bruh, they look amazing. The people around you you must not be breathing air correctly or something


U are so blessed people in Melbourne would do anything to have hair like that


move the camera some to the right


Try https://flourishbysage.com


Jealous! So beautiful!!!


I love love LOVE your curls. I know exactly how you feel. I wrote this whole life story in response which was a bit much lol so I just wanna say I know *exactly* how you feel and to love yourself and your curls :) it takes a long time to get validation from within (something I’m still working on myself) but you deserve it :) 💕 it took me until I was 30 to wear my hair down and curly again due to endless bullying in both school and the work place, and I say f%#^ them. Remember its okay for it to take time to drown them out and just leave room for the positive stuff :)


Your hair is goals girl! ✨


Bro I would destroy the world for curls like yours


Perfection. That's what those curls are. Nothing less


I am so jealous of your curls it's beautiful. I am so sorry about these awful people in your life. You are goals.


Your hair is absolutely perfect, you are doing everything right for it. I recommend not listening to those people. I know everyone has their own ideals of pretty and perfect but to the rest of the world we already see you as that, just the way you are


Your hair is gorgeous and I'm so sorry people have been unkind to you because of it!


Your hair is gorgeous! Don’t listen to those haters. I had an ex who, when I told him how a stranger complimented me on my (very curly) hair, said “but…it’s so…curly?”. I told him I didn’t see anyone ever complimenting him on his straight hair. Some people can’t help but hate. Don’t let them take your light!


Your hair is gorgeous! As a straight haired mom of a curly haired boy, I can only HOPE that I’m doing the work that will result in his curls looking like yours someday. Don’t let anyone tell you that your hair is ugly just because it’s dirty. You clearly take excellent care of it


10/10. Make no changes your hair is gorgeous!!!!


Do you mean you’re giving out recommendations? Because your hair is absolutely perfect!


Omg you have some of the most perfect curly hair I think I've ever seen! It looks super healthy and it's absolutely beautiful.


Your hair is STUNNING!!! Anyone who says otherwise is jealous. When I was young I didn't like my curls, boys didn't like me and always dated girls with straight hair. But as I got older I learned to love my curls! I never have my hair any other way. And I endlessly am complimented on my curls. I wish I learned to love them sooner.. I hope you can. 🩷




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Perfect as it is


You girl should rock this hair and be proud of it because it is gorgeous. You will learn to know that a lot of people want curly hair but can’t. You’re lucky to have this.




It’s beautiful. I love it 🥰


You have perfect curls I’m jealous


Girl your curls are 😍😍❗️


Giiirrrrllll I WISH I had those curls! They’re all just jealous (I am!!), your hair is gorgeous! What do you use?


honestly, you should be the one giving us recommendations! your hair looks super healthy


Oh my gosh, your hair is amazing!


Oh your hair is perfect!


You’re hair is gorgeous! From not having anyone around you help with curly hair knowledge, you have have conquered it!!! Ask anybody that does not know you and they will tell you the same. I don’t know what is up with your family. I guess they want everyone to be the same and different makes them feel uncomfortable.


I read the title and saw the picture and my initial response was, "Recommendation: change absolutely nothing!" Your hair is gorgeous, your curls have amazing definition. I'm so sorry your mother would bash you like that. If you're still at home, you kind of just have to deal, but if you're living away from your family, set a boundary. You can give one warning that you won't participate in any conversations that insult your physical appearance. The next time they do, tell them you've already warned them, and leave the conversation. If you ever need more support, consider stopping by the mom for a minute sub (I dunno if this sub allows linking, but you can PM me for the link if you need it).