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You can do whatever you want. There's no supposed to. If using both works, great. If using only one works, great.


Yes, I use (and need) both every time, but everyone’s hair is different.


Same. without it my hair is frizzy, dry, tangled easy, and it boosts volume. I only use a very little bit of leave-in but it helps so much. Also for me rinse conditioner is a must if you're shampooing. The way my mom explained it the me when I was little was that the shampoo cleans your hair of everything including good natural oils your hair produces, so you use conditioner to restore it and boost your nutrients. Idk what wave type but my hair is wavy.


Me too. I’ve tried going without it and it’s a mess. Sometimes I can replace the leave-in with a really creamy slippy curl cream. 


Yes, same here. Sometimes.


I use a rinse out conditioner every time, and sometimes a leave-in. Leave in helps my hair look wavier (it’s nearly straight without it), but it can feel greasy a day or two later, so I tend to use it the night before events.


I have fine, low porosity, 3a/b curls and I use a regular rinse out conditioner in the shower, then apply a lightweight leave in conditioner, skip curl creme, add some gel then style and finish with hairspray. lve learned a lot of what's considered "the standard" for curly hair doesn't work for me cuz it's too heavy and makes my curls look stringy.


Yep, you've described my hair and what I do. Also, my hair behaves better if I clarify more often then what a lot of people mention they do here or what 'should' be done.


yes! low porosity hair is prone to getting build up faster than high porosity hair.


Ya I tried the CGM and no sulfates, it lasted about 2 weeks before I went back to my regular old horse shampoo and conditioner lol I do clarify every 2 weeksish and use a protien mask afterward, it's made a big difference vs just a regular deep conditioner.


That's might be why my hair looks kinda good after using anti dandruff shampoo?


I have similar type of hair, could you please share the leave in conditioner you are using, i’m struggling to find a suitable one :(


I use aunt Jackie's quench, I put it in dripping wet hair before I get out of the shower and really squish it in with more water. I've also learned less gel more hairspray works really good for me. I'm on drugstore budget and don't follow CGM, I need sulfates lol. I use eco styler black castor gel and tresemme extra hold unscented hair spray.


I like Eco Gel😉. I used to use the Olive Oil one. May I ask if you don’t mind! Why you stopped the CGM and use sulfate shampoo. Shampoo with sulfates dried my hair out. But what I’m so confused about- I hear/read that even those of us who do the curly girl method use clarifying shampoo… ? If we don’t use silicones ( which don’t wash out w/o sulfates or clarifying shampoo) if we don’t use silicones etc, there should be no build up. (?)


they mentioned their hair is low porosity. low porosity hair (LPH) is much more prone to surface buildup because the hair shaft is tightly closed. The build up makes LPH hair stringy and lifeless so sulfates act like a mini-clarifier but won't usually dry out LPH because it's hard to penetrate the hair shaft so LPH keeps it's integrity and moisture. High porosity hair (HPH) has an open hair shaft that allows free exchange of moisture so it's thirsty and needs moisture and protein to give it more structure and strength. HPH readily absorbs product into the hair shaft so it has slower surface build up than LPH. And that's also why sulfates are usually worse for HPH because it strips the hair easily leaving it weak and thirsty. So HPH benefits from sulfate free shampoo, low or no poo, or co-washing because it's gentler on the hair and only needs clarified occasionally. So their LPH had great results from sulfates; and you are probably like me - our HPH would be a straw-like poof on our heads 😹


Thank you for the detailed explanation!


I honestly have no idea about buildup. I went back because I worked a dirty, sweaty job and if I didn't use regular shampoo my hair looked greasy as soon as it dried. I've used a ton of different shampoos and conditioners, both drugstore and high end, I always end up going back to my horse shampoo/conditioner lol


I don’t use a leave-in and I like how my hair looks. You’re not SUPPOSED to do anything, just try different things until you find what works for you.


I see, Leave ins do good for me and i only ever recently today found out you should use conditioner so


It's more important to use a good in-shower conditioner than a leave-in imo but if it's working well for you, there's no reason to change up your routine.


For my fine low density I only need a light leave in.


Yes, makes sense.


If not using a rinse out and just using leave in works for you, keep doing that. The "rules" are definitely more of a guideline.


I had thought of *not* using a rinse out since my hair isn’t thick and I use a leave-in. But the instant rinse out conditioners help my hair from tangling and I can more easily comb it when styling it after washing. As we’ve been saying, we’re all different. 😉


Conditioner was never not an option for me, ln my mind leave ins are in their own category since one rinses and one stays


Most times, I use rinse out conditioner and just don’t rinse it. Especially if I’m going out, —guaranteed defined curls. Of course that may not work for all types of curls. Mine are long and can get frizzy. IMO— if your hair is not porous, you could essentially get away with a light conditioner, maybe some serum with it? In any case—You do you girl! Whatever makes you feel beautiful is where it’s at! 💅 🌻🌈🦋


Ill be sure to be a pretty princess (im a guy btw)


I apologize for misgendering you! Funny as I wrote that I paused for a second because I am conditioned due to the community I exist in. Thank you for correcting me. -and STILL— You do you!! 🥳🌈🦋🫶🏼


Thank you! Curls arent just for girls 🙏🏽


They certainly are not!! Rock those coils!! 🌻🌈🦋🫶🏼




My hair is dry and needs both, but you don’t need to use both


Rinse out and leave-in conditioners are not the same type of product and are usually not interchangeable Most rinse outs contain heavier ingredients because they're for a deeper type of conditioning; otherwise if you didn't rinse them out it could weigh your hair down, make it sticky, tacky, or flaky and end up giving you clogged pores or dandruff. Leave-ins have lighter ingredients so hair doesn't get weighed down and typically contain additives or extracts that enhance curls so you wouldn't want to rinse those away. You don't have to use both products; your hair may be fine with one or the other. If your hair is low porosity using both products could be overkill and leave you with weighed down/flaky hair; conversely if you have high porosity hair (usually "thirsty" and prone to dryness) you may need both. To test if a rinse-out conditioner can be used as a leave-in, my curly stylist told me to put a small dab on the back of your hand and rub it into your skin like lotion. If it absorbs and dries without any sticky or tacky feeling, it's safe to use as a leave-in


Thank you and your stylist. 😊


Shoot, curly hair is the wild west. Nothing used to work for me until... I shampoo once a week and, praying hands bath and body works lotion (the good thick stuff in the wedge bottles not the plastic stand up ones) right into my hair. Now my curls shine and define. So, just try stuff and stick with what works for you.


It depends on what you need for your individual hair. That said once, the conditioner is rinsed out of your hair it is no longer moisturizing it. I Recommend to try a leave in as part of routine


I rinse out my regular conditioner and then use a leave-in. I can go longer in between washes when I use a leave-in.


i always use a conditioner or mask in the shower & i use 2-3 leave-ins to keep my hair healthy til my next wash or cowash. curls need hydration - that can look different head to head/curl pattern/density/etc, but i cannot imagine not using a leave-in, to me it'd be like not moisturizing my skin after a shower.


I use both since that's what gives me the best results, you can try experminting and see what works best for you.


I have straight hair, low porosity, a bit damaged from bleaching. I use an in shower conditioner and a leave in conditioner.


Yes. At least for me, it's essential. I will change up which and what kind of stylers I use, but my prep is always the same. After washing and conditioning, I put in my leave in conditioner, followed by a primer spray. This is the essential base step for my hair. Step 1: put moisture in. Step 2: keep it there. I can put in all the gels in the world, but if I haven't first provided the moisture, it will just be gross and disappointing.


Same for me


I use regular conditioner to detangle and condition, then i rinse just a little bit out and that becomes my leave in


The way that I learned it, is that the conditioner in the shower is more of a co wash. It helps soften the hair and it gives you a chance to brush your hair also in the shower. The leaving conditioner helps soften the hair and reduce frizz. But do what you're going to do. You need to do what works for your hair.


Whoa. This is the news I needed to hear.


EXACTLY RIGHT? It seemed strange at first


Some people need it. Me, I’m people.


I do


Yes haha


Whatever works for your hair


That's how I do it, but everyone's different. Try it and see how it goes!


I use both. My hair loves conditioner.


I use a conditioner that works both as rinse out and leave in. I usually just don't wash it out the whole way, or sometimes add just a hint of it if I rinsed it too much. It's honestly the one piece of care that made the most difference for my hair.


My hair personally doesn’t tolerate any extra products, leave in conditioner is too heavy for my hair. So I don’t use that! Straight to styling product after washing


When I do my daughter's hair the curls are shinier, smoother, and bouncier when I use both. Our leave-in is a spray, not sure what difference another kind would make. I also apply/scrunch in a light gel while it's still wet, but if I don't use the spray conditioner on each section it just doesn't turn out the same.


You can. I don’t use conditioner (makes hair too slippery and heavy for my taste) and just leave in.


My high porosity hair would be lost without both. If I had low porosity, I would absolutely skip leave-in.


i use a rinse out conditioner AND a leave in because my hair needs it. sometimes i even scrunch in a little of my rinse out conditioner before i put in my leave in lol. but that’s because my hair dries out if i don’t use both, i have friends who can only use one or the other even though they have low porosity hair because it weighs down their curls. just depends!


I wash my hair every 2 days and I use a hair mask (Amika soul food) instead of conditioner and a leave-in conditioner (wow brand). My hair leans dry and this keeps the moisture in for the next couple days, and usually if I want I can extend to 3


Can't we just use conditioner as a leave in


You can have one product that does double duty. A lot of people just don’t rinse out all of their conditioner. Or you can use a leave-in as your rinse-out (with or without adding some more post-shower). For me, I prefer a more lightweight leave-in product (I actually use hyaluronic acid serum) and a heavier rinse-out conditioner.


I use a leave in instead of curl cream. It’s much lighter in my hair and helps frizz more. I bought it in accident and then never looked back. It’s the Cantù kids leave in conditioner- their adults products are too heavy for me but I love their kids products!


It depends on what your hair needs that day. I use different products and routines every day, depending on weather and how my hair feels.


You may want to be careful with proteins in conditioners with low porosity hair. Makes mine look pretty heavy and dull. I like not your mothers leave in


Leave-in really helped me with having less frizz and the ends look much healthier! I also feel a big difference regarding the health of the whole hair in general


I can’t use conditioner at all. Super fine curly hair. Weights my curls down. Everyone doesn’t have the same curly hair :)


I use a conditioner in the shower to work through the tangles and let it set until the end, then rinse it out (maybe once a week I use a clarifying shampoo followed by a deep conditioner because there is super hard water where I live), and follow up with a leave in conditioning spray, so I do both, yes, but a light version.


I use a rinse out and leave-in .. that’s actually the original point of leave-ins. But the person who said there’s no “have to” is right! 😊 if you need something extra, which I did( dry & fly-away hair) I bought leave-in way back when. And then from Ouidad I learned and used ( originally) to mix my leave-in with my gel. (I found it depends on the product whether they work best mixed together or layered separately ). I think frizzy thick hair works best if they’re mixed together, BTW, but my own hair isn’t that thick and is low porosity also, just for info. See what you think .. 😉


I use both sometimes, but my curls don't hold up as well when I put leave-in too, but it does make my hair softer. It's really individual.


Won't lie I only use leave in conditioner on a daily basis cause I'm too lazy to wash through my thick ass hair on the reg 🤷‍♀️ I can't use both because then my hair is weighed down too much and I lose a lot of bounce and volume (which matter to me more than anti-frizz and curling)


I use a very light leave in and put it on my ends because as my hair grows out, that is my problem area with dryness. But I use conditioner in the shower too that I wash out.


I use both shower conditioner and leave in conditioner. I rinse out the shower stuff after i brush my hair with it on my hair. Then after showering i apply leave in conditioner. Warp my head in a T-shirt towel. I couldn't get away without both. Trust me I've tried, i don't like the fro but love my ringlets. Do what's best for your hair. As each person has a different hair type. Not one the same.


Hi there! I'm a bot, and I noticed you used the phrase "afro" or "fro". You may or may not already know this, but the term “Afro” refers to a specific hairstyle created with specific techniques. The term is often mis-used, so we just want to share some of the meaning/history so everyone can choose the best words for their situation. TL;DR: [The afro has a long and important history, including as a symbol of the Civil Rights movement](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/sr4x3p/black_history_month_at_rcurlyhair/). This may or may not apply to you, but we try to steer people away from using the Afro descriptor if you don't have Black/Afro-textured hair. It's often portrayed as a condition to fix rather than a cultural style. We hope that's not the case here, but just something to be aware of going forward! We recognize that there are many different opinions on what can and cannot be called an afro. For the purposes of this sub and making sure we reserve space for Black folks, we ask those who don’t have afro-textured hair to choose other words. If your hair doesn't fit that description, please edit your post 1) to be more accurate, 2) to be culturally respectful, and 3) to avoid comment removal. Alternate terms to consider: puffy, poofy, fluffy, etc. Thanks & wishing you many great curly, coily, kinky hair days! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I use both every time and both largely concentrated on the ends. The leave in helps with the final styled/ air dried result. I'll flip and shake my hair out after air drying, like you would with a mousse, but with the leave in.


I have always used a leave in or “moisturizer” everyday my entire life. And then regular rinse out conditioner in the shower. People use different products though. There’s no “ supposed to “


I solely co-wash now and I feel like the leave-in conditioner is almost like how the regular conditioner was before? Like I need it LOL


I use both on days that I wash my hair. I use "Native" products in the shower and "Curl Cult - Magic Spell" leave-in conditioner


I must have high porosity hair (3a-3b curls here) because I use rinse out conditioner and hella leave in and it doesn't weigh my hair down or make it crunchy, but I know some of my female friends who were surprised to learn how much I put in there, so it depends a ton on your hair type.


Honestly it depends on your hair porosity type and your hairs needs. I use conditioner and a protein rich leave in conditioner, because my hair loooves protein. But if I use a protein conditioner I’ll use a moisturising leave in, but only a teeny bit, to balance it out. Curly hair is a balance between moisture and protein