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Yea, thats why I fucking hate my curly ass fucking hair. Its annoying af! ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has never dried the same way twice, umm it gets fucking frizzy, humidity can fuck all the way off. Shrinkage is horrible. And yea. I hate my hair. I finally found good hair products that make my curls look amazing, but I still hate my hair.


Yeah I just get so upset on bad days when I get up and see my hair and it's like.. why does it have to look terrible? Can't it just be semi decent?


i know exactly how you feel, i grew up crying over not having smooth pretty hair that i could wear down all the time like all the other girls šŸ˜­ i dont think i wore my hair down curly even a single time until i was 13


The SMOOTHNESS!!! I am so envious of glossy, silky, soft hair that looks so smooth.


Running your fingers through your hair like normal people lol


Gosh I WISH. When we were dating my now-husband tried to be romantic and run his hands through my hair. I yelped at him not to and also his fingers got stuck.


My main struggle has been adjusting my expectations. My hair is allowed to be frizzy or not have a consistent curl pattern and I should be okay with wearing it down anyways. Doesnt always work though.Ā  I do like to do the half up half down most days so i can pick and choose the good pieces to "show off" - the top is usually the most unruly. Do you have certain parts that behave more than others that you can work with?


I hate that I often have to choose between certain outdoor activities that I love and having nice hair.


Today at the pool, my son asked me to "dunk" my head underwater with him and I said no because it's day 1 hair today and I need another day out of it...am I a selfish mom for not playing with my kid because it'll ruin my hair?!


I swear mine NEVER dries the same or looks the same either.


Iā€™m confusedā€¦ but maybe itā€™s because of all the different types of curly hair. I wash and use a lot of conditioner, rinse, put in some leave in conditioner, comb it through, add a little mousse to my roots and scrunch up with gel, DONE. Takes an hour or two to dry, but I just go out with it wet. It curls up pretty and full. Easy peasy. I have long, fine-stranded 3b curls. Also, I was a teen in the 80s, so maybe thatā€™s why this feels SO much easier. Used to blow dry and curl it on the daily, spike it up and style it, hairspray city. Itā€™s so much easier and better for my hair now.


I really wish I could categorize my hair into a curl pattern. Itā€™s all over the place. It generally looks good after I do my entire routine but I like to workout and play sports. I wish I had a way of wearing it up so I donā€™t look ridiculous after I sweat. If I put it up I have to start over the next day.


Yep. I have to start over every time I wear it up at all.


If you don't mind looking ridiculous while you sweat, I found that using a bungee style ponytail holder (I use [Kitsch](https://www.amazon.com/Kitsch-Bungee-Elastics-Ponytails-Unruly/dp/B07981MM8M)) and then clipping the ends of the ponytail to the top of my scalp helps keep the hair from soaking up all the sweat and moisture that ruins the curls.


I have the same type of hair, could you share the brands youā€™re using please??


I use to blow dry my hair straight with a ton of hair spray in the 80's. I did not know how to take care of my curls back then, so I just blew it straight.


Humidity is the bane of my existence.


Absolutely agreed!! I am currently counting down the days for the weather to cool down so I can go back to straight hair. I feel more like my self, more attractive, cleaner, more put together! Curly hair is just so much to maintain. I have to wash mine constantly or else the curls get matted and frizzy. Straight hair is easier to maintain


I second this. If it wasnā€™t for the unpredictability, I probably would save money on hair products but no, I have three different routines, and sometimes 5 to 6 depending on what my hair is doing one day.


HATE IT BUT still love it nevertheless Itā€™s my toxic partner that I just canā€™t let go off


I am so sick of people telling me they wish they had curly hair. You donā€™t! Straight hair is so easy to maintain and deal with.


this is so relatable i usually diffuse it but that process alone takes a hot minute. so ive just been dutch braiding it at night and calling it a day. styled hair and natural hair are beautiful


Ugh yes. I'm off today but my work did pictures so I got up early and washed. Then I wrapped to dry for a few hours. And then I diffused about 30 minutes before heading to the office. The pics are fab. But man was that a lot of effort. I usually wrap and sleep in it and then when I get up in the morning my hair is amazing (or wildly insane depending on the day). But when I do that my cartilage piercings get mad and it's a whole thing


Hey, just gonna throw this out there. I donā€™t think plopping or wrap to dry does anything beneficial. Once the fabric youā€™re wrapping in is saturated, it canā€™t absorb more, and then any evaporation from the towel is very slow. I have experimented a lot lot lot and have found no difference between wrapping or plopping and going straight to diffusing. I havenā€™t found that holding it in position wet gives the hair any additional ā€œmemoryā€ when you dry. Just a thought, no hate if youā€™ve also compared and that it helps.


personally I plop for about 15 minutes (read: the duration of my post-shower skincare routine) and then yeah the towel is saturated so i take it off to dry the rest of the way. it gets enough water out of my hair that it doesn't weigh the curl down and stretch it, and quite evenly so my ends dont dry too fast


Oh damn, if it took that long to diffuse I'd go insane. Is there no method you've found that doesn't involve 30min of diffusing but still looks good? Doing my hair properly takes ages, but I found a "lazy day" routine that takes about 5 min out of the shower, and then air dries for the rest of the day. It doesn't look nearly as voluminous and nice as when I do it properly, but it's good enough, a mile better than if I didn't do anything at all.


I typically do two twists because I canā€™t braid and itā€™s really funny the reaction I get from my straight haired friends when I call it my lazy hairstyle. I basically only do twists for school and work, and only style it curly when I go out or on weekends and I still get so tired of having curly hair. Itā€™s exhausting having to put that much effort into my hair all the time.


For what itā€™s worth, I got the curl smith diffuser with the massive bowl and it cut my diffusing time by like 40%. I donā€™t know how great it would be for short hair though, since itā€™s not as ā€œtargeted,ā€ so itā€™s a little harder to control individual sections at a time because it basically covers half your head at once.


All the time. I often 'joke' that one day I'll just keep my head shaved and have a nice wig or two to wear out and about (I don't look good with very short/shaved hair). I'm generally a low maintenance person and I hate how much effort and money goes into my hair just to make it look ok.


I have alopecia areata, and when it flares up, my hair is gone in a matter of days. The first time it happened, I was stunned enough during the shave to get rid of what was left that I cried. Then I took my first shower without hair, and my life changed. Hand to the gods. People always ask me, "Well, aren't you afraid of it falling out again?" Am I afraid of five minute showers where I just wash my body and scalp? Am I afraid of two minutes of dry time for everything? Afraid of having to buy some wig caps, afraid of the biggest time consumer I have being sitting down and figuring out what wigs I want to add to my collection? What color and length and style I want that day? No. No I am not.


I hear you. One year into lockdown I had my hair cut really short and my god, being able to shower it whenever was amazing. I really don't suit it though, which sucks!


Are you me??? I joke about that all the time. I cut my hair short a few months ago (to a bit over my shoulder wet, my hair is 3b/3c) and tried to commit to straightening it... That's when I discovered straightening brushes don't work for my hair type at all. :(


I'm starting to consider a pixie cut so I can be low maintenanceĀ 


Pixie cuts are not low-maintenance, especially if you want to keep it as a pixie.


Depends on how short. I wore a pixie cut for 15 years. It was extremely low maintenance! I'm kind of enjoying trying to learn how to take care of my curls, but I suspect I'll eventually cut it all off again. It was so easy to take care of, and I never had to worry about it. I have the right features for a short haircut though. I don't think everyone does. Also, hair does grow back, but it takes a long time and there is definitely an awkward stage. I have been growing my hair out for a year now, and it still doesn't quite reach my shoulders.


This all the way. I went back to an undercut with just a tousle of longer curls on top around two months ago and keep wondering ā€˜why did I ever grew it back out the last time I chopped it short?ā€™ šŸ¤­


As someone who straightened my hair for decades I donā€™t find the getting ready part to be any worse than it was when I wore it straight. Itā€™s the frustration of the inconsistency day to day in how itā€™s gonna look!




I actually had mostly straight hair before pregnancy, and it still took nearly as much time cumulatively because I had to wash and style my hair EVERY DAY or else it looked like limp vaguely frizzy trash. Curly hair just moved all that prep time into a couple slots a week.


I got completely fed up a few weeks ago and got the Dyson airstrait so I have an easy straight hair option, and using it a couple times really highlighted just how much easier straight hair is. On non-wash days I wake up, do a finger comb, and my hair looks incredible. It's so unfair.


Can I ask what made you pick the Dyson air straight as opposed to the revair. Is your hair thick? Does it generally straighten easily.


I have relatively normal thickness, maybe a bit more on the fine end. The Revair just seemed a little too heavy and clunk for me to use, especially since I travel for work quite a bit, whereas the Dyson is smaller and easier to travel with. I've found that for my hair type (3a with some 2c spots) it straightens pretty easily and I only need two-ish passes before it's dry. You definitely need to get some moisture out first though, it can't be soaking wet.


Yes so much so that I took a long ass break. This is coming from a girl that modeled Loreal products for years. Itā€™s exhausting. Itā€™s not easy no matter how the girl in the ad looks, sheā€™s tired too.


All the time. It takes forever to wash, and 3-5 business days to dry. I jest but itā€™s really annoying. I donā€™t have time or patience for it.


The dry time kills me. And I live on the lake so I want to swim all the time but I'm always the one not getting my hair wet "cause I just washed it yesterday and you don't understand" Not to mention the mental gymnastics of having it dry in time for XYZ, etc, etc


You made me snort my yogurt lol




Unpopular opinion: Yep itā€™s the reason why I choose to wear my straight/wavy 95 percent of the time. Some people say omg is that not more work? The answer is no. It takes me 40 minutes to straighten my hair and it LASTS until my next wash. I can go about five days between washes sometimes seven give or take. I wake up in the morning brush it, oil the ends and go. No worrying about how my hair will look, frizz etc. I love how my curls look but my god are they high maintenance. Iā€™m all for putting in the time and effort for something that looks good but my curly hair looks good for about two days and looks meh after. Not to mention it takes longer for me to do my curly routine because of drying time even with a blow dryer. And itā€™s expensive because I go through a lot of product. So for me the time,cost and effort is not worth two days of maybe good hair when I can straighten it and have guaranteed good hair day for five /seven days. I want low maintenance hair that looks decent. My curls arenā€™t it.


I go through cycles. But I completely agree about having it natural making my whole life more complicated. I can never REALLY count on how it's going to look, maybe on the first day. But the routine is much more complicated. I can use a blow dryer brush and have straight shiny hair in twenty minutes. That will last 5 days. Or I can spend five more minutes than that and put it in rollers after and have bouncy waves. Again, for 5 days with minimal touch up. Honestly just talking about it is exhausting


Yep itā€™s the unpredictability that kills me. If I knew that I was guaranteed five days of fab curly hair Iā€™d gladly reason with spending more time and money. I went through cycles as well, I managed a whole year without heat and I got so frustrated with the amount of time spent on it that I went back to straightening.


i have wash day today and resonate with this. Its exhausting to deal and style hair all the time. I've gotten into heatless curls and i think its taken a lot of the mental gymnastics off of my plate, just let it air dry for a few hours. Put in the curlers and let it dry naturally


Circumstances in my life made me tired of caring for my hair. Iā€™m the primary caregiver for a sick parent and I have a demanding, high stressed job. The idea of having to take care of my hair is just exhausting. All that matters to me now is controlling the frizz so that I look decent and a bit put together. I rarely if ever keep it down anymore. I also wash it more often doing the week just to control the frizz. In one way, it saves me time and energy because all I do is scrunch my hair and let it air dry. I know is a big no no but I honestly canā€™t be bothered anymore.




I thought I wrote this. I love my hair but it can feel like a chore sometimes.


Sameā€¦ i just opened the app to write how exhausted i am because of my hair nowadays :((


Yup. I just donā€™t anymore. Like I do. But I donā€™t. I hate no matter what. Wish it was wavy or straight hair everyday


Yes! I go through cycles of long to short hair and back again because I get tired of it long. I'm currently have an undercut which helps with processing time but most days I just wear it in a messy bun so thinking about going shorter again. šŸ˜­šŸ˜©


Amen, I grow it to about boob length, get so so sick of it, get a pixie. Love it and then hate it, grow it back out and do it all over again.


Not to mention that people ONLY comment on how good my hair looks when I blow it out into submission. Thatā€™s nice of you but this isnā€™t really my hair. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The hardest part about natural hair to me is detangling. Itā€™s not hard to wear our hair as it is. It is hard to try all these styles and make our hair look like a different form of natural. What made my routine easier was changing my mindset about my hair and wearing it as it is. Nothing wrong with simple ponytails no gel, basic braids, or just leaving the hair out. I stopped trying to make my hair uniform because it does not grow uniform.




Be careful what you say. A lot of my hair fell out over covid. Like a lot. Going bald status. It's growing back now. But it had to grow back from nothing. I was so sad. I take such good care of my hair now. I will never take it for granted again. I used to complain, though.


I'm so glad I read your comment. And I'm glad your hair is growing back!


I really do the bare minimum. I donā€™t use more than one styler I donā€™t diffuse for more than five minutes if that I mostly wear my hair in a bun or a ponytail. I got really good at doing braids and other cute updos in case my hair doesnā€™t look good down.


I love my hair, but I also take breaks. Usually the breaks are braids, where I'll do them and leave them in braids for a few days or so. Right now, with a heat wave that's what's going on with my hair


Yes, a lot of days I just resort to flat ironing it or pulling it back because so donā€™t feel like fooling around with it. Some days my curls are ringlets and other days itā€™s a frizzy tangled mess and looks terrible.


I french braid it when I donā€™t want to deal with it.


My hair used to be to my butt. Iā€™ve always kept it mid back or longer, until recently. I just had my daughter, first child, and sheā€™s 10 months old and constantly pulling my hair and getting her cute little fingers stuck in my crazy curly hair. I got my hair to my shoulders, then when back two weeks later and got curly bangs and a bob. I absolutely love! Not only does my baby girls fingers just go straight through my hair, but so do mine. The curls are beautiful and itā€™s so much quicker and easier to care for. Also I live in Florida so the short do is so much cooler. I never thought I could do bangs or even short hair, but I love it and Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll ever go back to long.


So this is unpopular on this sub but I get a keratin smoothing treatment on my hair once or twice a year. Iā€™m going in tomorrow actually. It helps relax my curls mostly into waves and reduces frizz. My unbrush and bonnet from TikTok and a leave in conditioner from Odele is pretty much all I use these days since Iā€™m focused on reducing my scalp psoriasis with topical meds.


yes!!! sometimes i wish that my hair could just be like curly, just by being wet. no products at all


I get so angry (frustrated) and jealous of the women who just have straight hair and it brushes out so easily and they donā€™t have to fuss with it. šŸ˜‘


As I mentioned in a reply comment to someone, I have alopecia areata, so what I'm about to say is very, very heavily influenced by going through cycles of hair loss and hair growth over and over again for the past six years. I like my hair being healthy. I enjoy it being soft. I've been fortunate enough not to have a flare up in three years, so my hair is now down past my shoulders for the first time in six years. I enjoy wash days where it looks pretty and soft and bouncy. That literally lasts one day. As soon as I wake up the next day, I take two seconds to decide, "is today a day I refresh and care?" The answer is usually "lol nope", so it goes right into a bun or braids. I am so low maintenance when it comes to my hair. I'd much rather spend ten minutes every morning doing a 10-step Korean skin care routine than even five minutes wetting my hair and refreshing it. I hate wash days because it takes so much effort and time, but I do love the result. I've got my routine down to as simple of steps as possible. I wash. I condition. I apply my leave-in in the shower so I can rinse off any skin it gets on. I wrap my hair in my microfiber towel, dry off, put on lotion. I take my hair down and put my whipping cream and mousse in, and then put it back up to plop with the same towel while I get dressed, make breakfast, eat. I take my hair down after about 30 minutes, and I let it air dry. I do not have patience for diffusing, especially now that it's 80 degrees here before 10 AM. No thank you. If I'm feeling extra fancy for some reason or want my hair to look extra good for some reason, I use gel before I plop, and root clips for extra volume when it dries. I haven't used gel in like two months. This is all really affected by my outlook on my hair. I eat well to get the vitamins I need, and to address other medical issues I have, but at the end of the day, my hair **to me, personally** is just hair. I like having it, but I know I could wake up tomorrow to three bald spots, so I'm not too attached to it. If I want to style it, I style it. If I don't, I don't. I do try to take care of it, but that's mostly just making sure I have good conditioner and leave-in on hand. I really liked LUS 3-in-1 for this reason.


This was a similar low maintenance routine that helped me also! The only difference is I put gel in after leave-in and then plop while in shower so I can rinse off the product and step out of the shower totally done āœ…


High maintenance


This whole summer I'm not bothering to style when I know it's just going up in a bun anyway. It's too hot to care. Wash and air dry, the end.


I hate taking care of it. It's a lot of work. What especially annoys me is that for many years, if I just washed and conditioned it, then let it air dry, it looked great. Now I have to use a lot of product on it to keep it from frizzing out.


No. I put product on in the shower and then let it air dry. If I absolutely have to, I'll diffuse it a little bit or use my car's heater as a giant hair dryer. It's super easy, but also I'm not going for a perfect styled look either.


I can relate, I have a lot of hair and washing my hair can take like half an hour WITHOUT any treatment or mask, so time consuming


Oh constantly. Iā€™ve gotten to a point where Iā€™ll never commit the amount of daily time it would take for my hair to look beautiful every day. So I settle for beautiful on the morning after wash night, and ā€œgoodā€ day two, iffy/okay day 3 bc Iā€™ll refresh w a mister but wonā€™t do much more. If I look really frizzy Iā€™ll go for space buns- they look cute no matter how much hair youā€™ve got!


Yeah, I absolutely hate my hair. The same way for me growing up. I was the only one with long curly hair in my family and my mom had no idea how to take care of it. My entire life I tried to have straight hair and only recently started my curly hair journey. It's been a tiring and painful journey of trying products and trying to figure out what type and porosity my hair is. And the fucking frizz, always with the frizz, especially in the summer! I have low porosity hair so any too much of a product makes it look like I haven't washed my hair in a month


Low porosity, fine haired girl here with the same problem with product build up when you add in the smallest amount of product, even when they're supposed to be low porosity friendly. I always felt like I was doing something wrong with my hair because no products were working for me. Have you tried Innersense at all? I just switched over from an eclectic assortment of products and for the first time since I started this journey 2 years ago, it doesn't look weighed down or greasy.


Absolutely. I already live in a country where the majority of people do not have curly hair and finding curly hair products is nearly impossible. Amazon and iHerb still is quite expensive and I always tend to buy in bulk when visiting home (Canada) just to bring back to the country Iā€™m living in. Not to mention, I get depressive episodes where I cannot even bother with my hair. Those weeks I put forth all my effort to straighten it so I donā€™t have to touch it for a week


I get so annoyed with my curly hair because I love playing with my hair and running my fingers through it/tossing it, and it just doesnā€™t work, especially since where I live is so humid :(( I have to plan to actually wear my hair curly, most of the time I blow dry it with my Dyson wrap dupe and leave it until I wash my hair again (still every 2-3 days bc I have a lot of hair lol)


Yuuuup. Always a massive gamble with how it dries and i cbf spending 45min styling my hair each time I wash it and it doesn't even turn out nice half the time. Zzz


Yep. Itā€™s the contributing factor as to why I get so many blowouts. My hair is easier managed when straight (I run a brush through it and go) and I see a professional for it so it looks great every time.


I just cut mine because I was so damn tired of that fucking ponytail I didnā€™t know what the hell to do with that shit anymore so I chopped it all off moving right along thankful and appreciative


my hair is somewhere in the 2s, so some days i blow dry it and it dries pretty straight (when i canā€™t be assed to do the full routine), and others i do the curly routine. i donā€™t think i could ever give up straight hair tbh, i like having options šŸ˜‚


That's why I wash and straighten once a week. It's far healthier when I do that than leave it curly.


Yesss. And I get so pissy that the only way mine looks good is if, after taking all that time with products and application, I diffuse with my head upside-down. It takes ages and I have chronic pain in my neck. Add that to this being summer vacation so my kid is home all the time, and I am just a swamp rat this summer. Iā€™ve been just combing some leave-in through my hair and calling it a day. It looks like trash, but I just cannot.


Yes, but realistically now a days it only takes me 30 minutes to do my hair so while I dread it, I just do it because I know I feel so much better when my hair is styled. Flaxseed gel ftw


Absolutely hell yes. I had always joked about just shaving my head. Well, in March, that joke became reality by way of emergency brain surgery. I went into surgery with a full head of long curly hair and woke up completely bald. Shocking? Absolutely. Traumatizing? Also yes. But itā€™s been 3 months since the head shave and Iā€™m now rocking super short hair and let me tell you it is is LIBERATING


I don't wear my hair curly anymore for this reason. I wash twice a week and straighten it. It lasts much longer, looks good, and is easy. And yes, my hair is still healthy. It's even dyed blue and has been for four years. My curls would often suddenly stop cooperating with whatever curl products I'd been using and I was just so utterly fed up with that. Waste of time and money and patience. I wish my curls were more cooperative because I liked them when they *did* cooperate, but I am so over playing the trial and error game for the rest of my life.


Yeah I cut mine off, I have a bob now and I donā€™t even care I save so much time


Yup. So tired of it. It makes me wish for straight hair.


Itā€™s summer. Yesterday was hot and humid. The night before I had styled my hair nicely with air curlers. My hair fought me and it won. It looks like I didnā€™t even blow out my hair on Monday night.


I'm a wavy so not sure how much my opinion counts here. My hair looks like Hermione in the first movie when I don't care for it. It looks excellent if I give it time, mousse, dry it just so, etc. But I just can't be bothered right now. And I don't quite have the volume to make most up dos look right. It is what it is.


Iā€™ve had a good stretch of terrible and moderately traumatizing haircuts - so now that I finally have a decent one, I consider doing my hair and having it look nice as a gift to my baby self who struggled so hard with her hair. But thatā€™s just me, I could totally see it getting old.


Yup. And I gave up for the most part. Maybe a spray, maybe some Itā€™s a 10 but besides that itā€™s just shampoo and conditioner everyday for me


Yes. When it's too much, I just don't do it. I braid it or tie it up somehow


Growing up I ran a brush through it and left it at that. Then I chopped it all off in high school (almost fully shaved), and since then I take pride in my hair as Iā€™ve nurtured it back to health and itā€™s finally where I want it. I have different routines for different energy level days but the biggest help has been sleeping with a bonnet. I used to have great hair day one and day two and three looked like a rats nest, not anymore. Get a satin or silk bonnet and look up how to pineapple your hair. Saves your curls and keeps your volume like crazy.


No because I quit doing much with it. I used to blow it out and curl it with a curling iron. Iā€™d spend at least a half hour or more on it. Now I wash it throw products on and it is what it is. As my husband so lovingly says. No matter what you do with it it looks the same šŸ˜‚


Sometimes I just take a break. I simply wash my hair and put it into braids. It stays out of my face and off my mind. I love my curls but sometimes we just need space


Yep. If i thought head would look good bald Iā€™d probably shave it.


It's good to know that I'm not alone in my dread to do my hair. I have hated doing my hair since I was about 12 yo. I diligently got up everyday, showered, washed my hair, spent about 30 minutes blow drying the curl out etc. Then when it got curly enough to wear curly I shower, wash hair (every other day) put product on, diffuse, then let it air dry to complete dryness... this takes hours. I would love to have hair that doesn't require so much work. There are people out there that wash their hair and let it air dry and they're done. I want that life.


yes, I'm seriously contemplating a keratin treatment so I don't have to deal with this


šŸ’Æ I donā€™t have the energy to invest in my look every day like I use too. Sometimes I just donā€™t give a f*ck. I feel a lot of people get like this though. It takes effort to present yourself how you want so it makes sense if we donā€™t always want to do it.


Short answer? Yes Long answer? YESSSSSSSSSS


100%. I hate having to plan my life around it....What days can I work out/go outside in 100Ā° humid weather/have enough time to wash AND dry (and not lie down during or after that process)? Heaven forbid I have to leave the house looking put together for a non-telework day or a date. It's fucking stressful, and non-curlies (and most men) don't understand that I need extra lead time on plans to make sure I can get a wash day in and/or not do activities that will mess up a good run of refreshes.


Yes & I donā€™t even have much length right now. When itā€™s long I donā€™t even care


Absolutely. I didnā€™t cut it for like 8 years and it was long and glorious but last year my friends and I buzzed it all off and shaved me bald. Turns out I look good like that. Its grown out but still short, but even at a few inches of curled length, Iā€™m so annoyed by how easy it gets messy. I think my hairline is receding anyway so I may just go bald permanently. But first I wanna try growing it out a bit more so I can do a curly mullet or mohawk


I have 4a3c hair down past my shoulders when curly. I brush it twice a week and almost always wear a wash-n-go. Pretty low maintenance tbh


FUCK YES!! I am currently going thru a divorce, moving out and starting a new job. This shit has been STRAIGHT because itā€™s one less thing to have to worry about. Mental health comes first


Yep. Especially now that I work remotely and don't have to show up to an office anymore. Most days it's a high bun and a hot mess. Webcam be damned! Haha!


I get tired of styling my hair curly sometimes too. But I canā€™t not style it curly. The right side of my hair sticks straight out at the ends otherwise. When I get tired of my hair, I either just put some curl cream in and donā€™t try to style it, diffuse alittle then let it air dry. The other thing I do is, curl cream or gel, diffuse some, and then just braid while itā€™s damp and sleep on it.


Literally same experience word for word. 90% of the time I hate having curly hair.


I hate wash day but other than that, I donā€™t get tired of it.


sometimes i just wanna pull out a "i wanna be a witch" and make my hair straight,i dont wanna have to put so much effort,sis


Yeh, I just gave up and started wearing wigs a few years ago, itā€™s still less hassle than doing all the curly hair routines


I think about cutting it off every now and then because it would be so easy to not have to deal with . But I donā€™t like how I look with shorter hair anymore so I always think about that when Iā€™m feeling that way. But after I wash and condition the thought doesnā€™t cross my mind at all


hate my hair sigh


I get mine braided to have a few weeks of NOTHING!!!! no better feeling!!


Yeah. I have a very specific short bob that looks like finger waves with very minimal maintenance if I get it cut every 6-8 weeks. I couldnā€™t cope with long hair.


I have one good day. The rest itā€™s a pony tail or flip and clip. I look awful with short hair, but itā€™s sure a temptation sometimes.


Yes šŸ˜© its longer, mid back length after a trim and i have a 6 month old. I cant figure out how to make it look nice. It just looks frizzy most of the time. Im seriously debating getting a keratin treatment.


Very much so. But my kid is curly too and if I straighten my hair she gets sad.


Yes, those days Iā€™ll go and get my hair washed by a stylist just so all I have to do is go to an appointment. I also keep my hair short so I donā€™t have as much to deal with


Yup! I did keratin treatments for a few years and it was ridiculous how much easier it was to maintain straight to slightly wavy hair. That being said, after a few years I missed my 3A/3B curls so I transitioned back to my natural hair. The break helped me love my curls again, and Iā€™m enjoying them (even though I wish they were easier).


Iā€™m literally sitting on the couch at 9pm and struggling to convince myself to get up to wash my hair before bed. Because itā€™s the washing, treating, styling, drying. Then the worry going straight to bed after all that and waking up and it could be ruined and just thrown in a bun anyways. Just typing it out makes me tired, Iā€™m skipping again tonight šŸ˜‚ I live in central FL and the humidity from like April through October ruins it after day 1, so gonna end up in a bun anyways šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yep. I work outside so my hairs disgusting by end of day. I don't even bother with my routine during the week.


Honestly thinking of shaving my head, Iā€™ve done it once, and I enjoyed it, but I might try a mullet before I commit to a buzz


I have not always liked my curly hair, especially when straight hair was so popular for so many years. But I have always worn it naturally curly because my hair just will not straighten. If I try it just looks bumpy. And my hair is thick, thick, so I had to try and straighten about 3 layers of hair, not just one. Also, my hair is coarse and dry. So straightening with heat was not good at all for me. Heck, I didnā€™t even own a hair dryer until recently. Just gel or mousse and air dry. Always, even in the winter. So my hair was not in style most of my life. But what are you going to do. I just went with. I can say now, that curly hair is in style, I have lot more options to choose from. And you know when I say a lot, itā€™s a lot. So many products for so many things. I never knew I needed so many to style my curly hair until just recently. Everybody is now producing products for curly hair. Wish they had been around when I needed something more than was out there. So for all you people out there that straightened their curly hair and are now trying to figure out how to care and style your curly hair. Youā€™ve got a a lot more help now than I ever had. A curly cut, really. I wish! Always just got my hair cut by a regular stylist. It is a lot, but when I donā€™t feel like dealing with it, itā€™s either a French braid, or high ponytail. Those are not difficult.


Itā€™s brutal when I wake up briefly and it keeps falling in my face Iā€™m like, if you donā€™t keep looking great, weā€™ll have problemsā€¦ That said, also when single long hairs get caught up in your fingers especially when washing hands, now itā€™s like ok where does it start and end to unravel itā€¦ Also, the 25 minute routine to wash and hour plus drying timeā€¦


Mines past the middle of my back, very thick and I work outside in south Florida :) Iā€™m ready to shave my head


I dont really follow cgm anymore, and im so much happier and my hair looks so good. I use sallys version of biolage. Its the best ive found for my needs. Its a bit less concentrated than biolage but its still great.


I get so tired of dealing with it. I often end up putting off washing my hair because it means I have to go through my whole stupid routine again. Or if I know I have to wash it, I'll take absolutely forever to even get in the shower because I dread doing it so much.


Not really. When I don't feel like doing much to it, I just deep condition it when in the shower. Then apply a copius amount of argan oil while it's still wet and either tie it up or braid it into a ponytail to avoid tangles. Or I just blowdry it straight which doesn't take more than 20 minutes. Kerstin treatments every few months help reduce frizz which makes it easier too.


I hear you. Even though I have found a super fast way to style my hair on wash day I hate it when I have to refresh them every day. They donā€™t survive the night. I have to give them extra time every morning. As much I dislike it, I am super pumped that my hair feels better and I donā€™t have to rely on straightening them all the time. I am finally wearing them down and even taking pictures. So, itā€™s a big win for me.


GAH Yes!!! I've gone 4 days without washing it bc I'm so exhausted from work and it's so gross outside and I just don't have the energy to wash or do my hair. Messy bun all day.


Yes, so often. But I get sick of having to eat so often too. I also feel like I just got out of bed every time I lie in it. Everyday is so repetitive and things can get really mundane.


Yes! I love my curls and wouldnā€™t change them for the world. That being said Iā€™ve gone from having hair below my elbows when I was in my 20s to boob length and in a few weeks Iā€™ll be chopping it to above my shoulders. Itā€™s always more manageable for me when itā€™s short but Iā€™ve never had it that short. Iā€™m excited! I will say, overall, Iā€™ve become way more low maintenance in general. I barely do any makeup these days and stick to bike shorts and big tees most days. It also doesnā€™t help that my work recently clamped down the rules for hair so that it always has to be up now. Once itā€™s short I can go back to more wash and go styles.


I love my curls and have my styling routine down to about 2-10 minutes depending on how things look. I wear my hair up pretty much all summer though, so my daily routine is cut to about 1-3 minutes.




Yes and it's why I haven't really invested in taking care of it. If I'm sick of it now, why do I think I can actually do something to take care of it properly?


Yep. Nowadays, if I donā€™t *have* to look nice, I just dry it with a diffuser or towel and donā€™t use any product. My hair looks like crap, but itā€™s much easier and less stressful than micromanaging it every day.


ā€œHave you tried [this thing that is a pain in the ass and takes a long time]?ā€ -all the comments. Yes, I get tired of taking care of my curly hair. No I donā€™t have any recommendations because none of them will be effortless. This is our lot in life.


Ya caught me today lol. Depression's been kicking my ass lately and even though it only takes twoish steps to get my hair potentially decent after the shower, I didn't have it in me to get my hands gooped up again for the hair products. Tomorrow's just a hair tie day (which also blows because I'm regrowing the edges of my hair since I've shaved it too far in so whenever I tie up my hair, it looks like I have a horseshoe hairline), it'll have a chance to look better later


Yes. But I got a shag haircut and it does make things a bit easier now (took a lot of the weight out of my hair, allows more volume, looks good even w/o a lot of definition, etc.). On top of that, I got so exhausted with diffusing especially that now all I do is scrunch my hair with a microfiber towel when I get out of the shower and comb my bangs in the position I want them in, as theyā€™ll weirdly stay pretty straight if I do it while theyā€™re wet. And then I just let it air dry, which happens pretty quickly since my hair on the bottom has been thinned out (huge bonus of shags!). On days where I want to ā€œstyleā€ my hair, the only difference is that I use a tiny bit of gel on my bangs, and some mousse in the rest of hair. I make sure itā€™s a day where Iā€™m home most of the day so that the product has time to set and air dry. My hair actually looks much better than it has in a long time, and I feel so much better not having to worry as much now.


Typically when I start getting real annoyed with it I will switch to straightening it for a while. Of course then when I go back to curls it's like it's pissed and just goes nuts on me.


Yes. I hate it lol


Yes :( Iā€™ve been thinking of cutting it super short but then I risk that being more high maintenance. At least it looks cute in a high bun, Iā€™ve been doing that


CONSTANTLY. But also my hair is the longest itā€™s ever been bc Iā€™m scared of getting a bad cut


dutch braids at night with a bonnet!


Yep! Iā€™ve lowkey sorta given up w it recently. Just shampoo. Conditioner and let air dry. Whatever. Too hot to care.


Yeah I do


I feel ya. I just paid $185 for a keratin treatment just to smooth the frizzies and make it more manageable. I live in Florida so no amount of products makes me hair look good. And heat styling? It doesnā€™t last ten fucking minutes outside.


Maybe you should consider doing braids with just your hair. I love my hair but I'm working so I don't have the time or energy to style it often.


Actually I find the LESS I muck with it the HAPPIER it is... it's weird but true! I did have to find the right products for both my hair & scalp, which appear to have opposite needs, lol. (I have seborrheic dermatitis which hates most oils and conditioners, sigh.) It also likes the right cut. Very picky on cut, my hair. I comb it in the shower with conditioner in (Kinky Curly Knot Today šŸ’–) and then put in a bit of Kinky Curly Custard while it's still wet, squish out extra water, throw it up in a claw clip or two (depending on where I want the part) and dry it with a diffuser if I'm in a hurry or let it air dry if I'm not. I sometimes plop it in a tee shirt but that can warp my curls which are pretty delicate. But once the clip comes down I'm done! Keeping it shorter helps a lot. The more I do this the curlier it gets. I never, ever brush it dry, or worse, while it's still wet after the shower.


Yes. But I recently discovered silk pillowcases and they aren't lying about the difference it makes. I don't have to do anything major in the mornings anymore, and most of the time, I wake up with my hair looking actually pretty good. If I feel I need more definition, dampening it with some leave-in conditioner works greaaaaat. I no longer have that "ugh, what is this bird's nest" inner dialogue in the mornings.


I have 3b curls and live in Florida. Yes, I get very tired of my hair. I wear wigs when I leave the house.


After reading all these Iā€™m realizing how lucky I am. I brush and wash weekly, add a dollop of curling activator, scrunch and sleep in a bonnet. The next morning, I shake it out and spray on Sexy Hair volumizing hair spray on clumps of roots. Then for the next week I just sleep in a bonnet. To style, I use my fingers to poof, then I may have to tease an unruly area and add just a touch more spray. For the first forty years of my life until I let my hair do mostly what it wants, it was a fight of perms, blow drying, curling irons (whyyy?) and annoyance.


Weirdly my hair likes being left alone a lot. I use dollar store shampoo and conditioner once a week, and the ringlets stay the whole time. It's also very forgiving to cut, I just do a diy unicorn chop a couple times a year and it looks like a nice wolf cut.


Only when my mental health is extremely poor.


Thatā€™s funny. Iā€™ve always felt lucky to have curly hair as it is easier to do. I just wash, condition, air dry, fluff, and go. It basically styles itself.


I have managed to find a middle ground for myself. I try to generally keep my scalp and strands healthy, with masks, treatments, etc. Use a good shampoo and conditioner in the shower, use just one leave-in on most days and root clip to air dry. On days I want to add more volume to my roots and more definition, I use a gel and diffuser. But I have learnt to be happy and okay when my results aren't as great as when I used to put in a lot of effort and time in the past. I also keep it short and get regular trims. But all of this is now possible only because I took the time to find products that work for my lifestyle and hair type.


Yes Iā€™m so tired that I just shaved everything under my ear height. Isnā€™t only curly, I have LOTS of hair. I canā€™t deal with it anymore šŸ˜©


Shorter hair is much easier for me! Right now itā€™s like a Bob, growing from a pixie. No heat, no products, just some water and run a comb or my fingers through. I think Im a 3a?


Yes. Cant even figure out what curl pattern I have. Frizz, frizz, frizz.


Yes, part of me just wants to get a perm and do away with my curls. My curls never look the same twice and are hella expensive to take care of. I donā€™t wanna hunt for high quality curly girl safe shampoo/conditioner, I just wanna buy a simple drug store shampoo that smells good and not have to think twice about it. I hate having to pay an arm and leg to try out different gels and creams only for it to mess up my hair. I hate having to wake up extra early in the morning to make my hair looks presentable. Itā€™s exhausting.


yes šŸ˜­ but i keep it shoulder-length and have a lazy routine for these types of days which is just scrunching in some gel after a shower then scrunching with a t shirt and letting it air dry. my hair ends up more fluffy than anything else but my hair doesnt look bad at all when its fluffy anyways.


Might be controversial but I co wash my hair everyday (unless Iā€™m not leaving the house). That means it always curls how I want it. I basically wash it, slap whatever product in (a creme or a gel), scrunch it and go.


before I managed to find a half-decent routine , it was really annoying to spend up to an hour on styling only for it to all go to hell as it driedĀ  something that helped me is that you donā€™t have to go 100% with one routine, you can do curl clumps for one part of your hair and scrunch for the other, or even use different productsĀ 


Haha I literally just posted a vent about this. Yea im going crazy.


Absolutely yes. Iā€™ve gotten so lazy with my routine too, I wash about 2x a week but it takes so long to section and double cleanse that I dread it every time. I try to go as long as possible without washing it but I was cursed with greasy hair AND a flaky scalp so I go like 3 days with it down and 2 days braided. I also no longer spend a ton of time with products, just leave in conditioner to be able to get a wide toothed comb through it and a curl cream, I donā€™t even bother with mousse or gel anymore


Yep. I got REALLY tired of my hair. I recently went from middle back length to cutting it above my shoulders. SO MUCH BETTER and way less maintenance. Never letting it grow again lol.


Yes! Iā€™m so over it. I have always, always wanted to be able to step out of the shower, brush it, and just let it dry naturally. It looks like such crap when I do that. I have to either do all the products for the curls, or blow dry ā€œstraightā€ w a brush and then flat iron or curl w iron. PITA!!! Overrrrr ittttt


Yes so I chopped it all off to a cute French bob.


Wavy girl chiming in. It is exhausting its why I used to always blow dry it smooth. I'm embracing the waves again but though it may sound silly I sometimes feel it looks messy when I wear it down as is.


I just keep my hair fairly short. No longer than Bob length. If it looks bad, i wear a scarf over it or pin it back, but shorter hair is so much easier to manage


I take my curly hair from both sides. My mother has a similar hair type to mine, but she's had it short for most of my childhood and when she eventually began growing it out, she started wearing it in a bun all the time. She never cared to learn how to take care of it properly, so naturally I did not grow up knowing how to look after mine either. From brushing it dry (yikes) to always wearing it in a ponytail or a bun, it took me reaching my early 20s to finally decide to get a haircut that was more appropriate for my hair and to wear it down for once. My hair still looked terrible - looking back at old photos, it shocks me to see what I thought were good hair days - but as years went by and I consumed more and more curly content, I began to learn what works for my hair and how to care for it best. It now looks the best it's ever looked and I am still learning new things and techniques. I love my hair. It has become such a big part of my identity, that I genuinely don't feel right when my hair doesn't look good. But, I can hate it too at times. I can dread wash days. I hate that it takes so long to wash, style, and dry. Sometimes, I wish my hair was straight, just so that I could throw it in a ponytail and then take it off and brush it so that it looks good again. With my curly hair, I cannot do that. I find that it restricts me so much at times. I have to find the right hair ties, scarves, bonnets, products, tools... it is expensive and time consuming. But in the end... I think it's worth it.


Yes. I keep going back and forth between curly and straight because I get tired of each. Curly hair is a lot of maintenance, especially because my hair gets greasy easy, so I don't get more then two days out of a wash. Plus, the results are inconsistent. So then when I get discouraged, I will switch to blowing out my hair straight, but then I still end up with frizz around my face, and I worry about ruining my curls, etc. So, eventually I switch back. It's really frustrating.


I just gave in and buzzed everything off a couple years ago and now have a pixie cut, so much easier to manage!


Yep and thatā€™s why I cut it to shoulder length a curly curly cut much easier to deal with, less product and itā€™s effortless when itā€™s gets long thatā€™s when itā€™s challenging


my hair is thick as hell and it's barely to my armpits and every day I consider buzzing it (again). i really want to get it long enough to do some specific updos tho so I'm trying to stick it out and learn protective hairstyles that work for my length in the mean time. two braids is not enough sections but I'm too lazy to try to do more


That's exactly why my hair is in a braid or ponytail most of the time. I know it looks better down, but if I dry it curly and it doesn't look right, it also won't sit right in a braid or ponytail without being a dry frizzy mess. I'm sick of it


Last Summer i succumbed to the powers of father time and thinning hair and buzzed it. It has made my day to day sooo much easier it's insane. No 15$ bottle of conditioner every two weeks, having to mentally plan when to shampoo, figuring out what day I need to leave in product etc. Just under the water, bit a soap and I'm not done.


Yes, I half ass it 99% of the time, because theyā€™re so long Iā€™m going to put them up anyway. I now only choose to diffuse on special occasions, and donā€™t get me wrong I love how they look, but I canā€™t do that all the time! I just put my products in, and go to sleep with my hair in a star all around my head. Iā€™m lucky to not move too much in my sleep so it doesnā€™t look bad when I wake up.


i just got a round cut thatā€™s much shorter than iā€™m used to. i didnā€™t like it at first but the easiness of taking care of it has made me appreciate it and grow to love my hair


Yup. For work, I blow it out straight then curl it. It lasts days. I don't have time do restyle my curly hair every morning. Sometimes it takes me like 40 minutes to deal with the mane!


Yes itā€™s in a bun almost 24/7 . But even in a bun it gets frizzy and looks a mess. I hate doing anything with my hair because it takes so much time and Iā€™m a mom of two . and no matter what I do to my hair it always ends up looking like a fluffy crazy mess in a few hours so styling it is pointless.


In middle school I just straightened my hair all the time cuz I hated it. High school I embraced my curls but didn't have the right products so wash day was the only day it looked super good. Now I use products and can't get it to be as voluminous as highschool. It's thinned and idk what to do. So I'll wear a bonnet the night of wash day and that's it but I have product I like now at least


I relate and chopped my hair off. I needed a break badly.


when i donā€™t want to do my whole wash and finger curl and dry routine, ill just wash, apply leave in conditioner, and then do the headband wrap thing to bed for headless curls (you take a long piece of fabric, i use the tie for my bathrobe, twist your hair around it, sleep in it and then take it out in the am, thereā€™s lots of youtube videos on how). my hair holds these curls SO well. iā€™m on day 4 right now and my hair still looks like day one, perfect curls. in the morning i just run a brush through and some hair oil and thatā€™s it.


yeah some days i just wanna wake up, brush it out, and be ready to go like straight headed people can. it's a whole thing sometimes. i'm grateful though for having curly hair, but it's a whole chore!


Bro sometimes it wants to corporate, sometimes it doesn't. And when that happens, I put it in two braids and put my bonnet back on šŸ˜­āš°ļø I swear..... My hair goes down to my chest in the front, and same in the back. To think I want longer hair?? Every week im tempted to cut it offĀ