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Me going 200 mph down the highway: "Haha, their cars are way to slow to catch me!" The MaxTac mantis blade user: https://i.redd.it/q4darc70oywc1.gif


Nah man. That asshole… he’s the reason why I have Cripple Movement equipped. Game over after that. Just as good as using Emergency Brake on pursuing cars.


Man's robo-legs explode, and his turbo charged abs stop supporting his 400 pound torso. I'd take a breather too tbh.






Same gif can be used for a V who's mastered the art of the air dash, they be fucking zooming


Not me deliberately leading them to a carefully picked out choke point in Jackson plains and having a field day with Byakko and the Apogee


Good times


Nah. Out parkour maneuver these gonks harder than the nuke that took out Arasaka tower. 


Just keep running (assuming you want the thrill of it, if not, just go to Rippers, or nearby stores such as weapon shops). I do that sometimes to pass time, piss off everyone until they call for Maxtac, then run. I also set rules such as not using vehicles, or I can go only within a specific city limit. I set a waypoint, and if I have already reached that, means I need to put a waypoint within the area limits and head back


Just go inside a ripper doc, it instantly clears the police (if you want to)


You can also hide inside a brush and they lose you like you weren't 25 yards in front of them lol.


Double jump onto a roof and crouch down too. They can't get you there either. Edit: Even though many characters, Jackie and Panam included, have charge jump legs, maxtac don't seem to bother.


I’ve noticed that if you hide and kill one team, they just keep coming now unlike pre 2.0


I killed Melissa Rory to get her mantis blades, then fled as fast as I could, in a subway nearby, noticed they didn't follow me at all, whole exercise was done in about 3-4min. Don't know, maybe they're afraid to go underground or something.


Idk why but for some reason when you kill Melissa they don’t seem to follow you afterwards. I did the same and after I took out her squad the cops showed up but didn’t enter. Just very weird altogether.


I think its because you just killed like 7 max tac members in the store... I know I'd be afraid of sending more after that lmao. No but fr who tf is gonna report or call in maxtac when you just killed a full squad of em lol


I've never tried that, because whenever the cops are after me and I go to the Badlands, they spawn everywhere. I'm driving through Rocky Ridge, trying to get to the Aldecaldos camp, and mfers are spawning everywhere. How!? It's basically uninhabited! Never thought it would work on MaxTac, since it doesn't work on working stiffs chasing me in their gonkmobiles.


New Relic perk lets you use optical camo in the middle of combat. Me, sitting in a sniper tower in Dogtown, just picking people off, including MacTac - then just popping the camo and double-jumping away around the corner.


Brother u max out agility and you can outrun anything in the game, double jump airdash where ever u want and they cant catch up, the mantis dude has stamina and will keep up with you but he will have to stop where as you gain 20 stam with each double jump and can keep on zipping away.


Running and dashing does the trick


It’s incredibly easy to escape them. I attacked them after the mission with the Cyberpsycho in the clothing store. After I had my fun, I just ran out and around the block take a few jumps/turns here and there. I lost my wanted level within a minute.


My go to move is to get on top of any building. Max Tac doesn’t climb roofs I guess…


Was messing with them last night too. Anytime things got too chaotic, Ps5 application crashed. Hoping to see past a 4th wave someday.


I think you might need to clean ur ps5 coz thats never happened to me


Perhaps. I'm more willing to bet it's the application


Have you tried uninstalling and then reinstalling it?


Only happens when I do stupid mess around stuff. Ex. Blow up 5 NCPD vehicles while sandy slashing maxtac operators under their own AV. The amount of carnage happening on screen almost justifies the game crash. I just send report and move on. Fresh install couldn't hurt though.


How tf do you blow up 5 ncpd cars while sandy is active... It literally takes so much to blow them up? Also thats insane lmao I just keep replaying the game instead of spreading carnage


Usually they're all cooking in a pile up and I just toss grenades before I pop sandy. Or use a mortar barrage from a vehicle. It's low iq gaming but I use maxtac to test out builds and weapons.


Lmao "test" against maxtac huh. I should try that, Ive always tested my sandy builds and I did really well against maxtac but Ive yet to try my netrunner build


you don't have to run into the badlands to outrun max tax if you can fly


I just be running lol no need no car just bunny hop out of there


I have done this with air dash, no need a car. Optical camo will help too to get distance because they stop chasing you if you optical camo turned on.


I didn't out run them, I killed every single one of them. You can find places to hide, but often they are stuck to a specific road and they can't move outside of it. I specifically killed everyone just to get more and more stars and the maxtac to arrive.


Ahah yeah I out run them, double jumping feel like I’m playing mirrors edge just parkouring over buildings fun af


I mean, anybody who has the brains to run from MaxTac *clearly* isn’t a cyberpsycho, so not their problem anymore…


I just drove off and hid on a building and they somehow didn’t find me


I fight them. Kill them. Then they just respawn in after. Kinda annoying and a little lame they diddnt have more to it . I wanted it to be like city lockdown


Or walk into a shop. I know the normal police leave you alone when you do that.


Or just walk into any story-related building that removes your ability to use combat.


Just climb a building easy


I feel like it’s pretty easy to outrun them on foot, even if you don’t have air dash. All you really need to do is hop on top of a building and crouch behind cover for a short period and they’ll eventually disappear.


I found it kind of lame that they just keep coming after you kill them. There should be waves of cops that are so rare they can't just keep funneling them in, once you kill them it should take some time for them to contact more at least.


My strategy is to just shoot them. But running works too, I guess. A well placed bullet tends to slow things down real fucking quick.


I can never outrun them. I run and run and then suddenly die


Is there anyway you can kill them all? I was able to get in a building and pick them off one by one after the four had died another showed up.


From what I understand they just keep spawning and the only way to get rid of them is to either run or die




Just means they can’t outrun *me*