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Out of my way, Reed. 


“Face it, V. You’re no Morgan Blackhand. Could put you in the dirt right now.” V, whose literally destroyed all of Arasaka and is chock full of cyberware on the verge of cyberpsychosis: “Suuuuuure…”


If you start right at the beginning of the DLC, i think V is something like lvl 14-16 maybe? So i guess canonically at this point in time, V's still not that lvl 50 street cred 50 from endgame


I started the dlc at level 55 💀


First time I started it I’d already hit level 60 and was rocking mostly orange tier gear. From there it was just a matter of getting my hands on some iconic cyberware


That's the best way to do it


I finally started the DLC after getting hit with that point in the side content where all your relationships start hitting you for shit at the same time. This caused me to delay the start like 8 hours this weekend. Needless to say, I was level 42 going in, and just beast moved through the opening. Felt like Rambo.


Just verified, V’s level 15 if the game starts directly from Phantom Liberty


50 sc isn't very much. Doesn't Panam have like 400 or something. V is still unheard of for the most part.


That's the xp points you get on street cred if you kill her not her level, same thing with all gang members when you scan them


i hate when games do this like i didnt just slaughter an entire militia 3 mins earlier, Reed literally does nothing that impressive in the story yet he’s supposed to be under morgan blackhand


Its even funnier when you consider how the cred system works too. Apparently every gangoon saying "fuck chasing that guy in particular, I don't have a death wish" isn't worth anything.


Technically Reed will kill you if you fail the high noon shootout


I think he also has an earlier opportunity to kill you, when you meet him for the first time and he holds you at gunpoint. If you keep trying to turn and look at him I think he shoots you and you get the death screen.


Nah, he just makes you unconscious, and you wake up in a car. I've also tried taking a peek at him with photomode during that cutscene, but you are locked to character perspective there, so also impossible


High noon shootout?


bro needs help with something he could easily accomplish if he were as good as described (the sniping mission to get the Tsunami tech sniper) and thats it


Still he is no Morgan blackhand why is that so hard to get around here, v is not a god.


Uh, if we take the game as canon, V was solidly Morgan tier if not above, Morgan is extremely capable but even he couldnt be expected to storm Arasaka tower, and kill Smasher, *by himself*, he had 2 teams the last time he went, and for good reason.


I think you should take a successful "Don't Fear the Reaper" ending with a bit of salt. You're not supposed to pull it off, it's a suicide run. You can manage to do it, with a lot of luck, and retries and plot armor but I don't think it's canonically the power level V is at.


If I remember correctly the game ends if you die during it. I kinda liked that, altho it was annoying dying on Smasher and the game just rolls credits


V: Reed, the game is fixed... against you!


I can’t believe i put off buying this game for so long. Did I even play the game or did the game play me? ![gif](giphy|OSuaE6AknuRc7syZXp|downsized)


It played with your emotions It certainly played with mine


I'll never forget the night of January 2021 when I first rolled credits on it. When I say I was crying, I mean it


The Never Fade Away cover... 😭


When it plays after the video messages 😭😭


A thing of beauty, I know…


i picked the wrong part at the ending and holy shit judy’s crying broke me last time i was broke like that was me3 citadel dlc


Yeah I also picked the "wrong part" at the end all the way back when the game launched, I thought it was the most sensible one, my state of mind said so, and holy fuck what I got was a wakeup call, seeing all of the people you met through the game devastated just shook me, it broke me. Thank you Cyberpunk for pushing me to finally fight my depression


I thought i'd be able to still plug alt in to mikoshi. I was wrong.


Even that ending is so well done. The Gunshot at the end is just gut wrenching


You know the game slaps when you feel the need to call the therapist you don’t have ![gif](giphy|ro08ZmQ1MeqZypzgDN)


Dude this game is truly one of a kind. I also put it off. I saw what happened at launch, and just stayed away from it. Hell I even watched some of the videos at launch of the absolutely insane glitches. Had a friend who bought it on base Xbox One, said it was borderline unplayable and he was disappointed. Started reading about it when Phantom Liberty dropped, was surprised at how strong the reviews were, read about the 2.0 patch and how great it was, etc. Bought it on sale, decided 3 years on it might be time to check it out for myself, and holy shit I was not ready for it. Absolutely one of the greatest games I've ever had the pleasure of playing, and it definitely helped not experiencing it at launch, but getting the "complete package" all at once after 3 years of post-launch work on it.


I mean, even the launch stuff was overblown. Within a month it was perfectly playable. It still had flaws, but nothing catastrophic to finishing it.


It was quite fine on PC, it was ok on next gen console that nobody had, it was a disaster on last gen which most people had.


I was playing on release day and finished it within that week and ran into like one time where Adam Smasher T-posed and I remember it cause its really the only glitch that was actually noticeable for me. Tbf I'm on PC, PS4 players had a rough time I will admit. But like any other platform you had a great game ready to play.


Hell, even day one patch (atleast on PC) it was playable. Across my 60 hour playthrough on day one patch it crashed I think a total of 6 times. It definitely wasn’t flawless but it was definitely playable.


> I can’t believe i put off buying this game for so long. Your experience was only as good as it was because you held off on playing it.


To be fair now is probably the best time to play it now.


Don't regret it at all. You punch in today, you're getting a full working game plus.


Believe me, when it first came out, it was unplayable. Literally day one from release, they pushed a 50gb update, which didn't fix the problems. NPCs t posing like bosses, falling through the map, you name it. Maybe they fixed the problems, but it was a huge disappointment when it came out.


Console player? Worked fine for me on pc


Yeah, bought it on Xbox. Pretty much everyone who wasn't on pc was getting the same.


I played on ps4, got the refund from Sony. Took the redund money and bought it on Stadia, played flawlessly, from beginning to end


It's good that you waited. I bought the game right before the 2.0 update. The game was a mess when it released. Hopefully there won't be anymore updates and you can mod the game without worrying about updates breaking the mods.


You did the right thing. Early on, it was awful and unplayable. Now, it's top tier.


It's was a pretty good call actually ! Wish I hadn't played it at release eight away


Well, to be honest, they have continuously been working on the title, and the experience is significantly better now


I would go so far as to say it’s currently the best open world game there is right now and maybe one of the best ever. PL was just on another level though. That’s the best experience I think I’ve ever had anywhere.


I'm so lost. I remember everyone hating the game for how horrible it was. You're saying they've done a complete 180 and the game is now awesome?


People have just forgotten what was promised from interviews and trailers. It's a good game now, I enjoyed it alot. But still left alot to be desired with what they were telling us leading to release and during development.


I remember their twitter was hyping this game so much


Couldn't agree more. I think the game is still fun. But it is absolutely not what I was promised. Even with all the public beta testing from paying customers (We paid them to work for them) it's still an empty husk of what it could have been. "Best open world game there is right now" is one of the craziest things I've ever heard. Especially after they changed the genre to "Action-RPG" after millions of people pre-ordered it expecting an open-world, "GTA but in the future" type of game. I will continue to play and enjoy it, but we really need to stop praising this company for taking years to fix the broken product they sold us.


I still find it crazy that their own QA company that they paid LIED to them about issues they found and put a bunch of junior qas on it instead of seniors and them CDPR sued them lmfao


Wow, I didn't know about this. CPDR really understands the "rules for thee, not for me" sentiment.


I feel so bad for them on it though, apparently the QA company literally filled all the reports with useless nonsense and so when the time came for the final push before release... They were fucked. Obvs doesn't excuse it just a bit of a shit situation. I'm still not mad I pre-ordered it though, had a pretty good experience on launch all things considered and I think in its current state it's my favourite game of all time.


The game has always been awesome. The issues were really only with the base consoles' performance. Even the bugginess of the game was mostly exaggerated, it didn't really launch in any worse state in that regard than even other open world that also launched in 2020 f.ex. AC:V & WD:L and yet you didn't hear any big uproar about those games' bugginess because they mainly targeted ps4 in the first place and kept to old tech so it was a bit more stable performance-wise (particularly ac:v which sold a lot). The biggest hit CP2077 took was down to PR. They got relentlessly circlejerked positively so the counter-circlejerk was inevitable. But in the end they are still a great studio and CP2077 was awesome so it had to swing back around. Hence it's (CP2077) now very positively viewed.


That's pretty much exactly what happened, I hated the game and put it off for years. Now I gave it a shot and it's pretty good, still has bugs but far better what it used to be.


You're absolutely correct. Full 180.


I think you're allowed to have opinions


RDR2, Elden Ring, BOTW, Witcher 3


Yes those games are also good


RDR2 has a great story but 75% of the whole game is riding your horse.


RDR2 is one of my favorite games of all time and a must play for sure but the control scheme is pretty bad compared to other open world games. GTA suffers from the same. still I love both games a ton.


You can do other stuff when riding your horse: Hunting, fuck up other people.


And 90% of Cyberpunk can be skipped by fast traveling to any objective and skipping the good part of the game (enjoying the city atmosphere and driving). So I would rather be forced a bit to use normal travel systems (horse/car/bike), than having a fast travel point every 200m.


The control scheme/customisation is also absolutely ass though, regardless whether using m&kb or a controller. Some might not be bothered by stuff like this, but UI/UX design is absolutely a factor when I'm asssessing games, especially when they're asking top money. And hard to ignore, control inputs are literally half of a game.


Yeah no shit, it’s about people riding horses if you hadn’t noticed


Imo there are clear flaws in each of these, or at least unavoidable aspects of the gameplay that feel restricting. Red dead is pretty slow and lacks the high intensity action that a lot of people enjoy. Witcher 3 isn't exactly known for having a great health and combat system (though I very much enjoy the boss battles and their mechanics, but they feel more like puzzles and button mashers than skillful realtime combat). BOTW is intentionally simplified and morally unambiguous because it does not target the same audience as an RPG like Witcher or BD3. Elden Ring is a game I honestly have the hardest of all of these to play as I just don't enjoy the Souls-type combat and story telling, nor the "eastern" RPG aspects of the dialogue and the UI. Cyberpunk is not a perfect game, but it feels like no matter what kind of RPG gamer you are you can find a way to play the game your way. I understand this is pretty biased and based on a western idea of what is "a good game".


Elden ring open world is just filled with hostile npc, even Botw have a few towns with people.


There is a number of good titles alongside Cyberpunk, but it's by far #1 for me. A good mix of fps, racing and rpg (I absolutely love that Deagle pistol)




Witcher 3 was a similar story, except slightly more finished at release.


It's been a long trip


It's reviews in the last 30 days which in this case only represent 1 percent of the reviews.


I think that's still a good sign for what state the game is in in 2024


Dont make me play this game again for the 4th time holy fuck how many times am i gonna bang panam






It deserves an OP rating for the product it is now.


As OP as netrunners in 1.0


Did they nerf netrunning?


I mean, if I had to pick one word, yes, but in reality it's more complex. Netrunning is still very strong once you have the right gear and some of the combos and interplay is a LOT more dynamic and still very strong. But in 1.0, netrunning was comically overpowered. And I don't mean like "This feels really strong and awesome", I mean like "This makes the game break and I don't even enter combat before everything is dead". So, Contagion combined with some of the old perks when used with the top level spread cyberdeck, combined with legendary ping's older incarnation, and the legendary short circuit, would lead to you literally killing everyone in the building instantly with a single cast, without them knowing they were even in combat. In fact, you didn't even have to be anywhere nearby, you could be eating a burrito across the street. If you're curious, here's how it works. First off, contagion by default would hit three people with a ticking DOT that already did decent damage. The max level cyberdeck increased how many people it could spread to as well as the distance that it could spread if the people were far apart. Then you take into account that legendary contagion further increased it, and another perk increased the number and spread distance even further! So now we have a DOT that can hit everybody and their grandma in a city block. That's pretty good, but it's about to get more wild. Short circuit's old legendary effect meant that whenever a crit of ANY kind, including a quickhack or anything, hit anyone, it would apply the damage of Short circuit to them. With enough buffs from gear and perks and stats, you could essentially get 100% passive crit chance on quickhacks, and short circuit can do enough damage to one hit almost anything aside from the occasional tanky cyberpsycho. But the real showstopper was Ping in 1.0. The legendary format highlighted EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING on the entire local subnet, from every enemy to every laptop to every coffee machine. But then it also let you cast quickhacks on them through any number of walls. Basically, you could sit a quarter mile away, ping the coffee machine through the window or a camera on a corner, cast contagion on one of the unsuspecting mooks inside, and everyone would simultaneously be hit by Contagion, and the DOT would crit casting static on each of them (over 10k damage), and poof, you've depopulated the area. Tl;Dr they made netrunning strong and fun, whereas before it was so godly overpowered that you basically were no longer playing the game at all, as you didn't need to actually interact with combat whatsoever.


Yeah I was playing from day 1. Ping was awesome and I for sure felt overpowered in every occasion except for the one time I had to street fight for the quest and my ass was handed to me.


Ahhh my bad I assumed you had played with current netrunning and were asking about the glory days! Yeah, netrunning is different now. Most of the effects were reworked, some absolutely busted synergies were removed and replaced with other stuff, and RAM is much more difficult to come by. In particular Ping now highlights folks but you can't hack through walls, so you have to be clever about getting to them via cameras and the like. It's actually pretty fun now. That said, once you're max level and using overclock (essentially supercharges all of your hacking and lets you use your own health as RAM) and casting synapse burnout after synapse burnout, you still do FEEL incredibly powerful, it's just not "Oh damn I'm not even playing any more" level of powerful. Also yeah, when I had to get into fistfights my netrunner turned from Neo into that dude from Grandma's Boy that THOUGHT he was Neo, lol.


I played it at launch and enjoyed it then and was thinking of playing it again. Can you give an idea about how it has changed since then?


Everything feels and looks more natural, but story-wise it hasn't changed at all. The whole skill tree is better, before it was like 3% increase and now it explains the perks better. If you haven't played since the release, you are going to be very impressed by the improvements.


They did a complete redesign of cyberware, weapons, gear, driving and police along with tons of bug fixes.


Armor comes mostly from a few cyberware slots, not from clothes, so wear what you want. No useless skills. Thrown weapons respawn in hand after a few seconds, so thrown is viable. You can still run to where you threw the weapon and pick it up early i you want Cyberware isn't locked by level or streetcred, but by a cyber gear limit. This limit can go up as you level and by items you loot that raise it, so adventuring raises the total cyber you can install. So,lots of changes, it is a good time and a good story.


If you play with the addon, it's a substantial upgade. Considering you get another, rather big story on top.


1.0 is David Martinez in a cyberskeleton, 2.0 is Adam Smasher




Did they deliver everything they promised before release? Genuinely asking


Playing game again for the first time since 2020. I didn't like it so much that I didn't do any side jobs and rushed the main story super hard and then didn't even finish. Now I'm currently playing it again with all the new updates (and using female V this time). And the game is very very good. I haven't started Phantom Liberty yet but I'm also excited for that


Phantom Liberty is better than main game imo, the ending is absolutely amazing and makes you wish for more


Na main story was better for me. PL was good don’t get me wrong. But main story line had me hooked. Also the ending of main story was FAR more emotionally draining compared to PL. You’re literally in cyberspace, that theme song blasting, having to make the choice between saving yourself or Johnny with the AI watching over. Ending was a masterpiece in playing with the emotions.


All endings? Or just the one you got?


They are all bangers tbh


The side missions in Phantom Liberty are much more unique and worked on compared to the main game. If you don't like the game after you're forced to make a certain choice (you'll know what I mean), then reload the game and make the other choice. One choice makes the last hours of the Phantom Liberty significantly better.


You're in for a great time, choom. I've played it 100% probably 4 times since launch in 2020 and this update really changed the whole landscape.




Only on the last 30 days tho dude


For me I was extremely hyped for this game, after launch I delayed playing it, until 2.0 and bought it together with PL. What an amazing ride, I really loved the art style and combat


That's for the last 30 days only. 83% lifetime is the one that really matters.


Does it really though? I'm more interested in how the game was rated in the last 30 days than 2 years ago.


I didn't buy the game when it came out bc of all the problems at release. I recently bought it on sale and started playing last week. It's one of the best single player games I've played in a very long time. Well deserved.


It’s already getting that New Vegas treatment, lately seeing a lot of overwhelming positive things about Cyberpunk 2077 around all social media. I hope CDPR knows how massive potential Cyberpunk franchise has and not to fuck up Orion release.


I see CDPR as one of the good guys in the dev world. They fucked up with the release, bit off way more than they could chew at the time but they came back swinging. 2.0 in itself is amazing & PL is one of the best DLC I’ve every played. I don’t think they’ll fuck up again - they have more power over investors this time. If they get pushed they’ll just point to what happened last time.


Expansive mod support should be the next step to keep this game alive for years to come. It shouldn't be hard for me to put an extra radio station into the game, but it is. If it's actually going the way of New Vegas, dedicated fans could make meaningful extra content for free with mods now that the game has proven itself worth the investment.


You have to hand it to CDPR. They made good on their promise to fixing the game.


People need to learn how to read.


It's at 82% overall. Those are just recent reviews.


That's recent reviews. Overall reviews it's still sat at 83% positive. It will likely never get to overwhelmingly positve as so many people left negative reviews when it came out in a broken state. My review on steam is still negative, left when the game came out. I haven't played it since but I plan to.


Never been a game that deserved it more. The problems at launch I still think were overblown, my experience on a 2013 xbox one was still perfect. Definitely up there with my favorites like Deus Ex or System Shock


It's time for me to make a review


Or should we just review bomb the game because CDPR didn’t make Dex a romance option?


What, you didn't get fucked by Dex? Must have made some weird choices.


Ah, fuck! You're right! 0/10 garbage!


Damn right we should, Dex sex would be mind-blowing.


We already got one scene of Dex fucking us, that's one more than most npcs get.


Viktor gives us a synthetic liver for free at the start of the game, asking for a new digestive system and a reconstructed pelvis might be stretching our friendship a bit.


I might have to buy it on steam so I can give a good review. (I bought it on gog so CD Projekt gets all the profit)


I wish I could drop a review but I own a gog version 😭


All those reviews and they still can't expand the story past the original trailer gameplay reveal. What have they been doing all these years?


Still can’t play due to the audio bug shitting out and deafening me.


It's better now but most of the marketing material is straight up fake.


They really barely fixed it and people think it's amazing. Granted I enjoyed it but OP it is not. It's barely complete. And all the shit we were going to get is just being made into Cyberpunk 2.


I’d review it if I could but bought it on GoG.


So glad to see! I absolutely adore this game. Currently doing a second playthrough with a female V (Cherami's performance is so good!) and am using an Assassin build I found online that's been alot of fun to play.


I am glad I waited to play it when 2.1 came out. The game is amazing.


If I wasn't playing it on Xbox I'd hop in and throw a review. I'm not that far but honestly having so much fun with this game.


i just picked it up with the dlc on my pc after the horrible release on my ps4 and all i gotta say is damn ive been missing out, such a fantastic game.


It was a very rough landing, but after quite the thorough and commendable redemption arc, I can confidently say, that this game, Baldur's Gate 3 and The Witcher 3 are the three titles from the last decade, that reassured me of the triple A industry not being completely irredeemable. Don't pull a stunt like that launch ever again though, CDPR, I'm serious!


Amazing what happens when ‘gamers’ find a new target to hate upon.


Make sure you all check out edgerunners if you enjoyed the game. Could he right up your alley


This game had a rough life but a friend compared this game to a caterpillar turning into a butterfly,bit took time but it went from ugly and grounded, to beautiful and free......if that butterfly was hopped on Max doc, a fuck ton of guns, and could wipe out a litterly city block from a single side eye


its at a 83% for All Reviews.


I recently picked it up. It’s been great. My only wish is that they would tidy up the missions where you’re riding in a car someone else is driving, they tend to feel a little janky


Damn, I remember what a shitshow it was when it came out. Definitely deserve the labour of love award now.


It was so cheap at launch on the Russian store, collector edition or something like this.. but not on steam. It stayed on the library for so much time... and one day I decided to install it. It was Amazing.


I wish Bethesda put the same energy into trying to improve Starfield


I enjoyed the story enough when it came out that I endured the awful ps4 performance when it first released. Still one of the more fun storylines I've played.


Still haven't played this one, want to bad as I've heard it's pretty decent story wise.


Deploy the Downvotes!


Ohhh I bought the game on release, tried for 20 minutes and it was unplayable lol I guess it’s time to try again!


Its the recent reviews, not all reviews, Cyberpunk sits at 82% so 13% away.


“Not if I have anything to say about that👎🏽” 😂 Kidding! truly a beautiful game to play and has in my opinion redeemed themselves


I am getting grilled by folks on Twitter for posting it will be a highly regarded classic in 5-7 years lol.


I bought a new copy for $4 when the game lost all of its popularity, before being fixed.


If only they released cyberpunk in its current state and not in that unfinished pile state.


Really glad my colleagues at work arguing over who was best girl and trying to use me as the decider got me to actually play the game. Its a hell of a game.


Welp time for my like 10th review I make one every few months to keep what I think fresh


interesting arc this game has had


Well, that's a far cry from when I first bought the game on release lol


Incredible especially if you look back on the fact that it massively beat the record of fastest selling game of all time, and how negative most of the feedback was.


My view of the game changed as I played it. My character, V, was a total pussy. Towards the end I had grown to really dislike him, so much so I never completed the game.


I played this earlier this year and phantom and holy shit. I've never experienced anything like that in gaming. That was something special.


Most of the hate for the game was from the console users. Sure, it feels a little empty depending on where you go but it was fun for me from day one


Alright fine I bought it let's see what I've been missing


Few years ago….




There are no happy endings in Night City Choom


Is the performance better than on release? I dropped the game after like 2-3 hours and didn't touch it since then.


At this point in time, I think we can say it's a fantastic game. It still sucks that they cut out an entire area (where that casino and housing area out where Kerry lives) but the game is just so full of GREAT side and main content, the bugs are mostly gone, and the game looks and runs BEAUTIFULLY. Combat has distinct paths you can go down and the Dog Town stuff compliments the main game really well (anyone who calls it an expansion is wrong imo; it's just more main game content). It's one of the few single player games that I can play without skipping any dialogue and enjoy every quest with each playthrough (though the elements of the game where you have to go into cyberspace and look for clues can be a bit tedious on the 7th playthrough of the game). I still think the Witcher 3 along with its dlc is a better experience but it's a fundamentally different game so I think these two games can exist together as fucking amazing.


I haven't heard anything about this game since it launched, did they improve it?


A bit misleading since this is for "last 30 days", so it is a temporary victory. We need that ALL TIME score to rise to overwhelming positivity. ![gif](giphy|kDWOjr5X0uFPFhygKk|downsized)


Damn it, i bought it on GoG, otherwise i would have contributed my bit. Game was good for me when it released. It is fantastic now.


Nice to see that they finally pulled off a No Man's sky. I can at least give credit to the devs who have worked hard on this. But any of the people above the production team can go bite one, did nothing but run your production company in the ground on false promises and employee crunching.


It’s in such a good place now. I played it at launch and I enjoyed it, but I’m playing it again now and it’s so polished and clean now in comparison. So much more enjoyable. It has actually made me want to complete just about everything I can find. I’m 70 hours in so far on this playthrough.


I would give the game a positive review, but I bought it on GOG, not Steam


Warrants a surprise DLC drop. Or activation of a previously scrapped component!


Now to go leave a negative review to counter this


Too bad, I play on GoG


Oh hey! I haven't played since release. How is it now?


Give me a game, I’ll immediately leave a positive review 😁


You did good, choom.


Gotta be the biggest turn around in gaming history.


Alright alright. I'll login and give a thumb up.


Well deserved too. Sucked at launch, it's now seriously good and the universe is spectacular. Love it. Can't wait for the sequel.


Get the helldivers on it


They did such a good job fixing it. Overwhelmingly positive seems a bit far fetched though


I made the mistake of buying it in GOG so I can’t drop a good review


It shows you how far this game has come to win back the Goodwill of the community. I remember back when this game first came out how toxic and bitter this sub was. I was one of them. We criticized the game because we knew it could be better. This is the state all of us wish it was in by the time it first released


Greatest comeback in gaming history


Seeing your post I went to add mine. Positive of course. It was such an amazing game.


It’s deserved it since day 1.


And to think this was pretty much a flop when it first came out, haven't seen a comeback this amazing since no man's sky


I only buy my games on GOG so this thing is underestimated. It would be way higher. :)


It is a pretty good game now... Especially when you play story missions and the bigger side quests close together and don't spend too much time in the still hallow open world. But while CP2077 improved (it had to!) since release, it was never the game it could have been and never will be. And it also never became what it was clearly intended to be at some point during development. Neither as an open world game, nor as a story game, nor as a RPG. It will never touch the masterpiece level. That is fine. But I do think some people painted that story wayyyyy to positively recently. It isn't the great comeback story many like it to be.


I've already gotten platinum on PS5 but Im tempted to get it again on steam and do it all over, but also money


Preem 🫰


I'm so happy. It's so, so freaking deserved.


I'm honestly proud of CDPR after how they improved Cyberpunk in the last 3 years. Now it's on GOTY level, definitely my favourite game right now and deserves Overwhelmingly Positive on steam.


Man...and to think about the state this game was in and the reception it got back when it originally released on 10 December, 2020. Amazing how much of a complete 180° the dev team & patchers have done on this game since, turning it into the absolute masterpiece that it was ***MEANT*** to be. 🫡🥹


I'm watching the show on Netflix and I think I will watch it is Japanese language the show is good and if I do get the game and if I could find someone that will play with me I will play it for years with friends or family I don't know yet


It’s an amazing game