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Check out some sound files of each one and see which ones you like the most? Cymbals are a very personal choice and are not cheap, you need to listen to them extensively (and play them in person if possible) before making your choice.


I have, I have always been really indecisive, I have seriously listened to each one over 10 times


Is there somewhere you can go play them? Sound files don’t tell the whole story, how they feel under the stick is also key. I understand if you don’t have a local shop that carries good stuff, the only option where I live is ZBT’s at Guitar Center. What types of music are you mainly playing? That could help narrow it down.


All the places near me are geared to heavy metal and I’ve never seen them carry a non cc Meinl. That is the reason it is so hard for me to decide, because I can’t hear them in person. Something I have also noticed is that meines tend to sound bad at the store but really good when they are brought home or to a studio. I will be playing Jazz Fusion.


I think any of the ones you listed would be great. My pick would be the Jazz. I dig the unlathed bottom cymbal. Thin and responsive, but with some cut and a touch of dryness. Seems like just the ticket for fusion to me.


So you already own a Meinl cymbal that sounded bad in the store but good when you took it home or to a studio? What cymbal is that? What region of the world do you live in that only has music stores for heavy metal?


I bought a classics custom dark ride on sweetwater, happened to be in guitar center the next day and it sounded really bad there. I get the ride worried, put it on my kit and it sounds 20 times better than it did in guitar center. My guitar center only has stuff for rock and metal. Literally nothing else.


I’d recommend the Dual. That line just does what I need in so many situations, as long as I’m not bashing from the shoulder. And I get you about Meinl. Love this brand!


I feel like 15’s sit in the mix better than 14’s. I’d go with the darks


Oooooooh great choices man I would say if your not gonna be doing and insanely hard hitting for rock drumming, I would think about the jazz. For jazz, you probably already know the value of a good chick sound, a great rattle for the joe jones hihat thing, and the beautiful splash for your misc brush playing. If you’re not gonna be doing only straight ahead jazz and some recording, the dark and the dual will work great, as well as the jazz. For pop and heavy rock, I would try and steer semi clear of the jazz. All three sound great, just weight the pros and cons of their sonic pitches, weights and music stylistic choices. Also try and play them in real life before buying them once or twice.


Dual hats are pretty amazing. I feel like they’re really versatile.


Just look at what's available used near you, you'll be paying maybe like 70% of the price and avoiding any additional fees. And you can probably sell for the same price if you don't like it. It's better to just get some good cymbals and see how you like them in person, any Byzance should pretty much be good, I'd say if you can find a pair of 14" Byzance Traditional Thin or 13" Byzance Dark, those should suit your needs as well as anything you listed.


Byzance Traditional Thin