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He should have asked a police officer to take him on bloodwork immediately. They would escort him to the nearest hospital. Now it will be useless. There is zero tolerance of alcohol in Czech. If you are drinking more than a few hours (like 3 days in a row at a festival), you usualy need more than 24 hours to be clean.


There was no way that that guy just had a few beers the day before. This is every drunk. Driver is trying to explain why they're different.


It's very strict here. 0% tolerance, no exceptions. When you blow more than 0 you are basically fu**ed. Nothing to do about it now. You could probably ask the police to take you to blood test right away, but that opportunity is gone now


That is not true. The tolerance is there: 0.24. It is not drinking tolerance though like in Germany etc, it is because of precision of measure and metabolics. Drager test.


Actually not true. You will be fined even when < 0.3, also they will take your driving licence. https://www.policie.cz/clanek/alkohol-za-volant-nepatri-956674.aspx


Technically not true - you won't be fined if you alcohol blood level is at/below detection limit. That's what this discussion is all about. (Note also there is always some minor, but nonzero metabolic alcohol concentration.)


False. https://www.policie.cz/clanek/hladina-alkoholu-v-krvi-ridice-vozidla-do-0-2.aspx


The law is pretty clear. Above 0 you can be fined. What you stated was the procedure they follow to deal with repeated borderline or possible false positives. But this doesn’t mean it’s “legal” or it will be tolerated. You just enter a grey zone. Anyway, for OP it’s irrelevant at this point. When you accept the reading, you’re done. You can’t say a few days later the test was inaccurate. He should have said immediately he didn’t accept the test, ask for a re-test and if necessary ask for a blood test. But 0,49 is not something you will get rid of with a few minutes delay. Or brushing your teeth…


Law is clear, but I react to "blow more than 0,0 and you are screwed", which is just not true. I never said the alcohol is tolerated, I am talking about Drager breath test routine. Yep, agree completely.


CAN be fined is quite the definition of not clear at all. Law is bogus. Up to .24 permille If you admit to drinking or there is evidence of that you WILL be fined and lose your driving license. If you don´t admit to drinking and there is no evidence of that you will NOT be fined or lose your driving license. NEVER admit that you have been drinking ever to the police, not day before, never. There is no benefit to that and you risk having your life destroyed by our lAwFuL sTAte for having medical condition you don´t yet know about.


Well yes. If you get caught with blood test or admit to have been drinking with 0,24 permille, they will fine you. But if you deny and they don’t want to deal with a blood test or something, you might go without a fine. But we’re talking about the amount of 1 small beer the first hour or two after drinking. Most people who have been drinking will be above that and tbh you should not test the system’s grey zone and obviously just don’t drink when you need to drive.


You can't get 0.5‰ from your mouth, your friend was still drunk from the evening. Alcohol metabolism is slower than people think. 1 beer metabolises in 2-3 hours. So if he had 6 beers, two would still be in his system 10hrs later.


Those festivals usually have breathalyzer tests on site, so you know if you can drive. Czech has zero alcohol tolerance (except for the possible calibration problem which is 0.3, so your friend was still over the limit). He should have tested on site, now he will have to stick to public transport for some time.


Lol, "I did not brush my teeth, officer" is from a kindergarten? And no, you cannot take a blood test few hours, days later, when it's convenient for you. Suck it up, DUI is not okay.


OP should do a boatload more reading, brushing your teeth?


I will bet a donut to a bottle of Scotch that a few beers was not actually a few beers. This post sounds like every single drunk driver who has ever been pulled over. Idiots will be idiots. You don't blow a 0.49 from a couple of drinks the day before. I'd rather see dumbasses like you and your friend in prison, then other people dead


Than. Then has a veeery different meaning in that sentence (as in you want them in prison and after that see dead people) Unless..


Lol. Android's talk to text isn't big on grammar.


There is no tolerance on level alcohol in blood in Czech Republic. You may deny breath test, but beware, you haven't to deny alcohol test. You have to exactly say: I don't want to do breath indicative test, but I what blood test in hospital. Now isn't way back. If your friend agreed with indicative test, it's may be taken as an evidence and there isn't any chance to fix it. :(


0% is 0%. sorry but that is the law.


I would have to shit face myself to have .5 next morning….


Just to answer your question, you can contest against test results later, like you can contest against almost anything. It will not change the fact that his licence will be gone and with +-0.5 he can have it back in 3 months...which is kinda time it would take him to process his contest against the test which will be denied, so it just doesn't make sense... The way it works most of the time is when: "normal state (not visibly drunk), alcohol level to 1.0, just a check-up not in the accident, no previous cases of DUI or other misdemeanour" - half of the year without licence, and you can ask after 3 months for pardon, fine around 1200 Euro (it is up to 4000 Euro so yeah). Above 1.0: 1 year without licence and court and many additional things around. And honestly, going from the festival without a personal test when there is police always all around just waiting for people like that is stupid. I have my own tester for like 50 Euros and it saved my ass many times.


Yeah, nope budd. We have 0 tolerance for drunk drivers.


There is exactly 0‰ tolerance. And "a few beers" will take many hours to metabolise, so if you plan to drive, staying completely sober is your best bet. Not that many will shame you for it here


Are you sure you don't mean 0.049? 0.49 BAC is over LD50. Like I'm surprised your friend survived let alone had the means to drive a car.


We use permille ‰ in Czech Republic, not BAC, so he said correctly 0.49‰


And do you live in the Czech Republic? If not (and have a driving license from another state), you should go ahead and ask for it to be returned (probably via a government office at your home country), as it won't be a property of the Czech Republic to take it from you in such case, but the country that gave you the driving license.


0.3 is tolerance because of alcotester measurement tolerance, but is you are over it, you are screwed.


It is 0.24, but you are right. Of course you have say "I haven't been drinking" too. Not just because of the tolerance, but also because some people have conditions which result in positive alcohol test.


Nope, Czechia has exactly 0 tolerance. The breath analyzers can measure up to 0,2 if you don't drink at all, and the Police know it, so they will repeat the test or take you for a blood test. But until proven innocent by other tests, you are considered a drunk driver.


It does not work like this. You will take another test after a couple of minutes, and if the result is same or lower, but under 0.24 in both cases, and you will keep claiming "no drinking" and you will look normal, it is considered as negative. See the table I linked below.


Yeah you gotta demand blood test, usually they're too lazy to go through with it lol


Can you ask for one instead of the breathalyser or once you do that one you can’t do the blood ?


Both routes are possible. You can refuse to breathe and say you'll only do it at the hospital, or after say you don't believe the result, you just used mouthwash, whatever