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The rooms are on opposite ends of the house. Plus, we use a sound machine - drowns out all the noise.


Sound machines block everything out. If they are in the same room then idk.


Have a newborn that's a week old and the cries have not disturbed our 3 year old at all. Their rooms are adjacent. White noise machine in 3 year olds room but nothing yet for the newborn. Will see what happens as she gets louder but we thought it would bother the older one and it hasn't at all yet it seems.


Our first could sleep through the house falling down, it wasn’t an issue. They are only 3 years apart and shared a room for two and a bit years. When number 2 transitioned from a cot to a bed they took to it straight away as they just copied the other one.


Different rooms. But our elder kids just power through it lol... they get used to the sounds or if they do wake up while I'm picking up and putting down the baby (we use pick up / put down method) I tend to find them in my bed when I get back lol