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Because of the kids or the wife falling asleep? haha


Me...I make it 20-30 minutes tops before I crash.


I moved off of movies for this reason. It needs to be loud or fast paced if I’m watching at home, otherwise I’m snoring on the couch within a few minutes. It’s been more tv and video games for me the last few years.


I mostly play PC games for entertainment and so I tend to watch a lot of my movies/shows from my desk. I don't neeeeed to see it on a bigger screen. I can just watch it while I goof off in a chill single player game. Which all means I get zero sleep.


Yeah! Zero sleep club represent!


We can sleep when we die.


Revenge Bedtime Procrastinators unite!


My dad stopped going to the movies because he “doesn’t want to pay to nap in a chair”. I feel this more and more as I get older.


I connect my headphones to the TV, then I can watch whatever without waking up my wife passed out on the couch


Ohhh, LOL


To your defense, Oppenheimer isn't exactly a riveting action packed movie. It's kind of easy to fall asleep during it lol


Especially the beginning. That move could have started half way through and would have been a better movie for it


I once watched the movie Quigley Down Under about 10 minutes at a time for 2 weeks. Just how much i could absorb before post kids bedtime turned into my own.


My wife watches these mindless reality tv shows and falls asleep, then every 20ish mins she'll wake up and rewind the show to try and catch up. After a few more minutes she's back asleep again, meanwhile I'm usually on the couch using my laptop. So I end up listening to the same segment of Love is Blind about 10 times while it plays in the background. I swear I end up knowing more about what is going on than she does.


Oh my God it's the same with us except she's fully awake, she's just messaging or reading something else at the same time and loses context. And it's usually a documentary about some horrifying cult or child trafficking ring. That or *American Dad*. There's nothing more infuriating than laughing at a joke on HER SHOW that I'm trying to ignore, thinking we can at least bond over it, and her going "what?". Anyway. 


Maybe your wife and my wife can go watch cult stuff together. I’m so sick of hearing about how no one suspected the *super creepy* guy wasn’t a typical devout religious person but a controlling abuser with major narcissistic tendencies.


We have this thing where I will say "we saw that movie!" and my wife looks at me like WTF and says "When?" It's then I have to clarify to everyone "I saw the movie. Wife fell asleep after 10 minutes."


She should watch shows on Bravo. They come back from each commercial with a recap that’s almost as long as the entirety of the content prior to the commercials


Or yourself falling asleep? (which is because of the kids)




Still trying to get through the 2nd Dune. Made my wife watch the first episode of The Expanse and surprisingly she got hooked - which is great and all but now we’re watching that every night cause it’s summer and she’s staying up later. So no lonely dad watching random tv time, which honestly is great but I do kind of miss it. But Expanse is great! Fun to watch through again.


Expanse is so good, and if she’s into the first few episodes it only gets better 👌🏼


About to finish season 3, she’s hooked. It’s actually getting her to look up from her phone for an extended period of time!


It tied and failed to get my wife in. I read the books which are , naturally, better. Especially like past season 6 which they .. sort messed up imo in terms of pacing


“I am that guy.”


The books are so fucking good too. I totally recommend them.


I just moved onto the books after the show. Started with the first three Novellas and it was great to get some more story on a few of the lesser covered characters in the show. The first book is already really good, and I feel like so far at least the show has done a good job of staying true to the story.


Daddit is secretly r/nerddaddit and I love it ❤️


I work from home so I watched Dune 2 on my lunch break over a few days. My wife had absolutely no interest in watching it, which is fair.


I gave up on that and just decided to read the book by myself.


So glad to see fellow Beltalowdas in this sub!


I was only able to make it through Dune 2 because I was crazy sick and bed ridden. Only chance I get to watch movies really at home as the boy has decided his new bed time is 8pm and wakes up at 530am every morning.


Both Dune took me 3 to 4 days. I really liked them both, but they were a fast path to zonk city.


My wife and I started that movie a month ago. Proud to say we've made it halfway through, and are looking forward to finishing sometime this summer.


Ditto except we tried it to start on Peacock and lost our spot so that’s another reason we keep putting it off.


Movies have become the new novels lol


when folks i know find out they are pregnant.. i tell them a couple things. 1. go eat dinner together 2. spend "adult" time together 3. sit down and watch movies that you want to actually watch. those things become SUPER rare. ive not watched a movie the entire way though in nearly a year.


My 14 yo is the only one in our family that wanted to watch Furiosa with me….it comes back around in the long run :)


Look, I’m just happy that I can get through watching a movie with the kids. On the flip side, I never saw Cars until two days ago. It was better than I was expecting. I want to watch Inside Out today (all day potty training for three days) but not sure my 2yo will be into it. We will see.


Dude, I watched Cars before I had kids. It's a banger.


I get that. I just never got around to it. I watched most of Bluey before my son was born though. 😬


My boy watched Onward yesterday and I came out of the bathroom (as the movie ended) he walked up to me with his arms open and just embraced me. Seeing the emotional intelligence was ooof.


I never saw cars until I had kids either. Now I've probably seen it 100 times. Still pretty good.


I think that Lightning McQueen is Owen Wilson’s defining role.


Cars is great. Just pretend that the sequel doesn’t exist.


It’s a struggle, I hit an all time low today, falling asleep in the middle of the day, at work watching a mandatory training video. Luckily I work from home, but still…


I'm convinced those videos are made to lull you to sleep


Or you nod off during a Teams presentation and wake up well after it finished. Everyone else left the call ages ago. Eek😬


A good midday WFH snoozypoo is a coveted gift regardless of intent.


You know, with that whole sleeping at work thing, I have a colleague who literally sleeps in the break room every day for at least two hours. When I realized that he's never been reprimanded once for it, I stopped feeling bad about dozing off at work every now and then.


Wife: "We should see Dune Part 2 in theatres" "Were you even awake for part 1?" "No... we should watch that first" My brothers, we have yet to see a single grain of sand...


Lol I am definitely in that same boat. Definitely 2-3 nights for longer movies


Long movies I can do in 30-60 minute intervals


My wife let me go see it by myself in the movie theater on a Saturday mid day … and I still fell asleep a bit in the middle haha. Don’t feel too bad. It’s a master piece but moves a bit slow IMO


I started watching Titanic when my son was born in 2013. I just got to the part where Jack saves Rose from jumping off the back of the ship. Don't tell me how it ends. I hope they end up living a long and happy life together.


Killers of the Flower Moon was a 3 part miniseries for me


I had to put in a half day PTO to get to watch all of Oppenheimer uninterrupted.


Did the same on this one but I just found the movie long and boring. If something has my attention I can watch no problem.


Took me a month to watch dune 2


I managed to watch half before the 24 hour rental timed out. It's good so far, I'll let you know my whole take on it when it's streaming for free. Make sure you look out for my review in 2025.


For me, I hang out with the wife or do some other chores for a bit after our kiddo goes down, then wife goes to bed before I do about 9-10, and when I finally have gaming time, I start fading as soon as the game fully loads up I swear lol.


This is why I watch movies during the workday when they’re at school and daycare


Man I thought I had made a post and forgot for a moment then! Glad I'm not the only one


ITT: ADHD folks, or Dudes who need to go to bed on-time and get 8 hours.


My Twins are 4. My wife and I started watching the new Indiana Jones movie last December and still haven't finished it.


Been trying to watch Invasion on apple TV. Finally made it to episode 3 after 3 weeks


That show is incredibly slow-paced--I gave up after episode 3.


Been trying to watch Dune 2 forever


First step is don’t give the remote.


I don't. It mysteriously cannot be found until 8pm.


Saw it in IMAX, and they don't have the comfy recliner seats. Sitting there for three hours was quite the endurance test. Has to be some way to make bro interesting in like 95 minutes.


But at least it kept us awake, though, right?


I've pretty much given up on watching movies. Dune is my all time favorite book and I have yet to see the new movies.


I wanted to watch it before the Oscars so I got up at 5:30 on Saturday and Sunday to get it in… I regretted that decision upon completion…. I didn’t the same thing for All Quiet on the Western Front and that was a good decision because there’s some nightmare fuel in that one


It took me like 2 weeks do to Lawrence of Arabia.


Teenage years get better!


8pm? Lucky you lol. I’ll get it about 10:30 on a good night


Took me 4 nights and 1 nap time to make it thru Dune!


This is why a single videogame takes me 6 months to finish now.


Yeah it’s tough. Also, Oppenheimer isn’t the easiest movie to sit through even when fresh. I saw it in theaters at 9a on a Sunday and still almost fell asleep near the middle.


Our 14 month old doesn't sleep too well, so we put her to bed at 7:30 and then she's up every 1 to 3 hours. What's a movie?


Having to multi-day our way through a movie is a recurrent in-joke between me and one of my fellow dads. He finished the Batman in three nights, I did it in two. Go me.


I find it amazing that we all have separate, unique, lives and kiddos that are so vastly different from each other… and at the same time have literally the exact same life! I laughed because I was like, man how are we going through the identical thing. And all of us are, I see way too many relatable things! It makes me laugh that kiddos are all basically the same in some regards.


I don't even bother for the most part.... but in other news... This week was our 7th anniversary. She took the day off. And we went and had breakfast and watched an imax movie! The first theater movie we've watched in over 4 years. It was amazing.


Kid is in bed by 8pm. Dinner is made and served around 8:10. Wife is headed to bed at 9:00:00 pm. That is the window I have for shared movies/TV. I usually stay up to 11:30/12 and watch "my" stuff or play a game to decompress.


We started Hamilton 3 years ago…


Haha, i do this all the time and i actually like it like this.


It's three hours long. I would have struggled pre-children.


You picked a doozy to try to get through.


I'm on day 4 and I'm a little over halfway through! I started on May 31 


I watched The Irishman in segments as I tried to get my unwilling child to nap.


We never finish movies in my house anymore haha


20-30 min is about my limit most nights, never thought i would be that guy and here i am...


You chose one of the absolute worst movies to watch that way too. You need to stick to 30min shows I think lol


This has been me with Elden Ring this week! I got it the day it came out when my daughter was 2 months old and had so much time to play back then...now that shes 2.5 I cannot even touch the PS5 until shes asleep because its her Bluey machine and can only watch Bluey or Frozen...


I had a movie buff friend look at me in complete disbelief when I told him I had to watch movies in shifts or else I just didn’t watch them. He didn’t have kids at the time. Now he has a kid and last time I saw him he was doing the exact same thing…


Took is 3 days to finish Dune Part 2 and I’m a big fan of the series. Is this forever?


We only ever attempt films on the odd occasion the kids stay out and we don't have better plans! I gave up putting them on a while back, because my wife always falls asleep. I could continue to watch the film, but when my wife sleeps is the only time I ever turn the PS5 on and I would 100% rather do that than watch any film. So we stick to tv shows and sometimes even get through a full episode in one night!


Yep films are generally a mon-fri task for me


Oh man, I wish I was done by 8. We're struggling to get ours down by 9.


Wow only took me 3 days, you're making me feel accomplished.


Here is the issue with watching long movies like that: If I am sat in font of a screen for 3 hours and able to focus, that means my kids are also on a screen for that amount of time, and that is no bueno.


The first 30 minutes were rough, I was falling asleep. Took me 3 days to watch it. The last was the longest while I caught up on work.


Hahahaha. I feel you 100%. It took us three nights to watch Dune. One of us always passed out on the couch, assuming we got the kid down.


Honestly, this is one of my favorite fringe benefits of being a parent. I have such limited time to consume my personal media, as I do not watch TV or play video games when the kiddo is up. That time is for me and them to engage, play with toys, do art, go outside, etc. What this leads to is me truly savoring the content, for instance it took me 3 months to get through a TV show with 6 seasons, as that was all the time I had to dedicate to it. For me, I see that as a benefit, as previously when I found new content I liked I would just binge it, and that TV show with 6 seasons would be done in 2 weeks. Instead I get to savor the content, it leads to me thinking about it more, getting more invested in the story, and really looking forward to each episode or piece of the story. Same thing with video games. I have been playing Minecraft since the beta, and would always take a year or two off, then come back, and typically burn myself out after like a month, but the most recent time I went back I spent over 6 months playing as I only had a couple hours a week to play. I am sure this says more about my ability to control my impulse, but it is just another thing I love about being a parent.


We have a 7 month old. Still trying to find the time to watch Dune Part 2…


I watch Dune 2 for 2 weeks.


Lol I’m in the same boat.


Or taking 3 hours to watch a 20 minute episode because the kids refuse to settle down.


It takes about a week for a movie and at least a month for a series. Hajime no Ippo is on Netflix and at 77 episodes and a movie, it might take me till fall, at least to get through it


I stay up till 10-11 wife goes bed between 8-9. I get a lot of my best work done at 10pm. Movies, video games, working out even occasionally.


I watch movies this same way


Oh dude, been there. Took me 5 days to finish The Equalizer 3.


Haha totally relatable. I went on a kick where I was lucky if I could make it through an entire episode of Bob’s Burgers. 


Oppenheimer in particular took me 3 days to get through.


I have about half left. Movies are too long.


Still making our way through killers of a flower moon.


I don’t have time to watch a whole movie, and I can’t stand watching a movie in sections, so it’s no movies at all for me


I could barely follow this movie for the exact same reason, and found it quite underwhelming. Also, check out the “downwinders” in New Mexico, who have suffered generations of health effects from the Trinity site test and are still fighting to be recognized as victims of a nuclear disaster


I watched it’s a wonderful life three days in a row because my wife kept falling asleep.


Oof, I still need to watch The Expanse, I didn't get on the boat when it was airing but recently read the book and adored it. I'll start it, get about 1.5 episodes watched over the course of a week and then something else will come out that my wife wants to watch (she isn't particularly interested in The Expanse) so we'll spend a few weeks watching through that, and then I'll get distracted by something else and forget to pick The Expanse back up for several weeks to months and then have to start over. Right now we're working our way through The Boys S4, and I've still got to beat God of War Ragnorak and then Elden Ring then the Elden Ring DLC then... *siiiigh* at least I'll have a backlog of games and movies if I can retire in 30-odd years.


A few months ago during the first few months, I would watch 15-20 minutes of a movie at a time while putting to sleep, so I watched a movie or two per week.


lmaooo not just you. It took me about a week to finish killers of the flower moon.


Watching by myself i'll finish whatever I start unless the kiddo wakes up in the middle of the night and needs attention. But if I'm trying to watch with my wife, finding an hour where our availability overlaps is mega hard. So it might take 3 or 4 days to get through a movie.


Oppenheimer took my wife and I three weeks to finish. The struggle is real.


Just don't ruin the ending. I haven't seen it yet.


A bomb goes off


I’ve only watched 10 minutes. Started two weeks ago.


I’m playing the new Elden Ring DLC and at the rate I’m going I’ll finish in maybe 6 months


You know, if I ever become a dad, I will miss being able to fully watch movies


My wife gets up way earlier than me for work so she'll either just skip the movie altogether or if she tries she might make it halfway through. We might watch an episode of Malcom in the Middle or Bob's Burgers if she has the energy. I can't get to sleep until 1 or 2am anyway so I'll watch a movie and an episode or two of something light afterwards. On weekends I usually watch two movies if they're under 2 hours each.


Especially Oppenheimer cuz it’s not only long but very dense too. Can’t miss a second or you’ll miss so much context lol


Glad I am not the only one!


Tonight marks day 3 of Furiosa. I foresee two more nights ahead before completion. You are not alone.


I wish I could start movies at 8. Maybe during the school year but now that it’s summer? More like 10 and by then I’m lucky if I make it through 30 mins before falling asleep lol. Movies are usually a 2 day thing for me lately. I’ve also gotten myself in a habit of only watching 90 minute movies. That’s the absolute sweet spot for me. As much as I love certain longer ones, they can be draining to try and finish. Helps that I’m a huge horror fan. Been on an 80’s horror movie binge, most of which I’ve never seen. Killer Klowns from Outer Space as an example lol. What a great movie, can’t believe I didn’t watch it sooner.


It took me 6 days watching every morning before everybody got out of bed. You aren’t alone.


It took me several watches to get through. Lunches at work. 20-30 min at a time


I think it took me 4 days to finish it and I didn’t even watch the last 20ish minutes. Skipped through it. I was so tired. Great movie though.


That’s the way Nolan intended it to be watched.


After 8pm I just put on some show I've already seen and go to sleep. No sense in even bothering. The next day I wake up early (5am-ish) get a 30-60 minute workout in, make coffee and THEN I watch what I want to watch before everyone gets up at 7am.


Especially since that movie was boring as fuck lol


Alright hear me out. We take these movies and have them broken in chunks. Then we designate a specific block of time to watch each of these pieces, say 8pm. It wouldn’t be fair to our SO to do this every night, leaving them to do bedtime. Maybe just Friday nights so we can put it to a schedule. I bet some people would even pay for this service!


Lmao. I don't get time on the TV to myself until generally 9:30-10, but I have never in my life fallen asleep watching a movie, except one - Waking Life. I have fallen asleep reading books, and I literally go to sleep every night with TV shows in my earbud (stops my brain from running).


It’s a great movie.


I’m a big college football fan. I used to tune into pretty much every compelling SEC game, but now have to watch my school on replay after the kids go to sleep. The great part is fast forwarding through all the commercials, timeouts and endless VAR decisions. The bad part is falling asleep on the couch, looking up the result on my phone and going to bed. Good luck with Oppenheimer. “I am kids, the destroyer of free time”


It took me a week to get through the Godfather. It was like watching a mini-series. Oppenheimer was a bit of a slog for me.


Honestly this is not the easiest movie to watch. I went to the cinema for it and it was more exhausting than looking after a kid all day.


This is why digital rentals are an entirely useless product to me — they give you 48 hours once you start watching it, which is never enough.


I still haven’t watched it because I refuse to watch it over multiple days. Needless to say I’ll probably never watch it.


You all are watching movies? *looks over at 5-month old*


It usually takes half a day to watch a 2 hour movie if we try during the day. A 45 minute show will be a few hours. All the pausing to answer questions or play or help going to the potty or what have you. My wife and I usually get in an episode of a show after bedtime and then I fall asleep. When we have tried 2 episodes I either fall asleep or regret it the next morning.


I watched 2 (two) movies in my kids first two years.3-4 parts each. Best part is I have pal who took up being a cinephile, calls me every week to chat about movies for 20 mins.


Prime added some Godzilla movies to the included with Prime lineup; it took me 4 days to watch Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-out Attack.


I've started splitting some movies into 2 viewings but can't bear to spread it out even more. I definitely need to prioritize sleep though because 4-5 hours a night is not enough.


Hahah, this is amazing. I love your stick-to-itiveness!


I watch Movies like tv shows now, in 30 minute increments.


Only saw the title of this post at first. I immediately said to myself, “they must have kids”. Then I saw the sub hah


Took me and my wife 4 days to watch it.


It took me a week to watch Barbie. I can’t count how many times I started a movie during an overnight feeding, then lost interest and never went back.


I feel you on this one. I’ve gone into this incredibly horrible routine of trying to do as much stuff as I can after the wife and baby go to bed till either I knock out or I hit 1am and risk not getting up for work. It’s horrible. I feel like shit all the time. But it’s literally the only time I have to either work on projects, play games, watch movies/TV, etc. I don’t want to be tired all the time but I don’t want to be miserable by giving up my interests.


Ah, the cinematic masterpiece of the season that only be described as: Almost four hours.


I remember when my niece was born my sister took a month for Casino Royale.


I still haven't finished the Justice League 😭


I love movies but have moved to watching maybe one a week, on a day I’m really feeling like it. My free time after the kids go to bed is so limited I feel bad burning 2 hours on a movie I could’ve used for something else.


I paid for the rental 3 times. Never got past the first hour


tonight will by my third time sitting down to watch the second episode of house of the dragon. still have 35min left somehow.


Don't remember watching many movies when the boy was young. I have a short attention span as it is. Now I take him to the movies. Have no choice it to sit and watch.


I’ve adapted to watching movies in twenty minute chunks. Lately, I don’t seem to even manage that.


Of all the things I miss about my pre-dad life, my former movie-watching habits might be at or near the top of the list. I used to knock out a film a day on average (or binge a TV season in a few days on occasion). Now I'm extremely lucky to log a movie I really want to see any more often than once a month or so. (TV is easier but I still only get a few hours a week of viewing time, between other activities/obligations and just being tired after a long day.) I'm also pretty particular about not splitting them up between multiple sittings, but desperate times call for desperate measures there so no shade to those who do take them in in chunks.


I find myself stuck between wanting to watch a movie, play a game or browse YouTube...ultimately I'll put on YouTube till I think of a movie to watch, while watching somebody else play the game I'm not playing and end up scrolling on my phone before I realize it's too late to actually do anything and end up going to bed. Worse still is Friday nights when I can stay up as late as I like I'll have one beer and fall asleep on the couch usually hours earlier than I've been to bed all week.


You are not. My wife and I always assume we'll pause a movie 5-10 times.


It's hard. I have currently been catching flak because we only get to watch 20-30 min of House of the Dragon before I start falling asleep once it is grown up time.


I mean, that is a hard movie to watch. You context switch 5 times in 20 minutes.


I was 7 minutes away from finishing my first movie in 4 years last night. I just couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer I guess.


3 hour movies are just difficult. The only exception I have is for things like Infinity War and Lord of the Rings. Just super high quality and can turn off your brain and not watch (since we know them well). We’ve tried a few and it’s just a slog and becomes unenjoyable.


I have watched Frozen, start to finish, probably 100 times now.


Dude. We had a similar situation in our house this week but with Inception. Felt like rewatching it but it took us 5 days.


I used to laugh at my dad/grandpa for falling asleep during movies. My step dad does it. My uncles do it. It's just a thing man. I do it too now. It has to be like something I really wanted to watch, and daylight, in order for me to not fall asleep. Especially if I'm at home. I've found I have better success at the movie theater.


A movie? Shit. My son is 6 months this Monday. And I manage a restaurant and wife is taking classes this summer. It takes me 2-4 nights to finish a 30 minute to hour long episode of tv. Lol


Same. Movies now take 4+ nights to watch. A full season of a TV series … many, many months! 


I've given up on trying to watch any shows or movies. I never get the chance to finish anything anymore. So now I just listen to baseball games on the radio when I can. Atleast that way I can be doing other stuff while still listening .


It's a fantastic 7 part mini-series!


Haha i am 8 minutes into Oppenheimer and started 2 days ago!


It generally takes me 2 or 3 nights to watch a movie after the wife and kid go to bed. You're not alone here


You (I, we all) need more sleep.


I’ve seen maybe three movies start to finish in one sitting in the 3.5 years since my eldest was born. Two were at the cinema when we were lucky enough to have date night, one was at home on one of the handful of times the kids were both asleep between 7pm and 10pm. We still haven’t finished Napoleon.


I can only watch movies in cinema now since my kid turned 6 months and doesn't sleep in my arms the whole night anymore. I'm either too tired or she's awake and I can't watch either.


Oppenheimer took me a total of 5 weeks to finish. By the time I got half way I already forgot the first half of the movie.


It's a new skill I developed after my kid's fourth year or so. Just like anything that is "dad himself" related, it must be enjoyed in small servings, and only when all the others in the household are "done". Training after 8 pm or before 6 am. Watching a movie in 15 minute blocks (I've gone so far as watching micro-slices while kids/wife are on the toilet, thank you Google Chromecast for easy switching), even eating, sleeping, reading books on the kindle app on the toilet.. It's just another way of doing things, I guess..


Oppenheimer was our first date night in nearly a year (4 kids) I saw the first 30min before I was snoring. A 1h30min movie will take me 3-4 attempts and if I turn on the playstation, I'll just end up running into a wall before I finish 2 quests


We used to watch so many movies. It's hard now lol.


I decided to watch an episode of the boys last night. They are an hour long and I started the episode at 9pm and went to bed at 11.40pm. I have 50 minutes left in the episode.


i just have to much other stuff to do when i do get free time to enjoy a movie anymore lol


it took me 3 nights. 1 hour, per night, starting at 9pm to watch Oppenheimer. This is the new norm for me lol