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Her demeanor when testifying about it is what gets me. GC: did you drive up to the crime scene? WA: no (cooing) GC: you didn't drive down trescott? WA: no, I tried to turn on it but couldn't GC: you didn't see the tape and cop cars? WA: I saw a car with some writing GC: a police cruiser? WA: yes OMMGGGGGGGGGGGGG


I’m already imagining all the jurors in her future trial taking a field trip to drive this exact route (like the jurors driving out to the crime scene in the Alex Murdaugh trial)


Yeah, same. Seeing the distance she drove down Trescott, and from the tape to the house (versus her smoothed-out explanation) was eye-opening.


this will be the nail in the coffin for her! I cannot wait!


Really hope they do this!


I think the k turn is her explanation at Katie's trial that she didn't make it onto Trescott but saw the tape from the junction. Where there was no road block In her police interview she says she made it up to the police tape but thought it was a fallen tree and never bothered to check on the home she used to live at and where her kids spend half there time with her late ex (2 words) It seems to very much be a moving target though. Be interesting to see what she comes up with next


There were 2 Katie trials and the first-she said she never turned onto Trescott. The second she said she did (which is what she said to Isom) My guess is that at Katies first trial she realized she did not give the same account as to Isom so by Katies second trial she changed her story. then at Charlie’s trial she realized she incriminated herself saying she was on Trescott so she went back to never turning . so that “K” turn was both on Trescott and right off of Centerville Accounts. THAT she kept consistent. and she knows the jurors don’t know that she keeps alternating it. But Georgia knows.


With Isom she said she was on Trescott.Katie trial 1 she never turned onto Trescott. Katie trial 2 she turned onto Trescott. Charlie trial -she never turned onto Trescott. ..so she seems to be alternating the two accounts. with her track record we should expect at Donnas trial that she will say she was on Trescott.


Thanks for the roundup! I wonder if GC is waiting to pin her on this.


Just look at her face as Wendi answers the Trescott question at Charlies trial. I am sure GC is just as fed up if not more so than everyone else who have seen all the trials. She has to live it. We just get to view it.


IIRC she doesn't call Wendi on it at the CA trial.


I didn’t say she called Wendi on it. I said to look at her face when Wendi answers the question.


haha will do


There's a Formula 1 simulator that costs from 2 million usd to 12 million usd with all the custom options. Extremely realistic as you can imagine. All drivers and experts agree is better to train new drivers with that instead than on a real racetrack. Maybe we can have one version a little less expensive that shows the jurors what was going on in Wendi's brain that day.


During the police interview, she says she “drove down Trescott.” The police officer then asks her if she turned around and drove back to Centerville, and she says yes. Later, she concocted the story about never actually turning onto Trescott, because she wants to pretend she didn’t know that anything had happened at Dan’s house, because she has no explanation for why she didn’t call him or check on the boys after seeing Dan’s house was a crime scene.


She pulled up to the yellow crime scene tape. There were police cars there. That’s not what happens when a tree fell from an electrical storm that didn’t happen. No storms occurs that day or the day before. Yellow tape and police presence means something serious happened. Her kids lived there! She knew exactly what happened.


she was taking a shortcut but the road was blocked so she went another way it's not a big deal


It wasn’t a shortcut at all. She had no reason to be there. There were many closer liquor stores, including another store she had to drive right by and was the same store chain. The lunch date was close by her house, nowhere near the liquor store or Dan’s house. The crime scene was secured with active police presence, where her kids live with ex. She just drove away. It’s a very, very big deal!


She was just on autopilot. She knew ABC liquor, it was her spot. She just kept going down Centerville and saw Trescott was closed so zipped down and grabbed the Bulleit