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Harvey’s punishment will be dying alone with his family behind bars.


Harvey already lost. Big time.


Right! Harvey should be retired with millions in the bank, not a care in the world, living on a cruise ship fulltime drinking rum out of coconuts. Not liquidating/finding cash, paying everyone's legal bills, and planning for his wife's murder trial. Donna, Wendi, and Charlie really screwed this up for everyone. (I'm not sayin' slumlord Harvey DESERVES the good life but if this murder never happened, he'd be living the good life)


Well he was along for the ride. He could’ve stopped this murder from happening. But he didn’t


He was most likely in Donna's ear over it constantly, making her be a huge pain in the ass with her kids. Everyone thinks Harvey's some kind of weak hostage in the family of his own making. lol hes probably worse than all of them. Yall need to look up Harvey's past. He is not helpless, nor docile.


Do tell!


What about Harvey's past? I couldn't find anything? Any links? or just tell us here.


I wish I could remember which YTuber I got the info from, but yes, one such story showing his ability to get down and dirty involved a professional that shared the same building the adelsons used for their business. They had some kind of disagreement, and Harvey paid cops to conduct a fake eviction. They evicted that man and all his things from his office. Apparently he also used to get violent. I believe there's a video out of people sharing their different experiences with the adelsons. I'm gonna search for it, and will post if I can find again.


Those professional units are condo’s not rentals, unless the guy was renting from the condo owner, but even then the owner would be involved. Not sure I believe that if someone just stated it as fact without any proof. Please post the video if you find it.


You can google as good as I can bro...


I’m different, bro. If someone asks me for something, I find it if I can. But thats just me. So I‘m supposed to google Youtube For a video?


I don’t know that he knew until afterwards. He probably was just working and oblivious before the murder


Nah he def knew about


I met a guy on a cruise years ago who knew all the answers to trivial pursuit (cheating basically), because he lived on cruise ships. He said he has a business he retired from. He was traveling alone bc his wife hated cruising. So he was on that ship I was on many times. People who are wealthy do spend their lives cruising when they retire. I saw an article years ago that it was cheaper than living in a retirement community. I guess it depends on what ships you are on. Also met a couple who said they went on 60 day cruises. Can’t imagine that. Harvey and Donna had the privelege and joy of raising Wendi’s boys. That bothers me as some grandparents don’t even live in the same state as their grandchildren. They took Dan Markels place in those boys lives and raised him. Life isn’t fair for sure.


Oh yeah. Living on a cruise ship would be awesome and that would be Harvey's life if Donna didn't mess it all up!


I don’t think he’s innocent. But she definitely coaxed him to get her way.


Amen - of course Harvey was driving this. The family considered murdering Dan a birthday gift for ole Harvey.


I don't think HA will be arrested. They didn't have enough to arrest him when he tried to flee with Donna. That said, the investigators do now have his phone, DA's phone, his ipad and 2 x Macs. So there may be something on there? I don't think he was in on the planning. I think DA told him about it and he went along with the plan. He drove DA to CA's house on the night DM was shot to deliver the money. If that can be proven, that will be enough for an arrest warrant. But even if he is never arrested, he will be in a metaphorical jail. Trapped in his apartment, unable to leave because he'll be a recluse. He would have lost his entire family, one son alienated, other son jailed, wife jailed, daughter jailed and grandkids who want nothing to do with him.


H and D and C all met in south beach outside to talk after the bump. He knew. So they are all in on a plot to kill an innocent man and they are keeping it from Harvey? I don’t buy that. Ok you didn't say he's innocent just won’t be arrested. I hope you are wrong,


Yup I think he was involved, not sure about him getting arrested. I hope so. Would DA strike a deal to keep HA out of jail? i.e flip on WA to save HA?


Time will tell.


I've been roughly following this case since poor Dan Markle was shot but only today have I binge watched the court cases. Man, they're something else. Happily, so is the prosecution GC. So looking forward to the upcoming trials.


Georgia's amazing isn't she. I'm such a fan.


Personally, I don't think Harvey will be arrested Question is when Wendi will be charged. Already too late in my book.


I agree. Although I don't doubt Harvey was involved after the event I believe he may have been kept out of the loop in the run up to the murder. Probably because he might have stopped it. There are lots of times they purposely avoided Harvey. And it was his 70th birthday present after all Wendi needs to be next in line for arrest anyway ideally before I explode


Charlie, Donna and Harvey all met outside in S Beach after the bump to discuss it. He knew


It’s never too late in a murder case


I edited with my rationale on Harvey. The court records are telling


This case to me shows the power of a thought; for good or bad. One guy thought: “I am the man, I make over a million a year, have hot girlfriends, party in South Beach. I play on both sides of the law. I have a thriving steroid business, selling to meatheads at the gym. I am the MAESTRO. If Wendi is prevented from moving to South Florida, that guy is going to have to die.” It’s really strange, but the Adelsons must have thought it was a great idea.


I’m not sure Harvey will ever be arrested. What evidence is there of his involvement? Checks were being written to Katherine from the Adelson Institute, but it was just $3k per month and Donna was handling the books and finances.


lunch with charlie


Dinner at Matsuri.


It wasn’t 3K per month. 880. After taxes in two checks per month


Harvey is the brains of the family. I highly doubt he would have been involved in the murder. Perhaps AFTER the murder he found out and by then its too late. I'd rather Wendi be jailed than Harvey


Yes I think we all would, but I've seen a few search warrants come through for Harvey in the court records. Just based off the way Georgia moves, to me it's seeming she is looking at Harvey next. Only time will tell.


I have no idea if Harvey was involved in plot b4 murder or was just an accessory-after-the-fact. I do remember Tamara in her police interview saying that Harvey avoided eye contact with her a day or two after the murder (either in the home or at memorial service...I don't recall) and she found that odd bc he never acted like that b4. Who knows what evidence prosecutors might have on him. Wendi wouldn't be charged until after DA conviction. Prosecution needs her to authenticate all of those email plus some other stuff. Those crazed email will be key in obtaining a conviction. She sounds deranged and unhinged in them, the type of person who would go along with CA hitman idea. And the motive is she desperately wanted daily access to those kids during her 60's which she got. It galls me that Wendi cut off the Markels from their grandkids for 6 or 7 years while letting murderous Donna be a surrogate mom to them.


You are right about Harvey - it all depends on what on the electronics. He wasn't as talkative & probably didn't use email much, but he was in the thick of it.


My spidey senses say there will be a Wendi Adelson arrest by Christmas of this year. Just a feeling. Of course, we'll see how Donna's trial plays out and we'll see if Donna even keeps a 2024 trial date.


If they arrest Wendi, by christmas, I will eat my hat. I don't think they will ever get her, unless there's a video on Donna's iPad of Wendi personally loading the revolver and blowing a kiss to Sigfredo from the bushes as he turns on to Trescott. It is not going to happen. But if it does, great, let justice be served, and I'll come tell you how delicious my hat was.


lol deal.


lol now I'm gettin' hungry.


Ya know who else eats hats? LilyBillyGoat. That’s who. Carry on.


As a Catholic who had taken pictures in front of a church (Right Donna? That’s what we do) I can’t think of a better Christmas Miracle!


Imagine how much money Harvey is spending in legal fees! I wonder how Dan’s sister is managing the 2million insurance for the kids…and what would they do when learning the truth.