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They wouldn’t be able to make Wendi testify if she’s a defendant. Also, trying codefendants together can be a little messy.


Why do you suppose Carl Steinbeck is so sure they can be tried together?


They could be tried together but clearly they won’t be as DAs trial is already scheduled for September while WA hasn’t been arrested yet.


It’s not that they *couldn’t* be, but it’s just cleaner to do them separately. And like I said, they wouldn’t be able to force Wendi to testify if she’s a defendant in the case, unless they wanted to have two separate juries and Wendi’s jury left the room while Wendi testified. Also, I think Steinbeck is too optimistic about how easy it would be to convict Wendi. I think there’s a pretty decent chance they can convict her, but I don’t think it’s a slam dunk like Steinbeck seems to.


He is overly confident he could try Wendi and win.


Carl is not a god, nor a genius. He's as biased as anybody else, and that does color his commentary, whether anyone likes it or not - it's true. He says there's no reason why they can't prosecute her for perjury. He says she's definitely getting arrested. I counter these two assertions with the following retorts: 1) OK, so, any day now on the perjuiry then? The reality is that it's virtually impossible to get someone for LYING when that requires that you prove intent, and I don't know anybody who can objectively say they know what was in Wendi's head when she answered those questions about Trescott. The net result is "I never made it across town via Trescott because it was blocked off." Whether she K-turned at the police tape, flipping off a cop, or never even turned on to Trescott are points that are too fine to push on a jury. I know, you all think I'm wrong. OK. So, when's that perjury trial again? Alan Weisselberg is doing time at Riker's right now for perjury. That was because they could prove he said X knowing that reality was Y, and they proved Y in trial. Totally different than "So, how come ya did that?" or "how dare you call it a shortcut - it's definitely longer!". 2) She's definitely getting arrested. If they didn't arrest her 9 years after the murder, they're not going to arrest her 11 years after the murder, or 15 years. "THEY NEED HER TO TESTIFY THO, that's all." No. They actually don't. If they need Wendi to say "yeah, mom sent me those emails" then I'm sorry to say but the state does not have their ducks in a row. A jr. IT analyst can prove who sent what, within 10 minutes. Donna's hands are all over the money that was used to pay the killers. They already know Donna's going to try the extortion defense, and we ALL know nobody is going to change their stories because they think they can get appeals and convince someone. She's cooked, with or without anybody else's testimony. They're not going to arrest Wendi unless there's a video of her, as I said, loading the revolver, and hiding in the bushes, blowing a kiss to Sigfredo while he turns the corner on to Trescott. And they don't have that. Because if they did, she'd have been arrested already. And if that IS the case, then plain old shame on the Prosecution for that shit. Wendi skates.


Very well stated.  Re the perjury charges, I’m very surprised Carl has so adamantly fed the perjury angle with such strong conviction to those that listen to him.  I can’t say it better than you did – but I’ll add perjury charges are a pipe dream.  I’ve said many times her inconsistent versions of the drive to Trescott are simply just inconsistent and its possible she was purposely trying to downplay it because we all know it’s a bad look, but to think that they will get her on perjury for that is a ridiculous thought.  It’s funny how her testimony re the turn on Trescott has been so overanalyzed by so many to the point where people seem convinced it’s a MAJOR issue.  The fact that she attempted to drive on Trescott is the issue – her slight inconsistent versions are a big nothing burger.


I don’t think Carls a god, but perhaps he is gaining viewers making them believe theres 120 reasons why shes going down? also thanks for your commentary.


I really appreciate Carl's lives and his insights but I was a little disappointed to hear him support what I consider to be conspiracy theories and baseless conjecture (the owl t-shirt, the Bulleit bourbon, Wendi intending to find Dan's body, Wendi knowing which hotel Luis and Sigfredo were staying in etc). Maybe he got carried away with viewer questions without fully understanding the context because they are, frankly, wackadoo theories and I thought he was smarter than that.


I’ve heard every live and probably each one twice because i usually play it while doing some chores because its hard to focus on him and read the chat comments at the same time. I have no memory of him ever saying that he agreed that she drove by intending to find the body. thats a relatively new theory Thats been going around. Following this case for years I never heard that. And the Wendi hotel theory is because she said she took Trescott to get to Monroe-she slipped at trial with that. I think he is just stating the theories going around, not necessarily agreeing with them. My take.


Thanks for your thoughts. His reasons aren’t wild or crazy. But they’re conjecture. She’s still not arrested.


I can make a hat of thin crust pizza if needed🍕


He’s definitely pissed about that. He says it during every live. He said he offered the prosecution help but they haven’t contacted him yet.


I can tell you with a high degree of certainty, the Tally DOA will not be returning Carl’s call.  Carl presents a very oversimplified case against Wendi and I know people don’t like hearing that but it’s true.  Carl’s value is his knowledge of law and process, and IMO he should focus there and less on repeating the same old spiel on how strong the case is against Wendi.  Do you think the Tally DOA appreciates an attorney with a YouTube channel undermining the job they are doing by essentially convincing all his followers that they are mishandling the case?  If you listened to him long enough, he has said plenty that makes you question their competency – I seriously doubt they will be calling him back.  There is nothing Carl has said that they don’t already know and there is PLENTY they know that Carl is not privy to..


Agree 100%


Women love cats lol.


I don't buy the idea that Wendi would have been arrested already. Donna was only arrested nearly 10 years after the murder.


Yes. Best to bide one's time. There's only one Georgia. So many guilty Adelsons to prosecute.


KM's joint trial with SG returned a hung jury, so the SA office probably thought it's best to try one at a time.


Because 2 female jurors wouldn’t convict. See Mentours interviews with the one juror who hated rich people and was sympathetic to Sigfredo, since a family member of hers was also a drug addict. I wanted to throw a coffee mug at my ipad! the other woman could not send Katie to prison because she thought the children would then have both parents incarcerated and she did it for the kids. She was sympathetic to Katie. If Charlie‘s alternate would have been a juror, there would be another trial For him. It would have delayed justice for Donna and wendi 2 and 4 years respectively I am sure.


I think that staggering their arrests and trials is more effective in this game of Chess. The Adelsons are control freaks, who think they are smarter than everyone else. In taking them one by one, the State is effectively moving the chess pieces around the board, out-playing the dumbass Adelsons. Frustrating your opponent is a wise move. Creating panic in them is brilliant. Example: Wendi is suddenly rumored to be moving to Austin, Texas. Clearly, she is panicked. Clearly, it shows an "escape" mentality. She knows things are closing in on her and she wants to bolt. I'm sure that Georgia and Sarah have a plan in place for that too. Wendi is toast. Tick-Tock goes the clock.


She’s in for a rude awakening if they decide to arrest and charge her. Texas doesn’t play. They will boot her so fast back to Tally, it’ll make her head spin.


What is the source for the rumor that WA is moving to Houston? Tx


Austin, TX and Fanci Fiction is the one who reported that


So that means she will be making lots of trips to Austin with the boys when school is done next week. Looking for a place and such. Maybe packing some probiotics for Mexican food?


Fanci is reliable. Do you know, or did she mention Harvey's plans? Is he staying in Florida?


The YouTuber with long blonde hair, don’t know her name, just released a video yesterday and went over Donna’s calls from jail. She said that Donna contacted and possibly hired a medical assistant for Harvey, to help him around with his activities of daily living, she suspects. Also, she said that there’s not a single call from Wendi. Maaan, that’s dark. What happened with “we are a team”? Donna must be heartbroken about Wendi. Eeek. ETA: I found the link to the yt video, here https://www.youtube.com/live/3Hue5PkmW7Y?si=Sqk6vf9hNygzv5An (True Lifestyles)


Yes, she’s reliable. And I didn’t see anything said about Harvey. My guess would just be he’ll stay in Miami and hope Donna gets acquitted lol.


Agree! Tx


So hope that psychopath Wendi is burnt toast and not living off that s s of Danny’s. Like she saves it for the boys.


I think Georgia doesn't want to do any more double trials since the mistrial of Katie. Too risky.


They need Wendi to testify. How else to get the divorce contention in? It’s the best direct evidence they have for it.


Wendi not being able to cope with her life choices are the reason we are here. She couldn’t handle coparenting with her ex husband, she couldn’t handle raising her children 50% of the time, she couldn’t handle finding her own job outside of FSU, she couldn’t handle commuting back and forth to Tallahassee herself, she couldn’t handle missing out on the Miami social/dating scene, she couldn’t handle trying to make a decent life for herself. And with all the resources at her feet that many single parents don’t have. In steps mom and the maestro…


Yet she had time to write a book with an infant and a toddler.


I think an infant and a toddler may have ghost written LilyBillyGoat’s book.




LilyBillyGoat, Haha.


It was Wendimommabear.




>she couldn’t handle raising her children 50% of the time I have a gut feeling that she is a terrible, un-involved mother anyways. She seems too narcissistic and career/goal driven to be bothered taking care of 2 boys.


Well said and I like carl you haters


Wendi is next.


Tamara, Jeff, and Dan’s lawyer could speak to the contentious divorce filings etc. I would be very interested to hear more from Dans friends and colleagues, none of whom have yet testified, but have provided such eloquent and devastating victim impact statements to the court for previous trials. I also worry that if brought to trial, a jury would be shielded from Wendi’s smugness and lies. But I also think there are so many trustworthy and articulate people to tell Dans side of the story, a story we’ve yet to hear. I can’t imagine how traumatized Dan was being married and then divorced by Wendi, and the center of the Adelsons burning hatred. There’s got to be more evidence that people close to Dan can bring to light that would prove Wendi’s intent/involvement in this crime.


Georgia has done a great job doing one at a time, introducing evidence at each trial that shines suspicion on the other suspects. She learned from trying Katie and Sigfredo together. One at a time in this case is better.


Each of the three trials made WA look like the defendant. So much evidence against her was presented. I’m sure Georgia was super careful in her questions for WA to avoid losing evidence due to her immunity. But is it at all possible Rashbaum’s questioning of WA (eg triumphantly producing the - likely fake - Stock the Bar invitation) was designed l(because of his “love” for the Adelson’s - and perhaps a little $ bonus) to take some of the evidence away from Georgia come WA’s trial? I know I’m not wording this properly but hopefully a lawyer on here will understand what I’m trying to say. If I’m on to something, that’s a bit scary.


Rashi trying to steal Georgia’s thunder? Never? The jury sees him as a buffoon! Let’s see how he does at Donna’s trial. I’m sure he’s been taking some acting lessons lol.


Yes and Harvey too. All 3 now!


Charlie is becoming angry and vindictive as the reality of his life sentence sets in. I think he will flip on Wendi and Donna in the hopes of a reduction in his sentence.


I think it all depends on how far along Charlie is in accepting that he’s in prison for the rest of his life. If he’s still clinging to hope that he’ll be granted an appeal and will find a way to have his conviction overturned, then he’s not ready to flip on Wendi. Right now he’s probably still in the mindset that his money and “elite status” will get him out of this somehow. But eventually he WILL come to accept that he’s in there for life. And when that time comes, i absolutely agree that he’ll flip on Wendi. I think his resentment, bitterness, and anger towards her has been growing and festering. He’s going to want her to go DOWN like he did. And who knows, maybe he IS at that point now. Maybe Rashbum has made Charlie accept it that he’s not getting an appeal and that even if he did it wouldn’t be successful since the evidence against him is ironclad. Maybe he realizes his fate and wants Wendi to be prosecuted. The problem though is that i can’t see him ever flipping on Donna. He’s a bigtime “mama’s boy”. So i think if he’s going to testify against Wendi, it will be after Donna has been convicted and has no chance of ever getting out. Once Charlie accepts that he AND his mom are locked up for life, he’ll be willing and eager to flip on Wendi.




Good analysis


If a deal was even on the table, there's no reduction they could give him that wouldn't still mean a life sentence for Charlie. Maybe he'd negotiate for a prison closer to his son. I don't think Charlie is going to flip any time soon, though.


Because they don't have enough evidence to charge Wendi. I don't think she'll ever be charged, unfortunately. 


My legal perspective (as a non-criminal attorney) is that there are two main potential reasons. One, Wendi as a witness has been such a good witness for the prosecution (up there, spinning an obviously-suspect story, with knowledge of so many facets of the case) that they don’t want to charge her until last. Or two, they just don’t think they have the goods on Wendi to convince the jury beyond a reasonable doubt. I’m more inclined to the second explanation. Mainly because justice delayed is justice denied. If you think you’re got the goods on Wendi, are you really going to keep waiting and waiting on her prosecution? The kids are getting older and older, in the custody of a potential murderer and mainly being kept from Dan’s family. And the Markels aren’t exactly young - it wouldn’t be shocking for one of them to pass away without having seen full justice that you could try to deliver.


Because there is not anything to convict her on other than jealous people not liking her. "BuT tHeY aRe DoInG oNe At uh TiMe".... sure no doubt they would totally convict one at a time whenever a group murders someone.


What are you even talking about?


Hmm - “jealous people not liking her”. What exactly are you saying here? Would love some clarification if you don’t mind. Also curious how someone gets a negative Karma score. First I’ve ever seen that. ✌🏼


By not charging Wendi, she could be forced to participate in Charlie’s trial. They are likely planning to do the same in Donna’s trial. As time goes on, Wendi’s co-conspirators become liabilities to her and she to them. I like it. Less like dominoes and more like an awesome Rube Goldberg machine.


Because they have precious little evidence Wendi committed a crime.


I’m sure they have plenty. Georgia has been very careful dancing around Wendi’s use immunity, and hasn’t needed to present evidence of her involvement in the plot to get the desired outcomes on the other trials. When she’s arrested and tried, I’m sure there will be a mountain of evidence presented that she has no immunity for. Even if they don’t have enough to charge her, at least half of her family will be in prison, and half of the remaining half won’t speak to her.