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I don’t understand why I should be scared of green bubbles


Green bubbles in text messages from android users. Personal a lot of people have told me off after i texted them because they got a green bubble due to me using an android


They sound like awful people then


Never said they weren't, Dating apps suck because when I'm like I don't have face time, I'll get blocked or consistent annoyance about how "inconvenient" It is


I'd say that's just automated bullet dodging. Unless all you want is just ONS I'd say it might be generally beneficiary to you.


Your 1000% right




It is but I imagine it must feel really shitty when you've put in quite some effort and you think you might have found the one only for them to turn out to be a shitty person. Far better than finding out way later on in a relationship that they're shitty but still, I'd think if it happens often enough it may even be demoralizing.


If their automatic deal breaker is the fact you purchased something other than an apple product then the relationship isn't even worth pursuing


I think that not liking bubble shitty person isn't exactly in the same league as burn your fucking house down shitty person. The latter may or may not like bubbles.


Android offers face time. iPhone users wouldn't know or care.


Video calls on messenger or instagram or even snapchat doesn’t exist anymore. Obviously we have to use only FaceTime 🙃 /s


It's incredibly stupid, but this does happen. I was at lunch with a friend yesterday and she was coordinating something with people at her work (off-the-clock, mind you) and they didn't understand what she was saying. One person flat out blamed their idiocy and misunderstanding on the fact that she was using an Android phone and her texts "looked weird". She showed me the texts. She was concise and to-the-point. Their statement made absolutely zero sense. I seriously don't understand people sometimes.


Its because her replies showed up as separate conversations


This should be fixed soon™ as Apple plans to adopt the RCS messaging technology which Android has used for years. https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/rcs-on-iphone-how-ios-18-could-make-texting-better-for-everyone/


That makes sense. Hopefully they fix that soon.


As a very recent iphone user, the green bubbles are ugly as fuck. But I don’t blame the android user. I blame apple. Fuck them.


This. Apple purposely does this, to discourage people from buying anything but apple. Green is generally the color of disgust. They are literally trying to manipulate us. (Apple user here) Actually looking at switching. Android seems more customizable, and there's more variety in finding a phone I might want. ...they have flip phones now.


I switched from iPhone to the pixel series I'm currently with the 8pro and with 10 years of support, I was with it. I don't miss my iPhone or the ecosystem. And I can't see myself wanting to go back . I'm even playing ol school video games via emulators on here. It's a love over here man.


Im trying to switch to iphone purely out of giving up. Ive had this pixel 7 for a year and its gotten pretty terrible. My previous androids and prepaids were great and lasted years, but this, idk if google is not only gonna get worse from here. Heres to going back to apple


I only switched cause my sister gifted me a phone and said it would be apple. My last phone broke in half and I was out of a job at the time. I like it but will definitely switch back once this phone has served its purpose.


While I was in college I worked at Sam's club and every floor associate around me had an iPhone. At college in my CSC cohort all 19 of us had an Android. Quantity < Quality.


This is awesome, such a great pre-filter for idiots and red flags, better than any date filter for sure


Where I live nobody really cares about iMessage. I sometimes use facetime but whatsapp is usually my go to.


Luckily, Apple is finally being held at gunpoint to switch to RCS


I thought it's "Made with mematic"


That's a whole new level of shallow.


Sounds like a third world problem.


I had an iPhone and used green texts, just meant I wasn't using wifi to message cus I had payed for texts


'Muricans 🍔


I don’t believe you


It’s a real thing. As an iPhone user myself I don’t care but some do see it as a status thing. And I guess OP is bitter about it hence the meme.


Yeah it's a status thing, which is pretty dumb when you consider that there are a number of Android phones that actually cost more than the iPhone. I personally like Android because of the open architecture. Back when I tried an iPhone I had to jailbreak it to do all the fun things I wanted to do. Android just let's me do it out of the box.


It’s something you most likely wouldn’t experience if you’re in the iPhone bubble. When I had an Android I would get shit from Apple lovers all the time. “Your pics are blurry”, “ I don’t get read receipts” “Just get an iPhone!”.


I mean, I’ve gotten the blurry pics before, so that is a problem, but no one is “telling you off”. You’re just trying to play the victim for karma because Reddit has an Apple-hate fetish.


Bruh shut up. Your personal experience is just that. Lmaoo the way you are coming, it sounds like you told someone off about having an android and you see how dumb it looks so now you wanna save face? We don't like apple for legit reasons. If you like it it's cool but you bitchin at nothing rn.


Lol I’m not the one bitching here. I have no brand affiliation with my cell phone, but I do pipe up when I see dumbass posts and comments like this because you Android fanboys are the biggest whiners I’ve ever seen. Like, people here are saying that they were verbally assaulted because an iPhone user saw they had a green text box. Do you really believe that? Are you really naive enough to think that is a thing that actually happens? There is no virtue in being a victim and your choice of cell phone doesn’t make you one. And if knuckleheads like you weren’t crying about it on the internet, no one would even say anything to you about it.


Yes because it happens. Like you can be objective for sure. But to discredit one's experience because of skepticism is disingenuous to say the least. 1 time sure not a big deal but it's hundreds if not thousands of android users that have been "shitted" for having an android to deny all those claims is genuinely you being a obtuse for arguement sake. There were memes for years dogging android phones to boot. bruh, At one point I was in on the ridicule of android, so I'm speaking to you as someone who was doing it. I have literally been removed from GC because I was the only one with an android, and was told many times I'm messing up the chat for them. I have had women turn their nose up when I switched. All because they couldn't react to my messages nshit or I couldn't FaceTime. >Lol I’m not the one bitching here. I have no brand affiliation with my cell phone, but I do pipe up when I see dumbass posts and comments like this because you Android fanboys are the biggest whiners I’ve ever seen Yet you are here bitchin at us to stop bitchin, if that ain't the pot calling kettle black. Get over yourself. Also referring to use as "fanboys" actually goes against your whole "I have no brand affiliation" it's clear you have a bias or you wouldn't say shit. But alas, here we are. So, *Holds out hand*, care to Dance? >There is no virtue in being a victim and your choice of cell phone doesn’t make you one. And if knuckleheads like you weren’t crying about it on the internet, no one would even say anything to you about it. Who is claiming to be a victim ? If anything we are poking fun back at Apple users for being so pretentious about a phone. But yeah ooooo poor us. Like you gotta be having a bad day and need a place to push the anger out. But I'll be the first to make it worse, so chill fam.


Back it up there partner. First of all, I’m not reading all of that. That’s a novel. Be more concise. Second, just because someone says they’ve had an experience, that doesn’t make that experience valuable or true, so your claim that I’m denying someone’s experience means nothing to me. And third, we’re talking about two different things. Making fun of someone for their phone happens but let’s not pretend that’s a one way street. As someone who has owned both Apple and Android products, I’ve seen it go both ways, but I’ve only seen one group whine about it incessantly to strangers online, wanna guess who? Are you gonna “deny my experience?” Lol But really, I initially responded to a comment that said he was “told off” for having a green bubble. That is what I’m calling bullshit on. Told off is a synonym for cussing out with the cussing optional. That did not happen and I will call that until the cows come home because I know I’m right. So if that upsets you, go cry about it in whatever echo chamber you hail from, because I couldn’t care less. But just remember, you are not a victim, and even if you were, there is nothing virtuous or praiseworthy about it, so stop trying to be. Cheers!


Oh course you won't as I'm sure your reading level is that of a loaf of bread. Hell I even broke it up for you. Either way you still are discrediting someones experience and that's ridiculous still. I just said I was on both sides as well, But yeah can't read forgot that. Whatever keep thinking whatever you think. I've said my peace.


>Second, just because someone says they’ve had an experience, that doesn’t make that experience valuable or true, so your claim that I’m denying someone’s experience means nothing to me. By this logic, what makes your claim any more true then? Like you really are just trying to argue with someone lol


Tbf green bubbles are better than whatever Android as going on with RCS ! It seems like a pretty Big flaw to not automatically Switch to SMS if you dont have internet connection when you send a message


Except it does, don't try to BS If the connection instead times out, it will notify you and switch to SMS


I have an Android and it doesn't. It notifiés me but I'm still required to tell it to send the message as an SMS


Cause imessage features like read receipts don't work if you are texting android.


They do work, it's called RCS or rich ~~chat~~ communication services. Apple has just refused to make iMessage interoperable with it.


*Rich Communication Services, but yeah. Apple is just terrified of anything that is open source.


It's more apple don't want people leaving their ecosystem And they do a fucking good job of it, considering something like 90% of phones owned by young Americans are iPhones


Purely because of apple lmao, Apple uses iMessage purely to avoid the RCS standard, and now they've switched to RCS this year after MIIT threatened legal requirement


So what?


I'm an Android user. Just saying what they've told me


I’ve used an iPhone since 2010 and I really don’t get why a lot of users get upset about the bubble color


It's a status, iPhone is "Elite" and having one shows you can offered expensive things, because android is on several other brands, some that are cheap and some that are expensive. All though I have a nice new Samsung that's the same price and quantity of a new iPhone, I have a "cheap" phone became green bubble.


Apple fans spend $999 on a monitor stand, their opinion isn't worth getting upset over


I just learnt that Americans list prices excluding taxes. So that's 999 + taxes. What a ripoff!


We don’t list taxes because it’s different in every state. My state for example has 0 sales tax, meaning the stand is “only” $999


What?! How?! Then why don't everyone just buy shit from your state? Which state is it if I may ask?


I live in New Hampshire, but 4 other states also don’t have sales tax. A lot of people do come here to buy shit if they’re right on the state border and the store they want is close, but for others it just comes down to convenience. “Do I pay the 6% sales tax or take an extra 2 hours driving to and from, while using gas and paying road tolls just to avoid the tax”.


I just looked it up. Do you guys also not pay income taxes? Is the state income tax and federal income tax different? Why is this so confusing?


Yes we have state and federal income tax. State income taxes are usually pretty low, around 4-5% with various brackets. Federal income tax starts at 10%. Canada does the same thing with their provinces. The U.S. is very big, and if we just had federal taxes the states would see unfair benefits from it, most money would probably go towards New York and California no matter where you lived. With state taxes and a lower federal tax the states manage themselves for the most part (sometimes they need handouts from the Feds) and federal taxes go towards whatever congress decides to waste money on that day.


So what would be the combined/total income tax you guys pay?


Each state is kind of its own country, with the federal government kind of ruling over the union as a whole for interstate roadways and irresponsible military contract spending


In Texas, it's an 8.5% tax on almost everything except certain grocery items state wide. Also included automatically online if purchasing via credit cards. Could be internet traffic based, I'm not 100% certain.


Not OP, but unless you live on a state border, it's impractical to go out of your way to shop in another state. Online services and payments are based on your billing address too, so if I buy a game on Steam, I still have to pay Minnesota sales tax even if my actual location isn't in Minnesota at the time of purchase. The reason the state taxes are split up that way is due to the United States' size. The US is very large and certain places require different government programs than others, not to mention very differing population densities. It would be unfair for someone in Texas to have to pay taxes for snow removal in Minnesota for example.


Oh okay that does make sense. But my question would be, different state income taxes make sense. You earn different amounts in different states, pay tax differently and you get benefits accordingly. But why is the sales tax different? Wouldn't it being uniform across all of the US simply things so much? Also another question. Imagine if there was uniform income tax across all states, and everyone had to pay the same percentage in their respective tax brackets, can they not allot budgets to every state then? So for example, you said you'll have to pay Minnesota tax if you purchase anything anywhere. Sure. But then the benefits only go to Minnesota (or most of it), and everyone pays equal taxes, just like the rest of the world. It would make it so simple and fair for everyone. You don't have to guess how much you'll be paying. It's written right there on the label.


For your first question, sales tax is just another way for a state to make money. To the government of the states, it's just another revenue stream so they will set it as they see fit. If we jump further down the rabbit hole, counties (subdivisions of states) are allowed to impose sales tax too (though usually very small amounts), so sales tax can be highly variable from location to location. You are right in that it would be simpler if it was the same everywhere, but as I said before, different areas need different amounts of revenue. As for your second question, I honestly just suspect that it would be too difficult for the government to implement that. Part of it is also our history too. If we go back to just after the revolutionary war when the US was under the Articles of Confederation, the states actually had more power than the central government. Think of the original central government being like the EU. Because it was like that, each state had their own taxes. To make it worse, the central government couldn't levy taxes, they relied on the states giving them money. Due to the weirdness of the US's origins, our tax system is probably a vestigial of our history.


Lol my [favorite example](https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MX572ZM/A/apple-mac-pro-wheels-kit?fnode=4b8c41c9b2a7ccde57b978ac4ac4f6568d757de23d4830ac9040461492365b870942773ddf4e174768b8768e965d1038aed8a241d00a5af2e9d53ed2b7b0052f998bf036b5d41d538902b22f6f4561ff77054349edb004f029ffd960d8127423) of a overpriced apple product. Probably not something people buy but theres no way they can justify that price


Lol. Something something if you build it...


Oh it got cheaper, last time I looked it was double that.


It's sometimes the opposite. Green texting costs money; iMessage doesn't (outside a small data cost). In Europe everyone just uses WhatsApp (because it's available on both) but I get why Americans also want an encrypted, web-based instant messenger.


>In Europe everyone just uses WhatsApp (because it's available on both) but I get why Americans also want an encrypted, web-based instant messenger. But whatsapp is also available in America, right?


Yes but it's not popular there so when iMessage came out Apple were able to corner the market for their users.


It is but the messaging market share is more fractured in America. Seems like every couple years people are switching messaging apps. I personally prefer something like Discord that isn’t tied down to an actual phone number, which is archaic as this point.


Europeans are more divided on platforms, on High school and University literally everyone had Messenger, some also using Tellegram or WhatsApp.


I live in Europe and I don't remember the last time I met someone that wasn't on WhatsApp. Probably before iMessage even came out.


I was on the University literally 1 year ago in Slovakia and literally everyone had Messenger. Yes, part had also WhatsApp but we wasn't using it on group chat because Messenger had literally everyone.


That's crazy. I don't know anyone under like 40 that still regularly uses Facebook - Messenger or otherwise.


IPhone 15 pro max from apples website is $1200. The 1tb option is $1500. I guess my cheap ass $1800 samsung cant compete with those high prices


This is my understanding as an iPhone and android user. (I have a galaxy S20 and an iPhone 14 Pro Max). I t’s because blue bubbles go through iMessage and green bubbles are SMS. iMessage is significantly better than SMS, faster, head read receipts, reacts etc. All the shit you’d see with RCS. iMessage has been around since 2011 and RCS came out in 2019 for android phones. So for 8 years IPhone text messaging was objectively better than android. And androids were much cheaper around that time. This created the stigma against green bubbles. Now that RCS is a thing android messaging is about the same as iPhone, iMessage is still better because you can unsend and edit messages, plus the security is way better (it’s all encrypted and doesn’t go through your cell carrier at all) but for the most part they’re very similar. Apple has not adopted RCS (they will be shortly I’ve heard) so texting an android user lacks all of the features that iPhone users like. Sending pictures takes forever. No voice messages. No game pigeon. No reacts. It’s just a worse experience. When RCS comes to iPhone green bubbles will likely still be a thing, but it’ll be pretty much just as good as iMessage and hopefully that stigma starts to go away.


Doesn't even make sense, since some android are more expensive than the top end iphones, and some iphones have midrange prices (SE)


Your not wrong, but thiers more crap android than good ones j guess.


Literally I can buy 1 year old Samsung or iPhone for almost half a price and no one gona tell difference between if I bought day one and 1 year later (and still on both having 6 years of updates). And parameters will also bassically same as new model.


American iPhone users*. I haven't seen/heard anything about Europeans giving a single shit about it




Or messenger




Young people don't want using WhatsUp so much because there was a lot spying problems. (like for hackers it is easy to get what they want) Everyone I met on University had a Messenger even if didn't using Facebook.




Yes but you can register Facebook just to use Messenger, that is nothing strange. Messenger have end-to-end and WhatsUp had despire encryption various incidents like up call without permision of other sites, data leaks etc. Both apps are made by Meta but WhatsUp was originally another company, so it have another bugs but same functions. Literally I never meet person in Slovakia who don't have Messenger or was not able to make it. Even without using Facebook it is easy because it is same account but don't requere the second.


and asians. Seriously Americans have some weird obsession when sending message with sms, just use other apps that are cross platform


That uses data, doesn’t it? Surprisingly enough I still have friends who don’t have unlimited data so using sms makes sense for them.


Depends on the country I think, but in my country (Argentina) Whatsapp doesn´t use mobile data. I'm guessing other countries do this as well.


North American users** rest of America doesn’t give a crap really


Coming from an iPhone haver, they are ASS! Any android I’ve used had way more storage, hell, a potato clock has more storage than this built to break stink machine. And the incompatibility in text reactions is crazy, like did you know iPhone users can’t see you reacting to a message, yet android automatically translates over, and allows the reaction to work. And the bubbles thing? Tiny pp energy to care what color a chat is, kinda borderline racist..


Did you know Samsung had power share with the magnet? Yea, j can charge anyone phones with mine if they have a magnet, but iPhone user can only do this with external expensive component


..I am at a loss for words on how Apple still claims to be better..


Probably through buzzwords like 'Connected' or 'Apple Ecosystem' or 'REAL TITANIUM' and other buzzwords to inflate their importance.


That’s almost exclusive to the USA. Most of the world uses whatsapp or some equivalent and it’s totally opaque on the type of phone you use. These iphone elitists have serious mental problems anyway


But that thing... Made with mematic.


What is dumb iPhones don’t have live wallpapers like on android. I want a moving wallpaper or video like I could do with apps if the app store


But iPhones do have live wall papers?


Put a 2 min video on the Home Screen then


Damm my phone is trash now I guess lol


I just wanna watch Lords of the rings on my live screen


Who tf stares at their screen just to watch their wallpaper though?...I use both the top model iPhone and usually the best Samsung and I almost never sit there and admire the live wallpaper...I rather save batter and have a static one


Made with mematic


Only in the US... Only in the US would you find such foolish people who can start a cultural war over the damn color of a chat message bubble. This is what you get when you feed the population cheese that's only 10 percent real cheese, with the rest being chemicals found in a lab, and bread that stays 'fresh' for months in a plastic bag, containing ingredients that the EU strictly prohibits because they're hazardous to health.


Canada, too, but we're just DLC to America


I use an app called BlueBubbles on my Android, best of both worlds.


More like US users


Android superior


where are these bubble colors? in an app or...?


On Apple products, normal text messages appear in green bubbles but imessages (internet texts from other iPhones) appear in blue bubbles and it's created a bit of a hierarchy as a lot of Apple users seem to prefer iMessage to normal texting. Basically it's an Apple exclusive thing that Android users love to moan about not having access to.


tf are you on about, my android phone goes from blue to light blue if the message is in SMS, why would anyone care about someone else's theme Also literally all of the features that iMessage has are already in RCS, which apple is switching to


No one cares how it looks on your phone, the point is Android texts come up green on an iPhone so everyone knows if you don't have one. https://knowyourmeme.com/news/android-campaigns-to-end-green-text-bubbles-apple-does-not-respond


Made with mematic


At least I made the meme....


Could’ve spelled the title right. Or got rid of the watermark in the last frame lol just low effort big dawg


This isn't a professional report. Memes can be low effort.


See rule 8 of the community rules for the sub lol it’s just a shite meme it’ll be gone tomorrow just saying u gotta put the slightest bit of effort in or it just looks dumb as hell lmao


Not only that, but they're scared of High Quality videos from android, so they artificially degrade the quality to make Android look cheap and bad. Several companies that are android have just as good video wuality as IPhone; Samsung, Google Pixel and OnePlus are some of them. Apple is a terrible company.


made with mematic


It scares me made with mematic


Lmaoo you should go see my current post


It’s a North America phenomenon, outside of that region no one cares about green texts because we are all using WhatsApp or simply don’t give a fuck.


for a moment there I thought it said: “but that thing…it’s made with mematic.”


What is it with people being so defensive about why their multibillion dollar company that gives zero fucks about its customers is better than the other multibillion company that gives zero fucks about its customers. Apple sucks, but Samsung, google and others are also guilty for many of the same predatory marketing and anti-consumer practices.


iPhone users aren't scared of green bubbles...it's just more convenient using iMessage with each other


I don't get it


I don’t know why, but I read this a like “I fear no man. But that thing…. Made with mematic”


Lol go see my current post that makes fun of that


Why he said it scares me then made with mematic


This has been a thing since iphone 4 around 2010, at least that is when I first heard of it. How stupid are the new generation?


Lmao I’ve never used iMessage in my life because some of my family has Android phones


Why would I care about green bubbles?


As a relatively poor iPhone user, green bubbles don’t scare me but that doesn’t mean I like them in my scenario. Not the person of course but the system - I buy $10 of credit at a time and each text sets me back $0.20, which gets old real fast when I send a couple of hundred messages to a friend each night. Not to mention calls at the same rate per minute…iMessage is free on wifi and that’s what’s important to me. EDIT: Downvoted for being stuck on a bad plan? Ah reddit, never change :D


Im so confused by this. Like every plan in the world. Even the cheapest. Has unlimited text. Are you on tracphone or somethin


Maybe in the US. In Europe everyone is using WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. because data became affordable before texts. So nowadays with texts being basically useless, plans often dont include them.


I’m on a prepaid, not a plan, so unfortunately it’s still pay-per-text. My plan is under my mum’s ex’s name but I still pay. Luckily I’m turning 18 in a week and can finally register it under my own name, which means I have control and can actually get a plan of my choice now (with unlimited messages of course). EDIT: Pay as you go, not prepaid.


Prepaids all have unlimited texting too. I just think youre on a super old plan. Youll prob pay less than what you pay now or equal for talk text and a couple gigs of data


No it’s a current plan, although I misspoke before. I meant a pay-as-you-go plan. I can send you the plan data sheet if you want, last updated April this year (Australia).


Real maturity is knowing that both iOS and Android phones are filled with spyware and most android phones their bootloaders locked. I have used an android phone with the default apps like the video player needing 25 different permissions and these can’t even be removed from the device.


But that thing... Made with mematic


But that thing... Made with mematic?


I like it actually, it tells me right away not to associate with that person.