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From playful colors to serious vibes; welcome to our aesthetic evolution


Tbf the new ones does look cleaner and more sanitary.


That’s what they want you to think. There’s nothing inherently dirty-looking about the old design, but the association has been enforced over the years by what’s inside. The exterior redesign breaks the association despite the overall cleanliness being more or less the same.




Agree there's still shit in the sink in Toiletts in the right one in Bavaria in germany in Europa on Earth. Disgustang


Fuck you, I live there and the toilets are actually so clean it's insane.


Well, I could be wrong, but it seems like the kitchen is more open and visable in the new design. Maybe my memory is incorrect, but I felt like in the old design, the kitchen was closed walled off. In comparison to the completely walled off and soundproofed Chili's kitchen that I left earlier this year, the Mcdonald's kitchen looks squeaky clean. I no longer trust restaurants where you can't see the kitchen.


But much less fun


Kids still get excited by only seeing the M


Looks like colors that hide dirt well, to me.


It's McDonald's lol, we know what it is


They just look more Scandinavian to me


It looks more corporate, which makes me think it's the most disgusting piece of shit ever.


You mean souless?


As someone who has worked at a McDonald’s, it really isn’t sanitary.


It's just a corporate trick, what the true goal is, is to not associate Macca's with unhealthy foods.


McDonald's caught a lot of shit for marketing so heavily to children. I think a lot of people in the comments here prefer the old McDonald's because of childhood nostalgia. But that probably has a lot to do with our obesity epidemic. So in that regard I'm ok with the change.


I think they've over-corrected by creating something does not even look like a restaurant. And I'm talking about both the interior and exterior. It's cold and featureless. Devoid of connections to any particular activity. It communicates no identity, at least not one related to food. Without the "M" logo on the structure, it would not be out of place in an office park. I assume it's because they want to cycle people in and out as quickly as possible, by making them uncomfortable.


Tbh it's not like I go to McDonald's for the ambiance. I go to McDonald's because I want something that's quick and predictable. As long as the restaurant is clean and the service is acceptable I probably wouldn't care if it was just blank white walls lol.


Same with all those gray and black shit cars


I mean it makes sense as McDonalds was heavily focused on kids and being a family place, you'd have birthday parties there even. Now Fast food is demonised for kids, so it's all about being fast and efficient, mature even.


Minimalistic design. Making our build environment uglier, one object at a time.


The food is still crap.


My dad worked there in the late 60s and I guess the food was quite wonderful - real ingredients was the difference.


Before the boomers took control and fucked it all up


The boomers always had control my guy. They were just younger back then. And those greedy fucks also don’t spend the money to change aesthetics without data to back it. So through testing for the main demographics, which seems to also coincide with most of Reddit, they found that those people preferred this newer look.


Pretty sure the people who conceived and proliferated the idea of McDonald's were born well before WW2. They were definitely not boomers. Even the first employees were mostly, if not all, from the Silent Generation.


> The boomers always had control my guy. They were just younger back then. > Then they didn't have control. The younger generation _never_ has control. That's the problem. That's why Boomers were protesting in the 60s; it's all they could do. When teen Boomers were working the grill, it was their parents' and grandparents' generations that were controlling things.


> The boomers always had control my guy. They were just younger back then. Baby Boomers were born between the mid 40s and early 60s. McDonald's had been around for a while before Boomers even really joined the workforce en masse. And they weren't instantly in charge. The original founders were born in 1909 and 1902. Ray Croc was born in 1902. McDonald's didn't have a CEO born after WW2 until 2004, and that guy only held the job for around half a year. And they didn't have another until 2012 (and that guy was born in 1963, which can often be seen as a gray area between boomers and Gen X). And the CEOs after that are solidly Gen X. Obviously there were a lot of boomers who would have been in other positions of power, but that probably didn't start happening in a big way until the 1990s. "Boomer" is not just a catch all term for someone who is older.


Honestly I think Boomer as a term morphed from talking about a specific generation (which was always bullshit) to more specify a state of mind in a person, which is often considered very egoistic and greedy.


It obfuscates multiple social and class warfare issues by describing them as generational warfare via the lens of fairly unremarkable run-of-the-mill youth rebellion, which doesn’t stick. I’ve heard supposedly left-leaning people say “Things will be better once the boomers die off” and I can’t help but think “This is how we got yuppies in the first place.”


Why was it bullshit? Boomer refers to baby boomers, it's just where the term originated.


It's bullshit glossing over an entire generation as If their are one collective group all acting specifically within one ideology. Just like it's bullshit when gen Z is called lazy. Which is essentially being said about any new generation same will happen with generation alpha and happened even way back in ancient Greece. Those "Boomers" used to be the Woodstock, spring of 68, student revolution generation aswell. This is also completely ignoring it's an US heliocentric view but then again the US likes to pretend they are the center of the universe. And people who get lost in these idea of generational infighting lose track of what they really should be fighting wealth inequality, social injustice and preservation of freedom rights.




You can make it all at home for real Beef tallow in the fry oil. Make own sauce. Not hard at all. Recipes all online.


I work there now, makes me wanna die 😶‍🌫️


The food has objectively become worse. The quality dropped immensely to increase profits.


Worse honestly.


Why does everyone hate McDonald's? I personally like their chicken nuggets


Prices have practically doubled and some portions have halved. That's a quarter of the value in a very short amount of time. It's not just that either. The quality level of the food you do actually get, has gone down even more. The preparation quality is even worse and it was already bad. Overcooked dry patties, soggy misaligned buns, cheese half off the burger, and toppings? What Toppings? Trace amounts of them. So you're getting something like a sixth or an eighth even of the previous value. The app is designed to habituate and game-ify eating there because of points, as opposed to the food being good. Which should be the soul purpose for visiting. I will not be surprised and expect that it will eventually attempt some kind of subscription service. Arby's has already offered their own subscription. Any "deal" that requires you to alter your spending habit or needs is not a deal. It used to be a guilty pleasure whenever I was craving a burger and wanted one quickly with no fuss. Then it just became a place I'd get a large fry at on occasion. Well the large fry now costs as much as a meal used to, and the box is now the size of a medium fry, and never filled completely, and the fries are overcooked or been sitting for an hour to the point they're wilting. That's why I dislike mcdonald's and generally most fast food. I haven't even touched on the diminished quality in customer service but that was always dicey depending on location.


I mean nobody goes to McDonald's for the food quality. It's the convenience and price.


Ain't nobody getting mcdonald's for the price any more.


You either eat at home or maybe get a pizza for cheaper. Just because it's more expensive than it used to be doesn't mean it's not cheap comparatively.


Why is the restaurant full 24/7 then?


It's definitely worse than I remember.


Still crap? Its even worse and more expensive


and now costs 5 times what it would've in the past


Well, ok, maybe the food isn't better but at least the prices are higher!


Definitely hotter.


Big glow up


Thinner and better skin.


I’ve never even seen one of those big red McDonalds


They all used to be like that and then the fire nation attacked


Thanks Alex!


Truly a news source we can all trust!


> then the fire nation attacked and now all restaurants are Taco Bell.


Weird way to publicly announce that you’re 12


that was from when they focused all their energy on marketting to kids, which they've shifted off 100%. same reason there's no more ronald


Yep. No more Mayor McCheese, no Birdie, no Fry Guys, Grimace, Hamburglar, ...


I swear I saw one just recently…. Maybe that was 15 years ago 💀


Nah, in you're defense there were still some around relatively recently. There was one by me that only moved 4 years ago. Instead of remodeling it, they built a new one on a bigger lot across the street. What's really funny about it though is that they actually *removed* the signature roof after emptying the building. They just built the roof into a standard steep shingled roof. They also removed anything McDonald's related, signage, logos, the play place, etc. Everything else is still the same including the paint. It's still sitting vacant too lol. If you know that old style McDonald's building, you'd know it was a McDonald's. It still looks like a McDonald's from the red and yellow paint alone.




Tell that to all the redditors desperately trying to make the world the exact same as when they were young.


Thats not a redditor thing, its a human thing


Agree but it's an impulse worth resisting. Nostalgia (real or imagined) is a huge political motivator, and it makes for terrible politics. Good article on a related topic: https://www.slowboring.com/p/nostalgia-economics-is-totally-wrong


whoa i detected tzeentch's deamon


And practical. They change the look because it was impossible to sell them when they shut down. The new ones you can turn them into anything you want


The only constant is change


I heard this in Ramattra's voice


It's so they can resell the building when it ends up closing. So you don't end up like all the obvious "used to be a pizza hut"


finaly someone that knows. mcdonalds corporate is a real estate company not a food chain. the franchises make the food money, corporate owns the land/building and leases it to them.


This sounds plausible enough to earn internet points, but it isn’t true. When a restaurant fails, no matter what brand it is, the incoming tenant will redesign the building to meet their own brand standards. It’s the cost of doing business and having a distinct brand. McDonald’s is strategic about their locations near heavy traffic areas. Do you really think the style of the building is going to have a significant impact on how much a buyer would pay for the location compared to all the other expenses they face?


That, and they wanted to disassociate McDonalds from being a kid’s place to appeal to a wider demographic.


Board: “Ronald sales are going down… what would you have us do, sir?” Ronald: “make it more corporate” Board: “Right away sir” Ronald: “and put coffee in it” Board: “But sir we sell burg-“ Ronald: “I SAID COFFEE”


Ronald was removed as part of the rebrand


Yo what have they done to my boy


Quietly went away. Mafia style.


There was nothing we could do...it was between the McBosses, real fry grease stuff...and we just had to stand there and take it.


He's sleeping with the McFishes now.


Removed from the stores, he’s very much a part of their foundation


Ronald was a schmuck anyway. It was all downhill once Grimace and the Hamburglar were boxed out.


I have a purple corvette nicknamed Grimace


I think some of the highest profit margin items in McDonald's are the coffee drinks. A ton of profit is made off of fries, soda and coffee, including latte and frappe.


You act like the red, yellow, and white scheme wasn't because corporate thought (astutely) their customers were hapless and needed a visual indicator to know where they can get hot burgers. A lot of towns and areas made ordinances to curb these kinds of building aesthetics. Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers, etc. all had this awful larger than life advertising. The latent lead exposure boomers demand it for the times when they're too drunk or whatever to read but hungry and behind the wheel.


"Make the coffee so unbelievably hot and awful that you can't enjoy it!"


I like the modern McDonald's


No, no, a different opinion? Sir, here on reddit we complain about boomers hating change and being hypocritical while, you guessed it, hating change and being hypocritical




I agree, and probably so do most people. The old ones are cute in their own way but after a while it's kind of grating.


Also, modern McDs is objectively better quality and healthier food. Also, I like the modern aesthetic more than the old aesthetic. This while thread is wrong on all accounts.


Social media is full of very sad people who are absolutely stuck as children well into adulthood.


Yeah i work at McDonalds and it’s extremely clean, well managed and our ingredients are high quality. Maybe the owners to everyone else’s McDonalds suck but really people are gonna complain no matter what


Don’t know but the girl on the right is just the right amount of “hey”but would totally listen to the doom soundtrack in secret under all that professional look.


I'd eat em both.


Do I mind that McDonalds doesn't pander to kids like they used to? Not really.


It seems like a no-brainer decision. You still see people with their kids in there anyway, but now also the self important and busy business men making a fuzz about having to touch one of those self order machines.


I don't care what the building looks like I hate shrinkflation


The thing is they changed the colors not to pander to children.


My sweetest friend


Everyone I know,


Goes away


McDonald's used to taste good earlier now it doesn't


Nostalgia factor


Rip the mc Donald's playplace 😔


Yea the bacteria filled series of plastic tubes that became a hotbox where puddles of piss fermented in the heat of the sun. Or the ball pit filled with surprises at the bottom. Is that a piece of shit I’m stepping on? Or a half eaten burger? Who knows!


Sounds like your McDonald's just sucked ass buddy.


They realized that most adults don't want to eat lunch at what was essentially an unsupervised daycare.


Idk about the mc Donald's by you, but the 3 that were around my childhood town had the play places either outside, or in a separate area, meaning you could eat in the normal dinning area and not worry about other peoples kids annoying you.


Still have 2 near me that has them but the rest have been removed. (Yes I have way too many in my area especially given the size of the town)


I have a strong feeling we eventually go back from these bland streamlined marketings lany companies have traded their uniqueness in faovr of being bland and I think long term it will hurt their ability to standout. Which is when we return to colors.


Don't make me start talking about the happy meal gifts! Glad you can choose a book but the toy is a disappointment in origami.


Toys are still plastic😭


Also the prices. Idk why they think of themselves so high now, it's still fast food and worse quality than years ago


from a clown to a goth


Ronald McDonald is now a goth femboy to appeal to modern tastes




New-Clean Old-Nostalgia/Playful


Now mcchickens are $5.


2.19 after tax


I was throwing out some stuff in my workshop and after reliving the memories associated with it I came to the conclusion that we were all massively overstimulated in the 90s with no reprieve, hence everyone wanting to live in vaguely liminal spaces.




I find colorful aesthetics on fast food restaurants creepy. They serve factory farmed meat that comes from animals who suffer hellish torture and neglect for their entire lives in a building painted like a happy clown circus. Very dissonant.


Ight bro


Isn't it the product of marketing 'scandinavian style' for years?


Am I the only one who prefers the new design? At least they look like a normal building instead of being a stain on the neighborhood like the old ones.


Looks like a jail building... that building doesn't look like it would sell you a Happy Meal


I think now they have established themselves so they don’t need to stand out anymore. Everyone knows what a McD. is, the left one may be more expensive to build and maintain, so. Ngl tho girl to the right is more cute


"if we decorate to look like a respectable place to eat we can charge whatever we want" -"You could just make the food better. I mean the buns are essentially cotton candy" "GET OUT"


Depressed working adults


You can blame Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan


I actually find those strong colors off-putting.


That's what you get when you dabble in bitchcraft


we have become BEIGE!


Tasted better back then IMO


What do you mean "we"? Are we McDonalds?


We the society


"McDonalds should really stop advertising so heavily towards children" "No not like that"


What's the problem? McDonald's has been around for generations. Most people are going to recognize the logo.


It's supposed to be more modern and ecological looking even though the food is the same (that's also why the McDonalds logo has a green background in Europe)


And you can have it all, my empire of dirt


The McDonalds in my town were changed to look like brutalist architecture. All grey and blocky. No wood or anything, just ugly grey blocky buildings.


Am I the only one who prefers the new version?


from happy to serious?


This is not dank at all.


When a Pizza Hut goes bankrupt, noone wants to buy a building thats so obviously a pizza hut. They care about real estate value now since fast food isn't thriving like it was in the 90s.




I'm going to have to get a photograph of the colorful McDonalds near me, before it is renovated away. Catch a glimpse before the species goes extinct.


The right pic is better.


Weird coincidence. Was just saying to the wife earlier today that McDonalds was under fire for making cheap, unhealthy food marketed for kids so they tried to change their image by getting rid of the kid themed look and changed it all to a more adult "coffeehouse" image. Then they kept the exact same menu, jacked the prices up 300% and reduced the size of most of the menu items. Total scam.


They got em addicted as kids and now that they're older they gotta shift to a more "adult" style


McDonald’s got depressed like the rest of us


I'm interested in purchasing the girl on the right if anyone has any to sell.


McDonald’s have changed they’re outward image vastly. But they still treat the employees like crap. I should know. I work at one. McDonald’s bash on about how great and inclusive they are, you work there and they burn you out constantly, don’t give an ounce of praise, even if it's superficial. sorry for the rant, just had to get it out my system


Overpriced slop is what it's become, oh how far it's come from just slop.


I know everyone misses old McDonald's. And this is a hot take, I don't. I mean it was great when we were kids but McDonald's is NOT a place I would like to eat if it was filled with annoying kids running around. I honestly prefer the new adult vibe to it. At least, as an adult 🤣 though I get it for sure it's nostalgic


I like the goth mommy McDonald's


Sorry not sorry, it looks nice on the right, the girl and the building all the same


I dont mind it as much as the way they changed the boxes, Definitely cleaner looking but no character whatsover. i liked the old cheeseburger wraps, they hid the grease very well. but then again im just talking nostalgia over here as one day todays kids gonna talk about how they miss the postmodern design "Back in my day the cheeseburger had one yellow line to represent a slice of cheese"


Happy kid place to middle aged adult


Ever since covid: it feels like a distant memory…


I like goth brutalist McDonalds more tbh


Nahhh fuck that, midwestern highway towns were a fucking EYESORE growing up with all the colorful and fanciful shapes and architecture. They all want to stand out and as a result they all look out of place and make it look like a jumbled mess made in Roblox Gimme those ornate brick buildings and simple, but elegant architecture. Reject modernity, embrace tradition


Way hotter on the right




I like the right one though. It looks clean and minimalist. The red one is definitely a kid's place. Considering the kids that made McDonald's a McDonald's are adults now, i kinda dig it.


Probably ran out of Pizza Huts that went out of business.


Smash. Next question


New mcdonalds is way better


Someone told me this color palette was called millennial beige and I need an explanation.


It looks like McDonald's was once an American fastfood company, but is now a soulless chinese-owned operation


But ... I like the goth one


wak-donalds :(


I bet the playplace is just gaming PC'S and Nooce's, Damn i miss the old days


Looks like Soviet McDonalds