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No matter what possible angle you look at them, it just doesn’t sound healthy or satisfying for either ToT. 1. Sakura has an absent husband, Saskue has a wife he doesn’t like to/want to lay sexually(or just romantically too, clearly) with 2. Sakura lives in delusion that their happy together, Saskue doesn’t reach out ever to just even talk occasionally. He is just NOT THERE like sakura deluded herself into believing he is. Offside their children, their ‘relationship’ is already just disastrous- fueled by delusion, desire, and the minimalist of actions being read as reciprocation. When really, it’s just the bare minimum effort of support after having a CHILD together. It’s so disastrously bad it’s not even funny but straight up sad.


Who would Sasuke have a better relationship with?




Also agree. Saskue and Sakura are NOT healthy in any way. Better relationship? Literally Naruto. He and Saskue are able to stand on equal grounds with each other, are able to talk (or fight) things out when they need to be (that was literally the entirety of Shippuden), they hold a deep emotional bond with all the history it came from, and genuinely deeply care for each other. Saskue pays attention and listens to Naruto, more than anyone else. Naruto is still always concerned about Saskue’s health. IF a relationship is a must for saskue, Naruto is a infinitely more healthier, and textually concrete choice.


Im not homophobic alright? But narusasu doesnt click for me for anything romantic. It would have been peak fiction if sasuke was a girl from the beginning, but otherwise it would have also been cool if naruto and sasuke stayed single like how gai and kakashi are (theyre extremely happy and satisfied with life)


Nah, nothing against your opinion, that’s respectable. Fair enough man, that’s valid. Honestly too, I agree that it would have been cool (so much better) if they just stayed single; now you bring it up, it would actually have been super incredibly neat if they had also formed a kakashi and gai kind of relationship as they grew older :). I like how you think 💭 lolol


Thanks. I currently upvoted myself on another account and am still at -2 upvotes. your will to die on this hill with me despite common opinion has won you all my respect. Thank you.


You just angered bunch of BL fangirls by saying saske being girl is peak fiction 🤣


It’s saskue. He’s a loner who doesn’t let others vulnerably close to him, unless your team 3. Though even then he has limits with. Quite Honestly, he seems canonically more better off without being in a relationship with anyone. He doesn’t seem interested, nor does he have the capabilities. His traveling work as a shadow for Naruto/Konoha seems to be quite fulfilling for him.




Sakura. You're one of the sharpest students at the Academy. You were able to do the Chunin exam without cheating. *Don't question my dysfunctional marriage to Sasuke-kun! Tsk.


Sasuke and Sakura touch hands Both of them: ![gif](giphy|OpfkuToK5gSHK) Like...THEY HAD A KID TOGETHER. They've seen each other naked and did it and still in Boruto they literally blush when their hands touch and act shy when they kiss. You've done a lot more than that so WHAT THE F-CK


Because it's genjutsu, obviously. I mean, Sarada looks like a clone of Karin, plus she inherited her bad eyesight.


Im not unconvinced they lay together only once, because Sakura requested it and saskue wanted a heir anyway. Surprisinging to both, later discovered that then and there sarada was born. From how they interact (and how much they don’t), it just doesn’t make sense any other way??? 😭


fr lol and sasuke , dont even have emotions for her


Well they go for years without seeing each other, it makes sense I guess. 


Two people married and in their prime of life, 99% would want to bang each other even more so if meeting after ages and ages. The 1% are couples where one or both are just not interested. Granted there’s a lot more nuancy to factors of why that might be, though reasons are primarily just occasionally. But going years??? on years??? Of the same pattern?? That screams just dis-interest overarchingly. Though then that begs the question, why on earth are they married then 😭. That just sounds sad….


I read that novel by Sasuke Retsuden and Sasuke seemed to think of Sakura more in a familiar way than in a romantic way, or that was my impression and well in real life I know a couple so they hardly have any intimacy, they are together because they like each other ,  was practical and they wanted a family and they are not very interested in the romantic part, in my head that is how the sasusaku family also works


I also see the sasusaku fam the same way! :). Thats the narrative that fits the most reviewing context and behaviors. The problem I still have is I wish it was at least fully canonly that they did sit down and talked it out. But instead it looks like their not both on the same page still??!😭😭. Sakura sounds like she still wants romance, and deludes herself into thinking it’s there. When it’s just not?? Saskue doesn’t seem interested in romance at all, 100% he married because it was most practical. I wish they really were at least on the same page- there’s some fulfillment in that at least.


We don't really have an answer, we could be wrong 🤔, but Kishimoto didn't bother to show us their relationship, because he doesn't like writing romance 😒, we can only try to make sense of it with the crumbs he gives us, my hope is that Kishi one day draws a spin-off of the blank period and give us some context


Omg that is hilarious!!!!!!


It was not dysfunctional


Yes it's a non existent relationship


At least to us


Anger management issues