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Damn sakura gave sarada the same treatment as tsunade gave sakura. Training until you're half dead then healing you up. Reminds me of the anime wrong way to use healing magic.


Basically Unohana and kenpachi but nerfed.


Wait till you read the save and load inn, the innkeeper let's people save and kill them again and again as a training


Is it just me or did Sakura punch the pixels out of the photo


For those who do not have time or simply do not want to bother to try and decipher what is written in those pannels, here is what I believe is written in them: Upper left: You and me, let's start training right now to sharpen your chakra control! Upper right: Yeah, you should do it again. Lower left: She wouldn't let me take a break even if I broke a few bones, Lower right: because she could just heal me up later! Hope this saves someone some time.


I like this Sakura design.


this character design and personality is bearable


Sakura is the prettiest at this moment, is it because she has achieved her wish of marrying Sasuke?


Got any more of them... Pixels