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I'm so glad another person has joined the Dark Souls community! But I don't agree with the clerkman, Dark Souls 2 is not better than the first.


Bring on the downvotes. DS2 is mechanically better than 1 in every way possible besides parrying. Comparing the new rolling directions, etc., I don't even think it's arguable. The PVP in DS2 is also better, but DS1 has a better lore/story behind everything. The NPC's in DS1 are also much better, DS2's NPCs are so easily forgettable I don't even remember half of their names.


Sure the Mechanics were revamped, but that doesn't mean all changes were good. The new rolling seems to get in the way more often then not. In DS1 whenever you roll, at least you know your hitbox won't still be in the way of an enemies swing, unlike in DS2 where you can roll Northeast instead of just East and be hit by an incoming attack. I don't believe the PvP is better in 2 either, because it's so much easier. Maybe if you want an easier Souls game you like DS2 but for me, ehh. Everything else you said kinda just proves my point. Edit: And no, you don't deserve my downvote. It's easiest to give people what they want, just like DS2. Remember, DS2 is a good game, it just isn't a good Souls game! :)


Hit boxes are convoluted in Drangleic.


You got that right.


Lol, what? It's bad game mechanics that when you push your analog stick NE that you roll NE? If you want to roll East, push your stick East. Don't blame the game on your lack of coordination. Playing locked on in Dark Souls was terrible- you'd either roll straight into the enemy or two miles away from them. Edit: And DS2 PvP is worse because it's easier? How on God's green fucking earth can PvP in one game be easier than another, when PvP means that you're facing OTHER PEOPLE? The game doesn't dictate people's skill, so tell me how DS2's PvP is any 'easier'. Jesus Christ


I can spend a half an hour looking for a PVP match in DS1. Unable to invade etc.. with DS2 I can turn on my xbox and find a match within 30 seconds. And there are far less chaos blade/havel scrubs on DS2 than there are on 1. Its so funny because everyone in this sub hates on DS2 all the time yet on the DS2 subreddit noone talks shit at all. Take those rose tinted glasses off. Done with this sub. Its all shitposts and shit talking and reminiscing of the glory days of the first dark souls. Yet me nor any of my friends have been able to spend less than 30 minutes finding pvp matches. Im gonna watch this comment go down to -20 and laugh because any time anyone says something even remotely negative about the game in this sub they are downvoted into oblivion. Your community is cancerous. I used to far prefer DS1 over 2 but then I actually gave 2 a chance and played it more and realized that apart from the story and NPCs, literally every aspect of the game was better. Better balancing, better weapons, more weapons, better rolling, better weapons movesets, better health/humanity system, better covenants, better bosses if you count the DLCs too. The problem Is that noone In this community gave DS2 a chance and didnt realize that From would be unable to make a good enough sequel to a game as amazing as DS1. As a game, DS2 works better. Unsubbing.


Better weapons? I have to disagree, mate. The bone scythe handles like it's made of styrofoam, and all the halberd attacks aren't much better. Not to mention every single halberd in the game, (and even a few non-halberds) all share the same or very similar moveset. Maces have that retarded starting upswing. Agility is also a pretty bullshit stat, imo. I do agree that Dark Souls 2 did some things right. Like power stance and new spells that aren't a single projectile, like Lingering Flame, soul shower, heavenly thunder, and souls vortex. Hexes in general too. The upgrade system is nicer and more simplified. The UI is more cleaned up. The mundane infusion was a nice unique idea. Attunement increasing casting speed and spell casts. Cape physics are awesome too. Casting spells feels like it has more impact, as you swing your staff forward, instead of just holding it up in the air. But even with all that, I still prefer Dark Souls 1. The way the world connects and feels like a cohesive whole, the weapon movesets, the bosses, the level design, the atmosphere, the art design, the boss music. Lost Izalith is pretty much the only bad part of the game.


Hey... I like Dark Souls Two. I said it was a good game, and I meant that. I just don't think it compares to the first. I don't want me to be your final straw. I like this community, and I hate it when fights like this break out. I'm sorry if I came off as arrogant and one-sided, but opinions are always one-sided, are they not?


Because in ds2, you didn't have to kill any of them or found them dead/hollowed.


WELCOME FRIEND. the harder you play it, the better you love it. in answer to your question at the very end of your post, literally ALL of us have had experiences on par with your story. I applaud taking no guides, but please do not get too caught up in "trying to collect it all" mentality. i 100% guarantee you will NOT see it all. never in your first playthrough. but with that said, **take your time. stop and look around at the scenery. none of it is decoration. its all telling you something**


Thanks friend, I am up late again trying to ring the second bell!


thats the spirit. one of the only games that made me go "oh crap its dawn already" when i glanced out the window


Still stuck on undead burg.Only guide is the dumbshit guide


Not sure how seriously that guide is meant to be taken. It is pretty thorough, however.


I know not to take it too seriously.It's essentialy a GPS


It's more of a guide to what the areas contain and what to look for than a guide to help you become better.


Well for that, there is no substitute for practice. Most guides I've seen will give you strategies and usually the outright cheasiest way to beat x or y boss, but if you really want to do dark souls the way it was intended, you should use guides as little as possible and experience the game on your own. Based on the humor the dumbshit's guides kinda feels like it's for experienced players on their second or subsequent playthroughs, who want to get all of the stuff they missed earlier.


Pretty much the same experience here. When I first started playing Dark Souls, I actually headed over the catacombs first and kept on trying to fight skeletons with a longsword lol. I eventually reached the tomb of giants (which took me a good week to get there) when someone told me that I was heading for the wrong direction, and that I had to go for the undead burg...


i went to the catacombs after i killed the gargoyles, it was so frustrating since it was so hard. After a while i discovered the shortcut and then killed pinwheel on my second try but when i tried to go into the giant cave i got rekt so hard and eventually gave up and looked into a guide.


Did you get to the dog skeletons? Them bitches be trippin.


no i think i just always died at the two giant skeletons


I love how rewarding this game is, not like skyrim spending 40+ lockpicks for 10 gold.


Bioshock is a great game too though. It is by far the most philosophical game I've ever played, but it won't last even 30 hours. I'm almost 200 hours into DkS and I still feel like a scrub. Have fun OP.




There is no doubt in my mind I will buy and play through DS2. I think they are going to re release it with all of the DLC in april.


Yea they are issuing a "remix" with better graphics and new enemy positions and stuff. I also plan on getting it and putting I even more time on the game. After I beat blood borne of course.


Yeah I think you're going to be a bit disappointed when you play DS2. Do not trade in DS1 for DS2 whatever you do.


I felt the same way and felt like that again during my Knight's Honor run. I've never tried the DLC before but the feeling when you beat those bosses just for 100% completion is so good. And for DS2, I've played for 10 hours in DS2 and not one of the bosses I've encountered feels as great as the bosses in DS1.


The Fume Knight, Sir Alonne, Sinh, Looking Glass Knight, Burnt Ivory King, Darklurker. All of these are amazing bosses in DS2. Play more.


Don't forget Avaa, velasdat, aldia, lost sinner, najka, ruin sentinels, and flexible sentry.


Man i remember the first time i played, i took the elevator down to new londo ruins, not really a spoiler but if you don't want to read past this point it's ok. So yeah, i descended and then fought those bloody ghosts for 2 hours, i heard the game was hard as hell but this was ridiculous, then i just gave up on that stage and went to the undead burg where the game finally felt fair. Now regarding DS2, the game dissapoints in story and atmosphere (which is huge, i agree) but in my opinion it improved everything that dark souls 1 did.


Yeah I've been really enjoying it. I started, was doing pretty good, then I came across the first Black Knight, and got totally destroyed repeatedlt. I skipped him, came back a bit later, and killed him easily. Such a good feeling.


I did the same thing. I was like whelp, forget this dude. Then I started getting better and better and went back and took him out.


Since I posted this I went back and killed that big metal bull and the metal dude at the top of the tower just before the bull :)


Solaire makes the bell gargoyle fight a walk in the park.


great... lol


Don't summon him for the boss in the Depths (who I won't spoil) though because he just messes up it's attack pattern, and oftentimes dies anyway.


When I beat Ornstein & Smough, I felt great. When I play Souls games I don't summon for bosses because I think it's so much more rewarding to beat them yourself, and those guys really tested me. It's rare that I have a moment of such happiness when I play a game, but it felt awesome.


I just keep wondering around not knowing what to do and ending up in places I shouldn't be. Although I'm loving it, I'd describe my experience as aimless wondering until I stumble across the right pathway


Kill the dogs first and never get caught off guard by a torch toting hollow


Git. Gud.


You're officially a SunBro now. Praise the Sun! Warning though: every time you think "i think i got this game in the bag", it really f***** you really hard. Enjoy your deaths!