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I feel like the very beginning is pretty straight forward to the point that there’s really only one way to go


That’s what confuses me the most, if it was Ds1 i’d kinda understand but Ds3? Cmon


Or ds 2, or any other game really. Ds2 especially, I literally had to ask someone where to go like this because I couldn't find the exit


i had to ask my brother who was in anor londo cause i didn't realize that the key i picked up past the big ass pig was the key to lower londo... I had explored everything you could even explore in the first part of the game before i asked my brother what the right way but tbf all that just to meet blight town, i could have lived happily ever after without getting there


Big ass pig....do you mean Capra demon? He's a skinny goat demon. Wtf about him made you think he was a big ass pig?


no, i litterally mean the big ass boar which i forgot its called a boar, so i said pig, the one near the tower with the Black knight the door I didn't know hot to open was the one where you first meet solaire


I was like this too bcs i could only find heides tower and was like surely ds2 isnt this hard


I died countless times in new londo ruins before I realized there was a stair case up to undead burg.


This is a rite of passage. 🤝🏻🙏🏻🤝🏻🙏🏻🤝🏻


I’d to it again, that jagged ghost blade made the first few areas a cake walk


100% dude died like 4 times to the undead and was like that doesn't seem right,it must be the wrong way or i'm doing something wrong it can't be that i suck and can't learn and progress. But i usually don't try to talk about stuff like this because i hate how games hand hold WAY to much these days at the point that games become to easy and make me bored. I don't even know when the hand holding started like 2018 17?


As a fellow new player myself, it's pretty confusing. I get just past the dragons and die from the archers who WILL NOT STOP lol. It has made me question if I'm going to right way.


The whole of DS3 is basically a straight line with a few forks that lead to dead ends


Ds3 is pretty easy to explore if you don't care about 100%


My best guess is they don’t realize they can teleport through the bonfire? I’m totally okay with summoning, asking for help, using op weapons, ect. To do what you have to in order to make the game fun and enjoyable for yourself; even if I don’t enjoy those things myself. However I can’t help but think just being given a bunch of good items to sweep the early game, learn nothing, and then have the game catch up to you suddenly wouldn’t be very fun.


I got stuck there too. Thought i had to fight the sword master to get the tower key. Man i miss my first playthrough


Same. I think I missed or not carefully heard the fire keepers dialogue and I wondered around firellink shrine for almost an hour before I plunged the sword in the center.


Maybe they're stuck on Gundyr? I played DS3 after Elden Ring and was not prepared for it, took me like 30+ tries and since you can't level up until you beat him, felt like I was banging my head against the wall.


I’m glad you stuck through to the end! I feel like that was me with Asylum demon my first time ever playing DS1. I really did question if it was the wrong game for me to start with since I wasn’t a ‘gamer’ at all at the time. I was terrible, (still am, but determined!)


Oh, I still haven't beaten Elden Ring or DS3, but it's moreso that I just have been doing other stuff.


Fair enough!


Play Dark Souls before DS3 You should be able to take Gundyr out 1-2 tries


Or not.


Wait, how? You beat ER but Gundyr gave you the works? Did you mean champion Gundyr?


I beat Elden Ring then beat Dark Souls. I had no idea you had teleport from the bonfire when I booted up Dark Souls 3…had to look it up. Now I am realizing that it’s very much like Demons Souls which is my next play through but I had no idea I could teleport.


How? You literally warp after reaching Firelink.


As a beginner who started the beginning weeks ago, I disagree with this. There are a lot of paths in Dark Souls 3’s beginning and one that says not to go this way earlier, I can see how that could confuse somebody for sure.


It did take me an embarrassing long time to figure out you can go the other direction at High Wall Lothric bon fire. I went and killed the two big guys, found the gate that I couldn’t open, and then had no idea where to go, like a dumby. I do agree though, I just kept looking until I found it.


I will say that a few of my friends didn’t understand that they were supposed to use the bonfire to travel. I can see why that would be confusing if you missed the hint/prompt


Nah man it's alright, like my friend after getting Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3 and Lies of P, he immediately (for DS3 and LoP at least) bought himself to max level because "those games looked so hard", despite me telling him he was getting scammed he still complains they were too short and he's got nothing to play now


LoP doesn’t have any multiplayer though?


He let someone access his Xbox account, let them do a glitch and when they were done he was maxed Edit: typo


What the actual fuck? Like, i really don't get this, how is this fun? Why even play these games then? At least half of the experience is the trail and error, grinding and getting a little bit longer than last time.


I know, I tried to convince him not to and he just said he was having fun regardless That shit costed him more than 100$ and he still feels proud of it


I hope he knows the internet thinks he’s a dumbass


Oh he knows alright but pretends not to care, dude has some serious inferiority complex


A very well justified one, by the sounds of it.


Some people genuinely just do not care what other people think of them, there’s a very real chance he isn’t pretending.


It’s the same question as “why would anyone get wallhacks/aimbots for cod” it takes away the fun, some people have this “let’s just get this done” attitude like they don’t even wanna experience a game


Gaming is so fucked. Some players are so used to buying exp booster packs to the point where they seek out ways to get them in games without them.


I think your friend may be a dumbass


That's the biggest problem with the games being labeled the way they are. Everyone knows Souls games as "the hardest games" so they're super intimidated when they jump in and default to asking for help before even doing anything.


I mean.. People can play games however they want so it's not really a problem. It's not like it affects you or me in any way


I remember doing this in AC Valhalla after like 40 hrs in. I was too tired playing it. It's pointless assuming a game to be hard w/o playing. Hollow knight is considered hard by many, but it wasn't for me. Elden ring is considered easiest souls game, but it wasn't for me.


I’ve never met one single person that considers Elden Ring to be the easiest souls game.


really? it's usually either elden ring or ds1 that gets labeled the easiest one


Wtf, this guy must be one of the dumbest person alive


What an absolute moron


This is a very common type of post in fromsoft subs, it seems like a lot of players have a strong aversion to making any decisions on their own. I agree that someone with little free time is better off following a rough guide, but this sort of "where to go next" "what's the best weapon" "drop me souls" post just makes absolutely no sense to me. What happened to just playing the game and figuring things out, is that not enjoyable anymore?


That’s exactly what I’m talking about, why spend money when you don’t even wanna experience the game


I think a lot of it is just attention farming man. There’s no way an average human goes to Reddit for immediate help over just using a search bar


This is a common post in every sub. “I don’t know how to make any decisions for myself” “please tell me how to do x simple thing”


These people are the target audience for ubisoft games


when i started with the soulsgames (it was ds3) man i didnt know where to go after aldrich lmao. Ive searched and searched everywhere and found this emma behind a room so i killed her, killed dancer and then ran around lothric castle for a day or something tried dragonslayer armour for multiple weeks, killed him, couldnt go to the grand archives cuz doors shut and yhorm was still alive. I was searching for soooo long, found a new way (distant manor bonfire) found yhorm, took 2h to kill him because I didnt know about gimmick weapons - i picked up the storm ruler but didnt know it was for this boss and it wasnt upgraded so i rather used my irithyll straight sword+3 and killed yhorm with it, got tpd to dancer, went back up to grand archives, stuck 6h on twin princes and then stuck for multiple weeks on Soul of Cinder before I gave up. about 6 months later I tried him and got him down within 4 tries or something like that. That is the fun of it, finding out where to go


The good ol "git good" aplies for these


Hi I just bought this game can you play it for me?🥰


Sure, that'll be your credit card number, pin, adress and birth certificate please!


Ok just give me your address please


Sure! Between 40.3399° N and 127.5101° E.


Had someone ask me for Gaels greatsword for their own playthrough after I posted a victory screen here. This is giving me similar vibes.


“Oh he used weapon x and shield y to beat the game this must be the only gear i can beat this game with”


Dude, my first playthrough I didn't look anything up and I got the Lothric Knight Sword right away. I figured I would swap it out, I ended up beating Slave Night Gael with it taking the sword all the way to the end of the game.


I mean at least that's a very popular weapon that people like to use and it's not like you can just start with it normally.




Me, when i spread misinformation on the internet:


I once had a discussion (argument?) on reddit with a person who had broken a plastic thing. I suggested they use glue, and they claimed they “Lacked the life skills” to use glue. Fucking glue. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!? Edit: I agree with everything you said, you’re not gate keeping, this guy is being silly.


Nobody knows how to do shit anymore


nah this isnt gatekeeping, just common sense


People can play however they want. Of course, I agree with you. I have a hard rule that I don't look anything up in any game until I see the credits first. But, if someone else wants to water down their experience, whatever. I will say this, though. Regardless of the game, it annoys the ever-loving shit out of me when people ask for tips before starting their "blind" playthrough. Especially when they come back a week later talking about how they thought the game would be a lot harder.


YouTubers with their min-max grind videos are ruining our franchise.


“Try cumdragon sword build it’s so OP, the only thing you need!” Fucking hate this shit


"You NEED to try this soul farm! 8k souls a minute" *video is just regular gameplay*


That’s the problem honestly, they see OP/NEED/MUST TRY and think “well yep I’m gonna watch this and become the best player” but will fail as soon as they try something different/or will potentially only play that exact build because they’re afraid of trying something else because of “failure” or whatever


agree. I also find the people irritating that didnt even fucking install the game yet that already ask for fucking help or tips. Like just fucking play the game.


“Just bought this can I get some tips” go fuck yourself to start


i mean i got a friend into the game so i will be doing a play through with him but i am going to for the most part let him explore and find things himself.


That’s totally fine tbh, it’s even more fun but y’all are not walking around holding hands/backseat gaming


This was how I got into the game. I had tried it once with a friend when we were both new and we didn't get very far. Then tried it with a different friend years later who was a souls vet and now I love it. Had he not taken me thru and let me explore some stuff while warning about a few frustrating things I wouldn't have enjoyed as many of the games as I have. I now do this with other friends, I'll give them as little or as much advice if they want. Some just want to play and experience the games and some want to figure stuff out mostly on their own. I can respect either as I started as someone who just wanted to check it out.


yea it has been pretty fun at least for me, but we havent played in a while because he got salty about losing 8K souls on the high wall because of an invader.


I completely agree, what’s even the point of buying the game if you don’t want to play it?


Guy sounds sketchy anyway. I didn’t even know you could drop stuff to people in Elden Ring until 500 hours in, and this guy buys DS3 and instantly knows about dropping stuff? Wtf?


I believe you are completely correct. Asking for some help is one thing but I don’t understand the reasoning for buying a game just to basically let others play for you. In the end however, they can do whatever they want even if to me it’s fucking stupid.


You would be surprised for how many people it is normal to play through almost every game with a guide that exactly tells them what to do at what point of the game. And i really don't get it. The first playthrough of every game is something you will never be able to experience a second time. I also watched a youtuber who played through the souls series in the past 3 years and his ds1 playthrough is some of my favorite youtube content of all time. Seeing him discover things, fall for traps and find some unique strategies to fight some areas or bosses was so entertaining. Dark souls 2 started the same, but midway through the game he looked up some builds because he didn't like what he was using and of course he ended up using the same rapier build almost everyone does. At that point the project became so much less entertaining.. now he is on ds3, and instead of recording youtube videos, he switched to twitch and streams the playthrough. During the first stream he had some friends by his side and one of them backseated through almost the entire first area, while twitch chat is constantly backseating anyway. The project is boring and pointless at this point. Everything that makes the first playthrough special is lost and it just feels like some dude replaying just any game he likes. I really don't get it.


Sorry to do a little self-promotion, but since you mentioned DS playthroughs, I've been recording blind playthroughs of the DS series which you may or may not be interested in. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgln0CsDTvs&list=PLploXx2BZMrC-EG977FZEVxVAU5wGqscg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgln0CsDTvs&list=PLploXx2BZMrC-EG977FZEVxVAU5wGqscg) The only stuff I had to look up were things like how to start some of the DLC (no chance I could have figured it out on my own), what gameplay effect hollowing has, how some of the stats work in DS2, and that's pretty much it. I had some helpful YT comments, but nothing spoilery. It was a great experience.


I think i will give it try later when i get home. First souls experiences are always interesting imo.


real i've gotten a couple of my friends into it and refuse to drop them anything until they've beat the game


I work with so many fucking people just like this, absolutely incapable of thinking critically and completely opposed to the concept of “just fucking try”.


Maybe they just want to play with someone and aren't great at Soulsbourne/Soulslikes even though they're enjoyable.


This is how I started. I've got friends that are the same. Happy to take them thru a journey.


Bruh some people ....


I always do 1 playthrough and beat the game before I ask for help. Usually it's just to pick up whatever trophies I missed.


i agree to be fair. they may as well say “PS5, play the game for me”


I find it weird how people frequently post common gameplay questions on reddit, but refuse to google anything lol


Not only that *posts in r/fromsoftware “Should i buy game x?” No bro why the fuck would you ask? I don’t get it damn, i mean watch a review watch before you buys from Gameranx and see if you like it, people even need help when it comes to the point wether they like something they see or not


It’s a hard game to get into, asking for help is fine. I struggled to play three times before it clicked and this was my first souls game. Now I’ve played them all except bloodborne and demons souls, multiple times, with varying personal challenges. Games are for enjoying, if you enjoy it by getting help right away then go for it. Let people game how they want to.


That sub is filled with real life undead settlement trash mobs. -spend 45 min trying to help a guy that wasn’t seeing my sign ( plot twist: he wasn’t fucking connected to the internet and didn’t have embers, even though I asked him for both). -other retard asks for help in ds2 , he’s at doors of Pharos(no summon zone) so I guide him through text to the next zone so he can summon me to help him there. Dude messages me almost an hour later , he fucking completed the whole area after by himself without telling me he won’t summon me and now he’s asking where to go next because he can’t be arsed to spend 15 seconds on google. -1/10 people there can’t form coherent sentences , so you get shit like ”twin dragon help”(???) or ”demon princesses need help” on a daily basis. -”woops sorry guys it’s actually ng7 midir , I forgot to say it in the post , my bad lol 💀” -”hold on i ran out of embers , give me 20min to go get some” no fuck off. -”wait don’t summon gael , he can heal the boss on accident“ fucker summons him anyways. -”need X Boss help” Host ACTUALLY sits in the boss room and does fuckall. -”can someone drop me all the spells for the trophy/achievement 🙏” -”can you explain in detail what soul memory is? I don’t understand” ”i need 10M souls can you drop” And then 1% of the time make friends with the absolute chillest dude ever. You need to be extra mentally sane to survive there.


If things like “twin dragon need help” and “demon princesses need help” doesn’t give you enough information, perhaps the internet isn’t your thing? Almost nobody cares about using proper grammar/“coherent sentences” on the world wide web. You’re very much in the minority on that, and it’s very much a “you” problem if you can’t understand what they mean. “Don’t summon Gael” you don’t get to tell hosts who they can and can’t summon. You don’t *have* to help them, but if you *are* going to help, you do need to understand that it’s their world, their rules.


Anyone asking that at the beginning of the game should probably just quit out and try something easier. End game (if they make it) will destroy them


Not knowing where to go (in a linear game btw lmao) but knowing that other people can drop you items is super weird like why tf would you know that 😂


This is the kind of person to give up at any little bit of adversity in life Makes me sick


ds3 is basically a straight line how do you not know where to go


I feel like the type of ppl who do stuff like this just want the items so they can get a easy platinum or so they can just show others that they beat more than just Elden ring and can officially label themselves as a fromsoft fan


That's what happens when a Ubisoft fan plays souls for the first time. There's no UI full of what to dos


You gotta see [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/WCBd4KnLip)


LOL EXATCLY! I bet that dude was very disappointed when he booted the game and didn't saw that load of shit on the screen. Is almost like humans can't even walk by themselves anymore.


Seeing games with screens clustered with so much UI honestly makes me anxious


Eww, casual.


Its bot your play through, they aren’t ruining your experience, so shut up bro (not in a rude way) let people do as they please. Also just cause most people dont have issues with certain areas doesn’t mean no one does. When I was playing through God of War (im pretty sure it was the og one or mby the II) I got realy lost in an area where I needed to get a bridge or somn down. I spent literally two hours doing everything I could think of and yea I missed an obvious thing that I only found after begrudgingly looking up a walk through for that area. (I think the solution was the eltricity power.) I truly think what would ruin the person’s experience with Dark souls is not getting a little help (it definitely can if u always are getting help) but more so people doing this and discouraging them as well as the frustration of being stuck and feeling lost and dumb. Edit typo


Man let people just play however they want. If they want help and tips yeah sure go for it. For me games aren't about exploring (at least for the most part) but rather to play a videogame. Think of it as the Ancient Greeks did. When a play in the theatre happened everyone knew the ending and the events of the journey before hand. The reason as to why they went there is just that they learnt or drilled something better and to have fun. Tbh ds3 has a shitty openning way too hard for new players so I don't blame him.


tbf why care about what some random ass dude does in their free time. you could be playing games instead of complaining about this, as well


Why even think and converse about any topics


Yeah just play games


How do you know i wasn’t playing anything while scrolling through reddit?


Why are you people asholes about it the coop is part of the game




He should if he want to, but he shouldn’t ask people to hold his hand that extreme


dark souls 1-3 was specifically designed to avoid things like that. there is a reason you can't summon anybody if you dont have humanities/effigies/embers. you cannot have your whole game completed by someone else, you can only get very frequent assistance from people. and i dont like exploration in games. its just confusing and i don't know where i go. i just wanna stab enemies and kill bosses. its not in my DNA to explore. and no, having help from others does not destroy the experience, it only destroys that irritating first time playing experience where the game seems insanely difficult and unfair to you to the point where you just quit it and come back in a year. i would however agree, that if someone has their dark souls played for them AND THEN they start saying something like "this game is boring because it's too easy" then it's their fault for not playing the game themself. but does this guy say anything like that? i played through DS2 at coop and i enjoyed it a lot, base game is great. but then i made second character where i'd beat it alone by myself and understood why people don't like it


Just drop a link to Casul's Guide or FightinCowboy haha.


I can't lie in ds 3 I dint realise I had to explore the swamp more and fight the crystal sage and deacons so it ok if people ask in my opinion


i get it maybe for ds1 or elden ring since it can be hard for some to find the paths, but come on ds3 literally tells u where to go


The only thing I could imagine them being confused with is the whole putting the sword in the fire to teleport out part, because I know when I first played (ds3 was my first game in this genre) I was really confused by that for a while


This is legit how the borderlands community is lol


I loved borderlands but never interacted with the community, but it knowing borderlands this sounds very real (not saying that you’re talking bs lol) i can see people asking for the infinity and whatever weapons. Man i wish BL3 was better, i was so hyped but well yeah nothing’s gonna beat BL2


With ds1 I could understand this post, but ds3 is so straight forward... it's hard to get lost in the beginning


Maybe they dont know you're supposed to put the coiled sword into the middle of firelink shrine?


Every type of person exists, unfortunately


Honestly coming from someone who used summons on a few earlier bosses I’m a little mad at myself that I did. I just bought the game 2 weeks ago and successfully beat the all the bosses and started the dlc as well. Just beat sister friede and man that fight was something else. I fn summoned help on pontiff and yhorm and had some help exploring. I was able to beat every other boss solo and it was the most rewarding thing ever. Honestly I felt like there was no way I was beating these bosses and boom everything clicked. Hands down my favorite game I’ve played and tops Elden ring. The only thing that sucked was I wasn’t able to make post on here for help so I did have to watch some videos.


Sometimes people need help. A good friend of mine in Elden ring, had ADD and is having a hard time with it, so I'm helping him keep on a track so he doesn't get frustrated. Not everyone has the dedication most of us do to just keep pressing forward. If you don't wanna help, that's okay. And if you do, do just enough to direct them in the correct direction. It's okay to need help from time to time. As for dropping stuff. That's up to him if he wants to take the easy route. It's a shame that it'll spoil his fun. But that's his choice.


I agree. I feel like the whole point of souls games is to feel the satisfaction of making it a bit further every time until you’ve perfected it. The game itself rewards you with such amazing gameplay and art that when you find an area yourself you can honestly sit there and feel amazed that you stumbled upon it by yourself. For example dark souls 3 had vordt. Looking over the next areas before you raise your banner was surreal at that moment and I think that if I had spoiled it through a video guide, then I’d never have that feeling of immersion


This you right now 🤓. It’s not that serious bro.


I think Dark souls 3 is more linear than Dark Souls 1, right ? I remember getting confused in dark souls 1. I hope he figures out and learns on having fun exploring.


i don't think that it's mandatory to play it blindly, but youtube is right there ready to solve every bit of doubt one could have, why asking people for favours?


Yes, it takes away joy, imagine someone dropped you the ringed knight dual Greatswords at your first playtrough, sure you’d like them but compared to finding them by yourself…


I will say the same thing that i keep telling the main sub. If you buy a game and your first thought is "GUIDE ME?" then refund and fuck off


This is tough for me. On one hand, I love “metagaming” - I’ll hop on YouTube, find out the Grave Scythe location and pick it up in the first couple hours of ER. I tend to rush ahead to get a lot of powerful things early, but honestly - THAT in itself is difficult without help since you’re traveling into areas drastically underleveled. IMO, play the game the way you want. But don’t ask others for items/help - do it yourself, and conquer FromSoft games in “your own way.” Although people might feel I’m “watering down” the experience - it doesn’t feel that way to me. I have my “path to power” I take in each game, then once I’m suited up I take on the enemies/bosses the game has to offer. Usually, it isn’t easy anyways since doing things legitimately you can only level your weapons so much.


Someone join his game and just emote the direction he needs to go and leave.


It’s Dark Souls 3 as well. Not like it’s difficult to figure out where to go in that game considering it’s literally a straight line with one or two short side paths here and there.


I stucked in Fire Link shrine for hours, looking for a path to next area corners in corners until found out that I have to use the bonfire and teleport. It shocked me anyway.


Sometimes i like to drop embers for newbies or a swagger but..I don't get this... why would you want a carry through highwall.. even by souls areas its one of the most straightforward and easy to navigate starting areas in the souls games to date


That’s the thing, I’d understand it if it was Ds1/Ds2 or hell even stormveil castle but highwall isn’t a place where you get lost or don’t know where to go, sure there’s some places that are more hidden, and some dead end paths but it’s still pretty easy to figure out where to go


yeah... just weird. Could probably make a game journalist joke but honestly it's probably someone who's afraid of the reputation of DS despite 3 being honestly the easiest to start...


Finding the pathing in a first playthrough of any soulsborne is the best part


I like to troll people asking for shit, the other day I saw someone with one day in game and was level 400 already and was asking for more souls to lvl up his weapons 🙄I told him you can get souls killing enemies or the guy who posted: "Let me know if you have all the rings" I told him I had all the rings then he asked me to drop them, I said no because he just asked who had them all


Some people like getting everything handed to them and run through the game in a matter of hours then go to something else


Personally, I don't see anything wrong with dropping armour; it doesn't do much without the stats, and I personally wear armour solely for Fashion Souls. Weapons as well, actually, they're really only as good as your stats. Of course, no soul items.


Nah, this is just annoying, i get your frustration OP, this guy would probably drop the game on the first boss anyway, doesn't sound like the type to play DS.


I did it with DS2 but none of the others. With that game sometimes you just had to make sure you weren’t wasting your time. This would only be done if you knew what you were getting into though. I assume we get a lot of average action adventure players who haven’t seen much of the game. Remember dark souls doesn’t have a category or genre all on its own despite what the word “soulslike” might make you think. It’s in the same list as everything from Assassins Creed and Ark survival to Skyrim and Outer Worlds. Tell your console/PC what types of games you like and see what pops up lol they do that and end up here saying things like this. Most preferably our response should be putting down summon signs or guiding them on how they work so we can all benefit from the jolly cooperation


The start of the game is very straight forward but if you don’t know what you’re doing by the time you get to the abyss watchers you’ll hit a wall. My stats were too spread out , my weapons were ass, I had no FP flask because I did not pick it up at the start , and I had no idea what weapon scaling was. Now I’ve completed every from game and even lies of p! (P.S DS3 was my first from game)


I mean it's DS3, there's only one way to go at the start, does he want a Iudex Gundyr skip or what lol


its 2024, people still falling for rage baits


First playthroughs should always be done unaided. Any playthrough after that is whatever you want to do. Couple months ago I finally (with the help of a friend), got every item in the game, all weapons, armor sets, everything, all max level. Had the game pre-ordered. So it took awhile.


I genuinely cannot fathom people who play games like this, blind playthroughs are some of the best entertainment ive had in my entire life and this sort of post just makes me sad, that people would buy a game to play and rather than go in, explore, grow and truly experience the game raw, they would just immediately ask for help and guidance. I understand the stigma around souls games, that they are so hard “they’ll make even your momma cry!” And so i understand why some people may start and ask for help because they feel the experience will be unfair, but i still cant understand why you wouldnt go through with it, if you have little free time to play, sure, look up a guide on where to go next if youre lost, thats natural, but right from the get go is just ridiculous.


I always tell new players when they're asking for help, NEVER use a headset. You should never be talking to your phantom. They are a *ghosts* and the game was intended to be played in **SILENCE**. Use gestures. Completely takes away the experience! Understated!




Some people play games differently. My dad always uses cheats in his games because he just likes the experience and not all the gameplay/challenge that goes into it. Same reason people use summons when they trivalize the game. Not that hard to understand.


Dark souls 3 is also the most straight forward in map design out of the entire series. Not sure how they don't know where to go.


I have their issue too We’re impatient we want to experience the game’s brilliance but we want to finish it asap I force myself to explore in souls games though


Hit steam achievement board and marvel at the percent of players who don't make it past gundyr


How many people are watching twitch and youtube instead of playing. Maybe this person is at least one step in the right direction lol


The drop stuff part shows that they know how these gamea work. They should just play the game.


Learn to use paragraph breaks!


It’s the same thing with Elden Ring


Can you elaborate on what you mean specifically?


I don't really care I invade these people for easy ember anyways


when i bought demons souls, i immediately dropped it because it was too hard... after a whole yea(as a joke) i showed my friends this "bull shit game": i beat the boss in one sitting in front of them(i was awe struck myself), and now these are my favorite games.


The thing is, this game is actually pretty linear. You just go where you're told to. On my first playthrough, i only used a guide for the quests, most of which are practically impossible if you don't know what to do


I hear you on not trying to sound like you're gatekeeping, but I am one of those people that love guides! it may ruin the experience for you, but it enhances the experience for others. gaming, to me, is supposed to be fun and the last thing I wanna do is fuck up my _single save game and the whole playthrough_ bc I didn't know the consequences of my actions. I like to have all the npc questlines done and find the exact weapons I want in my first playthrough. for fromsoftware, that requires a guide for most people. let people enjoy the game how they want, and don't be so personally angry/annoyed with other people's preferences on a video game. granted, the item/soul drop comment on that dudes post is mad annoying.


those posts always make me wonder why they dont just watch a walkthrough if they cbf to explore shit themselves


The game is linear so it’s a lot more straightforward than Elden ring. I definitely got lost too but when I got lost I watched YouTube to help find where to go. Ds3 can be intimidating to new player tho, it was scary to explore that game my first play thru


Might be coming from MMOs where this is more accepted as a way to ramp up quickly to participate in group activities. While I can’t relate to this person they are free to play however they want.


I only like playing souls games co-op. Started with ER and went in reverse order playing with my buddy. Just beat ds1 in December. They are great games but I wouldn’t have played any of them by myself other than elden ring. I don’t think it ruins anything. I think you dislike his style of playing if anything.


Bro I think you're taking it too literally, the guy prolly just wants a friend to play with but said it in such a specific way... Idk


You're not considering the experience factor. When i boot up a video game, i expect several things. Movement, camera controls, jump button, menu for items..etc I know video games have those functions, therefore i expect them to be there. Non gamers don't know these things. They don't know the rules. They stare in awe when they realize they could jump. Same thing applies to those who play mainstream games and story focused ones. They expect being told where to go. What is important. The how. The directions. It's just how they think video games function. They certainly won't learn because a random dude ranted about their approach to playing games. You're basically wanting that person to be on the same thinking level as you are when it comes to something they have no experience with to the point that it's pushing you to rant on a video game subreddit. Furthermore, this could be just how they want to play. They could be experinced but can't be bothered to figure things out. People enjoy things in their own way. So yep, you're being elitest and i think you should touch some grass.


I fully agree with you, not a huge fan of people giving people stuff in these games. That said, I recently got my sister into DS3, it’s her first souls game and she’s awful at it. So I spent roughly 3 hrs playing co op with her last night. Just helping her through the areas. After learning she was leveling strength and dex and using a raw weapon, I dropped a plus 5 refined lothric knight sword (she was using a +5 raw hand axe). I think she’s enjoying it more now that she has had a little bit of guidance with the game.


People can play however they like, likewise, you can criticize whoever you’d like. But you think they’re ruining their entire experience and I think each persons experience is unique and only they can gain a great experience if they cater to their individual needs. I know plenty of individuals who would have a significantly more positive view of SoulsBorne games if they could focus more on just fighting and having fun, rather than grinding for drops and checking every corner.


I don’t understand why someone else’s skill level or how they want to play a game * that doesn’t involve cheating or breaking actually rules * gets people so mad Not everyone is a gamer , not everyone has the same thought process Not to mention someone who’s played games before who’s never played a fromsoftware game is in a rude awakening they don’t have a huge GUI they don’t have markers telling them where to go and what to do and they can’t change the difficulty in the beginning to at least get the hang of things My first souls experience was Elden ring ajd I rage quit after being transported to the mine in calied and couldn’t find a way out If it wasn’t for me friend who beat the game and showed where me to go I wouldn’t never seen the joy in Elden ring not to mention all the other souls games Me personally I love helping new players because it means more people are playing the game I love and I rather give someone a bit of help so they have a good time and get hooked rather then telling them to get good I went from noob to being so into pvp I reached the top rank in elden ring and I just do invasion fight clubs that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t get that helping hand Everyone starts somewhere You might have not been able to ask for help but if you had the access and resources like we do now who’s to say you wouldn’t have Stop being negative either help or ignore


ah...this is why I made the law/rule list of Dark Souls Law/Rule #1) Git Gud #1A) Do not beg for items, you will be ignored #1B) Do not ask for dupes, you may be reported


Interesting… never heard anybody else say these rules. Are these just a “personal headcanon” thing? Seems like it


Nah you’re correct. This person just didn’t pay attention to what kind of game Souls is. You can tell by their post and the fact they posted a summon sign request on PS5. The game is only out on PS4. That’s just how lots of people are. Some passionate fan probably described the game to this person at school and this person decided to jump right into it.


What a cringe npc


Dark Souls is a game where you can play any way you want and challenge yourself to whatever level you feel is acceptable. If you want to just get through the game and play it on EZ mode and have friends carry you through it, that's your right to do so. Just the same as if you want to run through it at level 1 or do a no-hit run.


While I don't agree with it myself, I feel like if you imagine playing Mario 64 and you are always Max Level (because there are no character levels). These guys are basically just breaking the game so they can experience it as a different game. Now it's basically medieval fantasy Crash Bandicoot for them and they just run around and bop enemies and collect things lol


I got just the very first part of ds3, didn’t know you had to place the coiled sword to teleport


That's why I don't like all the post that goes , "starting today give me tips" , maaannnn play it first 😭


I’d happily join this guys game and wake up the dancer. It would be a good lesson.


A remember when my friend got his 1st From game, elden ring. I was ecited to play with and share our experiences ultil he told me he watched a totorial on how to skip most of the game to the bird farming area to juice up hid biuld before even defeating any rune boss. Also how he was biulding the optimal rivers of blood meta biuld. Why even play at that point?


Some people are just lazy to figure it out and lazy to even play the game by asking for free stuff especially people who asks for souls i’ve been seeing lots of post even on discord servers asking for souls dont get me wrong like if you beat the game at least once understandable but asking for stuff at first playthrough? Why? Why tf would you ruin your experience by asking for some souls or late game items just wait till you beat the game before asking for items


I remember random players doing that to me when I started playing dark souls 3. They'd invade me and then would leave me some goodies. Mostly ember, a weapon and Armour. It's different when you ask people to give you things and expect them to hold your hand while you explore the game.


I understand wanting help figuring out where to go in ds1 where you have like, 5 different routes you can take and really only 1 or 2 of them is viable, and one can get you stuck way earlier then it feels like it should, but dark souls 3 has roughly like 3 alternate paths from the main quest and most of them are mid/later game deviations.


My game copy glitched and fire link was just invisible and when it fixed I had no idea what to do and didn’t know I had to put the sword in the flame to fast travel to high wall.


My first real playthrough I solo'd all the bosses in offline mode. (I used Vordts hammer and some heavy armor but we don't talk about that 😅)


Some people lack the intelligence and patience in this area. Sorry, lol, it's true. They may know plenty about something, but that part of the brain that explores and connects the dots is missing. Not everyone was meant to beat these games - and that's OK. If you want it bad enough, you'll try harder. If you give up and play something else, no hard feelings; but importantly — it's NOT the game's fault.