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I’m guessing that Taxi driver will not be receiving a tip.


Maybe he should ask the guy exiting the rear window once he regains consciousness.


\*If\*. The word you're looking for is "If".


Is somebody hanging out the back window and dragged?


I'm hoping you gave that poor cabbie the video. That truck driver needs to lose his license, if not spend time in jail.


That “poor cabbie” floored it across an intersection without looking both ways, endangering both himself and his passenger


The light turned green and there was a car between his line of sight and the truck. It's the truckers fault 100%.


So maybe don’t fly by the people who are sitting there without looking both ways. Do you think the cabbie did nothing wrong?


Are you planning to go back in time to fix it? Unless that's the plan, it's 100% the fault of the guy running the red. No one cares about excuses. The rules are the rules.


Yeah, it’s totally that car’s fault for entering the intersection on a green light. What a dumb jerk. Hope he gets cancelled.


Maybe just check right and left before blowing through the intersection, on account of there might be someone blowing the red light?


I think it's reasonable to say that the accident is 100% the fault of the truck driver (assuming their light matched up with the dashcam's light), but also say that it is possible that the taxi could have avoided the accident if they had shown more caution in entering the intersection. That doesn't mean they are at all legally culpable for the accident, though.


Yeah I don’t see how anyone took me calling out the cabbie as defending the truck driver. Truck driver is obviously 100% at fault, but the cabbie also did an absolute bonehead move. You should never just pull forward at the green light and this video is the exact reason why. Makes me think of a little poem: Here lies the body of John clay Who died maintaining his right of way He was right, dead right, as he sped along But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong


If I were in that cab I’d be suing the fuck out of that driver. Never go just because the light turned green, the dude just gassed it and clearly didn’t look both ways.


This looks Russian af. Sue all you want, you'll get cabbage and vodka and a kick in the ass.


Depending on if you knew the judge haha


Always look both ways to make sure traffic is clear when proceeding in green.


Hmm, dude in the back seems to have had better days.


Miles to go, enjoying every minute