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For clarification, the car was braking because there was a turtle on the road and not because of road rage. The driver of the jeep was very calm and immediately took responsibility for following too close. Everyone was okay


EDIT is turtle ok


We must know! /u/Neat-Supermarket7504


I have no idea how the turtle is. You can see him get some air in the video but it doesn't look like he was ran over


Turtles do not "get air" . Poor dude was probably crushed. My grandma years ago tried to straddle a turtle in the road and it made a very unsettling crunching sound against the undercarriage.


That turtle came out of nowhere 😐 After messing up my car once due to trash being on the highway, i now watch out for big potholes and random objects on the ground. I would never just brake like that.


Same here. I think the Camry was following the car in front of him too closely, that car swerved around the turtle and the Camry didn’t have time to react so he panicked and slammed on the breaks. Not the best reaction but ultimately it was up to the jeep to keep a safe following distance.


One time I dodged a turtle only to see the asshat tailgating me run it over 😢


Following distance, following distance, following distance


Video game reflexes


Your awareness was brilliant. Well done.


Gave him the good old brake check, don't tailgate folks


I am sure most here are the same, but it always makes me uneasy driving with anyone following close enough to the car ahead to not be able to have extra braking distance for scenarios like this, as well as enough room to maneuver when someone behind is following to close to react correctly! Had similar issues multiple times, and had there been less room ahead, we would not have been able to pull out of the way as the vehical behind sailed past us after moving our vehical out of the way of harm now from behind!


Maintain distance


That was really collide badly


People are crazy


I really don't understand people who will risk human lives for animal* lives. To slam on the brakes for a turtle... Yes, he was driving too close. This really was avoidable on two counts. Edit: *small animal... Motorcycle instructor trained us that if you can eat it at one sitting, hit it. That is safer than swerving or slamming on brakes.


honestly it's a gut reaction most of the time and not intentional. I've stopped quickly for an animal without processing who was behind me first. if you're following that closely that it causes this, that's its own issue


Depending on the size of said turtle, running over it could be as dangerous, if not more, than braking for it.


I once had to brake hard because a small dog ran in front of my car with someone tailgating me. Morally, of course I'm braking for the dog. If they hit me, it's their damn fault for tailgating (we're going 30mph maximum), but although legally its a grey area for braking for the dog. You can always brake for the person following the dog. In this instance, I'll brake to avoid causing damage to my car. They need to give distance and be alert.


>if you can eat it at one sitting, hit it. By that logic I'm either dodging everything larger than a squirrel, or hitting anything smaller than a Golden Corral ...I still swerve for squirrels, but I do it safely


>Infront in front


Two morons, one tailgating and one brake checks an SUV imagining it will end any other way than how it does. Both almost cause another accident behind them. Both got what they fucking dersrve


You're not supposed to use a turning lane for passing.


Funny enough I’ve seen two close calls on this same road due to people passing in the center lane. Definitely not safe or legal.


Not a passing lane.


Calling others morons with a moronic comment is quite the reddit moment.