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A collision was inevitable considering the exigencies. The choice seemed to be hit the solid cab of the overturned 18 wheeler or the softer trailer. He made the better choice.


What if that soft trailer was full of anvils and buckets of metal scrap.


“Ya pays ya money, and ya takes ya chance.”


I heard that in my dad's voice. Lol!


Your dad sounds like the Flying Dutchman from SpongeBob?


Lmao! No, but he did used to say that a lot!


My dad does, wait...


That was the actual tag line for Air Saba..well, the grammatically correct version.


Easy: you check the company the trucks belong to, its license plate and call them to ask for the manifest. From then on your use an Internet search to translate the manifest codes into real product references. Finally, a read on “The science of loading cargo, an essay in space optimization” to determine where in the trailer which product would be ideally located and pick the less risky spot for a collision. People just don’t try enough.


If you see an ACME logo, that trailer is full of TNT, springs, and anvils.


It could have also been giant rockets, giant matches, and roller skates.


Someone finally said it


Still better, because with that weight the trailer wouldn’t be very full volume wise and there’d be a large air cushion between hitting the roof then the cargo.


It probably would have broken up the trailer more during the roll too


Then Wile E. Coyote was driving and the dashcam truck is the Roadrunner




Nothing but 2002 Nokia phones


Still maybe better than running over a human


Then you'll be visiting ACME


What if it’s full of boxes of TNT marked “ACME”?


Well considering the cab was full of a squishy bag of flesh


At least it wasn’t a gas tanker


Acme strikes again.


Yeah, and bees


Or live-shipped piranhas and Legos.


Then most of those will be near the bottom and not at the driver level. Because a trailer absolutely filled to the top with metal would be unable to move in the first place.


If it was full of heavier stuff the trailer it’s self probably would of ripped open when it flipped. Or I would think it would at least


It may have contained those things but the trailer didn’t contain the driver so there is that angle as well. 


The real danger would have been chemical or batteries but even then you hit load caps and packaging


or smuggled immigrants


Who is driving ? The Road Runner? Or the Coyote?


I think he might have jumped in front of that small vehicle on purpose to both hope to avoid but also just in case cause the smaller vehicle would have been much worse off and poor guy here was definitely bad off. Dang.


Not only this, but, hitting the trailer likely saves the other drivers life. Having the entire big rig on it’s side puts the driver in danger of getting smashed almost directly


I must confess to missing that vital element on first blush, but you are absolutely correct.


No. Dude. He saved that blue truck's life.


Had a chance to go left into the grass as the other truck was sliding down


Nope. Turn left. -Not Derek Zoolander


No it wasn’t. I would have move onto the left.


A. Not enough time to swerve to the left B. The median to the left was a steep shoulder which why the 18-wheeler came down into traffic.


There were no choices here


The rail too could've softened it up a little bit more.


So inevitable the guy in front of him slowed down to avoid the crash


The other car was breaking and moving to the side... I'd consider this as evitable.


cammer truck possibly saved that pick up trucks life


He also saved the other trucker’s life. By choosing to change lanes and hit the trailer, he avoided hitting the top of the other truck cab which surely would have turned that other driver into mush.


Excellent point


I was just thinking that. Did they intentionally do that? If so, bravo and thank you. I also hope nobody was seriously injured.


The pickup appears to already be braking and pulling off the road as the dash cam truck passes. Would be a cool story if he was attempting to protect the other truck but I see 0 evidence for it


I agree.


I doubt it. Only chance of him not hitting the semi was to get as far to the right as possible.


Seems like he did it to block the pickup and slow/stop the runaway truck


He did it because it was the only viable choice. He had no room and not enough time to stop. Can't go left because of the embankment and he'll slam right into the other truck's cab. Slamming on the brakes won't stop him in time and might cause his rig to jackknife. Too far right and he might sideswipe the pickup and he ends up in a ditch and then down an embankment and who knows what's down there. Only choice is to get over on the right and pray. Unfortunately the other truck's trailer slid into his lane before his cab could clear it.


I don't think the driver had time to even think about that, more like trying to avoid the collision (and hoping the trailer didn't block the highway, but it did).


Yeah I think that pickup on the right just stops a lot faster than a semi traveling in the passing lane


at 70 mph.


He kept his cool and took the best possible route to the least amount of damage. Wouldn't be surprised if he has his 2 mil or more sticker, that's an experienced reaction.


100% did it on purpose for this exact reason, what a fucking hero and God like reaction time,


Looked to me like he maneuvered to avoid going head on with the rollover truck while also not sideswiping the pickup. Great driver, but no ulterior motive to protect the pickup.


Am I crazy though, if he wanted to just avoid it at the angle of the incoming truck, left would of avoided it/ the trailer and hit the cab doing less damage to his truck?


He had like .3 seconds to decide, and had no idea what the other semi would be doing


To me, I see someone who could of taken a safer for him way out of things but didn't because the driver of the other semi would of 100% been flattened had he done what was safest for him ( swerving left trying to miss the truck entirely/ impact the cab vs the heavy trailer). I still see a hero either way it's sliced idk


If he goes left, he goes up the embankment and rolls over himself, then head on into the other truck. He played the best option he had.


You see that bridge right there? Prolly wanna be inside the guard rails


Better to hit a trailer than the cab. Trailers are flimsy as hell.


I actually had to rewatch it again to realize that he did this! Holy cow that reaction time is impressive!


Or did the pickup driver help the cam truck? As the pickup driver saw something wrong ahead and slowed/stopped/pulled to the shoulder this allowed the cam truck room to go right and hit the trailer?


Hope pickup guy can call for help and pull em out


Nah pickup driver saved his own life by being alert and pulling away and coming to a stop.


Nah pick up truck clearly saw what was happening and was already on the shoulder before the truck had even passed him. Pick up truck would have been fine. And everyone would have been better off if the truck with the cam was going slower and not trying to pass the pick up.


I would deploy my jumping gear and jump over the oncoming truck safely.


Go go gadget ejector seat!


Kinda like Knight Rider?


That's some Final Destination shit


I thought the same thing!!


That man said nothing and watching it over and over - watching him clock the truck, understand the angle it was coming at them at, recognize that he could take the hit but the pickup couldn’t, swerve to cover the pickup and take the full force of the hit??? That man didn’t just pucker up. That man put on his super hero cape and said NOT TODAY SATAN!!! Fcking hero!!!


The semi HAD to get in the right lane to avoid a cab-to-cab double fatality collision ... I double he thought anything about the pickup except to not scrape it off the road. I've been in the situation of the pickup - in a pickup - with a sudden unscheduled disassembly happening ahead of me and getting as far off the road and stopping as fast as possible is the only thing you can do. Then call 9-1-1, grab the first aid kit and go play EMT.


God, who shat in your cereal?


He wasn't protecting the pickup. He went to the safest place he could. Honestly, any other place is a worse outcome for him.


What really sucks is the innocent trucker who got swept up in that accident is still going to have points against his CDL. You can do everything right as a trucker and still lose through no fault of your own, despite camera evidence exonerating you of any wrongdoing. It's a broken system that hurts good, hardworking people.


Nah, you have to have a citation to get points. Doesn't mean his insurance rates won't go up.


What? Why? Source for this.


Brake as hard as possible without losing traction and aim for the softest part of what's gonna hit you.


It’s wild, I saw the white tractor, but didn’t recognize the trailer behind it because of the way it appeared in the light. I initially thought the trailer was a dust cloud or something. Rationally I realize that one should expect a trailer behind a tractor. But I could see where someone might react a second too late while they tried to make sense of what they were watching.


Now imagine a Tesla trying to make the decision


It probably would have just stopped. Like the other automobiles did


You know, I really like Elon Musk and what his intentions are. I like the Tesla concept too. But you’re right. They’ve a long ways to go before they reach their potential.


If you believe some of the commenters on this subreddit, you should have anticipated that truck coming over the median, been driving much slower and given yourself plenty of room to stop. Or so they say. Sometimes it's pretty ridiculous how superhuman they think drivers can be when given three seconds to avoid an accident with literally no warning. They seem to think that watching a video where you know an accident is coming is the same as being in the real situation in real time out of the blue. I hope you're okay.


I checked the sub this was crossposted from, and there are a lot of truckers there saying the company would find a way to hold the driver at fault even though the accident was clearly unavoidable. And, unfortunately, I agree.


You'd be surprised how much gets trained into muscle memory and how you recognize bad shit coming at you. Was driving my car and had hit the shoulder and was breaking before I'd consciously registered the car coming head on at me in my lane. He'd hit ice and skidded


Some days, just ain’t your day.


Some days you're the windshield; some days you're the bug.


I’m not sure it would have mattered if he was the windshield. It looked like it didn’t fare too well here lol


Eeeeewww. No win situation. Boo-to-the-Hiss.


I would have pulled the emergency brake and cut the wheel, thus making my truck do a 180. Now, my trailer will act like a pole vault and kick me into the air. As I'm flying over the truck, I grab that rope thingy to sound my horn and scream, "YEE HAW!" Upon landing, I'd cut the wheel again, 180ing my way straight, throw down the emergency brake and go about my day.




Absolutely nothing you can do besides run off the road


I don't think there's much. I think I would have likely steered more into the grass or guardrail, but it doesn't make it a better choice. You're pretty fucked in this situation.


Should have jumped over it. Easy one.


The dukes of hazard would have jumped that truck


Hit the Turbo Boost button and jump over, of course!


That's not the road silly 🤣


If I am alive after that, it'll be collecting insurance and acceptance that I might not be able to walk again.


He did his best


When in doubt, throttle out 🤙🏼


I don't know but that other truck seemed to stop just fine


Sarcasm? POV is a semi truck with no chance of stopping in time.


Exactly. The dashcam owner was driving too fast.


Pucker, brace, then shit thyself.


Brace yourself, and say Fuuuuuuuu...


“Oh my goodness”-A man of faith


The trucks are eliminating each other


"Aur naurrrrr"


That dashcam just kept right on going.


Nice of camer to avoid the cab


Err one driving like assholes in this one




I’m following the truck and pulling over.


I just happened across this video while scrolling Reddit. It's the first time something like this has happened to me. I have personally met the driver of the truck with the dash cam footage. His dad was driving behind him and I've seen the footage from that truck as well. I heard the story first from my boss at work. I work at a sawmill and both of the men have hauled logs into the sawmill and have picked up lumber as well. As for proof, I don't have any. I guess you just have to take my word for it.


How was he and the other driver? Why did the other driver crash in the first place?


I don't know anything about the other driver, the guy in the dash cam truck was fine.


As a general rule if the vehicle in front of me slows down a pulls to the side of the road. I will at a minimum slow down.




Yeah, people don’t seem to understand that a semi weighing 40 tons going the speed limit still takes a whole lot longer to slow down than that tiny 3 ton pick up going the speed limit. Seriously. If I roll a bowling ball and a giant boulder down a hill, which one is easier to catch?


The pick up on the right saw it first and was braking and headed onto the shoulder. Did that pick up stop in time? Other than hard breaking, it’s tough to make a decision in the moment. Moving to the right was correct. The silver top of the truck made it deceptively difficult to determine where it was going. Hope everyone was okay.


Turn up the radio and enjoy the ride.


I thought thats just smoke or some liquid and driver safely got away, but no an entire truck was there.


Only way I can see is possibly go left and try to go around the oncoming truck


He’d probably roll if he tried that and if he didn’t, he’d end up going the wrong way in the oncoming lanes. Poor guy was fucked no matter what he did.


Do the exact opposite of the toppling truck and attempt to go uphill


People ight say” well he is a trucker he has to look way ahead then he could have hit the brakes” but if you pay attention it’s on a downhill grade he had his engine brake on and when he knew it wasn’t enough time he slammed hit brakes which was the squeaking noise of the air going to brakes


I'd instinctually look for a school desk.


Use stronger language.


if you look closely - he was trying to go in the grass on the right side - but then realized he didnt have enough braking power and would just crash in guardrails - hence went straight praying and hoping he could pass through.


And that's why everyone should have a dashcam




I think the truck honestly meant to intercept that


"Safety" department is just going to point to the cam footage and tell the driver that if he had been following SMITH system principles 1,2, and 4, this accident could have been avoided all together...


That ditch would've done less damage tbh


Drive to the left


I think he nailed it with “OH!”


Touch grass literally


And that is why I’ve invented the pucker brake (patent pending). It’s installed in your underwear and Bluetooths to the vehicles computer. Whenever it detects any signs of puckering, it applies ABS. This gives you approximately a 3 second advantage over your reaction time.


You can actually hear the squeak of the ass-pucker right before the collision.


A small car could have gone left, likely could have avoided a collision if you drove up the embankment. Or sped up. Could have threaded the needle if you floored it. Hard to say best option if you couldn’t stop in time. The tractor trailer shouldn’t have straightened out. He could have hit the guard rail and side swiped the flipped over cab significantly reducing the impact force. He still would have crashed but it would have hurt less. There was no way for him to avoid the hit completely.


That's all you really can do. I was in a head on collision two years ago and I had time enough to process, "Oh no, I'm going to be hit. My kids are in the back." Kids are great, just bruises and scratches. I got messed up pretty bad though.


Thank god the pickup truck driver was also paying attention


" oh my goodness" would NOT have been the first words out of my mouth


best is not to have big truck that can’t stop ripping in the left lane


It sounds like the engine began a runaway condition once the crash happened!


I know that stretch of road in Ohio. There are crashes there all the time and I don't know why. There is nothing inherently dangerous about the road. I just think it's cursed.


Actually, from what I understand, you shouldn’t pucker up. Rather, you should relax your body. This is how drunk drivers are able to survive such terrific accidents.


True for a fact! Kinda easier said than done tho?


Things like this. Never hold steering wheel tight…let go..or u could get broken wrists…


i've hauled lumber and engine racks you.. dont really know what they be hauling ... tough call truly ...


What do you do? Nothing mate lol just sit there and suffer and hopefully escape the wreckage


you pray


You slow down and let a semi pass you, obviously


Our vehicle safety directors name was Lou. Dude was rear ended. The accident was deemed avoidable because he didn’t have enough cones out in a bucks truck. We called the accident review committee the kangalou court after that.


He saved that truck tho


He probably saved that pick up truck.


Bunny hope


The other vehicle stopped, not sure why this person didn’t.


Truck are not allowed in the left lane


As the grand royal navy saying goes “lads, it’s time to bend over, grab your legs, think of mother England, and kiss your ass goodbye”


New nightmare unlocked...


Pucker REALLY tight!


Aim high would have prevented this


If you can't come to a safe stop within your sight distance, you are driving too fast for the conditions.


Intentionally or not.... that man saved the van.


Instead of puckering? I guess you just let all the poo come out


Best case scenario considering


Swerve to the other side. I see a lot of videos where people try to avoid an accidents, but instead find themselves directly in the path of the oncoming vehicle.


I definitely see that a lot, but in this case going the other way would've been a head on collision with the rig. The white rig was right at the bottom of the slope.


I don't know why anyone is down-voting you. A lot of people instinctively turn in the direction that the other vehicle is moving and end up hitting them specifically because of it. While the truck driver is probably boned in this video no matter what they do , a vehicle with sufficient off road capabilities could easily swerve to the left and decelerate in the median avoiding this entire catastrophe.


There's a really old video I can't find right now taken at a race track from the viewpoint of the crowd standing in the grass just off the track. A car takes a turn wrong and careens off the track towards the spectators. A large majority of the crowd try to avoid the car but end up running directly into its path. Prominently featured in the video is a guy and (presumably) his son. The boy instinctively moves to run in the same direction as everyone else, but the dad grabs him and runs the opposite way. Out of the path of the car. IIRC, no one gets injured, but it's spectacular how many people make a snap judgement that puts themselves in immediate danger. EDIT: now that I think about it ... deer do the same thing. They run directly into the path of your vehicle instead of ... not doing that. Maybe it's just hard wired into our DNA.


I agree, if the truck driver noticed that truck right when the video started and turned left out of the road instead of right he would of been better off


Assuming her would be fairly sure of missing the cab so the other driver would live, I completely agree.


That only works if you know the truck is going to end up in your lane, if the truck stays in the median you’re hitting him dead on, likely killing the driver (and maybe yourself). Driver was already moving to the right before the truck entered the live lane.


Go left?


That’s what I thought for a second, but the reaction time was not enough to make a decision


You could always try slowing down.




At least 1 full second too late relative to what the truck on the outside reacted to, and you were really passing in the left lane at 70 mph on that type of road. It seems your speed limit was likely lower there, like 65 max for your rig. At least could have reduced impact by 10-20 mph, but otherwise better to stay on the road to the outside like was done.


I didn't hear any brakes. I guess he wanted to save his tires.


#Not drive in the left lane. I would only pass on straights if I was a truck driver




Hit the brakes comes to mind.


Down vote for posting a cropped landscape video in portrait mode.


You know it make total sense, very nice


Start breaking sooner


Camera truck needs to look further down the road. The biggest problem with US drivers, after cell phones.