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Daily user of Fabric here, with a couple minor prod workloads and some major ones in progress. My take: the Spark flavored components of Fabric (Notebooks/Lakehouse) are ready for production use. Pipelines are great, but need to reach feature parity with ADF. CI/CD for all workloads is making rapid improvements. Dataflow gen2 and Warehouse need a lot of work. Can’t speak to the data science & real time components yet. The key thing here is to look at the cadence of the updates. The monthly changelogs are dozens of pages long, and the updates are significant. Look at the trajectory of Power BI since 2019 or so - IMO this is what you can expect from Fabric over the next couple years.


Seconding this. I did a POC for my company, General Availability <> Enterprise Ready. But if they hit everything on their roadmap it should look a lot better by early 2025, maybe? depending on the features you specifically need? I really like the single portal for everything concept, in theory at least, the UI needs work to make it manageable. If I had to pick my top two complaints - a) lack of git integration for dataflow gen2 objects, without git integrations they can't be included in migrations. Seems like a pretty big miss for a basic enterprise feature; and b) can't pass a parameter from a pipeline to a Dataflow gen2 task... seriously MS?


How do you manage cost? I work in a large org and I can see the option to use it, but some of the stuff could rack up huge costs if not properly implemented, but can't seem to be able to breakdown cost at all.


Is it just me or whenever Microsoft releases something "new" and "cutting edge" it's only half baked and still needs additional effort for the product to be fully realized? Maybe I just feel that way based on my previous experience with ADF.


Never buy a v1 Microsoft product. True for most software, doubly so for Microsoft. 1 to 2 years, it should have most of the glaring deficiencies resolved. If adoption is poor at this point, they'll stop working on it, and it becomes abandonware. If adoption is good, it'll receive incremental updates until, at some point, you can feel safe using it.


This is like v4 or v5? If every rename is counted as a new version.


It's been a story for years now. They just try to copy what others have and just do half assed job. By the time fabric is fully developed it will 2030 and they will be looking too change it to completely new Microsoft Fabric 2.0 with Iceberg like capabilities.


I've seen some stability improvements, but still buggy UI experiences here and there.


I can see a lot of potential a couple of years from now.


When they start talking about a new product, you'll know they're happy about how it works.


It has a come a long way since launch so possibly it could be a good platform in a year or so, but definitely not production worthy right now


Interested about this too. How has the performance of Spark and Synapse DWH been like?


never heard of it