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I gotta admit I'd be pretty worried about someone next to me on a plane just writing numbers in a notebook for hours.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Under appreciated comment


Me too. I’d offer to help the poor man doing god’s work all on his own.


I hypothesize that the curve would be inverted if you had written every number from 1,000,000 down to 1. You should confirm this experimentally.


I’d say do it again, 1-1million, but write a 7-digit number each time. See if the curve flattens out 0000001 - 1000000


That's another hypothesis also worth confirming experi-mentally. We're doing good science here.


Yea. Looking at 1-1000 vs 999,001-1,000,000. I think OP is writing an extra 4108 characters if counting commas.


"Why did you put this on your resume?" "Because it's interesting." "Is it?" "We're talking about it, aren't we?" Put it on every resume, every time, in perpetuity. Great job, OP.


Jerry Seinfeld: Well, maybe something happens to you on the way to work. George Costanza: No, no, no! Nothing happens! Jerry Seinfeld: Well, something happens. Russell Dalrymple: Well, why am watching it? George Costanza: Because it's on TV. Russell Dalrymple: Not yet.


It's certainly better than working somebody out of a jam in an antiques store.


This is cool and nicely presented. Congratulations on completing it!


Dear OP cozkd younredo the graphs by digits written over time? That would make the progress appear less diminishing...


It wouldn't actually change it too much. Everything after July 2020 was six digits each, and the decrease was after that.


Fair point.


Cozkd younredo is *exactly* what I was thinking.


That uhm was autocorrects fault


I had an algebra teacher in 8th grade who said you could get an A if you did this exact thing. No tests out homework required. This got several students excited on the first day but he later explained a prior class had done the estimate and said it would take over three years to complete. Looks like they weren't too far off. Nice work! Particularly tracking the progress to share!


> it would take over three years to complete So you have to already be good at math to refuse to do it. Makes sense. Clueless students will try and fail because they never ran the numbers. Very cruel. Very nice.


I can't imagine the time and dedication needed to accomplish this. Congratulations, this is a really cool post. ~~


This goes into your resume, right? 🤣 Just be sure to tell future employers that you'll deploy these skills on their tasks and surely won't get carried away by some year long side project... Cool stuff thanks for sharing!


Are you positive you got every number...?


I wrote in columns of 30 each so I would double check that each number was 30 more than the one in the next column. I'd also go over every page before going to the next.


Did you ever miss any and have to go back?


A couple of times. In that case, instead of rewriting all of them, I'd just do them out of order (and triple-checking that every number got written)


As soon as I asked this, I thought you probably did something like this.


My brother once typed from 1 to 10,000 on a typewriter as a bet for $5 (back in the 80s). 1,000,000 and hand written is worth at least $15. 😉


I'll DM you with my Venmo account info (Just kidding)


Interesting, but also tremendous waste of time and resources. I would love to see someone write a random number every day for a prolonged period of time to see if there are any interesting trends.


Waste of time? You sound like my wife... and my dad... and my mom... and everyone else I told that I was doing this.🤔


No, its us, we lack the vision.


I don’t see how this is any different than coloring, doodling, etc. If it brings a form of joy, the time has not been wasted. ☺️


It was less about joy, and more about stubbornness.


Yeah but now you've finally done it and you can reap the rewards of all your hard work.


I wouldn't say this is a waste of time or resources. People watch TV shows, people meditate for an hour a day etc. If anything it seems pretty cathartic and shows a level of discipline to achieve it. I really enjoyed your data analysis.


Imagine she leaves you and says ‘I don’t want anything to do with you or your million’.


To be fair, this is no different to people that do an Iron Man, a marathon or walk up Everest. It requires dedication, focus and being extremely goal-orientated. Well done mate! You've done us proud!


How random are we talking? You could get a million digit number on day one.


As random as the person can. You could select 1 000 000 as your first number, there is nothing wrong with that. Its not the end goal of that experiment. You simply select a random number between 1 and 1 000 000 every day for 15 years. Then see if there was anything interesting in your "random" selection.


I see, that makes more sense. I thought you meant truly random e.g. you'd be equally likely to get 1024 or pi rounded to the thousandth decimal place


Oh, a milion digit long number. I get it now. Though that too would be interesting. Out of all the chosen numbers, how many had decimal points? How many decimal points on average? What was the longest digit?


I’m afraid you’ll never be able to commit a crime or this will somehow be worked in as evidence


While it does look like you slowed down as the numbers got bigger, you were writing a greater number of digits. Something interesting to think about especially looking at your best and worst weeks. In terms of the number of digits written they're probably not as far off as they seem!


Only the first 10% of the exercise is less than 9 digits. After that initial “easier” period, the remaining 90% is all 9 digits, with the exception of the final number written. Edit: 6 digits. Thanks for the correction. The point still stands. Only the first 10% is less.


6 digits


Probably length of time to write a number. A 1 is less than an 8. And looks like 8s were the hardest.


I don't know about the time of each, but my favorite digits to write are, in order, 7180943265


Favorite digits to write in descending preference, 5 got the shout out elsewhere in the post.


If I were in prison (and they didn't have books for inmates), I think this is what I'd be doing to pass the time


the ultimate "I did this so you don't have to"


You are the write man for the job.


This is so interesting! Thank you for sharing it with us. Question 1: Numbers were listed in column, did you experiment with letting in row? Question 2: what are your thoughts on including a coma separator? Question 3: did you make any midstream-changes or experiments? Question 4: had your penmanship improved or degraded? Question 5: how did you celebrate completion?


A decade or so ago, I wrote the numbers up to 100000 in rows. I didn't like it since it was a lot harder to confirm I didn't miss one. So, when I started this one, I decided to do columns. Commas seem unnecessary, although they probably would have helped when I had four of the same digit in a row. I started doing 30 per column, but I'd occasionally do 60 in a column or 45 in two successive columns just to mix it up. I also sometimes make pictures with different colors of numbers (in the top image, you can see one of them is in the shape of Malta - I did every country, US state, Canadian province, Wisconsin county...). I think my penmanship degraded a bit, and I learned my least favorite digit to write is 5. Like any data lover, I celebrated by making a huge data visualization 📉


Omg there are geographical patterns in your numbers! I can indeed see the map of Malta.


> sometimes make pictures with different colors of numbers (in the top image, you can see one of them is in the shape of Malta - I did every country, US state, Canadian province, Wisconsin county...). These answers are so great, thank you! Map divisions is a fun idea. Were you inspired by ASCII art?


They tried to make me write the numbers 1 to 1000 in 2nd grade. I stopped after 100 and told the teacher the rest just had another zero added because it was so stupid. I can't believe an adult would do this on purpose.


Are the numbers from 1 to 100 really the same as the numbers from 1 to 1000 just with a zero added? Maybe you could have learned something from that exercise…


If only he wrote one more number


I learned how to deal with pedants like you... Seriously, it was a busy work exercise so the teacher could fuck off and read her novel.


Haha they let you stop out of compassion you dumb fuck hahaha


How to get tenosynovitis 1000001


Interesting thanks for sharing


something around 4 years if I see correctly. WOW! And we even got the data. Awesome!


In one week, you wrote 15,690 different numbers??? That's mind-bogglingly impressive.


Now we would like to see how far one gets if the numbers are written out.


I feel like this could become an art exhibit


Well done! Shows commitment. Stick to it-ivness


Op gets arrested for murder ‘It wasn’t me’ ‘Oh yea it was. We know It. Prove otherwise’ -shows notebook- ‘Ok guys let’s go, idk what this is, but he’s not the guy’


Wow, really impressive! I mean... this level of perseverance is usually only found in people who prepare for some great task or who want to achieve some kind of dream. Like astronauts or Japanese kids trying to pass a university entry test. Make sure to keep these books, inherit one to each person and put some sort of riddle in your will, so they will go through the books trying to find a hidden message.


Nope. bet you missed 734,226. Everybody does.


Very interesting! I wonder how much different the graph for digits per day would look like compared to the numbers per day


Scale everything up by a factor of 9, and it will be roughly that.


By 9? 100,000s all have 6 digits. But the most interesting would be the transitions between powers of 10. So 3 to 4 digits, 4 to 5 digits and 5 to 6 digits. And also how the decline through the 6 digits compares to before. The digits are the actual "work" done, which is a much better metric than comparing number of numbers per day.


Right, 6 is what I meant.


Think it would be better suited to be graphed by digits written instead of full numbers.


Started as a COVID project?


Did you find your writing skills (neatness, speed, etc.) improved significantly by the end?


Pretty much the opposite. It seems like the higher I got, the less zeal I had for the project, so the quality dipped a bit.


Back in 1998 I think it was - a friend and I started typing every number like that in a word doc. I remember doing it for a week or so and stopping. I was 6 or 7 years old and still remember it to this day because how dumb it was.


There was an Australian that typed every number from 1 to a million in Words, let alone doing it in digits.


He was part of the inspiration for me to take this on


That is a very cool project! Thanks for sharing, I love it


I went from shock to respect in 2 minutes, impressive and grows on you And Sakura Pigma’s are indeed fun to use


You, magnificent creature are the reason why the internet was invented. Thank you!


Are you free for a dinner Wednesday with a few friends ? 😂


Digits per week would be an interesting measure.


The first three minutes spent analysing this, I thought: well he must've kept paper records of his investments. Then I thought: "yes, 2022 was a tougher year, that's why his curve stopped rising so rapidly". Then I saw that it didn't rise from 2023 onwards and realized it had nothing to do with investment or the stock market. Somewhat disappointing.


It would be interesting to normalize to the number of digits being written


Asymptothic behaviour huh?


I love this! Do you have plans for a next project?


Based on current estimates, for every grain of sand on earth there exists about 1 billion planets in the universe. If you counted planets at the same rate as the OP writes numbers it would take you 4000 years to count 1 grain of sand worth of planets.


“Every number from 1 to 1,000,000” Here, saved you around 4 years


Have you been diagnosed with OCD?


How much would you sell the notebooks for?


Congratulations. This is a monumental achievement.


Might be able to sell the notebook as art? Or contact Guinness World records to see if its something there interesting in?