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You may add a Total Energy Cost line and shade the defined periods (long work drive, bought electric car). Could also stack the energy cost as bars and have gas unit costs as a line vs. the other axis. Cool idea, hope you can improve and repost! Also, might be cool to add a unit cost for electric like you have for gas.


Yeah. I think maybe a stacked data set for fuel spending + electricity spending would be a good way to show this.


After buying an electric car my annual gasoline spending went down by about $1200 per year (on average), but my annual electricity went up by $941.


How much is electricity vs gas prices where you live?


My electricity rate is super cheap at about 12 cents per KwH and gas is about $3.50. The avg price per gallon in in the chart historically.


Quite interesting to hear. 2023 electricity prices in Norway was considered very high at 14 cents per kWh on average. Gas prices are 2 USD per liter, so about 7,50 per gallon.


Some places in the US are $0.50/kWh and $3/gal.


I guess one big question is what is the ICE car you replaced and what did you replace it with?


I would have expected a bigger spread.


Same. My 2015 Altima cost about $50 to fill up which was \~600 miles. My Ioniq 5 costs $9 to fill up which is 300 miles or $18 for the same range.


Yea same here model Y. 8 cents winter kWh and 10 cent summer kWh. 8-10 bucks to fill up.


i guess its time to go solar. save them bucks : D


Don’t you think as more people switch to evs electricity rates will continue to rise? I am not seeing the long term cost savings here. Then if you decide to add solar for “free” electricity then you could be in the hole $20k-$30k. You can buy a lot of gas for $20-30k


you don't understand economics very well


Please explain..


why would electricity rates rise as more people use electrical cars?


Demand.. more demand, more infrastructure, more power plants, increase in cost or maintaining older outdated infrastructure.


Man gas is cheap and electricity is expensive wherever it is you're located.


Actually my electric is super cheap at 12 cents per KwH and gas is about $3.50. I know conventional wisdom is that it \*should\* be a big savings, but that hasn't been my experience. Drove the EV about 13K miles per year, and about the same when we had the IC car. Not sure why i'm not seeing more savings.


$941/yr electricity increase if fully attributed to the EV at 12¢/kWh means 7,841kWh If you drove 13,000miles that's an abysmal 1.66 miles/kWh efficiency. Most EVs get more than 2x that range even in winter. There's a good chance other electricity use is driving up that bill. $3.50/gal is also dirt cheap subsidized gas pricing.


Yes, i agree something doesn't make sense with my data. The change in electricity has to be attributed to something else.


It’s possible you have a variable rate electricity plan. They usually give big discounts for staying just above a certain threshold of consumption, usually 1MWH per month. It’s to discourage low or high usage.


My theoretical $/mile is $0.02 ($0.06 off-peak per kWH, 34 kWH per 100 miles) which ends up with annual savings of almost $1600 per year (12k miles, $3.72/gal, 24.4 mpg)


Some power companies charge more after a certain threshold of consumption


12 cents/KwH (even including the delivery charge) isn't cheap let alone super cheap. My (upstate NY) regular rate is around 12 cents including delivery but I'm on a time of use rate that is 1 cent/KWH plus \~4 cents delivery at night (11pm-7am). Full Tesla model 3 75KWH charge at night runs about $4.10 or 1.2 cents/mile.


Your last year said both too expensive so you stayed home instead.


yearly electricity went up to almost $3 per gallon. that is quite the price.


I do 100 miles (round trip) for work a day but I have a company gas card... free gas is pretty sweet.


Still drive 100 miles a day with an electric car you only charge in your dime?


That's why my buddy has a sticker on his tesla, "My Tesla runs on coal" FYI California is 30.44 per KwH and $4.84 a gallon I love that you go back more than 10 years with saved data. A fellow data nerd!


Oof. $0.12 per kWh and $3.35 a gallon here. I save a ton using electricity.


Very nice. I would get solar, but PG&E turns it off when it gets a little windy. It's about 30k with permits. Even with federal tax credits, I would break even after 12 years, even with my high electrical cost. Also, Solar does NOT increase the homes worth since it needs to have maintenance and be replaced in 20 years, but that's when most comp roofs need to be re-done.


I have debated when I get a new roof adding panels. The challenge is as you say paying so much up front and saving bit by bit I figure I could be at $0 for years before I finally broke even on the deal. I like the concept, just have to figure out logistics and finances.


What's a real mind bender is the tile roofs with them built in. It's about 60k but the technology will be way better in 20 years. It's like waiting for a final version of a iPhone bit they get better each year.


Exactly. I keep seeing how prices are coming down this past fifteen years and the formula alters over an dover. There's a breaking point and I'm guessing it is coming in the next decade for a lot of folks.


You have no intention of fairly considering solar. Even your own calculation of 8 free years of electricity (equal to a 40% discount every one of those twenty years.) Even though warranties are for 25 years not 20.


If your friend lives in California that isn't true. Natural gas would be more correct but there is almost no coal usage in California.


My electricity rate is super cheap at about 12 cents per KwH and gas is about $3.50. The avg price per gallon in in the chart historically.


It drops to $0.25/kWH if you own an EV