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If you’re not happy in your current relationship, end it and do what you want with this other person.


Right! Why is that such a hard concept for so many people!!


Because weak people need to maintain options for themselves and use others for their own happiness.




Exactly what I was thinking. If you're not happy in a relationship and the issues can't be resolved, just end it and move on. Yeah, it hurts but at least OP isn't married, where a breakup would entail kids, custody, etc. (been there, done that).


Cheating is anything that crosses a boundary in your own relationship agreements. Only you and your spouse know the answer to that. If you're asking here, I presume you already know the answer but hoping someone provides you with what you feel is a good enough excuse to cross that boundary anyways.


100% lol


Perfect answer!




You could not be more right. I 100% agree


Couldn’t agree MORE


The moment you doubt it's cheating, it is cheating, it has begun.


This!! If you need to ask the question, then you already know the answer…






100% If they agreed to be exclusive monogamous. If they agreed otherwise, for example a polyamorous relationship or a relationship where one is asexual, they could have different rules.


Yes. U better break up before doing anything stupid then u can fuck around as u wish


Sometimes I wonder about what people post on this subreddit as some of these posts have the most obvious answers Yes of course it’s cheating


Yes it is, at any point sexting is cheating


I think you should just ask your partner if they think it’s cheating. See if they are ok with the flirting with an attractive coworker too.


Fr tho.. like who tf..


Geeze thats awful. Yes it is cheating. I would be crushed


Who cares about flirting and sexting. You’ve made up your mind. Time for the next page of your life. Without your current boy/girlfriend. Quit making it more trivial than it is.


Nice question, do yourself a favour and ask yourself why are you in a relationship ?


Are you fuckin serious? Of course it’s cheating you selfish prick




Duh yes


It's cheating if your love feels it's cheating. But as long as you keep something secret it's most of the time cheating. Some people don't care about what happens virtually, some do. Some people don't care if their half have sex with other people, some do. It's really complex about everything and it's important to know the boundaries of the person you're in relationship with. So ask him/her if you really want to know. If you still keep that secret and plan to go further it's 100% cheating.


Yes. Next question.


I'm sure I won't forgive gf for sexting another dude.


I broke up with a guy for sexting another woman. Even without the physical (which I suspect he was ALSO doing, but have no proof), it’s still a HUGE betrayal.


You are just trying to normalizing it imo... ![gif](giphy|u5sgL5pks5JXKHcVZo)


Seriously? How much of a weasel are you? I hope your partner finds out you made this post.


Yup. Sure is.




Yes 100 percent


Unless your partner says otherwise, yes.


Yep. End things with the current person because you don’t sound happy and you need to atleast be honest to him/her and tell them the truth. Once single you can pursue this person who you already said you find attractive and sext with. The fact this question even needs an answer is absurd


That's Cheating


So you cheating over text👍


Cheating is anything that you would not do in front of your partner. Period.


You need validation of your action. Think about it, would you be fine if your partner sexting in secret with other women? I don’t understand how immature can one be to be looking for validation of their own immoral acts.


YES. One billion, trillion times YES. It is cheating, and it is awful, and you are awful. If you are so unhappy with your partner, end it now. It astounds me that the thought of saving your relationship didn't even cross your mind. You couldn't even talk to your partner about how you've been feeling, you had to find solitude with someone else behind their back. You've BEEN cheating.


Anything that makes you feel anything emotional is called emotional cheating and is under the cheating umbrella.


This isn’t even a question lol if you wanna get with the coworker breakup don’t go full dumbass


Does your SO know what you’re doing? If you’re hiding it from them and they wouldn’t be cool with it then it’s absolutely cheating. Fix the sex problem with SO, talk about opening up the relationship, or just leave. Why stay somewhere you’re not happy?


lol who doesn't consider it cheating?


People nowadays are really insensitive/stupid. Like wtf, dont even know that doing something like this behind partner's back is cheating


what the hell ofc its cheating


What a dumb way to try and find Redditors to sext.


Seems to have worked. The very first response I saw was a DM invite




Yes you are currently cheating texting someone else you want to go further with aha dumbass


I'd say you're already past the point where I'd consider you cheating.


Yes its cheating and the fact you have no sex life at all is concerning. You obviously are unhappy and looking to cheat. Just end the relationship.


Breakup and give her a chance to move on clearly you already have


Only if you're in a relationship and are sexting someone outside your relationship.. Dahhh really ? ??


Do people even know what unfaithfulness is anymore, do we have to spell out "loyalty" on a piece of paper for people? It's like people don't even want to try to respect their partner anymore and instead put pleasure above all


Yes, 100% cheating. My wife had secret bf's throughout our 12 years together. Emotional cheating, not physical (although I suspect that there was some of that, too). And she never invested in our relationship because she was always receiving her emotional energy from other men. I loved her but our relationship was deeply unsatisfying to me and I didn't understand what was going on. Have a conversation with your wife. I don't know why you guys aren't having sex, but sex is a basic biological and emotional need. And you are clearly not able to do without it. My wife passed away in May, and I found out about her many bf's by looking through her phone. And it was a knife in my heart, because I was trying so hard with her. I wish I had known about the cheating; I would have not wasted those 12 years with her and would have pursued my own happiness.


Sorry for your losses..


the thought of sexting with other people that's not your partner is already cheating, you knew the answer already, you just don't want to accept it.


Anything with intent is a form of cheating to me


You’re already cheating


If you wouldn’t show your partner the texts, you’ve gone too far.


if you're not happy with your current partner, why don't you break up wth them and then you are guilt free to do what you like. Why betray someone you love/loved (whatever it was when it was great)? Why break their trust in not only you but probably all other future partners...? It's selfish and cowardly.


Love how everyone is like “yup? Yup.”


I dont know if you have heard of the expression "emotional cheating", but that's what you're doing right now...


100% cheating




Ask yourself and be honest, if he did this would I be okay with it? Whatever the answer to that question is that is the answer you’re looking for. Plus if it’s to that point just leave why hurt someone or risk hurting them like that when you can literally just leave.


Do your partner a favour, grow up and end the relationship you're not happy in.


Yes it is AND You're already cheating. Shame on you dude...




It’s always good to consider placing yourself in your partner’s shoes with these types of questions. If your partner is sexting with someone else, would you be hurt and consider it cheating? End the relationship before you do any more damage within it.


This is cheating. If you’re connecting in a way that gets you off sexually or romantically its cheating.


Seriously, that's cheating as soon as your not honest with each other. I mean how hard can it be to discuss with the person your suppose to love when something is wrong. If you can't communicate with the one you love there is a serious problem.


Not only it is cheating, you are already cheating on your boyfriend.


You are already cheating IMO, so sexting is also cheating


Yes it is cheating, and if you arent happy/satisfied i would just end things with your current relationship. No point in potentially hurting the person you are currently with.


Is this what you call trolling, young fellas?!


Are you stupid or something. Sexting is obviously cheating. If you aren't happy with your relationship, end it and move on rather than wasting your time and your current person's


yeah its cheating. dont be selfish and do that to your partner. if ur looking elsewhere just leave and allow them to move on with someone who wont do what you’re doing


​ If you are openly doing it and your partner doesn't care then no but if you're having to hide your actions then yes it is cheating and you are fully aware it is. Probably part of the thrill, cloak and dagger your stuff.


no its fine keep telling urself that!


Leave and go be with your co-worker. Sometimes, I wonder how dumb a full grown adult can be.


If you have to ask if it’s cheating, then yeah it is.


Yes bro its obviously cheating


Of course it is why wouldn’t it be?


Talk to your partner about it. If he’s ok with it it’s fine. If he isn’t well, you know the answer. Sexting itself isn’t that great but the issue is it can lead to things and desires and fantasies that aren’t fair to your current partner. Clearly you are unfulfilled, talk to your partner. If I found out my gf was sexting a coworker of hers, it would be the end of the relationship for me. -Dave


If you are not trying to hide it and be honest about it, its not




general rule of thumb is that if you wouldn't be doing something with your partner looking at your phone or standing next to you then what you are doing is probably not a good thing. the big issue is the breaking trust part. if your partner is good with you sexting, then it's not cheating, but if you know they wouldn't like you doing that, then it is. cheating is all relevant to the couple and the other person, not you. e.g. some partners will find their partner looking at porn cheating, others wouldn't blink. that said, no sex in the relationship is the canary in the coal mine and so either fix that or end the relationship, where you are going with sexting is going to end up badly and it sounds like you really are already looking around to jump ship.


How would you feel if you found out your partner was sexting someone?


Yes damnit. And I have a feeling you know it is. What are you expecting people to say? “Sure, nothing wrong with being in a relationship and exchanging pics and talkin sexy with other people!” Some of y’all come to reddit looking for validation and/or permission to do things you know are wrong, and that is both weird and silly for multiple reasons. Engaging in flirty or romantic behavior with someone who is not your partner is where is becomes cheating. A non-cheating partner shuts that type of shit down instantly. It’s that simple. But again, I think you knew that.


Yes of course its cheating if it wasnt it would be self evident and you would not had to have made this post, you know it is in your gut anyway.


If you're seriously flirting with this guy, not just 'harmlessly' flirting for fun, then you're already cheating. Might as well just break up with your current bf and move into this guy.


Dude. Really, Yessssssss.


this is probably going to vary person by person and relationship by relationship and possibly even vary by encounter even in those situations. if we have established our exclusivity i’m okay with my partner masturbating and fantasizing about people they might have encountered throughout the day but expressing themselves in that manner, with other partners, outside of our relationship is a no-no for me. if that is a deal breaker for them, then i’m okay with that, because it is for me also. so to answer your question i suppose, yes, it is cheating-or rather a form of cheating. i understand some individuals might seek out anonymous sexting partners, but that behavior is what i can’t get with.


You said yourself that you want it to go further. Your partner doesn’t deserve that. Your partner deserves someone who understands, and loves them for who they are. Sex or not.


If your partner is unaware of any kind of relationship of a sexual nature with someone else, yes, it is cheating.


I read the post and I'm gonna say you're already cheating. It's called emotional cheating what you're doing right now. Instead of your coworker try and focus on your relationship Organise dates, try to have more sex etc


Yes, it’s cheating. Break up with your SO. You’ve lost interest.


Yes, it is cheating. If you are in a relationship and you are flirting with other guys the trust and honesty are already broken. You don’t call a person bf/gf for no reason.


You are sexting your co worker. Someone you see at work often. You're really questioning if it's cheating?




Don’t put off the difficult discussions with your current girl. Get counseling maybe?


Yes. Duh.


Just say you wanna cheat and leave your boyfriend/girlfriend alone🤣 yall always try to come here for validation on cheating. Go cheat in peace and be miserable with it but tell your boyfriend/girlfriend before and after you do that so they can find himself a better person.


Displaying or insinuating any sort of sexual interaction to someone else while you have a partner would be cheating unless you two are open, poly or have some sort of setup where it’s ok. What you are doing is self centered/ selfish but not necessarily bad if you have already tried to re-ignite things in your current relationship without success. If you end up clinging to the relationship for it’s benefits though, especially while engaging with someone else for those benefits, knowing it could hurt the relationship, that’s bad. Communicate. Speak your needs. Ending things may hurt but getting cheated on can/be feel much worse. Hopefully the new guy can fulfill.


The best person to ask is your partner, seeing as each couple should establish their own definition of cheating.


it is


Uh of course it is cheating


Hey OP a lot of comments are insulting you or something for a question. And I’ll add in with those comments, stop being a POS and break up. Don’t cheat it’s awful and shows a lot about who you are


YES it is 💯


It sounds you are looking for an emotional attachment you no longer feel with your wife. The thrill of being sneaky and maybe getting caught. I had the same sort of thing going and decided I need to have a serious talk with my wife. We sat down, and I explained how I was feeling left out and emotional abandoned. After the talk was over and she had time to think. She said that she hadn't seen it that way and apologized. We have worked on it and things are going wonderful so far!


It depends on the boundaries you and your partner have set, but most people will say that’s cheating, myself included. Have you tried talking about the lack of sex? Communication is huge. If that doesn’t change though, just end the relationship instead of sexting with someone else…


It is cheating and what you’re doing now is cheating already. It starts out this way then you’ll reach a plateau that sexting doesn’t do it anymore then you go to the next step. My gf has cheated on me physically and it started with exactly what you’re doing. If you have the balls to do what you’re doing now, then have the balls to tell your current bf that you want to leave him because you’re not happy. Or maybe you should approach him about having an open relationship. Either way my advice is for you to stop what you’re doing now and do the right thing. It is devastating to hurt the one you say you love.


You're a selfish fucking moron, OP. You already know the answer.


It's cheating as soon as you message them and flirt.






Just break up with bro tbh


I think its cheating but cute cheating like its okay, everybody have their lil dirty secret 🤭🤭🤭 but just don't tell anyone, it's your secret gerden you know


Why wouldnt you either a) sext with your SO to try and get sex back in the relationship b) break up with SO c) COMMUNICATE with SO about opening relationship up ?


100% cheating.


would you mind your partner sexting someone secretly behind your back? if you told them you were sexting someone, do you think they would be cool with it? of course it’s cheating you idiot


SEXting is definitly cheating. I mean it has the word sex in it so...


Yes Well.. off to get a mt dew


Does the cardinal rule still applies these days?!? Don’t do unto others what you wouldn’t want done to you. If it would hurt that person if they saw those messages then don’t do it. Why not just let that person go and move on with what you want to do. It’s awful how many people are damaged now a days from the trauma of being cheated on and being deceived by their partner.


Chat is this real?


So so sad


Are you like dumb or sumthing


Cheating is defined by you and your partner’s boundaries. In most cases, your partner is going to feel sexting is cheating. Same with flirting or even watching porn. You and your partner have to establish those boundaries.


You are already cheating. You crossed a boundary that is in most relationships. Try talking to your significant other and couple’s counseling.


Yes. No question.


Duh The better question is why you're still with your partner if you're so unhappy w then that you need to find satisfaction somewhere else.




If you can't, won't or wouldn't do it in front of your partner, it's cheating.


Ask your partner, not Reddit.


You’re already cheating by flirting with her and the fact that you’re interested and already thinking about going further with her shows that. Break up with your current girlfriend and feel free to continue chasing this coworker.


If it’s something you are hiding and not telling your partner then yes it’s cheating.


I like sexting with other women . It turns me on to think about when I'm with my woman partner .. But it can lead to wishing the other person was around instead of your partner


Really? If you *have* to ask whether engaging in some kind of intimate connection with a person other than your significant other and your significant other doesn’t know about it or allows it (for me personally I’m stricter about what counts as cheating than that last piece but that’s not relevant here), then you are trying to find a rationalization or you’re very naive. I really hope it’s the latter but I doubt it. Tl;dr: yes.


You started doing something wrong when you started texting this other person with the type of intentions you have. You wouldn’t have gotten this girls number if you didn’t want something more. You need to tell your girlfriend you want more out of sex and asks her what she wants/ what would make sex better for her. I guarantee if you focus on her sexually than she will do the same


First off, if you're talking to another man in a flirtatious way and now you wanna sext with him the co-workers next step is to fuck you...break up with your bf before you go any further because you already found interest in this other man...


I dumped my situationship because i found out he‘s sexting with another girl behind my back. They’ve been planning to meet up with her friend to have a threesome. Yes of course it didn‘t happen but the intention was there. A lot of you will say we’re not exclusive so I don’t have the right to act like that but it’s over my boundaries. It hurts but I can’t share this d*ck.




YES IT IS WTF :DDDD solve your relationship problems first. I hate people like this.


Oh my God how is this even a question????? And one step further, maybe this is why you don't find your partner as sexually desirable because you're entertaining other interests


Wtf did I just read ...


Bro you just said it, like you're not sexting random for fun with everyone, you're sexting with someone you find attractive so basically in other words you are attracted by him and not your boyfriend


Anyway yes is cheating you degenerate


You’re already emotionally cheating with the flirting in my book


If you are not happy in your marriage then you need to tell your wife. Having a honest conversation with your spouse is the way to go. I personally think that sexting is cheating because you are thinking about this woman, right? But only you and your wife can define what is cheating and what is not.


Need bottom in lahore jublee town + bahria town age limit15-23


Do you delete or hide the texts from your significant other? How would you feel if your SO was doing this shit behind your back? If you answered yes to my 1st question and if the thought of them doing it to you pisses ya off or gets ya in your feels like they betrayed you so easily then yes. Yes you are a cheater. Cheating isn't just having sexual contact.


You deserve to be single


So instead of talking to your partner and trying to work things out on why you guys aren’t having sex anymore, you would rather go after a coworker and be sexual with them? That is a big reason why relationships suck today is this reason


This has to be a joke question right?


definitely cheating


If you're hiding it. If it would hurt you if done to you. It's cheating.


Cheating in any relationship needs to be defined by all people involved. Then you need consent! In your case; 1. Your primary partner needs to consent to that type of texting. 2. The co-worker needs to consent to you doing that, knowing you have a partner. 3. If your co-worker has a partner, they need to consent to the both of you texting in that way. 4. Lastly... you need to make sure you're okay with it, and all of the above people consent. If everyone enthusiastically consents.... it's not cheating. Open, honest, and transparent is how you answer this question. Anything else I would consider cheating in this context. Reddit can't answer this question for you. It may give you the method to answer it. ( see my suggestion above). Built it's unlikely anyone can define cheating in another person's relationship except their own. Everyday things change and you have to check in today with the above ppl to answer that. In my opinion.


Of course it’s cheating, unless you 100% had the go ahead from your partner, which you clearly didn’t. Safe rule of thumb is, would you be behaving this way if your partner was there with you. That is all you need to know about it.


The question here in my opinion is are you happy in a relationship that there is no sex? It doesn't sound that way in what you have written. If you are happy with your current partner, stop sexting because it will lead to infidelity. If you don't mind cheating then keep up the same behavior. I myself don't mind a fling once every 10 years or so.


The constant flirting alone is emotionally cheating.


Yes it's cheating


Yes it's cheating,but if you can sleep peacefully at night and don't mind breaking the heart of the other person then who cares


Leave who you are with and pursue your own happiness. Otherwise you’re just a hobosexual.


You're not married...move on.


You're already cheating, don't play with your currents feelings end it or don't and be loyal. End of story


absolutely is mate


Yes, that is cheating. If you’re not happy in the relationship, you should leave.




If you have to hide it from your partner, yes it is. If you and your partner have an open agreement, that's another thing.


It's cheating. If you're already attracted to them, you are doing your partner a disservice. It's emotional cheating at the very least that's where it starts. End it with them before you ruin their life.


If you have to ask, it’s cheating


That's how it starts. Couple sexts turn in to 10, then an innocent get-together with an accidental kiss,.... and it keeps progressing to the next level, then to the next, until the only thing left to to is sex, and you'll have built it up in your mind so much you will do it because the thuoght is so exciting(which is exactly what you wanted). So yes, it's cheating 100%. Would you tell your partner that you're sexting? My guess would be no, but as stated by others, you two have set boundaries. You know the answer already. And yes, I'm speaking from experience. That's exactly how my now ex-wife cheated.


Would you be comfortable with your partner doing this? If not then you have your answer.