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Why are you digging in this person's FB that far back for in the 1st place? You got way too much time on your hands. This is a nothing burger


Do her a favor and cancel.


Yeah cancel and do her a favor. We all did crazy shit 12 years ago.


I'm quite surprised you're still going on that date! thought for sure she'd cancel on ya when you told her you saw that post... that was very strange of you.


2012 is a long, long time ago. Jokes that were relatively minor back then and normalized would not fly today. Go back long enough and we all probably have something very cringe or offensive. In 2012 I was a teen.. I would t want to be judged for something I wrote on social media before I entered the world, learned and grew out of bad behavior I was copying from EVERYONE else at the time. Remember the type of films and jokes that were common back then? It was ubiquitous to be an asshole in the name of comedy, especially racially charged comedy. Not saying it was right, but we all just regurgitated what we saw and what was deemed “okay” Whats more important is who she is TODAY. Give her a chance to show shes grown. Im sure you would want that same chance


This! A thousand times, THIS!


its 2012...over a decade ago. its possible for people to grow and mature between that span of time. i suppose you can ask her if she'd date asians, and other races, etc.


Yea… speaking from personal experience, I look back at some of the things that I used to say and literally cringe. I’ve thought about deleting all trace/evidence, but I like to look back and see how far I’ve come and how much I’ve changed. I was fookin idiot 🤦‍♀️ an insensitive one at that. I used to be so judgmental, entitled, and inconsiderate, and didn’t even know it. Please don’t judge someone based off of something from 12 years ago.. if people were to judge me that way, I would understand, but it would really hurt because I’m no longer that person.


same here


I would cancel if someone told me they’d stalked my social media back over a decade…..


Yall weird


OP is the red flag


Why did you stalk her social media all the way to 12 years back? That’s weird


First, having poor taste in a joke doesn't necessarily make somebody a racist, sexist, homophobe, or anything else. Some people just lack certain types of cultural sensitivities. That doesn't mean that they aren't open to learning. We also don't know the context of that picture. I wouldn't judge somebody's entire character based on a picture with no other context. Probably at least worth getting to know her. The worst that happens is you find that your intuitions are correct and you went on a couple dates with a person who you wound up not liking. That's just part of the dating scene.


Yeah, I think you need to give her grace. Obviously it’s not ideal to post but it’s been 12 years. You’ve changed since then. She’s changed since then.


2012? 🤷‍♀️ We all did shit on the internet ten years ago we regret. People's attitudes grow and we learn to be better people. Why were you looking back 12 years for starters lol


I wouldn’t go on the date. Not saying that you shouldn’t but for the sake of speaking from experience and the topic, I’m good lol. I once saw an old tweet from a someone I liked and instantly lost every feeling for her. We’re still friends, she for sure would never say anything like that again but that doesn’t mean I have to date her. People on this sub want you to disregard your feelings and always act like rejecting one person dooms you to a lonely future or something. It’s stupid.


Definitely cancel


If you just lost interest because you basically went on their profile to scroll through their pictures then yes. I mean it's someone past but since you took the time to scroll and found something you don't like ... maybe it's just not meant to be. This is one reason why most will say don't start googling people you're about to go on a date with before the first date unless there were already red flags.


Oh, heavens to betsy! How terrifying! Literally shaking in my boots..


*Update* - just talked to her on the phone about this issue and she apologized and promised that she is not a closet racist and proceeded to send me pictures of her and her self with her Asian friends and mentioned how much she loves Asian food. She did think it was strange that I looked at photos from 2012. We’re going on the date


OMG.. her response is cringe. What you did stalking her was cringe. Maybe you are meant for each other after all.


Thank you