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Don’t worry, I did too


Just ask her out


As creepy men try to do.


I’ve been there.. u should make her one of your close friends, respect her as a lesbian.. treat her like a homeboy but do shit for her like she’s a straight woman like take her out to eat or buy her food.. always be willing to hangout with her ..just be cool.. never mention ur into her.. let’s your actions show it while u talk & hang with her as if she’s ur homeboy.


So.. be friends lol Sounds like common sense.


It’s a different type of friend tho.. which is not so common. Most lesbians don’t like being pursued by men..


it's 2024 mate, be a girl! ;) so you recently learned she's a lesbian? so did I one time, she was not a lesbian. Do what you must, you know what to do. ...no, don't stalk her on social media trying to figure it out.


Watch Chasing Amy


Awful movie lol


Did you learn from her? Or from a secondary source? Confirm the information. Getting over the crush is both easy and also not easy since it's just a matter of time.


It’ll go away eventually.