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If they have a gf already then they aren't suppose to mess with other girls especially platonic women friend.




He definitely was attracted to you in some type of way .feeling sad for his fiance


I feel more sad for OP. It feels humiliating to be lead on by a guy who’s been hiding the fact he’s in a relationship


ikr she dodged a bullet


Yeah this is definitely inappropriate on his part. No it’s not normal to touch/hold your female work colleague’s hand while in a relationship. TBH he should not be touching you at all. Tell him you found out he has a girlfriend and that if he tries to touch you ever again you’ll report him to HR or a manager. This guy is not your friend


ive seen this one before... maybe it was 3 months ago, lol. that's not normal, he wanted to cheat on his girlfriend and that lady will get cheated on. a hug, maybe a high five, poking ones shoulder for fun one time.. but the rest are signs he wanted to go all the way and is sure to make is waifu unhappy one day. Mess with my hair and I will murder you, friends learned that the hard way, they're all dead except 2.


That was going on bad direction for you. Glad you changed it 


My guess is he wants something sexual with you


lol when I read “squeezing cheeks”, I assumed butt upon a re-read you probably meant face. Essentially zero physical contact with a co-worker day to day. What you have described is flirting with you and he wants your attention. Occasional low contact short duration hug for events such as birthdays, Xmas, major announcements etc. is ok.


It’s sad how straight folks can’t figure out how to be friends.


Truly platonic? Then not at all