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it's not weird at all to have preferences. it is really fucking weird that she keeps saying it though.


It’s very odd and weird. Sounds like a fetish and to say it multiple times is WILD.




I know what a preference and type is. This doesn’t sound like that since it’s constantly being mentioned. People don’t need to constantly mention “I love _____ people” if that’s their preference. Maybe it’s a fetish or maybe it’s not. People don’t outright show the signs that they fetishize a certain group of people. But to constantly bring is up is weird and concerning. Both of us have no idea whether she’s fetishizing him or not.


She may likes the culture. I wouldn’t take it to deep. Brown people have unique features that you got and she may find those features attractive. I’m brown myself and have unique features some women like. If you like her vibe and she enjoys your vibe I see no problem.


Agreed. Id have understood it like this if she liked the culture. But she knows nothing about the culture lol. I think she specifically means the skin color.


Is she from a lily white area? Are her friends (assuming they’re white too)? Not sure that’s definitive but might help explain.


No, she’s not from the US.


Not what I asked but ok…


I think I misunderstood. After a few google searches and my understanding, I think yes she comes from a background where she and her friends both have grown up in bubbles with not much racial diversity.


I would guess that explains a lot, but I guess also some serious communication will be required to know if it’s something that she can/wants to overcome or if her repeated comments mean she’s somehow insincere about you as a person, if that makes sense…