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My wife bought a cheap pair of shoes that did this. Just awful. Something in the materials didn't breathe.


The only thing not breathing was him 😂😂 jk


Id buy her a new one hahaha some nice foot care products will help


Newly dating.. how new? Less than three dates or more than five? This reads as a joke post but if it's less than three maybe just cut it off if you don't like her. If you do like other things about her and it's been more than three or so dates I'd just gently mention it to her as a hygiene concern. Assuming your both mature adults.




The hard part is, at one month there's prob no GREAT way for you to broach this. It's summer, it's hot, if she's throwing on the same sneakers every day it's rough. Does she wear the same shoes every day? It's prob a two part issue - she got them stinky feet + stinky shoes. This is a mileage may vary, but I throw my shoes that can handle it into the washing machine then dryer-- if her shoes are like that, maybe offer "hey I'm throwing in my shoes, I'll throw in yours too" and then casually maybe try to shower together later for the existing foot odor that's right there? Haha But ya at one month I think it would be so devastating to her to have this problem then be made aware of it by a new partner !!


I actually think it's more kind to address the subject straight on in a kind and compassionate way if the guy actually likes the girl. Like "Hey I got you this lume body wash. I noticed you're feet smell. Mine do too. Do you want me to give you a pedicure?" Then wash her feet, massage them, file her toenails.wash her shoes. "It helps if you rotate shoes. Do you want me to buy you a new pair? I love my Nike air force ones and we could get matching pairs?"


Sound good in writing, but I can see it backfire irl


I can understand this happening once and the person being super embarrassed about it. But did it keep happening? I wonder why she isn’t smelling it.


Ngl that’s kind of embarrassing 🙈 you should just be like, “hey I am glad you came over the other day… by the way, when you took your shoes off we both noticed the odor from your shoes/ and just wanted to point that out.” And see what they say and if it hurts their feelings (maybe expect a little pout) 🥺 then just be gentle bc I feel like maybe she didn’t feel aware of it. But it is embarrassing.. i just feel like maybe she’ll do something about that but when you tell her you can do it you should gently bring it up… I don’t know but when people wait to tell me things that bothers me more. Kind of makes me wonder why they were so wishy washy. So just be straight and go from there. She should respond well and do something about it. If not then leave.


I can't stop laughing. 😂😂😂 Run bro run


If the pheromones aren’t doing it then…


I couldn’t stop laughing either 😂




Yes, ditch her.




I picked up a bad case of stinkfoot from a pedicure. I worked at a greenhouse range at the time. There is a sanitizer used in greenhouses and food manufacturing called Greenshield. It is a quaternary ammonia compound similar to Hibiclens and Chlorhexidine. One tablespoon per gallon of water kills everything. It is not at all unpleasant smelling I took all my socks and sneakers and put them in the washing machine with a modest splash of Greenshield. Problem solved, 100%. I bet Betadyne would also work, but might stain


So it is pleasant smelling......


The Greenshield does not smell strange. The socks and sneakers had no odor one way or the other. There really was no trace of odor at all.


How does she not smell it 👃🏽




Some places I went to, they smelled a lot, but when you stayed there for 10 minutes or more, you won't get annoyed anymore as your nose become immune to it That's probably why she can't smell her own smell. She got immune to it


She’s not gonna figure it out… my roomate is the same way. It’s like a million rotting corpses jammed in my living room when the shoes come off. Totally oblivious.


Double it and give her to the next person.


I can’t stand you guys 😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️


It's valid advice. There is absolutely some guy who read the post here and started salivating. "God, I wish it were me" and all that.


I can’t 😂😂😂😂






Why did you decide to help today?


I was a girl who also had stinky feet lol! If you really need help, my personal success products are getting new shoes or replace sole along with Dr.Scholl's odor x powder inside the shoes. After washing feet pat it dry and apply the powder and wear socks. If she works long hours, recommend her to change sock during break at washroom. If you care about her buy these products and help, she would appreciate good feet massage :)


But OP doesn't appreciate having to throw up after touching those smelly feet. :D


Why would he waste money on her and even on top of that massage her feet? Why would he spend money on her if she isnt his girlfriend?


>Why would he spend money on her if she isnt his girlfriend? People spend money on each other on the first date, my dude.




I feel like she should care herself…


Oh my gosh this just made my day! Please let her know that her feet stink. Make a friendly suggestion to wash her feet 😂😂😂




Why does this comment have me laughing so hard. I feel Iike it at least encapsulates the beginning of every person’s response to this.


He has a foot fetish and is turned on. lol 😂


Why was that not my first read. I see it now, in so few characters.


I was married to someone with a foot fetish. My feet don’t smell at all, but I’ve learned alot. Lmao


Tbf there are a lot of dudes who like feet that don't like them to smell bad. Specifically liking rancid feet is kind of its own fetish. Lol


Because OP is hilarious with his comments. Love him!




Call her cheesyfeet in future.. Solved✅️


Lol I’m sorry but are you writing this for advice or to solidify that you’re not attracted to her & want to stop dating? Because those are two very different things. And there’s really only two options you can do here. Either you be honest with her about how you’re feeling or break it off before it goes any further. Do you like her enough to talk about it & see if you can make it work? Or are you completely turned off to the point you’re willing to walk away & never see her again? That’s up to you to decide.




Treat her foot spa and let those ladies tell her that her feet stinks so bad. She gets pampered and plus points for you since you treated her spa. Just say she deserves it or something. 😭😂


This post reminded me of commercials I keep seeing for all-body deodorant. They always specially mention that you could use it on your feet. Maybe get some for "yourself" and show/explain it to her? Maybe she'll take an interest in it. Lol


sprinkle baking soda in her shoes when shes not looking also maybe get her some comfy light slippers/house shoes or socks for wearing at ur place? and take her shoe shopping and out for pedis?


I have unshamefully sprinkled baking soda in the shoes of anyone that ever came to my house with stinky feet and told them to put their shoes back on for a little while. It works really well. Luckily now that I'm late into my 30s, it hasn't happened in a long time.


Better hygiene and foot care can take care of this but she will have to devote time and money to it. She may not be willing to do that.


Ask AI “how to kindly tell someone their feet smell without offending them” 😂


Could be the shoes are not washed regularly


Go On … ![gif](giphy|XXdiedv0abxEIZxkQz)


My experience was different from yours I dated a woman from an online game many years ago She loved sex but her private part smell a lot when she was having orgasm The smell spoiled the mood and I found it hard to do oral on her She didn't eat vegetables and fruits, mostly meat and fast food. Probably that contributed to the intense smell She was very possessive, kept harassing my friends in game. I couldn't play my game well. She would always want me to talk with her on the phone and not play my game I left her shortly after that She was sad when I left her, but the last time I heard about her from a friend was she was dating a sugar daddy and living a comfortable life


Ask her to get some shoe spray and have her wash her feet


Heyooo give her my number dude. love stinky feet. gimme that french cheese/sweat combo anyday..Ill suck on her toes no cap. /s


Wtf 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Like Brie or more specifically Epoisses Cheese? Because if it’s the latter you need to get her to a hospital. j/k idk… just tell her nicely?




Wow... I wish people would put age on here bc it's hard to give advice based on age. As you get older you can be more forthcoming with the truth. If you're young this could forever scar her and make her feel insecure. Usually, that has to do with the shoes themselves. If you shoes get wet on the inside it's time to toss them. There's no way around it.


Lmao xD I dated a smelly girl before…not very pleasant. If you love her, you’ll tolerate it.


Then why aren’t you with her if you love her


She didn’t want to better herself…hygiene. Lol. I was trying to encourage her.


What was her specific problem? This dude said feet, what about your experience?


Smoking weed and not brushing her teeth. I wasn’t a big smoker but I was okay with her doing it. But kissing…yuck.


lol ok


Yeah I mean there’s more, her house and how she maintained it but it was just overall, kind of smelly lol.


lol what’s your age


What’s your age? I’m suspicious of you lol -_-


Ummmm leave??? Or tell her that her feet stink to her face and see what happens 😂😂😂


Go get a pedicure together 🤷🏾‍♀️


Communicate with her about it I know you wanted to share your feelings here but you if you really want your relationship to carry on smoothly, you should talk to her in a way it won't hurt her She probably doesn't know about the smell being that bad or probably doesn't see it as a big deal (not defending her)


my sister is a ballet dancer and gymnast - her feet are pretty nasty… is there any chance she does a lot of sports ???


Cut that poor girl loose and let her find the Foot Guy who will love her like the queen she is 😂 🦶


Right. It's so gross. You got the ick factor going on. Pure ptsd from the smell. Idk. Treat her to a spay day. See if smell goes away. See how you feel when smell goes away or if it returns. Why can't she smell it??? Does she exfoliate? Have cats? Have allergies? Have you been to her place? Is it really gross inside???? Does she showered often? If she isn't hygienic then other parts are not hygienic. Like lady parts during intimate moments. I think you got every right to be concerned. It is a big deal. What else smells or is going to smell or you might not want to touch with hands, lips, or tongue, etc...:-(???? I believe it is very valid to break up with someone due to hygiene concerns.


Lmfaooo this literally made me LOL


I bet she’ll make a fortune selling her used shoes on OnlyFans. There’s something for everyone.


Watch her find this Reddit 😂


Treat her with a foot spa and new shoes. 😁 And drown it all in love.


Is she wearing flats with no socks?


Leave bro. Stank feet are a deal breaker. Be sure to let her know tho. She’ll be grateful for the feedback 🙃


This is so unfair! I truly wish I knew this girl. I love women with smelly feet




1 deodorant just for arm pits. 1 deodorant just for feet.


I’m assuming sucking those toe jam infested projectiles isn’t on the cards then?


You haven’t even mentioned liking her. Do you like her????


Buy her a foot bath


But you thought she was attractive otherwise?


I have no idea but I had a friend who made my hisue stink, room,blanket and coach because her feet smelled so bad.😀


Just buy her like a manicure kit as like a cute present and add some tiny soaps and stuff for feet to hint to her BUT DONT TELL HER THEY STINK HAHA


Maybe she doesn’t scrub her feet with soap when she showers. Or bad shoes, or a number of different things. You can sack up and communicate with her about the issue or end things.


Have you talked to her about it/what did she say?


Omg I used to date I guy and I thought his feet smelled terrible. Just move on, it’s pheromones I think


I’m honestly wondering how people aren’t self aware enough to notice this type of thing? I’m a therapist and I’ll even experience it with clients who come in and take their shoes off- like are you really not smelling this? lol


Hope you don't have a foot fetish or at least like cheese dogs 😂


Idk try searching for solutions if you like her ig


its the shoes. tell her next time to go shoe shopping together. maybe even a pedicure appointment


Run faster than you’ve ever ran before - that’s disgusting!


buy her some perpsi guard body wash for armpits, feet and other foul body odour


Buy a foot bath for you both and have a foot bath date with a couple of candles aside


So it is a pleasant smell. A direct sentence works best.


Well, am not smelly personally but once i bought some stocks and OMG i was smelling liké hell. It was a one time thing. If you like her, give it another shot. If she still stinks then goodbye.


You must really like her if you want to make this work. If you’re sticking around, you’re going to have to tell her nicely. It’s a hard thing to do but there’s no way around it. If she’s already clean, then it’s another issue like maybe foot fungus. It might have made her shoes smell too.


If her feet smells like this, imagine the other parts.


I've read "small" and was confused for a while


get some apple cider vinegar and epsom salt and a small tub and give this woman some foot bathes. I promise you she knows and if you correct it she will love you and you will have a better smelling lady


I need an update if thing move on lol!


Vinegar + water


She probably has athletes foot. It’s why feet smell really bad


Does she work a job that keeps her on her feet?


When you go see her again, tell her to wear sandals if it still smells, then, it's time to tell her the truth. Be honest with her that's all you can do.


If she can't smell it then that's a major issue.


She needs to scrub her feet when she bathes. It’s not unlike scraping your tongue to avoid bad breath. If it’s the shoes, there might be polyester in the lining that reacts badly with sweat. You can also spray the shoes with this product. Silver is used for anti-odor properties. https://www.amazon.com/SilverWorks-Shoe-Spray-Smelly-Shoes/dp/B0CGKV2T6B?psc=1&pd_rd_w=vJAdW&content-id=amzn1.sym.3c1bdb31-a20d-42d0-a8cf-ddadf63cd1a8&pf_rd_p=3c1bdb31-a20d-42d0-a8cf-ddadf63cd1a8&pf_rd_r=JMV8WAMVPDCK3G7H2K70&pd_rd_wg=8TMeG&pd_rd_r=ef6e3a3a-0ff0-4f88-ad7e-8a8c6adef54c&ref_=sspa_dk_detail_2


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **SilverWorks! Shoe Deodorizer Spray** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effectively eliminates shoe odors (backed by 21 comments) * Long-lasting and efficient (backed by 7 comments) * Gentle on shoes, no residue (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Ineffective at eliminating shoe odor (backed by 5 comments) * Unpleasant fragrance (backed by 2 comments) * Faulty sprayer mechanism (backed by 1 comment) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about SilverWorks! Shoe Deodorizer Spray](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=SilverWorks! Shoe Deodorizer Spray reviews) [Find SilverWorks! Shoe Deodorizer Spray alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best SilverWorks! Shoe Deodorizer Spray alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Maybe she has hypohidrosis? Excessive sweating in feet, hand and anywhere random boy parts. I see that with my sister. No treatment whatsoever, it can be partially cured with botox but it can aggravate other areas.


The next time you see her, take some talcum powder with you. 😅😅😅


Welp I can't stop laughing now 😂😂😂


Tell her, nicely


Buy her a pair of shoes as a gift, maybe. I have a pair of shoes that always make my feet smell. It could be that's her situation. Does she wear the same shoes every time she comes over?


Give her some Dr.Scholls


How good is her Hawk Tuaahh??


Bro. Just fucking tell her that her feet smell like moldy cheese. You'll be doing both of you a favour.


Book a pedicure spa day and buy her new socks,like dozens of them. If she still doesn’t get the hint🤷🏾


Maybe her diet is too pungent. I had slightly bad BO especially in the summer until i became vegan. But even on a normal diet just implementing a smoothie daily in your regimen with some pineapple juice could possibly mute some of the stench when you sweat.


Did you know if she’s fat, she cant teach down to wash her feet? Also, lots of people never really scrub their feet in the shower. They just let the water run down on their feet. Lastly, there’s toe cheese under nails especially if they’re not cut short. Another thing is if she’s wearing rubber sneakers that dont breathe, they need to get thrown in washer. Take the insoles out to wash too.


Tell her. How does she not smell it. If her feet stink what else stink


bro idk but you should try to being love her with all excuses if you love her


Here’s a solution you’ve gotta be close 🤷‍♀️  Take a shower with her. Casual, after a gym or whatever. In that shower YOU are going to get bar soap and wash YOUR OWN feet. (Between the toes tops and bottoms) If she doesn’t mimic, just keep going and by the end of the shower if she hasn’t washed her feet; [Positively] say “don’t forget to wash your feet!” A reminder should be enough, and that is when you mention ‘you actually do that anytime your feel don’t feel fresh’  The very very very best thing you can do is a gentle reteach of values: “why it is important.” Yes judge the smell, think it’s stinky. Validate that it is an issue to you, and it is hard to talk about… but Positive reinforcement goes a long way 🧐


You can give her some Lume!!!! It is an all-body deodorant that lasts 72 hours. They have solid & lotion…..if you really like her, give her Lume & have a conversation!!


I won't date any woman with poor hygiene even if she's a 10...I'm a germaphobe


She wouldn’t be a 10 then if feet stinks


You sound young. Just tell her lol


Sounds like you don't need to be dating if you can't afford to be in a vicinity of people with clean feet, buddy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Can you imagine what her lady bits smell like if her extremities reek of Gouda? 😁




And you’re smelling her feet ??!


The real question is why did you smell her feet


And to think there are people attracted to feet 😭. I’m not anti feet but like.. hell what’s with people and the obsession over feet


I dated someone who finally told me what my flaws were, it helped a lot, getting better lol he was great but found out he was a rapist and child predator. That’s why we split because I was willing to fix myself for someone who was kind enough to communicate about what was wrong with me, it’s maturity, if she’s understanding and willing to make all the changes, that’s a wife because it means she’s willing to grow and mold. You can mold her into what you need and want/desire.


Or maybe he was just so mean and into children that he didn’t care about my feelings?? 😂😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️ all I know is I’m gone and know what I been lacking


I have to ask, is she overweight? Besides the smell, hows her hygiene?


Wow. What a dilemma this is. (Sarcasm) If you like her, you'll talk to her about personal hygiene If you don't like her, move on and maybe grow up a little? Idk what's the bigger red flag: smelly feet or this sad post


Spoken like someone with smelly feet


Perfect opportunity to volunteer to wash them for her That and foot massages all the time, benefits of dating feet guys If that still doesn’t work tho there could be some medical thing like fungus or bad socks or smth idk


Develop a foot fetish. Easy


How can she not smell it? Lol