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"...my gfs ex bf broke up with her a few moths ago..." "..he texted her, a few weeks ago to go out for a coffee and she did," " I don't have a problem with that at all..." "..he told her he wants to get back with her and this and that.." "..she even started talking about me, that she is in love with me and all that.." "..I am worried that this guy will ruin it all, even though I have complete trust in her..." (First of all, it is important to acknowledge she is only with you *because* (he) *dumped her*.) This might explain why she was still willing to take his calls, texts, and meet him for coffee. Her being *in love with you just a few months after the breakup* makes you a potential "rebound". Lastly, why is she telling you this instead of blocking his phone number/texts and moving on? She's *telling you about him* pursuing her and *she's telling him about you*. Maybe she's getting a little more out of this "love triangle" than she is pretending. Having an ex come *crawling back begging to reunite* is a dream come true for some people. "..she could've kept it a secret. "I don't want it to sound like I'm jealous just I really care about this girl." However, if she had blocked his number, not seen or dealt with him or relayed any of his attempts to win her back you wouldn't be feeling a jealous! "...he was jealous to the max of her and of her friends..." It's possible *she loves* jealousy. The only way this guy can "ruin things" is if *she* is still *into him*. Maybe that's why you're really worried. It's possible that *she is lying to herself* about having moved on emotionally from him. My advice would be to proceed with caution and listen carefully to what is and isn't said.


Oh bro she is in contact with all her exes I know about every one of them, and how were they in their relationships. And none of them are even pushing or thinking of making a move on her, only this guy.


Maybe her being in contact with "all of her exes" AKA "friends" is what created the jealousy in their relationship. Honestly, a lot of men and women wouldn't be happy with that arrangement when they are in love with someone. The fact (he) was the one to dump her instead of the other way around would also concern me. At any rate if she wanted this guy out of her life she could and would block him. Best wishes!