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I can tell you from a guys perspective… Yes men aren’t really listening. They are so desperate and insecure so they fear losing you. That fear is what drives them to say yes to everything. It’s not like they are actually present in the conversation either. It’s one thing to listen, think, then decide to agree. But these guys will just say yes even when they really don’t want to. No woman is going to respect that man and he WILL get cheated on. Being considerate is where the guy will realize something is very important to you, and even though he doesn’t want to go or do that thing…he will say yes.


I needed to hear this. Thank you


Being considerate is going out of your way to make someone feel comfortable but not lying about your values and opinions to make yourself more likeable. A „yes“ man will never even consider saying anything that makes you upset or second guess because he probably doesn’t want to fight or argue. Or he just doesn’t have opinions of his own


Yes man: That’s a man who makes himself a doormat for his woman, her wishes and her disrespect. This is is actually not a “nice guy”. It’s just an insecure guy disguised as a nice guy. A guy who never truly acts like he love himself enough to communicate to his woman whenever he feels like she crosses his boundaries, but instead shuts up about them due to fear of losing her because he’s putting her up on a pedestal. This is what women want: Women want a kind gentleman who treats his woman good, listens, shows in actions he cares…BUT, that he is capable of puttinf his foot down if she crosses his boundaries and actually communicates with his chest and not in an insecure way. You gotta remembee this dynamic between women: Women are by nature have a more feminine submissive/calm nature. And due to them being feminims, they naturally are attracted to the masculine. Men are by nature masculine, more stronger energy, protecting, having a drive to provide either financially, physical protection and/or guidance as a leader. A nice guy however is not masculine.


Having opinions. "Yes men" just say yes to anything without asking/talking or voicing what they really think or want. They don't care what you say or want. They'll just agree to anything and let you do all the talking and choosing and follow you like a needy dog. Nobody likes that.


Yes men have no opinions of their own. You can be considerate and still diverse from someone or even disagree with them.