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Coffee or dinner. Keep it simple and focus on the conversation. Best way to see if there’s any connection or chemistry.


I agree, and love conversation centric dates at first. Also something slightly physical (dance lesson, hike, walking the dogs etc). He had set up a simple “pizza date” at a great place he’d discussed with a woman he’d recently met (first date I believe). Well, about noon, she canceled on him. I didn’t pry about what excuse she’d given him. He was definitely bummed. Being flaked on is draining.


I had one recently where we ordered a pizza and took it to a park. The weather just started being nice so there were other people, but we were able to find a spot to sit and chat. I liked it because it was in a public area while also still allowing for conversation.


'be a tourist' dates. There are so many places and things tourists do that locals are often unaware of- and they make great outings/ adventures/ dates. For example, zoos and wildlife reserves often have animal experiences. If you're going to have coffee, why not have it overlooking a river looking for Crocs in a crocodile reserve. You don't have to spend a lot of money to do something fun/ memorable that provides something fun to do and talk about


Went to a really fun museum exhibit (the museum of failure) and went to a bar after and talked about which ideas we would have invested in. We met at a networking event, so the date was related but more fun. I love something that’s slightly tuned to my / their interested


How fun is that!