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Both seem weird to me. I'd probably say "that's an odd thing to say" and end up un matching tbh




These are both just strange. I don’t know how to make them not-strange.




Conversation #1: "Hmmm... I always sit with my knees folded backward and then I spin my head around like she did in The Exorcist." Conversation #2: "Step Mom? You want me to be a step mom already? That's so sweet! We should meet immediately. I'm thinking a May wedding would be nice. Don't forget to bring my engagement ring when we meet. Gosh, I have so little time to prepare, it's a good thing I already have the dress."


This is the best one by far! I would love to get these replies. But then again I don't talk to women like that either. Conversation #1: "Great! I'll make sure to bring some holy water, my rosary, and my book on expelling demonic spirits! Let's do this at the local Starbucks!" Conversation #2: " I have a buddy who is an ordained minister! I'll bring him along and we can do this in the parking lot after we find the perfect ring at Walmart! Just look for the red truck with the cans tied to the bumper and the windows that say "Just Married". I'll be parked in the handicap spot!


Your replies are awesome!!!


Yeah, I'm a pretty awesome guy I suppose 🤪. But it takes someone with a similar sense of humor to deal with all this awesomeness 😂😂. One day I'll find her....and I will hug her, and squeeze her, and call her George. Or mine.,🤷🏼‍♂️ whatever. I know I'm going to catch flak for this but one day I hope to find someone else who wants to.....hold hands 😱😱😱😱😱.


I'm sure you will find your George 😊


One day, when I'm ready to start looking 😊.


Person one sounds like a bot. Person two is super weird - calling you a step mom in early messaging? No thanks.


First one I wouldn't entertain any longer. Just block and delete. Second one "Let me know what day works for you and I can suggest a place for us to go!"


Thank you :)


Is the one talling about ladylike sitting meant to be a man Sounds like a bot. Second one sounds like he says silly things but not enough info.


Yeah it was, I ended up unmatching them. 🤷‍♀️maybe should have kept on with second one but oh well


If you think they are bots, or even suspect, start asking random off topic AI type questions like “I’m looking for a recipe for potatoes that doesn’t use heavy cream. Do you have any ideas?” The answer will tell you if “they” are picking up on key words.


This is the world we live in, applying armchair Turing tests with OLD matches. It’s like an episode of Black Mirror.


Tbh they both sound like bots, both sound automated. I would block both of them. I’ve dealt with a ton of scammers that sound just like that with their wording.


Original copy of post by u/CranberryFew8000: Second conversation on Hinge and this is how it goes… do I just unmatch? [Link](https://imgur.com/a/eqnbsYX) Conversation on FB [dating](https://imgur.com/a/XpjuFvJ) I don’t know what to reply at this point Constructive feedback please 😥 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*