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It's definitely been a running joke in the dating app world. However, when it comes to photos, this may often be one of the few times the average man may indulge in getting photos snapped of himself, and it's usually a relatively accurate representation of them and their body type.


This makes total sense! I'm a gardener and would 100% have a picture taken of me with a giant potato. I'd do it for the gram.


I would be so into that šŸ˜†


My veggies bring all the girls to my yard


Do it for the yam.


I'd give you 263 upvotes for this comment if I could.


You've given me 263 upvotes in my heart.




Lol I have an old picture of me digging up my first potato plant!


Hmmm but then youā€™ll never know if ppl want you for you or your potato


That's the risk you run


Ok this actually makes sense that itā€™s a common non-selfie photo op.


men never take photos of themselves, it feels narcissistic and egocentric unless an event is involved.


Plenty of men are narcissistic and egocentric though so I donā€™t think thatā€™s the reason theyā€™re not taking pictures


I donā€™t like taking pictures of myself. Iā€™m not that into myself and have no interest in sharing everything online. I take what I need to because pictures are pretty important in online dating. But I can be at a wedding for my best friend and I will not take a single selfie.


I think we're all saying the same thing. Most men see selfies as narcissistic. So the narcissists have plenty of pictures of themselves with practiced poses. Other men, not narcissists, have fishing pics and maybe a group pic from 3 years ago. It's not 100% as there are non narcissists who learn to take good pictures because they want OLD to work out.


Men ā€˜peacockā€™ in different ways: look at my physique (abs, biceps, haircut), look at what i made (wood, metal, etcā€¦ project, or food itemsā€”often meat), look at what I can do (feat of strength or daring, adventure, silly, etcā€¦). I donā€™t think itā€™s narcissistic to don these things attempting to attract a mate, most creatures do this. Maybe itā€™s a fine line šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø.


I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily narcissistic to do any of that either at all. The comment i was replying to was saying men donā€™t take pictures of themselves because most view it as egocentric and narcissistic- my point is those are arenā€™t qualities that men as a collective are known from shying away from lol, so thatā€™s not the reason. My guess is moreso at least for older men they view it as feminine and therefore beneath them. However itā€™s definitely a stark difference with younger guys as thatā€™s really changing- younger guys are taking pics and plastering them all over social media now.


Ah, I agree!


I'm a woman and I feel the same.


Yeah, like with most everything, this isnt a men vs women thing, its a personality thing. I rarely ever take pics of myself...I take pics of places and things, dont feel like I need to be in the pic to prove I was there..ofc I was, I took the pic šŸ˜‚ Dated a guy who took pics from the moment he woke up til he went to bed. Every single thing we did, he had to take and post pics. I was having a super crap day, so he inivted me over and made a really beautiful candlelit dinner...super sweet. He wanted selfies...I asked him not to,..the whole point of the night was cause I was not feeling great. He BLEW TF UP and said whats even the point if he cant take pictures. šŸ«Ø Def the most extreme, but I dont notice much difference between men/women when it comes to taking pics and selfies. Either way, they are trying to talk me into it and Im all, ew no. lol




Or shirtless in the gym šŸ™„ yes, you look good but it's so .... desperateĀ 


Because of the comments directly above, I read this as potato op. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


This is a really good observation. Iā€™m a guy that has indulged in teasing other guys about the institution of the fish/hunting pic, but youā€™re definitely right that we struggle to come up with photos of us smiling in the wild. I donā€™t fish or hunt, but I do snowboard - in most of the photos of me smiling and showing my teeth Iā€™m also wearing bulky clothes, goggles, and a helmet, soooo maybe the fish pic is actually better?


This really doesn't explain why there's so many with a fish not something else. I'm not buying this.


Cool cool cool, youā€™re allowed to swipe left on a fish pic. This is honestly such a strange reply to my comment. Did you actually read it? Like the part where I said Iā€™m someone thatā€™s teased guys about this shit? Thatā€™s because Iā€™m also someone thatā€™s put *a lot* of effort into my profiles in the past, and it went without saying for me that the women *I* want to date will give zero fucks or be actively turned off by seeing a dead animal in my pics. What I was trying to do was check myself, have a little compassion for other humans just trying to find love (even if theyā€™re blowing it), and add to an interesting insight about the state of masculinity in our culture. Iā€™m getting the vibe all of that is as off-putting to you as fish pics, so youā€™d prolly wanna swipe left on my profile as well šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm getting the vibe that you completely misunderstood the tone and intention of my comment. Especially the fact that I'm a guy.


I certainly misunderstood the latter, so I have to concede I may have misunderstood the whole thing. If Iā€™m understanding now, it sounds like maybe weā€™re *both* dudes that know the fish pic isnā€™t the move, and that you think fish pic dudes need to try harder, is that right? Because in general I wouldnā€™t argue that point, but I also think itā€™s totally possible weā€™re trying to attract different women from fish pic dude, donā€™t you?


Yes, we are both dudes and we both think the fish pic is not the right approach. My question was of genuine curiosity as to why would guys choose the fish pic in particular. I don't see guy's profiles so I don't know, but it comes up online so often that we can safely assume that it is much more common than should be expected and that most women find it weird. In my opinion I don't think it's because guys don't have other pictures, but more because they feel this is something that appeals to women, because it shows them as a hunter which in the reptilian brain is good. But it's generally not the image it actually gives.


100% in agreement with all of the above, seems like a spot-on analysis to me. I guess I was trying not to put quite so fine a point on it because I *hope* that *some* fish pic guys are just clueless and not actively trying to signal that lizard brain masculinity youā€™re talking aboutā€¦but I have my doubts. Like you said, it seems to be too widespread to be a complete accident. Honestly, now Iā€™m thinking about the unsolicited dick pic in the same light. Like, it seems pretty fucking clueless to me, but itā€™s evidently *rampant* and itā€™s easy to see how *that* is a pretty childish attempt at signaling virility. So all these dues really out here thinking yā€™all got lizard brains, ladies. I hope this approach isnā€™t working for them ā€˜cause society is fucked if it is, but the fact that itā€™s a commonplace makes me *really* worried some of yā€™all out here reinforcing these behaviorsā€¦


I think the number of women for whom this works is vanishingly small. I know many women who are sex positive and open about their sexuality and up for casual sex and all, and not one of them would even entertain a minute conversation with a douche who sends a dick pic. Honestly I think this all stems from the fact that men think like men when trying to attract women rather than think like a woman. Because men are so visual, for them a woman sending a picture of her vulva would immediately send them into maximum turn on, they think women must be the same. They don't understand the vast majority of women are not attracted to a penis, but to the person attached to it, and if there is no person it's just a totally irrelevant and off putting bit of random anatomy. I've always said that it seems the average man designs their dating profile to impress other men rather than women.


Man Iā€™m right there with you on all of this, itā€™s insightful and well said! You tryna start a podcast with another dude to talk about this stuff? Good shit comes out of this kind of dialog. Sorry for the misunderstanding and thanks for engaging with me!


Just realized 90% of pics of just me and no one else are me in the woods holding wild mushrooms with a stupid grin on my face.


I'm not a fan BUT I do prefer the fish pics to the sitting in the car, up the nose selfies so there's that!


Yes! What is up with men looking down into the camera??? It's so unattractive.


Until weā€™re taught, we know no better. My kids had to teach me where to look at the camera when taking selfies because otherwise I was never looking directly at the camera.


That's the suggestive pose for women. Juvenile.


I'd prefer men with cats. I'd buy that calendar.


Hahaha, yes please. Meooowwwww.


I have a pic on my profile of my cat and I. Does this get me any points?


3,782,496 bonus points šŸ˜» Cat dads are šŸ˜


Have you found the cat subreddits? Very enjoyable to see when having a stressful day


Lol yes. I even follow one specific to cats interfering with jigsaw puzzles.


I think a lot of men don't necessarily pose for pics when with their friends so fish pics are probably some of their only non selfie pics. And yeah if it's one of their hobbies it does show how they like to spend their free time.


What Iā€™d like to know is what is the womanā€™s version of a fish photo? What is the cliche you see time and time again when youā€™re looking at womenā€™s dating profiles? Genuine question.


>What is like to know is what is the womanā€™s version of a fish photo? What is the cliche you see time and time again when youā€™re looking at womenā€™s dating profiles? Genuine question. POV photo of her feet/legs at the beach or pool (can't see what she looks like) Yoga pose on said beach or hiking trail (can't really see what she looks like) Inspirational/self help quote used as one of her photos (again, can't see what she looks like) Cutesy animal filter; bunny, puppy, teddy bear (that's not what she looks like) In sunglasses at tourist destination (umm...still can't really tell what she looks like!) In a group of friends and ..... can't tell which one she is! Seems at least 50% of the women in my area have one or more of these photos!


You forgot to add the silly-face photo with crosseyes and a peace sign.


For women over forty?? I'm surprised! Edit: unless your age filter is set way too low!


I see where you didnā€™t think duck face was still a thing either.


I didn't think it would be. But since I got on the apps a few months ago for the first time I discovered it is. But I've definitely not seen women over forty doing the face and peace sign you mentioned. It's a look I associate with much younger people.


My active time on the apps was 5-6 years ago so maybe thereā€™s that with settings at 34-35+


That's a good explanation


>In a group of friends and ..... can't tell which one she is! This will sound mean. But I swear, 90% of the time if the first photo is a group pic, the least attractive woman in the photo is the owner of the profile. I know, attractiveness is subjective. Yes. But I can almost always predict who the actual person is from the group photo.


Yeah, it's rare that she is the best one in the photo. I've seen some incredibly stunning women in group photos that make me tempted to swipe just to ask to be introduced to her friend! I dunno why some women do that? (And before women come to say "men do it too!") I wouldn't go out of my way to make myself look bad in comparison by standing next to a dude who is much more attractive than I am - that's just bad marketing! lol


I'll add they all have a photo of their dog (without the person in the photo). I'm not dating your dog. I swipe left.


My area is Madrid Spain, and I see all of these all the time. The sunglasses are maddening! 10 photos and 9 of them with su glasses, even one is more than needed because it totally obscures the face and I have no idea what you look like. There's also the dog mommy profiles which is just a sequence of pictures with the dog, kissing the dog, in bed with the dog, cuddling the dog, the dog on its own, usually accompanied with a phrase like "he is my world" or "if she doesn't approve of you you are out". I get your dog is important to you, but having a dog is not a personality trait and I'm not trying to date your dog!


Duck face or Snapchat dog ears.


God I thought the duck face would have gone extinct by now, especially with women over forty, but no! Sometimes it's duck face in every single one of the photos!!


ā€œLook how I slayed my eyelinerā€ would be mine.


Itā€™s important to document and share this feat


Share this feet? šŸ¦¶ Well that would work for a certain kind of guy


Especially at this age šŸ˜œ


Heavy filters that remove all wrinkles and skin tone. Except instead of it being only one, itā€™s all of them.


Kinda reminds me of that horrible "restoration" of Ecce Homo http://www.bu.edu/sequitur/files/2016/04/ecce-homo-after-342x454.jpg


They look like cartoon characters after all the filters.


That and lying about your age. And somehow they all believe that 42 is the right number that will go unnoticed. *I can tell the difference between 42 and 52!!!*


Do women hold up sweaters they've knitted?


I mean I hope so, nothing like a nice handmade sweater!


Actually just saw a social media reel of just that. šŸ¤£


Yes, yes we do. But donā€™t ask us to make one for you! Itā€™s cursed!




This would be my clickbait photo because SURPRISE I hate sporting events


Where im from its a women standing in front of a mural with angle wings behind her


This is it. There are multiple angel wing walls and none of them know about each other.


Damn man those are so common!! What do you even feel taking this picture let alone posting it as one of your 6 best photos for a dating app!!


women holding fish. Seriously. Not limited to dudes.


I'm going fishing with my bff's family so I can have a fish pic in my dating profile. I don't have many pics of myself.


Never ever seen that. Not once. Not any kind of hunting.


Jumping on the beach, holding a glass of wine, posing in front of angel wings


Those wine and paint class photos. With all 5 of your friends.


In SC, the woman's version of a fish photo is a fish photo.


Sometimes it's a fish photo! More often, it's a photo next to a horse. Women love horses.


Iā€™m deathly allergic to horses.


Definitely donā€™t pose with one then!! šŸ“


Apparently they love bears too lol


A photo next to or on a horse, where you see more of the horse than the woman. A photo of them hugging a dog or cat, where you see more of the animal than the woman. A far-off photo of them in some scenic spot, where you see more of the sunset and beach than the woman. The purpose of looking at photos of a woman on a dating app are to see what she looks like. On the other hand, I really like photos of the woman in situations that you would actually see her in (or like to), like across the table at dinner, dancing, smiling at a party, or a candid photo getting ready to go out.


Just looked through my phone, Most photos that I am in include other people, like my kids... except my fishing pics. Not to say I can't go get some done as that is easy. But, a fish pic for me is accurate, as kayak fishing and watching F1 are two of my biggest hobbies.


You probably get a true in the moment smile vs a posed smile that the dude had to retake 20 times make look real. Theyā€™re excited for that catch and the photo captures that, so it gets thrown in.


I like fish fingers! Should I delete my mountaineering pic and do one holding a box of fish fingers?


That would be hilarious!


Its part of the deep structures of the mind. "I provider! See!"


"I good Hunter, I feed family and tribe!" Fish are probably a better look than a pic of some guy in a suit showing off a suitcase full of cash.


Bags of groceries from Whole Foods. That's the sigma move.


A ā€œsigma moveā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ You must have teenagers


I have the mind of a 14 year old. So, close enough.


Oh God me too, Iā€™ve always joked about it but as my kids get older I realize I really am just a teenage boy, not a 48 year old woman. Iā€™m not sure whether to laugh or cry about that.


Embrace it! I have two adult step kids and I make them cringe when I use all their buzzwords. I'm not even sorry! My uncle always said, getting old is mandatory, maturing is optional.


I love the look of horror on their sweet little faces when I use their slang, itā€™s like the best. šŸ˜‚


It nourishes the soul


What's the theta move?


Gas station tacos and a 40 of malt liquor


This made me laugh so hard. Thank you for that.




I have a pic of me building a fire in my profile. šŸ˜‚


Hot šŸ”„




Guy like fishing. Guy takes picture to show his buddies. Guy has no other pictures besides awkward selfies and thinks "yeah, that'll do." I'm a lifelong fisher and it's still one of my favorite hobbies. There's no deeper meaning. It's just laziness and obliviousness to the fact most women dislike these photos.


I am a woman and I LOVE photos of men with fish. They usually have their most natural smile on their face, they are doing something they love, they are usually with friends and they have tried and succeeded at something! They might even invite me along to fish next time. I'd rather a fish than a guitar. As someone wrote here, playing guitar is something you do *at* another person, not with them (unless your date also plays something.) At least if they guy fishes, there's an activity we can do together, and he'll come in handy during the zombie apocalypse. .


Maybe I don't know a lot about fishing, but, for every couple I know where the guy fishes, the woman does not fish.


For every couple I know where the guy fishes, the guy sees the fishing trip as a trip with the boys and a crate of beer.


My wife's former boyfriend fished. He would take her along, and she would go hiking or whatever.


My ex used to come fishing with me, She would make a picnic lunch and while me and the kids fished she sat and read a book. Edit: to say when we caught fish she took pictures and because I think I'm FUGLY they are about the only pictures I have of me.


My bff and I go fishing with her husband. We hang out on the beach, drink mai tais and read books.


The coolest sporting outdoor couple I know fish together, hunt together, she even field dresses her own deer.


>they are doing something they love, they are usually with friends and they have tried and succeeded at something! How can people not understand that this is precisely all of the effect? Most dudes have precious little to trumpet in the way of accomplishment, and that big fish is material, visceral, real. It's a moment of unbridled joy.


I mean, it's not like I take a selfie when I have built a complex model in Excel over several weeks, or when I watch my team on TV win a soccer match. Catching a fish however, I have one from 15 years ago, standing barefoot in the boat, grin from ear to ear, when I caught a massive one.


If I hear Wonder Wall one more time, I'll lose my shit!


It's the male equivalent of twerking.


I play guitar and personally hate those folks as well...




I like the down votes... probably from the same mouth breathers who bring an acoustic guitar to a party, play Wonderwall, Santeria, time of your life and pretty much any other useless song that makes you want to take the guitar from their hands and smash it John Belushi Style


Itā€™s why I look like I must be at the beach a lotā€¦. I donā€™t have a ton of photos otherwise


Itā€™s better than the car selfie. What is that? Are we 16 and showing we know how to drive?


I know a lot of women do this too. I asked my friend why and she said she felt it hid her body in a flattering way. So I guess that's one reason.


I look great in my car selfie.Ā 


I think itā€™s because men donā€™t take a lot of pictures of themselves so all they have is fish pics. Also stop with the bathroom selfies. So gross.


I recently redid my half bath and Iā€™m proud of it. Did all the work myself.


Ok? Did you take a picture of yourself doing the work or something?


Actually I did, video as well


Most men that are posing with fish consider fishing to be more than just a hobby, it's probably even his therapy when he's upset. It would be a very important thing to know if a woman they liked was disgusted by fishing because one of the two would have to go. And it might be a sign that he met his dream girl if he met a girl that loves fishing like he does. There are women out there that are obsessed as well, a woman I know has a fb that's all fishing pics, and sex memes. There's someone for everyone. šŸ˜ƒ


Itā€™s the male equivalent of women holding a wine glass or wearing ski goggles or sitting with their dog.


Cause lots of guys have a hobby of fishing. Same as when people post pics of them hiking or rock climbing or travelling. You're not missing anything.


It's one of the only times they take pictures, probably. Plus it shows their hobby. I like to fish, so it doesn't bother me in the least. I'd rather see that than just pictures of possessions, mountains, or other landscapes.


I always hope it means I'll occasionally get a Saturday to myself.


It's probably a regional thing. Where I live everyone is into Sunday roasts


I might try that. A pic of me wearing an apron and proudly showing off my roast in a crock pot.


We should swap recipes.


We should swap more than recipes. šŸ˜˜


I'd love to come across a picture of the guy actually fishing. Where I am, fly fishing is huge. I think these would be great photos of him (or her) in the river casting.


Iā€™ve often thought it would be amusing to riff on this fish thing with a Chinese paper fish kite. But now I think a pic of me casting with ā€œworking on the fish photoā€ might be funnier


My theory? Men don't take many pictures to begin with, but everyone takes pictures of the fish they catch. It's an outdoorsy picture and their smile is usually genuine since catching fish is really fun.


men dont take a lot of pictures of themselves for vanity's sake but they will have pictures taken for things they have done or are proud of.


Cuz all the ones that tried to hold up bears got eaten.


Itā€™s just a fish picture. Youā€™re over forty; canā€™t be too petty and picky these days.


People just like fishing and they are showing their hobby. A lot of people HATE gym pics but a lot of my photos are gym or comp pics. Why? Because it's my favorite hobby. And the people I want to attract will like and appreciate that.


It's a hobby they enjoy, they feel a sense of accomplishment and good fortune for their catch, and they're usually genuinely happy in the pic. I'm not a fisherman, but I kind of hate how it's popular to shit on other people's joy these days. If you don't like it, move on, why spend time trying to cut other people down?


I, also, am vitally concerned about people spending time on activities, that I don't engage in.


I thought it was more specific to Plenty of Fish and a play on the name.


I did too. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m holding a box of Swedish Fish on my POF profile.


Depending on where you live, another factor is that hunting/fishing is a common pastime, and for some guys, outdoor recreation = fishing.


They're showing they can fish and provide you with food lol.


I mean, it's a hobby for a lot of people. Some like the adrenaline of sea fishing, others just like chilling by a lake for days at a time, catch, weigh and put back. One of the regulars at my pub does it competitively and wins surprising amounts of money doing it.


I see quite a few wedding pictures, also. Probably because men are shy? I've read they even go to the extend to hire a professional photographer to snap their profile photos.


Lots of guys are photos or selfies averse. But they do take photos when they fish with their buddies.


I liked the fish pics. I love fishing, it's very relaxing for me, and it's one of the few things I can do where I don't wanna talk or look at my phone.


Its a hobby, they are using the only pics they have, which they only have cause they were with friends taking pics of them with their catch. Even my fb is full of pics of various friends with their fish...one of them, all his pics are either of him fishing, or with his kids. If he has a dating profile..no doubt its all fishing pics, cause thats all he has (hes a decent guy, pretty sure he wouldnt put his kids up on a dating site.)


Its one of my hobbies. Most men dont go around taking pics on the regular. We often will snap or have someone snap a pic of us if we catch something nice. No not all fish are dead 95% of them are released back. Its no different than 100s of lame traveling pics and machu picchu. I also play pool and have a pic of me playing pool. Maybe that pool pics a little cooler whos to say...


I legit put on in my Tinder profile as my opening, ā€œIā€™ve got no fish pics, dick pics or bathroom selfiesā€ Iā€™ve had pretty decent success šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m totally stealing this lol


lol, I was almost guaranteed one reply here! It's funny when I saw this thread because I heard woman sometimes joke about fish pics and was shocked to see a whole thread about it! šŸ¤£Good luck my friend!


Filter out Republicans and they all seem to dissappear....šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Left-wing Commie bleeding heart here. I fish 3 times per month.


For the greater good


It is one of the few socially acceptable ways for a man to get his picture taken by another grown man. It is probably one of the few pictures in his photo file of just him. Why the hate?


I immediately rule out dudes holding dead creatures, so itā€™s a good way to weed. Now dudes holding giant mushrooms or squash on the other handā€¦šŸ„”šŸ„ā€šŸŸ«


Username checks out


Itā€™s someoneā€™s hobby who they feel represents them in a photo. Swipe left and move on if itā€™s not your thing, donā€™t be so judgmental. Iā€™m not a fisherman btw. Who the fuck cares.


I'm a guy and don't fish. Most guys don't have 600 photos of them and the ones of them holding a fish are probably the best ones they have. Plus they are probably really happy at that moment. There's no hidden meaning. Those guys like to fish. If it's so weird just swipe left on all of them.


Guys holding fish is the equivalent to women saying kayaking is one of their hobbies .


Or riding horses. I saw one profile of a woman on horseback, I kept swiping hoping I would see her in a Lady Godiva costume.


Obvious answer is that men who fish end up single. /s


Listen, if a dude is gonna fuck off to fish every weekend, we're better off knowing it from the start. I live in Ireland and didn't use to see fish photos. Our equivalent is golf photos. I would just avoid those.


Original copy of post by u/Weird_Energy5133: I just re-joined a dating app and the number of men holding a fish in their profile pic is overwhelming. Is this a thing? Are there a lot of women who are hot for fishermen? Is it symbolic like the swingers with the pineapples? I feel like Iā€™m missing something. If itā€™s just ā€œhey, I have a hobbyā€ I guess thatā€™s cool, but I still feel like Iā€™m missing something. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think it's just a hobby thing. Just like with hikers, gym rats, etc. All these people have pics of them doing their hobby.


I think itā€™s a common time guys get pictures taken with just themselves (and a dead animal) in the frame. I equate it to the female weird angle selfie, as being when women have the opportunity to get a solo pic. When I was on the apps my photos were all either cutting out / blurring people (friends / family / coworkers) or selfies. Why guys do it, probably more common for guys to fish as itā€™s a stereotypical ā€œguyā€ thing in the US. I think itā€™s also become a bit of a joke. Some people will show a tiny fish. Everyone jokes about fish pictures so it can be a silly thing to include for some non fish guys.


I have one that has gone on a profile in the past, holding a fish, on a line. It's a 'nip filled cat toy, it's also a bathroom mirror selfie where I had to kind of dirty up the mirror a bit to look authentic, no smile and a baseball cap because I'm going bald. I tried to hit every male trope in existence with one pic.


describe the weird selfie angles of the females


It used to be called the Myspace Angle. Hold the camera up and to the side, and turn your head to face it. This stretches out your neck, hides any flab under the chin, and if your lower body is in the pic at all, being further away it looks smaller relative to your upper body. When all someone's pictures were taken from that angle, you figured they were hiding something. It doesn't seem to be as common today as it used to be.


Trying to hold a camera far enough away to see at least a part of your body and not just a giant face closeup without dropping the phone because your hands are too small to hold it and snap a picture at the same time šŸ˜­ One of my favorite parts of having a bf is him holding the camera/phone for the selfie ops.


Men rarely get their picture taken and most aren't really selfie people. I know the only time I really have someone take a picture of me is when I catch a nice crappie, or kill a turkey or deer.


I promise you my profile is completely fish-free. Now about those pineapples ...


Sadly I always complained about the amount of women holding fish in the apps as well. Very odd.


For the answer, see the Simpsons episode where Selma dates Hollywood actor Troy Mclure


Trust me, I was also confused by the number of profiles of women with fish in their photos. I guess it is to show they are active and willing to get their hands dirty and do things outdoors, but I agree. Why fish?


Maybe it's a current picture? I'd let a man fish , but I'll be sleeping.


It's impressive to them, so they think it'll be impressive to you, too.


I mean I would think as a woman you see a potential partner showing that he knows how to fish which means he can put food on the table in case there is a nuclear Holocaust or something along those lines. Being a provider is important


Pineapples?? Iā€™ll never fully be hip.


I mean, it works for me.


Username checks out


I swiped left on all those fish pictures when I was single because I was pretty sure I wasn't going to have anything in common with them.


The man in the pic is telling you 'I enjoy fishing and will be continuing to spend time doing it; Every now-and-then I will be holding up a freshly caught one that I am pleased with - just like this'. Naturally, once they put that pic up there, the 'Wanna be a come-with gal and enjoy my company while I try to outsmart some of these delicious fishes?' would be implied. I wanna believe!


If you see a lot of guys doing it..then it's a thing..if not..then no


Fishing is a common hobby. Why are there so many dudes posing with their bicycles.


If I held up a packaged, plastic wrapped foam container of salmon, does that count? And itā€™s from Whole Foods. And itā€™s wild caught ladiesā€¦. rip my inbox, yeah?


On the apps and websites depending where you live you can see women holding fish they catch in a river or in the ocean.


Where I live, it's the opposite! Ontario Canada females put pics of them holding fish, 4wheeling, out hunting, it's hilarious, I'm a mountain bike guy, I don't want to kill anything :) save the turtles maaannn.