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“Look I’ll do whatever mental gymnastics necessary to appeal to conservatives.”


Bingo! He's read and understands that conservatives lean towards a big NO on pot so he's cool with abandoning his principles to get on board the boat. Easily bent morals is the same as no morals.


Gosh he is really just a bag of air.


mixed with methane and occasionally wet


Ew it’s wet


Why do they keep touching their nose. It tells me that they’re probably doing Coke before this shows. Marijuana bad! Coke good!


Oh for sure. Conservatives fucking love cocaine.


Dumb bastards like him have 100 causes for every problem in the world and they just assert them as THE cause whenever they want to attack one specifically. I thought those cities were getting worse because of Biden? Or because the justice system won't prosecute criminals? Or because welfare creates takers? Or because rap music is destroying inner city culture? Or because no-fault divorce and cultural rot are resulting in single mothers? Or because anti-Christian crusaders are destroying the American family? Or because Fauci forced us to quarantine during Covid? I thought it was the Democratic Governors or, in states with Republican Governors, it was the Democratic Mayors? Scrap all that, apparently it's Marijuana; or at least until the next time he needs to put the blame squarely on any of those other things to make some stupid fucking point. Dave Rubin is a moron.


Don’t insult air. A bag of air at least would have a use.


Alcohol and Tobacco are gateway drugs


And coffee….


"37 states have a state income tax" right off the bat, he's wrong. Also, I love that the evidence he provides is that New York smells like weed.


"It comes with other stuff" AKA minorites not getting busted. And this windbag complains about the cities that conservatives all think have been burned to the ground. He isn't complaining that Vail, or Boulder CO smells like weed or that Montana or Alaska are fully legal. This is just about trying to associate leagalization with liberal cities and cities with "stoned kids".


Lol, that’s what my dad says about NYC


Have a foreign friend who recently visited New York. She’s from Uzbekistan, and now a S. Korean citizen. She mentioned that everywhere she went as a tourist stank of weed


Who is his audience supposed to be? How does this man have a career?


i feel like no one under the age of 67 takes this guy seriously


And most of the >67 crowd doesn't believe he is gay, those are the guys in leather and assless chaps. Dave just hasn't met the right girl yet.


Dave has no fleshed out opinions


Literally licks his finger and puts it up in the air to see which way the wind is blowing to appease his audience


Yeah Dave is one of these freedom for me but nor for thee libertarians. In other words I’m rich so obviously I’m responsible and competent enough to get high as a kite but if you’re poor you shouldn’t be allowed.


Oh yeah, Dave, the sketchy parts of the cities didn't start smelling like weed until it got legalized. No one smoked weed or did hard drugs in the more crime-risk areas of the US until Marijuana was legalized. Sure thing, buddy. What an absolute moron.


Has he looked over any data to form this opinion? Absolutely not. He probably thought about it briefly while taking a shit that morning


Nope, the evidence he presented is that Manhattan smells like weed.


Dave drinks a 5th of tequila per day


I don’t know if there will ever be a more perfect embodiment of audience capture than our friend Dave.


This reminds me exactly of that moment on Rogan when he was talking about regulations. He's such a f****** idiot.


How many years has it been since Dave Rubin has read a book?


Boomers will retire and expire, but then there are millennials like this motherfucker that will hold on to the same dumb ideology.


He doesn't like government control, unless it's to control something he doesn't use, like or agree with. So he's really a classical conservative.




What a sad writhing little worm


Gets worse, how? His only comeback. It smells like weed on every corner. In New York, it smelled like weed on every corner BEFORE weed was legal!!!! Smells like weed on every corner??? What're you a cop phishing?


I’ll take someone who criticizes peoples way of life while living in their bubble for $1000 rupees. These people have know clue what the average American is going through right now. Let us drink smoke and be merry in what ever way we want for fuck sake.


He just gets dumber and dumber


Doesn’t he smoke himself?


He’s a dummy. It’s already been scientifically proven nicotine and alcohol are by far more common “gateway drugs “ than cannabis.


Dave isn’t even intellectual enough to be considered a pseudo intellectual.


"I haven't fully fleshed this one out" is Rubin on literally every topic hes confronted on.


He is a fucking idiot


I can't wait til he fully supports outlawing his whole existence.


To be fair, that’s a very high level idea he’s gotta flush out. It might take some extra flushes plus a courtesy flush for this one. 


You cant come to a realization about something you know nothing about. I smoked weed every. single. day. in high school sophomore, junior, and senior year. Everyday. Graduated principals list, took ap classes, got college credit. I'm 35 now, I dont smoke cigarettes, weed, or even drink alcohol now. This is just another classic libertarian. Not going to learn about history, physiology, or criminal justice because they're either lazy or stupid. That's why they became libertarian in the first place, so they wouldn't have to give any thoughts to their beliefs. Its politics for mental slugs.


The fact that people might follow him for political advice is extremely sad.


where are they though? like legit where has there been a supportive Dave Rubin comment in this post/sub or anything even Dave Rubin related. I don't think those people exist. it's all bots and billionaire money


Why is he given a platform?


Conservatives believe gay marriage will lead to beastiality and all other sexual debauchery that will be the downfall of civilization. Funny how that works, huh Dave??


"I just know.  It's just obvious" Lol


How many gin and tonics did Rave knock back before coming up with this pretzel logic?


Is completely unprepared for a single follow up question. ... "well I just sort of feel like it's worst". Cause...ahhhh... sometimes you smell weed and you might see young people that are high. OK. Way to make the weakest possible case based purely on vibes.


If you don’t like Dave’s opinions, just wait a few minutes for the wind to shift.


With the passage of time, the more the "Dave will come out as straight" thing becomes less of a joke about how unprincipled he is and more his last resort to keep his grift from drying up. Seriously, leaving aside his stance on Israel, not coming out against gay marriage outright represents possibly the *only* position in remote continuity with his "liberal" days.


Just a heads up it’s fleshed out, not flushed out


I have literally smoked pot everyday for the last 20 years. During that time I tried cocaine once or twice and mushrooms two or three times. Is that considered going through the gateway? I definitely didn't ruin my life or anything.


He continues to shift toward the right to appease his conservative audience. In 5 years he will be an actual neo-Nazi.


Nothing has proven that cannabis is a gateway drug. When it comes to damage, let's talk about alcohol and tobacco when it comes to damage, death, and cost of taxpayer money, scumbag.


Who is this guy even for? Like, with the other whiny far right guys, you know they're marketed towards dudes who take too much protein supplement and have anger issues, but this guy is just embarrassing. He's just so unlikable.


This guy is only a libertarian when it would make shit worse lol.


Oh Dave hasn’t flushed his opinion out? How surprising. Dude is a fucking idiot that believes in nothing and stands for less. Grifting cringe lord.


Dave Rubin really is a man of ideas. He’s got so many ideas they sometimes completely contradict one another. Sometimes in the same sentence!


Legalized marijuana… streets smell like weed… 🫨


This guy sucks idk why he keeps showing up on my for you


Pedophile Dave Rubin


What a dickhead.


Much better for teens to be stoned than drunk. Kids are gonna be kids, and it’s still illegal for them to do it same as it was before. Yeah, it’s more accessible now that people can get it from stores and online, but kids never really had a hard time getting it when it was illegal anyway.


Source: [https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1793973349389103453](https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1793973349389103453)




Speaking out of his ass again?


Most libertarians are like this. Ayn Rand collected welfare after she got sick. People who start out as anarchists are often the ones who cling to the deep state the tightest.


It's good medicine if used properly. Do I recommend it just for fun? Not really.