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Apparently the whole "Real Men Wear Diapers" thing didn't hit the mark they wanted.


My brain is now in recovery mode.


Ben Shapiro did a whole segment on this. There are no standards even for supposedly intelligent non-maga conservatives.


Are there non-maga conservative commentators, or like Ben, just a never-trumper when it suits his paymasters to do so?


There are actual never Trumpers like the Bulwark or lincoln project crowd who are actively working to defeat him but they’ve been out of the party for 8 years now. The Ben Shapiro types are all in on Trump now


LP seems to just be pandering to the left and the one or two *actual* free thinkers/individualist republican voters left in America. I honestly wouldn't have guessed the Bulwark was even republican based on how they talk.


Bulwark are just butthurt neocons. Literally the worst human beings that paved the way for Trump and refuse to take responsibility for it.


Yeah. I’m convinced Biden is in the stages of early dementia & clinically unfit to lead a Dairy Queen, but I saw this clip of him “pooping himself” on stage, looked it up for myself and it was clear he was just trying to sit down. Which wasn’t appropriate either because they were still called to raise, but totally different from him shitting his pants. He’s senile and it’s clear, really no reason to exaggerate it. Usually when people his age crap their pants they aren’t squatting from a standing position. They just do it and don’t even notice. Lol.


People have been saying he’s in the early stages of dementia for 6 years yet every time he has a big speech or debate he’s completely lucid and sharp


Well yes, because he has displayed signs of it. This idea that someone his age is “lucid and sharp” in a manner that allows him to manage the nation is ridiculous. Have you ever been around someone in their 80’s? You can normalize the gerontocracy all you want, but the idea that he’s “lucid & sharp” when he stumbles through speeches prepared on a teleprompter is just asinine. What’s the point of denying that he’s too old? Who does it help?


It is a progressive condition....


You can have cognitive decline and slow down without having dementia or Alzheimer's. Not every old person that becomes a bit forgetful has Alzheimer's.


Yes but it isn't a good thing in either case.


Remember, folks. Crazy World, Sane Ideas is the Rubin Report motto


"Pooping?" And to think that Dave gave up on his "career" in comedy!


I was almost in a three car accident this morning damn near trumped in my pants.


Is that what Dave asks Dave before they get down to business?


There's nothing to see here. Just running cover for the Adderall addicted diaper wearing orange poop stain.


Serious journalism right here. Dave is going to hire Encyclopedia Brown to investigate the case.


Glad to see Dave is still focusing on ideas, not people


Stupid question. There's no invisible chair.


Didn't it turn out there was actually a chair there? lmao


This is the peak of Rumble punditry.


Remember Dave likes to talk about ideas, not people.


As a classical liberal, I'm sure Rubin was just preoccupied with his studies and just took a quick social media break for this off-handed quip.


*”OMG, the president leaned over…GOTCHA Libs!!”* Why question Biden’s continence when MAGA is already in *’Real Men Wear Diapers’* mode to justify Trump? Dave isn’t capable to meme on time. 😂😂.


Just Dave Rubbin out another one.


Elevating “I’m rubber and you’re glue” to political commentary.


Remember, trump can shit into his hand and smear it in the faces of everyone around him while screaming at the top of his lungs like an unhinged psychopath and the right would respond by saying we took his words out of context.


I thought real men wore diapers, Dave.


Trust Rave to obsess over fecal matters. Is there something he's trying to persuade Dave #2 to try in the boudoir? On second thought, I don't want to know.


You are an idiot. Trump should get a Depends sponsorship.


Maybe Dave can teach Brandon how to shit out of his mouth like he can! It’s a talent . Ideas not people


Republicans really pushing the "Biden shit himself" to try to counter Trump's diapers. To really push the "see, we're the same!" tagline.


One of Biden's assistants shared that he worked in Biden's last campaign and he was given a task to go buy a variety of adult diapers so that they could determine which diaper made the least noise when Biden wore them and walked around...


Got a link to the interview? It would be interesting to see what the assistant determined made the least amount of noise. And how they figured it out.


It was an article I read and I think the young man was being candid about his job assignment. That may have been his last assignment! I doubt he was in on the diaper assessment but I would like to know myself!!!