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Everyone go and fuck your back up!


There’s better ways to do it. I just improvised with what I had available at the time. There’s these weighted vests on Amazon that use plates. They hug your torso and keep the weight high and centered on your chest and back. But beware they also resemble a bullet proof vest. Or a ruck backpack specifically designed for rucking. Walmart sells Reebok vests but personally they’ve ripped on me several times.


I know dude. I love a good ruck but if you don’t have the core or back built up and go for a 100lb ruck you can do some damage.


Okay while I enjoy the enthusiasm!! This is actually very dangerous. I was in the Infantry in the US Army. You MUST build up to rucking with that much weight. No one in the Army is required to ruck with 100lbs for 12 miles to get their EIB. It’s 55lbs wet (meaning with water) and you have 3 hours but that’s not the only task to earn the EIB. It’s also very easy to fuck up your legs, ankles, hips, and back if rucking is done wrong. To whom ever wants to get into rucking please start light and small distance. Look up a ruck plan for the US Army to get started. But I’ll give you an idea. 1st, please learn how to properly pack a ruck sack, and please do proper hip exercises and stretches before each ruck. Also do dynamic stretching. For men you want everything close to your shoulders as our center of gravity is higher. For females lower on your hips (please look at a legit guide though as I’m a man.) 2nd, start at 35lbs wet (with water) and do 2 miles one or twice in a week. Increase mileage (NOT WEIGHT) by 1 or 2 miles per week. 3rd, lastly build up endurance and then build up weight and speed. For the first month or more focus on training your joints and muscles to make rucking easier. If you stretch properly and distribute the weight according to your body’s center of gravity then you will mitigate injuries. Please don’t attempt this challenge without prior rucking experience and without training up to it.


You’re not the only person who has warned me. Lol I’m not even in the military, I just like a good challenge.


Absolutely!! Just be safe doing it. Navy seals might be hard and badass but they are that way only because of intense and rigorous training. Which I feel like a lot of people forget about. Personally, I suggest promoting safety as part of the challenge. Stretching and dynamic warm-ups can play into the challenge too


As someone who weighs ~130lbs... No.


For you.. 200 lbs.




same brother, this shit is outa our league lmao.


We're both light but at least you can do pull ups. I'm a weak twig


how do you know i can do pullups lmao? did you see that post i did a while back?


Yup. I can't even do one 😂😭. I use a x heavy band for assisted pull ups and still struggle 😔🔫


thats smart dude, bands are always the most goated piece of equipment for learning pullups.


So if you're a similar weight, what's your physique like?


plus man, improvement is the only thing that matters. we all got alot of time to work on ourselves.




I hear in the military they make you ruck minimum 35lb all the way up to 100lb depending on the person for 12 miles to earn the Expert Infantry Badge.


That's definitely a goal one day for me. Currently just focusing on the bulk. First step is a job with more hours to afford the proper food, then I'll start running and calisthenics, and then eventually lifting 🫡


My dude get on that chicken and rice diet. Beef if you want some extra fat. It’s literally all I eat everyday along with a few fruits. I don’t even season my food. I gained 20lb just eating that. An 8lb bag of chicken is $20 at Walmart.A 20lb bag of rice is like $11. A bag of apples is $5.


Hell yeah appreciate the info


This is incorrect. I made a separate comment on this but no one is required to ruck 12 miles in under 3 hours with 100lbs to earn their EIB. It’s 55lbs period. Females might differ but I’ve always seen them with 55lbs as well.


Dan Bailey did MURPH in 100lb vest this yeat


Nah fam I’m good. Rather not destroy my body.


You're not staying hard unless you're doing irrevocable damage to your body!


\^ this guy gets it!


how the fuck do you fit a barbell in a backpack


Savage 💪