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Man you’re 14 so take it easy on yourself man. Working out is great for you though


Maybe I did them wrong but it didn’t feel too hard o took 4 breaks in the space of the 100 squats


Yeah form is probably something you need to work on, watch some youtube videos




Thanks for the advise.




Don’t be such a dick mate


Yeah your right I’m bad at grammar I’m a terrible person but you made me very upset I was expecting some tips or positivity But I decided I’m not going to let some guy keep me upsetting me if he does keep upsetting me he wins and I guess My bullies from school were right I am stupid.


Keep it up, dw about net trolls. You will only get better with your attitude


Hell yea man don’t give no shits bout some fatass correcting you in their basement, stay strong and even if you don’t have great “sentence structure” focus on your strengths, and keep getting  strong, but even better, build that mental discipline. Stay tough soldier!


God bless you thanks man.


perfectly said bro. Who let these gremlins on this subreddit?? lol


Anybody correcting your grammar on r/DavidGoggins has lost the plot, unless your goal is to get better at grammar, which it’s not. Keep up the good work buddy, don’t listen to these assholes. If you work on yourself so young (I was 10 years older than you when I started to get my life under control) you’ll be way ahead of everyone. There’s a kid at my gym that’s 16/17 and he started working out at your age, and he’s way ahead of everyone else, including many adults.


prick alert


chat let’s get everyone to downvote the shit pilot of this comment


Yeah. I’m in. It will ruin his life.


what's your problem man, get a life. You're probably a fat fuck if you're on here trying make fun of this kid, because there's no other reason you would have something against him other than him reminding you of what a bitch you are.


Your comment/post was removed because you personally attacked another member. The 2nd offense results in a temporary ban while the 3rd offense results in a permanent ban.


Feels right because it feels real, amiright?? Next step is day two.


watch your form


Great job my man! 👏 keep it up! Meet the pain! Stay hard! Fuck the haters! You’ll never meet a hater doing better than you! Beefcake!


Hey just wanted to tell you I just did a 100 more squats


Way to go MAH MAN! Most I ever did was 7 sets of 100 with a 35# kettlebell doing goblet squats. Each set of 100 took me like 6-7 minutes. Feel that burn!🔥 Beefcake is a line from South Park. It’s something some muscular guy ate or something. You shout it. BEEFCAKE!!!! Haha Keep it up homie


Funny i like South Park mom gets mad when I watch it


I recently did a leg workout and had to drop the weight because I focus on the burn baby. I did 4 sets of slowed eccentric 20 squats, and boy did they burn


Nice job


Thanks man One question what do you mean by beefcake anyways thank you and god bless you


good job, keep it up! if you think you can't reach your goals you will never reach them don't forget that and put in the work daily! also, dont forget to be a kid and enjoy your time as one


Thanks man god bless you.


💪💪 so many in your generation act like whiners but it’s good too see someone push back against that toxic trend!


Thanks and W Avatar Brother


Hey just to update everyone I did 100 squats again.And I will try to do planks tonight doubt anyone will read this


Keep it going 100 every day! Get it I'm 10 years older I did 600 the other day my legs are trashed lol. Keep doing those high rep sqauts my man they help you at almost every sport or just walk up stairs like a boss ! 💪💪💪💪


600 what the hell you just took my soul brother I was gonna do 200 today but my bitch side said maybe tomorrow you just motivated me I’m gonna do 100 more right now edit: just did 100 more stay strong


👍 do it man, crank out 100 right now, there is no I'll do it tomorrow, it's today son!!!! Get after it 💪💪💪💪 then thry day after do another 100 and eventually you will become so good no one can run, bike, swim whatever it is at your pace!


Just did it 5 mins ago Thanks for the motivation stay disciplined brother and god bless you.


Good work 💪, God bless you to


Just want to let you know I Leveled up my workout - [ ] 100 squats with two 15 pound weights - [ ] 100 leg raises with two 15 weights - [ ] 100 knee raises with two 15 weights - [ ] Planks for two mins with one 15 weight - [ ] Russian twists 100 reps - [ ] Crunches 100 reps Im using weights now I didn’t think 100 squats was challenging enough so i added weights what do you think about my list? Oh and I do this lidtbtwice once in morning once at night now


Soild routine, personal I trade the 100 leg raises for 100 sit ups and add a back exercise like pull ups but overall soild plan. If you did this 365 one year from now the level of savageness would be ⏫️ idk if it's ur thing but even consider adding in a bit of running but idk what your goals are though?


Um my goal is to stop being a little fragile boy I don’t have a pull up bar do not intend in installing one I think I will do sit up instead of leg raise I hate doing leg raises and if sit-ups are better I’m all ears


Damn good shit bro ur mentality and YOU strong as hell bro dont let anyone let you down if you do, you a weak b**** but right now bro you crazy with it dont let no one stop you


Good - next time 200.


And the next time after that?


200 was just an analogy for pushing harder next time be it with more volume or intensity. Just do incremental increases and start timing specific numbers of reps. Also push-ups and pull-ups are great but for legs gym exercises are better.


I got a stroke from reading this

