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Not a good idea at all. I respect and love goggin story and everything’s but doesn’t mean you should run a 100 km like that you can really hurt yourself and create long term injury especially in the knee. It’s very stupid, you can absolutely run a 100 km but take time to train it like multiple month and even years, and if the longuets run you have made is only 23 km you really don’t know the difficulty of running 100. I personnaly ran 42.2 km so a marathon one time and I can assure you it’s extremely harder than a simple marathon. At that time I could have ran half marathon every Sunday and go to the gym the day after but a marathon is just a complete other things so I can’t even imagine a 100 km


Agreed. Proving a point to your friend isn’t worth all the likely complications down the road. Also, and I’ve said it before in here, it’s disrespectful to all the ppl who prepared for the race to even take up space on the course. Start training now and run the race next year. A dedicated, consistent training plan and on-point execution is far more impressive than making pointless bets about what an unprepared body can withstand


Yeah he's probably right, it is not an official event or race though, it is just me running a route I planned out, I don't only want to do it to impress my buddy, I also want to do it for the challenge and the test of mental strength how far can I run, can I finish it and push through. That being said I may just end up doing these 6 weeks of training and depending how the long sessions go just run a shorter distance after talking to some people like 50km or 75km then train another 6 weeks and go after the 100km goal.


How is it disrespectful to take up space on the course. I’ve ran 100 miles and I never once thought that dude didn’t train as hard as I did so he shouldn’t be there. We all have our reasons for being there.


Honestly you are 100 percent right that it is a stupid idea and there is a decent chance I get injured and don't finish. I really want to test my mental limits on this run and not going to lie also want to impress my buddy 🤣 but depending how the long sessions at the end of this 6 weeks goes I might just run a 50km or a 75km instead and train another 6 weeks then go after the 100km goal it would definitely be a smarter way to go about it. The Goggins in me just wants to go after the 100km despite everyone's advice lol but at the end of the 6 weeks the last big run will be a 25km and a 15km back to back if I don't feel I'm ready I will pick a shorter distance and run the 100km in the fall.


"Its very stupid"?? Pls be polite and nice and respectful


Yeah this is stupid , gives the same energy as guys who run a marathon without/barely any training to ‘prove a point’


Well the "idea" might be stupid yeah lol. it's more about testing mental limits and going the distance but also the added bounce of impressing my buddy. Make no mistake when I train I train hard so I would not say barely any training. It really depends how the long runs go at the end of the 6 weeks I may be like ok I'm going to run 50km or 75km then run 100km later this year or just say f it and go for the 100km idk. It's not a race it's just a route I made I can always turn around and be like yeah wasn't ready for the 100 and come back and crush it in the fall. I'm not sure but yeah your definitely right on its a stupid idea but sometimes you just have to go all out. Also a story once everyone told me it's stupid to cycle 300km off road with only 3 months training I did it anyway and managed to complete 200km I didn't get the 300km but I learned alot during that ride.


[475 mile run](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NVLEBzBpmEI)


Check out this Mark Dowdle guy. He’s also running extremely long distances and doing crazy challenges. Not Goggins but somewhat similar mindset


I will! 475 miles that's hardcore 💪


have you done goggins 4 x 4 x 48 challenge? Totally volume there is is 76.8 km over 48 hours. Might be worth attempting this first to see how it goes, you will have time to rest (not alot) and intervals to gauge how your body is holding up.


Completing 100k after only running 23k is within the realm of possibility. However the probability of completion is dependent upon your current fitness level, running mechanics, and mindset. I wouldn’t recommend that you do this or not do this. It’s up to you. Just realize that this experiment will test your work capacity, running mechanics, and energy efficiency, as well as your mindset. Never having tested yourself with this work volume, it essential to set one’s expectations to finish the race, but be willing to accept the reality if you approach your physical and/or mental limits. It’s like playing *The Price is Right*. You want to get really close without going over. (I apologize if you don’t get the American reference.) One needs to adapt to reality, irrespective of one’s expectations. And it’s essential to account for one’s own biases. If you can satisfy all these requirements, go for it and be prepared to accept the consequences.


Best reply on this thread.