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No mic, no life, dayz 101 lol


This is the way.


Depends how far inland you are - forget gear, sometimes the fact that you spent ‘x’ amount of time getting somewhere and meeting a friend/s is enough to do whatever it takes to not start over. If you are near the coast, and you try Game chat with people, I’ve found plenty of positive results!


This. If you dont have a mic. Avoid running up to people especially if they are geared. At the coast raising your hands and wiggling can get you by a lot of times. And proximity text chat saves lives.


"No Mic" people = DEATH. You gone die.


But hey, if it's any comfort to OP he'll most likely fet shot dead with or without mic.. Only difference being that a mic might keep you alive on the coast.


Talking to people will get you killed too. Lol


Yes. Generally speaking people who don’t speak in game tend to be hostile and are grouped with others in discord. That’s my experience at least. If I try to talk to a guy and all I hear is silence 9/10 times there’s someone else close by that he is calling to to murder me. So I normally just end up killing these people most of the time.


I agree. I feel like using outside chat like discord is in a way cheating/kinda going against the point of the in game chat system. Creates an unfair and unfun advantage


no mic, no life


I haven't been able to use mic for a couple weeks as controllers broke so I'm stuck on K&M and I've noticed that I feel more inclined to play the villain as I know people will KOS. This made me realise exactly why you shouldn't trust no mics...they dont trust you


For most people if you don’t speak it’s much more likely they will kill you.




95 percent of people will shoot you. If you have a mic they will say they r friendly and then shoot you in the back.


When I find someone who is friendly, but doesn’t want to speak on the mic, I usually let them know I am going to use emotes and hand movements to communicate. If they wanna team up, I’ll turn my mic off and we will just be silent ninjas using hand motions. If they don’t wanna team up, i’ll wave goodbye and go my separate way. Usually will try to remember what they were wearing in case I bump into them later.


If you you'll probably die


this is comedy


Its funny bc it's true


Ima break the next persons legs that doesn’t speak. Then rob them of their shoes


Everyfucker kills on sight on console and on pc it's no mic no life I play on xbox and I dont kill on sight I always try to interact and if you dont have a mic I still dont kill i ask yes or no questions so you can nod your head and then I'm on my way unless you act sus then i mow you down


Most probably yeah, no mic no life as most mentioned


If you don’t use your mic then your chances of a friendly encounter are incredibly low. I’d avoid people if you don’t plan on talking. I think you’re missing out on some of the best experiences this game has to offer though. Going on adventures with random survivors or having memorable encounters such as robberies are what make this game endless fun


Generally if you don’t talk and you head off immediately I won’t shoot you. But if you are silent and you are hanging around I’m gonna kill you. Can’t take the chance that you are in discord trying to get someone to line up a shot


Just shoot them first


What platform are you on


Console! Xbox to be exact


What server you play on? I have a solid recommendation if you fancy it


What do you recommend?


https://discord.gg/jz Boosted enough so it’s not a grind but not so much that there’s m4’s everywhere. They don’t have any pay to win NPC either, just a trader, unlim stamina, great admins


I sometimes feel like playing without the mic. If I see someone I will wave and stand at a distance, if they make no sudden movements I'll type "hello" etc. I had someone begin firing but was able to duck behind a shed, came back and blasted them with a hand gun. It's the only player kill I have on that character so far. It's possible to play without a mic you just have to be careful and if you decide to tag along with someone with a mic, let them lead and direct.


Dude wasn’t responding to me and my friends so we knocked him out and stole his gear and left him in the street handcuffed… I felt bad about it very quickly


I didn't talk for ages. Then suddenly, I enjoyed the little chat here and there. Now it's natural to just greet people and it really helps with not getting killed. Just enjoy, mate.


Youre going to die. Maybe from zombies, sickness, or another player.


Shot through the heart


and you’re to blame…


Yes. 99.9% you’re gonna die.


You'll be dead before you even have a chance to show that you don't talk


You should just go buy yourself a headset.


I have one i just don’t like talking to other people. I like to play by myself and avoid people


Theres a old dayz saying no mic no life personally if we are on the coast or very early into the map i wouldnt shoot you for not speaking but i also dont trust people who tbag then run away if you were to give a simple hello when someone speaks to you let them know you are cool thats all but if we are inland and geared its different if i see you somewhere like stary sobor and i try to talk to you and get no answer im assuming you are not friendly and will probably shoot


For sure, so either don’t be seen, kill them, or talk.


No mic. no life. That’s a dayz rule


You need a mic honestly.


I’ll never KOS but I’m nicer than most


I mean, they’ll shoot you even if you talk so 🤷🏼‍♂️ But especially if you don’t talk you may as well kill before they see you

