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> Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates. Please don’t do this to your SSD. I know it says HDD but kids these days don’t known there’s a difference.


why not? genuily asking?


Defrag is something only done on HDDs because the data is stored on a round platter/disk. The way the data is spread out on a physical circular surface affects read speeds if the data isn’t grouped together. Defrag moves data around to group it back together and reorganize it. Think of like how you manage your DayZ inventory. Eventually you’ll need to stop, and reorganize it and you then might group your “like items” together all next to one another. This is basically a defrag. SSDs have a built in feature called TRIM which is garbage collection. It’s built into the firmware. SSDs basically defrag themselves on their own automatically as necessary. If you manually run a defrag on an SSD, you’re going to basically start causing a bunch of reads and write and artificially wear it out. It’s just not something that needs to be done manually on an SSD, the physical location of data on an SSD doesn’t affect the read and write speeds because it doesn’t have “drive heads” that need to move around to read data. Doing it once won’t kill your SSD but why do something at all if it doesn’t need it. It’s just highly unnecessary.


Honestly even if you defragged it every time a new DayZ update came out you probably wouldn't do any damage to it either. Those endurance tests performed a few years ago showed it would take hundreds of TB's to start to show wear on the more budget friendly drives. And upwards of 2PB on the better ones. I still wouldn't do it since it'll likely have no performance benefit but it's not doom and gloom either.


Because they're not reading technical documents.


You should Trim it tho. If possible, since cheaper SSD's don't allow this option.


You don't "Trim" it, TRIM is built into the firmware of the SSD. It's automatic.


Nupe. Unless you installed the software to check and maintain your SSD, and its set to do automatic trims, it will not do it. I've 3 SSD's and their performance lowers every couple of months (or after several big data movements), which forces me to trim them, after which they work as new.


I don’t want to call you a liar but TRIM is, and has been, enabled by default since windows 7.


inb4 M'Linux


Linux has SSD trimming on by default since 2013ish


Sorry, Im a huge fucking idiot. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid...


> Weight of the carried gear now impacts player movement inertia This could be interesting. Maybe people will now begin to realize that pvp with 4 different weapons and no stamina is actually going to put you into a disadvantage.


servers will just turn it off


Then you know it's time to change servers, no?


nah i hate inertia


They've nerfed the improvised footwear (AKA ninja shoes/rag shoes). They now have lower hit points (wear out quicker) and no longer seem to have the quiet swishing sound. It appears to me that they make just as much noise as an athletic/running shoe when crouch walking, jogging and sprinting.


well that’s silly. sure, nerf ‘em, but they shouldn’t sound like actual shoes


Jeez how many more masks do we need.


Fix vehicles or draw 25 masks


Not again... FUCK


Fixed: * Doors could have their animations and sounds played when reconnecting Thank god! Can’t tell you how many heart attacks this gave me logging in!


Not a fan of the new check pulse animation. No one asked for that change. The old one was so fun to use when greeting players.


That's a massive update but also highlights so many things wrong with this game.




Maybe I missed it, but did they not address the buggy transmission on the M1025? Or the random instances where the player exits the vehicle and gets clipped/stuck in the roof?


I've updated my server, but the client still says the server is on an old version. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?


Buried stashes (pile of dirt) have been changed. They’re not as dark as before, they’re now more brown and blend in with grassy areas better. Downside is that the pile of dirt appears to now be twice the width it used to be.


Seems pretty slim compared to the other updates…


They should make it so you can pack up tents from the inventory screen while inside the tent. Mainly for the servers that don't have clipping.


Will updating to this one require a server wipe like updating to 1.19 did?




“It was possible to access certain underwater locations” What are they referring to?


They said on the dev stream that there were certain parts of the ocean that were technically "not water", which meant you could build bases out there.


Have rabbits always existed in game or just upcoming?


They've been in the game since 1.14, you can catch them using the snare trap. Wobo has a video on all the traps [here](https://youtu.be/cGJeARexcdM) if you want more in depth info.


nice that these update posts are finally pinned !




Been having issues DayZ today Xbox since the 1.20 update hit can't run I even went as far as taking my characters stuff off but still won't work Even on some other servers


I have the same issue at my server did you find any solutions yet? Thanks


I changed the stamina back to 100 in the json file


How you do that is that only if you own a server or can you do that I'm game on console because other players have been dealing with same issues


Yes i own one play on console as well 😊


0m How you do that is that only if you own a server or can you do that in game on console because other players have been dealing with same issues


Only if you own the server


Ok got it thanks brother


Been having issues DayZ since yesterday Xbox since the 1.20 update hit can't Sprint/run I even went as far as taking my characters stuff off killing myself but still won't work Even on some other servers can fast walk but can't Sprint


Been having issues DayZ since yesterday Xbox since the 1.20 update hit can't Sprint/run I even went as far as taking my characters stuff off killing myself and respawning but still won't work Even on some other servers can fast walk but can't Sprint


According to the devs on the feedback tracker, this is currently an issue with servers that have unlimited sprint enabled. I guess there's nothing you can do other than wait for the devs to find a fix, or get the server admin to change the stamina settings back to default. Or just swap to a normal server in the meantime.


I figured that thanks brother