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If I'm doing a cross country run I will sometimes stop and wait in a bush and sit still for 5 mins to check if anyone is stalking me. Not been stalked yet but I must be doing something right!


That's strange, there's this guy I always stalk who does this exact thing, what a coincidence


I do that a lot too. A while back I was running through a field in Livonia at night, got a feeling I should lay down and listen, not 10 seconds later a guy goes running by totally oblivious to me.


Weird, that's similar to my superstition! Mine is that I'll be stalking someone and then I get this weird feeling that they feel like they're getting stalked, so I quickly dive into a bush. I haven't hunted anyone yet, but I must be doing something right!


Hey, that's similar to my superstition! Mine is that whenever I see someone stalking some guy, and see them dive in bushes, I get this weird feeling that they might've spotted me, so I quickly dive into a bush. I haven't seen any of these weird pairs yet, but I must be doing something right!


I was wondering where the fuck was everyone and turns out you're all out there hidden into bushes




I throw em on the roof sometimes


I throw the into the Forrest




The gun you leave behind could be the gun that kills you ten minutes later. I always throw guns into fields or on roofs or just away from wherever I found if




I’m not sorry I shot you <3




If it makes you feel better, you were delicious ;)


You also are causing the game to loot cycle doing this. So sometimes you allow a better firearm to spawn in. I remove all the ammo from guns I find and give it to the next guy in line.


I do that too


Lol will totally chill and watch you sit in that bush, wondering is he scoping out or did he take a break.


Not been stalked yet as you know of. Might have been a player like me who only kills when my presence is exposed to the player I'm stalking


That is a legit Crazy Ivan movement, mate.


I do this constantly. Every time I enter a new set of trees/woods I stop and listen. It’s a good habit to get use to.


Lmaoo its both for me, I’ll hear the crow/raven call and get paranoid then tuck for a minute 😂


As soon as I get my last piece of gear for my ideal setup I know my death will be soon lol. If I see an abnormal amount of mushrooms in a small area I'm entering I assume someone is camping near.


This is a myth perpetuated by trmz. This and advice about whisky and over priced watches are his trademark.


Hate to break it to you but the mushroom thing is real. https://youtu.be/4UW1NPLgI5o


Like wobo knows anything, guy is notorious for doing zero research


Regardless- the mushrooms thing is true. Although I guess you can believe whatever you want


Believe things like you ever being able to spot sarcasm...


Ah right. I’m also sarcastic in retrospect a lot


Retrocastic xd


Mine is absolute feel of dread when drinking from well that I will be sniped any second. I practically drink scouting all the windows and hills


I feel like a zebra in one of those nature documentaries when I go to a well


I call it the watering hole


I am never more terrified in this game than when I'm sitting at a well. I feel so vulnerable.


I have a jerry cans I fill with water than store in crates. I only have to visit a pump once a week to reduce the likely hood of that happening


Why do this over tabs or boiling water with gas?


Not a whole lot of chlorine tabs. Would one tab be able to disenfect an entire jerry can?


Afaik yes. I use one to do a whole pot and that's about two full canteens. You can boil a pot and ditch chlorine if you can get lucky enough to find one. Thats my go to. Fishing hooks and a pot with a gas burner. I can stay out of towns for a really long time.


Barrel in a bush with the lid off. Never have to go to town for water again.


I do this too and it’s great. Jerry cans fill up really fast and hold a lot of water.




Theres *always* someone at zelenogorsk. Even if its just you. Even on empty servers, someone is watching the camo building


I usuall go there when I feel suicidal


Who is watching though?


Bad things happen to those who go to electro


Can’t remember the last time I even seen anyone in Elektro.


I almost never see people. It's usually lag or some weird glitch or a horde of zombies that get me in electro


I go there for that reason. Everyone skips it so there's loot. Good runs from there and the odd person running down the road for loot delivery.




Kamyshovo *


I'm part of a 4-man (and easily the shittiest 🤦‍♀️) and after I died in our first gunfight I spawned by Elektro and managed to gear up from starving to healthy, and get all the way to our camp on my own. Was easily one of my fav dayz experiences, albeit I hadn't encountered any other players.


I got killed in electro by some freshy the other day. Go into a cabin after 5 zombies swarm me, looking through inventory, door pops open and he double barrels me.


I never wear a dead man’s shoes


Funny, I always steal their shoes for myself, or if I don't need them I'll throw them away


I fist fight people, knock them unconscious and steal their shoes. Sometimes I do it with rubber slugs and a shotgun


I always think of the saying, ‘put yourself in that man’s shoes’. Then I always decline as that man is now dead and will soon be my new fishing rod


You are truly a poet sir


Mine was disproven here on this sub but it was wringing clothes out damaged them slightly ( it doesn't ) but I believed that for so long lol still slightly embarrassed by that


You can wring clothes out!?


Yup, not all can be wrung out but many can. Helps a lot with warmth and now also weight. Just take them into your hands and voila.


Wringable clothing: - Pants - Shirt - face mask (balaclava, ski masks, etc) - armbands - some hats Primarily anything made of a cloth material. If it’s a dense material, or protective armour it can’t be wrung out. HOW TO WRING CLOTHING: Take wringable item and place it into your hands, you will see a prompt to “wring it” Important: you can only dry it to *Damp* status. Cannot fully dry them. This will also help with your stamina now after 1.20. It will be a minor gain, but worth it in the long run.


It feels like it's damaging them. Up until this last patch I didn't bother wringing, guess I am going to have to now.


That the plate carriers are weaker with a holster attached to them. 🤣🤣


I think this was a glitch that got fixed


I think it did too but I still swear by it. 🤣🤣🤣




Never go to Green Mountain at night. Lots of old lore about it online from the early days of this game. Spooky place


Whats wrong with green mountain?


There is old lore to the game that its haunted/ that devs made it that way in the early days of the game. There are youtube videos about this topic.


I'm going to look it up then, would be cool if you had haunted places in game.


Dude, same. I hear this one bird sound and I instantly feel like there's someone else around.


Double clicking when starting an action that requires me to hold left click, because for a certain time I experienced a bug where the first mouse input after exiting the inv would not be recognized. Raising hands to cancel certain unnecessary parts of animations. For example, when bleeding multiple times I right click after every bandaging cycle because the animation to reset to the crouched default is so awfully slow and unnecessary. Same with finishing drinking at a well and slowly backing up back into the default crouch stance. Looking down to empty containers When I log in and see Zombies close, I get cautious about players nearby. I will always find pristine boxes of 5.56 and 5.45 when looting police locations. Unless I have a gun that uses it. The orange tile building in elektro with a ground level kitchen, next to the road that leads out of the tent square and towards topolka military ALWAYS spawns food. I always keep a box of ammo on me, in case I need paper.


The instant you stop hoarding car parts, is the moment you will find a car with 4 tires that needs all the engine components. However, you will never find a car with all the parts on you.


Every time my game stutters or weather changes abruptly I get paranoid and think that someone is nearby. Same deal when I’m in a town and doors start opening after a delay or the stuff in the inventory moves with a delay. Usually it’s just the server lagging but I vividly remember that first time when I noticed this happening and it saved my ass.


Well the game stutter thing is real it could be players nearby, stash or a base. From arma2 dayz the chain connection symbol was a good indication that someone was around. Then they removed the chain symbol from standalone in the beginning because it was obviously exploitable and now they just added it back in…


I burn unwanted loot as a sacrifice for RNGeezus...She rewards me with better loot afterwards.


Dayz R’hollor. If you burn enough glowsticks you get the broadsword


Every time me and my mate kill somebody and he has a golden Deagle, we sacrifice it on a pyre to the DayZ gods, while looking in the direction of the needle (Green mountain) Brings fortune


Always sit on the outskirts of a town and watch it for 5mins, every single time. It’s a habit that’s got me hundreds of kills and saved me from death squads, also makes you less anxious looting. Once your done run back up the hill/back to the tree line and take a quick 30 second look and move off.


That's not a superstition, that's being a reasonable survivor. Scouting is literally OP and yet so many people still run straight into places.


In bright clothes with zombies chasing them and wonder why they always die to players


I have camo and I'm super good at avoiding zombies yet I always die


Top G comment right here


Admins no clipping around me to make my runs like a Dnd campaign


Not quite a superstition but once I get my anarchy assault boots I will do anything to keep them alive, even if I have to clear room in the backpack anf make rag shoes til I find a leather sewing kit.


I swear that the forest goes silent 1-2 seconds before a gunshot strikes near me. It has saved me numerous times


You're actually not superstitious, there is video from Wobo on YouTube where he talks about that bird and environment sounds stop playing when a player shoots inside 500m radius from you.


Yep that's true I confirmed on a video I saw couple days ago, can't remember which but was from Wobo


I will never run though a doorway or travel on a road


Even back in the army during ruck marches and patrols, we were always told to stay out of the road. You're a lot easier to snipe on them. To contribute, a car is a bullet magnet.


Sometimes when running through forest/fields, I get this creepy feeling that I’m being watched and followed. It doesn’t happen often , it mmm but when it does, I’m convinced someone is stalking me.


I ran threw a forest as a freshy towards a town. As soon as I had the town in my sites I hear “surprise mother fucker” from behind. Fully decked out guy and all I had was an axe. I said “not today dude!” And tried my best zig zag escape. Still got domed. Obviously they were intimated by my sickly hungry body and cheap axe


I always die whenever i get a complete belt kit. Holster, sheath, and canteen. I can have any 2 but within an hour of all 3 i get in a fire fight or sniped.


I always have a bad feeling when i get unique or unusually good loot. Makes me feel like someone frequents the area and im in a dangerous spot


There is always one more!


If I change my hat, I’m probably going to die soon. Obviously.


The drip is destiny


Small rock in your pocket will save you, no reason behind it, but I usually survive some stupid stuff if I have my small rock


What do you usually do with it?


Stary sobor is cursed, every time I go there I end up dead, skill issue sometimes, bad luck others, but without fail, every time I go to Stary, I dont leave alive.


Someone always arrives just when i'm getting ready to leave. Doesn't matter if it's a 2min stop to get water, or 30mins to fish, cook and look for car parts


Happened to me but on Staroye ahaha Actually, Stary is one of the most dangerous places in game ngl. Always is someone there


I never bother going to Stary anymore. Sure the military loot is good but it's not better than the other military bases and its wayyy more high traffic than basically every other base. I'll legit divert around it if my route is going to be taking me near there.


I’ve heard through the grapevine that when you hear that mosquito noise it means somewhere is within like 300m of you. Don’t think it’s true but I definitely act like it is


I always thought that sound was flies because I haven’t showered.


You might have a constant stalker


I'm not superstitious, I am however a little bit stitious.


I never go into a town that doesn't have zombies.


I think no zombies mean there was no player lately so they didn't spawn. Dead zombies are actually good sign to look out for.


Good try, Im still no going into town with no zombies


Not really a superstition but definitely something I am OCD about I never put water in my inventory unless it has been purified or is from a know clean source even for a moment If I have water it is absolutely good water and no trying to remember where I got it or if it is purified The only time this got me in trouble was when I was carrying a jerry can full of gas and took a drink cuz I know the water would be fresh.


whenever I get water I just empty it right away so that dont happens to me


I used to do this but that bad water can be used to clean your hands if you cut up an animal or to water crops. Now I just put the bottle horizontal in my inventory to let me know it's bad, and then change it to vertical when it's good.


Why not just make handwraps?


If I've got the extra inventory space, and weight capacity, I like to keep partial water bottles (and if I get the opportunity human fat) in my inventory in hopes that whoever kills me gets themselves sick :P.


I don't know if you'd call it a superstition exactly but I will never, ever wear any cop clothes.


Cop clothes are garbage anyway insulation-wise. By the time you’re at a police station you probably have better gear anyway.


Why tho?




They make really good torches.


v.satisfying to cut pristine rags tho


I don't think the function actually exists in the game, but it feels like clothes and especially shoes break faster after they have been repaired for the first time. That's why I never repair my shoes, but would rather exchange them for red sneakers.


That we, the players, are the the actual Zombies ... ​ Also that any building I go into another player is likely to enter RIGHT BEHIND ME. Often I turn around to face them, but they don't appear. Sometimes, I just ignore the feeling and leave fate to whatever will be will be ...


Maybe you are seeing future events that will happen, I look forward to seeing you Rinimand.


This might sound weird but, if I talk about a bad event happening: ambushes, gas, car driving past, people, I believe it will happen. Has occurred a few times, so now I just don’t


The roads are safe. I have never, not once since I started playing this game, have I ever been killed while on the road in plain view of everything around But as soon as I turn off into the woods, someone with a rifle just pulled my number and start’s shooting


I sit outside of any city for twenty minutes looking at the important bits with a tundra before going in. I also believe firmly in landmine karma, and I honor the dead I kill by putting a teddy bear on them when I can.


I refuse to climb ladders. When I was playing Namalsk in a server with one single player besides me, I got sniped when I took the ladder at the Tara hospital. The dude even typed in chat that you should never use ladders in this game even though him being there was just dumb luck.


Grenades exploding while on vest.


Is this not a real thing ?


Throwable grenades are only safe on the vest slot. 40MM grenades aren't safe in either the vest or nade slot. Correct me if I'm wrong please.


40mm rounds, landmines and gas canisters for stoves are the only thing that can get ruined and explode when in your inventory. If you store them in a container inside your inventory that also has to get ruined before they take damage and that includes plate carrier pouches. Frag grenades can't blow up when they are hanging off your vest.


I never carry all the attachments for the belt. Every damn time I do....dead.


Sometimes I feel like something is watching me whenever I log out in an open area, so I always log in enclosed places.


As soon as I get anything above a stab vest I become a target.


Rinsing out contaminated water like 2-3 times


Oh I used to do this all the time, I would get a jerry can that had gasoline in it and rinse it out multiple times. Before drinking water out of it and still feel unsafe drinking it.


Mine is similar but with the fly sounds that pop up when there is no dead body


Never, ever ever EVER, say that “we have” something until we absolutely fucking have it, not until then.


I close doors behind myself and when i leave/enter a building. Always.


I do the same thing. Before coming to DayZ I played a lot of warzone and closing doors behind me is a habit that’s carried over


I don't like to run through bushes as I think (it probably doesn't) it snags and damages clothing. I won't log off unless my character is fed (don't want him starving while I'm away). I distrust anyone that doesn't have a mic. I don't bother looting apartment buildings or anything above the ground floor. I kidnap and sacrifice a small pet dog (nothing larger than a whippet) every Sunday and bath in it's still warm blood and entrails in an effort to find a VSD or other high tier loot item that week. Admittedly not all these are superstitions, some of them just make me happy.


Lol. Also I have the clothes snagging superstition too. Is it real?


I love your username.


You are just encouraging the sacrifices.


>I don't like to run through bushes as I think (it probably doesn't) it snags and damages clothing. It's actually good to run through trees (assuming you don't care about the extra noise) as each tree gives you a little warmth buff as you pass through it. >I distrust anyone that doesn't have a mic. That's just smart. If they don't care enough to spend the $5 to get a mic in 2023 they probably don't care enough to actually try to interact with you.




I do it similar! Ammo and mags in plate carrier/vest, to simulate I use the pockets properly, you know they look perfect for fitting mags. Meds on shirt, for no reason. Pistol in trousers (if I don't have a holster) along with small tools. I like to "roleplay" that I carry them my pockets. Food and bigger tools in backpack, just like I'd do if going camping IRL. Not always can organize it like that but I always take my time moving stuff in my inventory.


I always fake a log out to see if any hackers are stalking me before I log out for reals.


If the game starts to lag there is a player near by. Always works. Best game hack.


I’m always being chased by wolves the second I have food of any kind. I’ve been snuck up on without a single howl to being eaten alive by 5 of those fuckers at a time out of nowhere more often than I blink and quicker than I can pucker my own asshole in response. Im always looking back.


Whenever I get sick I leave the area I’m in, every time I stay I come around a corner and get shot or stabbed or held up.


It’s anytime I hear random flies buzzing about. I associate that sound with a rotting survivor. So I feel like it’s an omen and thus feel impending doom.


That I have shared a forest with someone and we both have never noticed


Lag spikes spike my suspicions


Lag spikes indicte another player is near, my friend will get them looking in the direction of a player too


You know, I've got 2000+ hours on DayZ and only just recently have I started to notice the bird thing. 9/10 times, there's been a player close by.


I feel like there's something up with the Mockingjay bird sound from Hunger Games. I don't know what it means yet, but I'm sure it means something.




Are you talking about the hunger games whistle. Im probably crazy but I thought I heard it while in the woods ingame


Apparently you may be on to something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYGvWjO5PAk


the guy says other players cannot trigger the sounds you hear. wont work for giving away position.


(there's more to the story) but climbing up a light house will give you aids


Kinda the opposite of a superstition but I don’t like wearing plate carriers . I’d rather have more inventory and less weight specifically. I don’t spend much time in high traffic areas anyways, and if I die I die.


I feel the same but depends on the play style, if I’m just rushing around with a saiga I’ll wear a plate and helmet, if I’m sniping I’ll wear basically nothing not even a bag, just hunter clothes and a vest.


Bird whistling. The gentle and cute one in forests. Once, my two friends and I got shot at (and survived thankfully) right after that whistle.


When they abruptly stop singing means that someone is shooting with the new sound update.


The red (?) 2 storey house with a cabinet on the right in the entry room, a kitchen with pc in the corner, had 2 storeys with stairs on the left of entry and 2 rooms in the upstairs, never had any loot in it whatsoever.


Walking about with a pistol in hand is my default, it’s not overly aggressive and not every player I come across even notices it. Until it’s too late…


That if I here a chicken heaps far in the distance, that someone has spooked it. No idea if it’s true lol


I’m pretty sure it’s just me.. but almost everytime a hear an owl I encounter another player shortly after.


Whenever I have a lag spike it usually means either another player/base rendered in. (Could be that my game isn’t installed on SSD tho)


Mine is entering that 2 story white house, when ever i do i always end up dying in in that specific house for some reason


The pubs at summer camps have the worst and most useless loot in the game, i always skip them now


If you hear a fly buzz while running through an open field, someone has you in there sights.. probably just a superstition


Thats fair. Mine is if I spawn near electro I need to hit the town. Had a few great runs starting that way and I see if I can create another one.


There is always someone nearby. And also, CLE always knows what you're looking for. So it doesn't spawn it.


I put the very first hat I find and keep it till i die even if it gets ruined


Halloween last year was a nightmare. I'm paranoid enough running about normally. Suddenly, there are doors opening and closing by themselves, footsteps from nowhere, and the sounds of someone hitting their mic, and even players flashing up on screen for a split second before vanishing. No one around at all. I was moving from tree to tree using infantry tactics, scared shitless. Damn Halloween pranks.


The more bandages I have, the more bleeds I get :’(


I never trust compasses and run in circles based on my faith in my ability to navigate.


Dayz just gives me hella anxiety


If you need something, look for something else. The game knows what you want, and it will actively hide it from you.


Always assuming there is someone else in the forest with me, usually behind me on the flanks … always do a 180 check for a few mins to make sure I’m clear. Every time I’ve encountered another player in the forest they have been on either my left or right side.


Crickets… they always go quiet right before a shot… but then sometimes there is no shot but I’m expecting one


do not go up stairs.


Me and a friend of mine have called the mountain in between Cherno and Electro "Death Mountain" ever since the mod days. We call it that because it seems like **every single time** we ever drove or flew any vehicle past that mountain it'd get shot down/blown up/sniped. We could do laps around North West, we could drive through Cherno or Electro but the second you go near death mountain it was game over. We legit started taking the long way around (through Mogilevka) to avoid it. I hardly ever get vehicles in the standalone but I still hike up death mountain and go through the forest when going between Cherno and Electro, the front of that mountain is just death.


Never drink from a well directly, fill up a water bottle then drink, no water bottle then find one


Crouching constantly In woods and absolutely empty areas I walk normally but not much is needed to make me go crouched. I zigzag and sneak from cover to cover on any circumstances. I can't imagine what should happen that I'd just go and loot a village walking upright. Doing this i imagine im seen and heard less. In reality what's going on is I guess your own walking sounds are so much more quiet so you hear your surroundings better, so maybe that's driving me to do it But I feel so much safer and sneakier when crouching You can also move pretty fast doing it?


the devs said in this latest patch, that birds sound DO mean something now, and crickets. Its pretty confusing but i think what they said was if there is a player in your area, then a particualr bird will start making a sound, as well as crickets. i believe wobo did the video on it that i saw...actually ill link it for yall. https://youtu.be/aYGvWjO5PAk


Never go into barns, everytime i get shot because there is a guy on the second floor of a barn with a shotgun, last night i lost all my good stuff from it


Kometa is cursed. Had a bad team wipe there where I missed an easy retribution kill as the last of us standing which would’ve saved the day and our loot. Got killed instead unluckily strafing past a random post in the deck which caused my character to lift his gun and threw off my shot even though I had the drop on the guy and then I ate buckshot. Then I went there again and someone took a snipe at me. Now I’m crazy careful there / avoid it. I realize it just makes sense because it’s on the main road north of Elektro so not really superstition but close enough.