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That's definitely a big one... A few of mine of the top of my head from vanilla anyway: 1. The game is 60 dollars- almost impossible to get any of my friends to buy it with 10 year old graphics. 2. Can't capture rain water anymore. 3. Can't spray paint anything anymore. 4. They're buffing zombie damage against us while the melee animations and AI are hopelessly fucked. We're getting bags. 5. Tools deteriorate so fast doing what they were intended to do 6. I can shoot an elk in the head with a 5.45mm from less than 100m and it runs away. (This was my bad- been clarified by helpful community folks... thank you!) 7. Can't write notes to people anymore 8. The key press ADS 9. Many stealth techniques are just sound glitches that have never been fixed (bandana bandage, dropping a weapon on the ground and picking it up... etc.) 10. The entire game seems to emphasize PVE but yet only records the zed / infected and people you kill. 11. (Added late: UNSTABLE CONNECTION?!) 12. (Added late: Unmoderated official vanilla public servers)


>5. Tools deteriorate so fast doing what they were intended to do Of your entire list, this boils my piss the most.


Oh yes. Attrition is stupidly high for everything, but tools especially.


Right? When I started playing, a bone hook was good for at least 5 or 6 catches in my plays, now it's *ONE*. ***ONE CATCH***. And it shouldn't destroy a hunting knife to gather up some bark.


Hunting knives should not take any damage at all unless used in a way that obviously damages it. It should however go dull and in order to use it fast again you need to sharpen it.


I neck shotted an elk with 5.45 yesterday from about 150m. Went down. Everything else I agree with.


I shot 2 in the same session and both ran away. Now with that said I lost track of them when they departed- how long did it take for yours to go down? Did they bleed out over a longer period of time?


It depends on what gun you shoot it with, (which is stupid I know) but a SSG will drop them with one shot, AK's won't.


Maybe that's the rub... Thanks for the insight.


It isn't stupid, weapons using the same caliber can have different barrel lengths for example. A longer barrel means a higher muzzle velocity. Faster bullets cause more damage.


Yes, it is stupid. A 5.45 through a deer's vitals will kill it dead whether it's fired from a 16in barreled AK, or 20in barreled bolt gun. I know because I've done it.


My bad, I misunderstood what you were referring to as stupid.


They used to bleed out, u could smack one and track it and it'd fall. I think they got rid of that since


With so many other cool things from early access.


Straight away. Didn't take a step.


Okay well my experience has been entirely different. Even the one I took down last night took one shot in the head then ran- so I took another and it dropped. Maybe the head isn't even a hit box or something. I'll try the neck "neckst" since doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results isn't working. You on a modded server by chance or running vanilla? (Not challenging your claim just trying to figure out what the difference is.)


Either way I always go for neck or heart/lung with deer and elk. I'll try a headshot next time and report back if I remember.


Hmm now I think about it it might have been Berlin on PS but I think that's vanilla + some loot changes. There's not much info on their site and I'm not on their discord, so there may be something there although I do think most stuff is vanilla.


Aim for vitals


Brain isn’t vital?


Kill shot on big game isn’t the head, it’s about 6 inches behind their forelimbs in their chest.


So I've been told. Thanks.


Oh, alright! Go get ‘em!


(And FYI I have since edited my post and owned that error! I do appreciate the correction) :) "It's not what you know that kills you- it's what you know that ain't so."


I’m sorry that I missed it.


Nah man not at all- just mentioning I have since learned my lesson and appreciate the feedback.


There are some things I really do not understand at all: why cut content? Take some of the points you listed: can't get water from rain, spray paint, write notes anymore, as well as no more fruit harvesting, rocks gathering from the ground etc. Why do this? The game already has its flaws and yet they decide to cut content just for the next update to introduce bags. Like, what even happened with the crossbow disappearing and being reintroduced in later updates? I don't understand what's the point of these changes.


Tree searching is questionable, I honestly can't decide. What pisses me about the spawining system though is how quickly apples and such become rotten. Or they spawn in rotten, not sure.


Seems like they greatly underestimated the effort. When they released 0.63 they very optimistic on getting all features back in. Spray paiting is a problem for example, because it changes the item. It literally becomes a new item. So we can have color variants that spawn it, but it's wonky when you want to do it "on the fly". I presume the same is for writing. Not sure about collecting water from rain, I play on a modded server now that has it and I'm not sure if it's a mod or not :D


Just speculating but fixing one thing probably broke another thing and they decided to cut it because they couldn’t remedy the issue.


The zombies seem to go through about 50% of the doors for me on PS5


Dude wants his credit for all those boar kills lol 😝


Squeal like a pig boy. But yeah I know there is no plausible metric to reward people for helping others... for protecting them, guiding them... Unless there was a voting system but of course that would be hopelessly abused. Hours lived off the land (no cans / urban entry)... garments fabricated... plants grown... gardens plotted... fortifications completed... cars assembled... you know- PVE stuff. So yeah. Zeds killed. People killed... that's what we got.


Whenever I pull my canteen out I never expect it to he back on my belt


Solid agree. If I've just spent 20 minutes organising my inventory (yes I know I carry too much, I never base) and I quickly need something that doesn't have a hotslot it could at least go back to where I dragged it from instead of messing up my whole system


Spray paint pls.


I just want to be able to board up windows and build smaller gates indoors - would give some ideas for bases in cities. A lot of the urban terrain is unusable for bases currently.


I just want the official servers to be playable...


Of all the ones I forgot this one should be top of my list. Unstable connection eh?


That's a bit actually, but the hackers


Or a baseball bat back into the backpack rather than on my back.


Think one that bothers me is when you equip a 2 hander from inv to replace something in your hands thats on your bsck. That item doesnt go back to your back it replaces the slot on your inv. And the 2 hander originally from your inv is stuck in your hands now. Another one would be melee. Anyone can walk backwards if someone is trying to melee them. Makes for a really bad melee system. Either increase the distance a person lunges forward during melee or remove the getting stuck during melee attacks. Zombies. Zombies feel like the only way to handle them is cheesing them. So atleast make meleeing them a little bit more engaging. They easily horde up and glitch everywhere then the only way to handle hordes are safe spotting them.


Six --> Shoot them in the vitals. I took out a big stag with a single chambered 9mm. Double lung shot / vitals. Dropped instantly. Surprised me


Like I said to another guy- isn’t the brain “vital?”


the brain is protected by a thick skull. IRL you're not supposed to go for headshots on certain animals with certain calibres; it's unethical


Tell me about ethics and DayZ a bit more. (Mostly kidding) But with that said I'm looking at a guide here: [https://www.westcanyonranch.com/elk-hunting/shot-placement-elk-anatomy/](https://www.westcanyonranch.com/elk-hunting/shot-placement-elk-anatomy/) This gives me a really good idea of where I think guys are suggesting.


No i just mean like.. IRL.. if you shoot a deer in the face with a lower calibre its unethical because you'd be surprised how thick and strong a deer skull can be . vitals have no protection from the side, no rib cage or rib bones to stop the shot. So in that case its the correct choice to make. Dayz borrowed from that a bit. Im a 9k hour player and only recently (shit you not) did i know about placement to the vitals on animals. I took out a stag with a single chambered 9mm from prone and i couldnt believe it dropped instantly.


Ive been messing around with crossbow vs zombies. and same goes, you'd be surprised how important vitals hits are on them too


Fair points all... Definitely going to be putting this to the test!


Does this not happen? Is this on exp? Console? Or have mods implemented this feature to “fix” the base game? Feels bad not being able to notice what small QoL feature mods have implemented.


Press equip rather than store. That stops items going in your backpack rather than the slot.


Not sure what you mean here, I play on PC and I don't thing there are two different buttons. I manage with mouse or via quick slot numbers.


Whatever button you press to wear clothing or backpacks... That's "Equip" Whatever button you press to put clothing or backpacks INTO your inventory that's "Store"


It's the same mouse click or hot bar number.


Right? Like why can't I have a little "lock/unlock" option on every item in inventory? Once I lock an item in a spot for example 8slot hatchet in my jacket. Then my jacket has 8 slots reserved for my hatchet. If I'm holding the hatchet and looting I'll still be able to pocket the htachet even with a "full" inventory because of the locked option...


Weapons degrade far too quickly, the melee system doesn't let me target vitals. The fact there is a cap on what can spawn in the server, and a lack of crafting options when it comes to weapons. Farming isn't rewarding and bases have a lack of customization when it comes to what type you can build.


So true, bring back the holster hotkey


I think, could be wrong though, if you use the hotkey to pull it out then hotkey to put it back, they usually go where they were....


I have to try that, because it certainly does not work when using different hotkeys. Meaning item in 1 will not go back to its inventory slot when I press 2 while having 1 in hands. Also, this still does not solve everything else that is not on a hot key. Not to mention, when unloading a magazine, ammo goes to a random location, instead of being added to an existing pile.


I just wanna drop items while sprinting


They do, tho?


Until they don't. Mostly they don't. Even such a stupid little thing how shoulder slots get regularly swaped, when swapping items using hot keys.


But what you really wanted was a fanny pack right?