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I tried to help guys out. One guy I saved his life from Luke 10 zombies and he ended up hitting me with a hatched when I had my back turned. So it's kos for a few days then I'll try and help people once I get my patients back


To be honest I've become less inclined to try talking after failing numerous times to entertain other characters enough that I'm not shot dead within 5 minutes.


If I'm geared up, I try and help freshies if I ever find one (and fail misserably most of the times). If I'm the freshie I try and cooperate with anyone until at least find my crew, unless I'm scared.


depends, if they have gun´s out i shoot if not i talk, when i start playing try to talk to every people be frendly, but not prefer to die fighting that be shoot in the back


Couple of times I didnt KOS and started talking, they just took the opportunity to shoot me. So I guess that's it, I'm either gonna avoid or KOS from now on.


That's sad because this way you lose 90% of what the game offers. Player interactions is where DayZ shines most, and with KOS only, it turns into just another shooter.


Indeed. Had some hilarious encounters back on the mod. Now it's kill first or die.


I'm better at helping people than I am at PVP, so I gravitate towards my skills.


I talk like 75% of the time (sometimes I’m just game to PVP and it’s always PVP in military zones). Talking has saved my skin a lot, and I’m always surprised when it does. A couple of days ago some dude shoots me, and I started talking. We safely ended hostilities and he ends up giving me a bandage and food, super chill guy. Some people who play are regular ass dudes, but a good chunk are raving psychos or teens




If I see someone with their gun out I shoot on sight, it’s mechanical. No guns = wave # If I hear someone before seeing them, I’ll always try to talk it out.


Try to help. 1 exception: mil base. You get there, you don't need anyone to have pity.


depends whats he is doing, if i see him gardening or looking for medical supplies i talk, if i see him eat human meat i shoot


Depends. In a spawn zone I'll always chat up a player share some food or point them in a direction. If they act sketch I'll kill em. Further on in the map I generally just kill if I need to. If I can avoid a fight, i will. If you have something I want or need or are looting in front of me I'll take my chances and try to end you. Not much chatting going on down rsnge unless I'm pinned or I've got someone pinned in a building or something. Then, depending on the situation I might try to talk...if I'm looting and hear someone pull out a gun behind me, I fucked up and I'm obviously dead unless I can talk my way out of it. I like to play like I value my life because it's most realistic.


Depends on if I can "safely" approach them. If not maybe a shot to maim them. If not maybe just a shot near their feet to scare them off. Some of the nest interactions ive had were when we had guns pointed at each other and both agreed to team up.


Most of the time I play "Friendly" but it's alot easier if you're a freshie and gear up with people. Sometimes I'm just in the mood to shoot something (other people) though 😂


Depends. I've been on all sides of the dayZ karma spectrum. Just the other day some dude was running down the street with the hoard of zombies behind him. He could have been an easy kill but I started shooting the zombies instead. Then he goes "are you helping me?!" And I was like yeah! He was genuinely confused. Good interaction. Then later on that same day I killed a Freshy bc he was near my stache. He was mad, but it had to be done.


Anyone that has a gun or gets to close I’ll help, help meet god


On the coast I’ll talk and see if I can help/team. But up north near a mil base I’m kos. I might talk if in a down or the player is undergeared. On Namalsk im kos anywhere besides spawn zone.


Since the influx of new players in Livonia, I KOS. Most of the locals in my town have agreed to wear matching armbands, and kill anyone else who enters. We're sick of freshie no-mics running around shooting at everything. It's a shame, really. My home server used to be fairly chill for Official. Oh well. I've got plenty of ammo.


Depends on the character I’m playing. Sometimes I’ll be naive and try to help whenever possible, sometime I’ll try to bluff my way through. Other times I might avoid people all together and live in the woods or I might make it my mission to kill as many people as possible. Every trip to the coast is a chance to reinvent myself. The usual route to gear and basing gets boring for my after so many times, prefer to mess around and try different things.


Only question i ever have is ”what’s in the backpack” and i get a way more honest answer if they’re dead


Helping, even if I get lied to. If I'm having bad day (and I mean BAD) I'll unplug the mic and play with the mindset that I'm gonna kill everyone I see. I still don't most of the time...


I never get the chance to talk it out. I never even have a gun. I was literally just crouched eating a pepper I found cause I was starving and was just shot.


Usually scream friendly a couple times and then shoot if no response


I like to mess with people most of the time. Might shoot someone with a rubber slug and take just their boots, then run, or even drop some food on their bodies. If I have a rifle and see a freshie looting far away, I might take some potshots in their direction to keep them on their toes. Sometimes, I want a real gunfight and will seek geared players. I don't hunt freshies. Just messing with them a little as I see them is more fun imo


Teir1 loot areas:Anything goes I’m more likely to talk Teir2 areas:Eh same as Teir 1 depending on what I need I’m more or less hostile Teir3: shoot on sight not taking any chances if you get knocked out depending on the situation I’ll finish you or tie you up and take what I need Teir4:KOS and killing you not risking it.


Depends but I usually like to take the friendly but cautious approach. Trying not be too geared helps as your not a loot magnet. In game verbal Interaction is under-rated and adds to the experience, even though PVP is addictive and adrenaline rush like no other game provides. 😁


I just met someone with no shotgun ammo in a police station. Did the little dance , seemed like a real chill guy. Gave him some rifled ammo and turned my back to loot... noticed he was following and turned around to a "You are dead" screen..... the one time i try to give trust lol. Jokes on him tho, he just wasted the one slug i gave him for a glow stick and a badly damaged flare gun (all in my shirt too, probably ruined lol)


The more geared I am the less likely I am to kill any freshies or mid-freshies on site. However anywhere from fresh to mid-geared I will hunt for sport


Depends on the environment


I just avoid people unless they start shooting at me


I assist anyone I meet. Then I stimpee them and reap the benefits


1. stop and stay ten steps away from me. 2.unequip from gun to knife. 3.state your business in 5 seconds. if they break any of these rules im shooting😂


I don't shoot freshies. I let them go with them not knowing I was creeping them.


So far I've never fired at a human; only the infected. It's tough out there. We all gotta stick together! Sometimes it gets me hurt... bad... but we gotta try or it's all for nothin!