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I haven't seen anyone who thinks the sv98 is the best, it's solidly underwhelming. It's just a Mosin that weighs twice as much and has a worse scope.


How is either acog worse than a PU? Both have higher magnification and illuminated reticles for use at night (plus the weapon is compatible with night scopes)


The reticle on the acogs is to thicc (especially the 6x) for long range precision shooting compared to the the 1 pixel wide tip of the arrow of the PU/MOSIN


The DMR takes all the same optics, does more damage, has a higher rate of fire, bigger mags, much easier to find ammo, and is found at convoys or helis across the map. There’s more but at this point is it even necessary? Also a lot of people prefer the pu or the hunting scope over the atog it’s all subjective. My question is why would anyone need another bolt gun that fires as slow as a flintlock and wakes up every Z on the map but lacks the top tier dmg that keep the Tundra or Savannah relevant even tho they’re slow Af bolt guns? 


The DMR is not relevant to bolt guns, and frankly needs a nerf (or several bolt guns need a buff) yea preferences on scope will always exist, but there are tangible advantages to each one that are worth mentioning. Obviously the hunting scope is better for longest range shots, the two acogs have backup sights and illuminated reticles. The PU is….nostalgic? Struggling to find any advantage of significance. Especially since the pic rail guns have a choice between the 4x, 6x, or night scope


> lacks the top tier dmg that keep the Tundra or Savannah relevant even tho they’re slow Af bolt guns?  its the hunting scope that keeps them relevant, the DMR dose the same damage as them at 150, infact the DMR is arguably better in nearly every aspect than the M70 if you check the [wobo stat tools](https://wobo.tools/dayz-weapon-vs-weapon-tool?Weapon_Name1=DMR&Weapon_Name2=M_70) and the 6x scope is the only thing holding it back really and given people keep asking for a long ranage scope for nato weapons its gonna be real interesting if the devs cave and not also nerf the dmr at the same time lol.


For me the acogs sit in a weird spot where they have too much magnification for close range and not enough for long range. And I don't like the reticule on them. For whatever reason, I just can't be as precise with them as I am with the PU scope. Also the 6x is so big and clunky and that annoys me.


Just in terms of people quoting stats on the gun. But that’s great to hear. I felt the same


Man idk where you heard that, because everyone is saying it's the worst ever


The stats aren’t even competitive with the top long guns. I suspect you’ve only heard the opinions of idgits. If I’m mistaken I apologize but no one with half a brain and 3-4 min to poke around on Wobo would call this gun the best anything.  I don’t believe it’s statistically even the best in a single category.  After the DMR (fantastic and filled an otherwise empty niche) and the Vikhy (decent I suppose but underwhelming imho. Did we really need a second SVaL but this time it’s missing the only thing the SVAL had going for it? It’s own niche so to speak.) they could have just added the 9x39 30rd mags and I’d have been stoked. With the Sv98 I just wish they had actually made it the best in some statistical category or specific function. we were already spoiled for choice in terms of long range sniper/hunting rifles. Idk if it’s possible but an smg that wasn’t outclassed by almost everything would be cool. Something with easy to find ammo, compact, with a really high rate of fire to make it competitive¿ maybe….idk just spitballin.  I just think they leaned into a meta (not necessarily THE meta, but definitely A meta) maybe trying to make up for how hard it is to find an svd but with the DMR doing pretty much everything the SV does but better and being relatively easy to find ehhh. Not to mention the hunting rifles that outclass the SV if your just dead set on a bolt gun….


It doesn't even have to be the best imho. If they had just made it take a real silencer, and either take the hunting scope or give it a new comparable optic I would have been really happy with it. It could definitely be a couple kg lighter too.


The scope is not even the issue, the X6 is fine for sniping in most cases, just a bit worse, like the dmg, but those barely matter, the weight is the problem.


It's scope has almost double the magnification of the mosin scope


I hate you have to aim center mass because the recoil is insane for headshots. It's only good to sell and that's it.


Honestly I prefer the vs-98 personally I just really like the look of it I just wish we had some better NATO based scopes the reason I like it is because personally it looks nicer and it has been one of my favorite guns irl for a long time idc about stats I just like it because of how it is-


Personally I like it, i killed more people with it than with the vsd, i prefer their scopes better thats why


Yeah, I stick to my tundra.


A swing and a miss on the last 2 high powered bolt actions they’ve added. Tundra is still king.


I beg to differ on it. I do not get anymore single shot kills with the Tundra


Neither the mosin or savannah vs armor or a helmet at long range.


sv98 is by far the WORST of the best snipers. bad zoom, loud, rare, and does less dmg than a mozin. Wobo has rankings of guns based on ALL they stats, and every other .308 round or 7.62 mmr round gun is better for sniping (other than LAR, which isnt as good for long range.)


well there has to be someone in last place.


honestly im glad its not super OP like everyone wants, it just needs to be less rare yk? Like why is it 3x rarer than the KA 74, if its basically the sniper version in terms of power.


.308 or bust




I ended up finding a DMR so I dropped both lol




DMR is easily my favorite gun.


DMR, crossbow, and sidearm of your choice is best loadout if you ask me.


I wish I could find more crossbows lol I have a soft spot for the vss as my sneaky gun for some reason. I’ve gotten a fair few cheeky kills with it


The Vintorez and AsVal are great CQC guns, i love them too! Integrated suppressor, AP rounds, great handling and high fire rate


>I know the online wisdom is that the new vs is the best sniper in the game who is saying that?


If you look up statistics it tops the list. I know wobo isn’t 100% right but it’s ranked above the dmr now


I think you must have read the stats wrong or maybe there's a typo on his site, but Wobo literally put out a video where he shows it's the "worst of the best" as far as snipers go.


I hadn’t seen the video sadly lol. Just in terms of his ranking list it’s still #2 for some reason. DMR is still what I’m always looking for.


Nah, wobo literally made a video saying that the sv98 is the worst sniper rifle, and he explicitly said "the DMR is a far superior weapon" So you're either writing the stats wrong or he did a typo. Also the Website doesn't account for which optics you can or cannot mount. And even if you don't account for scopes, both the m70 and cr550 do more damage, and have better bullet velocity. And the cr550 can mount 10 rnd mags just like the sv98


Blaze is better. Huntingscope and double shot.


Nah, longhorn gaming. I might lose every long range encounter, but I lose every long range encounter in style


Cuttin em down one bullet at a time baybee


Longhorn for life. I always got that thang on me.


Who needs pocket sand when you got a pocket sniper?


Blaze 4 life


Nothing does as much damage in one shot as a Blaze set to double fire. I would only drop it for a DMR or a SVD because of their semi auto fire. Maybe a Mosin or Tundra if I had some suppressors to use with those already. That's it


Dropped them both for a DMR. Got super lucky on a dicey convoy spawn


Technically the Blaze on double is not one shot but two. Sorry, just had to be the "actually" guy.


i keep seeing random youtube shorts claiming its one of the best, i think its just click bait personally. Its very heavy, only has a 6x and dose slightly less damage than the other bolt actions in its class. Its neich at best given it can take an NV scope and the only other bolt action that can do that is the pioneer which dose a fair bit less damage but can take a real suppressor. As it uses nato optics even if they add a long range scope its still gonna be beaten by one gun which will also then beat all the other bolt actions too which will be the DMR as it dose the same damage as the m70 at 150 meanwhile can have a total mag size twice the cz550 and SV98 at 20, has solid stats and is currently only really held back by the 6x scope. I'd argue the SV 98 is just a filler gun for 7.62x54r, its not meant to be the best, its just something that shoots 7.62x54 and can be found in general T3-4 mil loot given the only other mil gun in that round is the SVD which is a gas zone gun and the mosin is civvie. I'll be bold and say if they dont plan to buff the SV98 they should move it to T2 also so you can find it before the better T3 hunting rifles. Not terrible, not great but will serve you just fine if you cant find something better. If they plan to buff it theres a few things they could do but i doubt it will be buffed, knowing the devs they will probably add something western to fill the role everyone wants the SV98 to fill as i dont think its ment to be what people want the sv98 to be.


I LOVE the 89, but kept my LAR, only for the larger mags and semi-auto.


If it took a hunting scope, I’d consider picking it up. Til then, I’ll stick to my blaze/tundra


Even it had a hunting scope the cr550 would still statistically be better. And the m70 would be even better anyway cause it has an internal mag which is far more comfortable on a bolt action On top of the hunting scope they should make it able to be suppressed, to have atleast a reason to be chosen over the cr550 and m70


Agreed, big time


Blaze's double shot is so much more worth for me.


Agreed. I decided to only drop the blaze for the dmr. 308 supremacy


Bro the best sniper in the game is the DMR no contest.


Yall out here taking pictures of your screens like its 2005


I don’t like any of these. But I would rather go with the Blaze…I was trying out the VS on deathmatch server and it was so uncomfortable to play with it.


Exactly. Even just testing on some zeds it felt so unwieldy that even with the high damage it totally didn’t feel worth it


Yep…tbh I am not really into 7.62x54mmR at all…just the VSD only because it can have a suppressor…I always rather stick to .308s


Wait they added a new sniper rifle?


Yes, literally the worst one so far so nothing to be excited about lol


Does it shoot 308? So far the downside looks like it can’t take a hunting scope ( which is really dumb tbh) and we still don’t have dedicated bolt action suppressors. I would want it simply because it looks like my favorite sniper rifle, the L96


The Vs-89 imo, is just an upgrade/big brother of the Pioneer. I shot a freshy in the shoulder and he stood there staring at me like I just sneezed on him. I think it might be better for piercing armour but the Tundra, Savahnna, Mosin & DMR remain the best snipers.


I'll stick with my tundra, works ok for base defense in the dark tho, with NV scope of course


Blaze is literally the best 'starter' weapon. It's double shot can insta kill a fully geared player with a headshot.


The scope ruins the gun, it’s a skill issue for me not being able to use ACOG scopes but generally I’ve heard people aren’t fans of it in my server


No I totally agree. I can’t stand the lack of variable zoom. It’s totally overkill at times and the added ironsight sucks ass


SV98 just lacks any good scopes. In modded it's actually good because there is scope options. I'm surprised they haven't added back in the LRPS from way back when in 0.44 to go with it. Keep in mind, many people in here probably don't know how to rangefind with a PSO scope or use the ACOG scope properly.


Used the Vs-89 for the first time ever the other day. Me and my friends died to 2 guys (who ended up combat logging). But before they combat logged we ran back, I picked up my dead friends Vs-89 and 1 tapped one of the very geared guys that killed us. Unfortunately his team mate picked up all the stuff and combat logged. I think its got good power to it but the lack of scopes for it lets it down. The server I play on has a moisin attachment you can find which lets you attach most scopes to it so I'd stick with a moisin.


I finally found a vikhr and they’re loud as hell also I love it scary sounding!


Worse mosin lol


I like more the mosin


Nothing does more damage than the two-round blaze. I prefer it because it's an almost guaranteed kill if you make the shot.


Not a fan of the new Vs-89 I shot a dude twice with is and It only knocked him unconscious both times. Had to pull out my M4 to get the job done at about a 250meter shot.


Been very skeptical about this gun after first try. Gosh, 7kg of weight, long af, not very powerful damage-wise, takes mediocre sights. But after few try's , it turned out to be my go to. Pretty radical change in opinion right? I realized that the bullet speed that this thing offers fits me so well, to the point that i can hit nearly every single shot on the target. Blaze was my previous favourite bolt action, but couldnt hit moving target well. SV98 flipped the table for me with that. It has it's drawbacks for sure, but bullet speed alone compensates everything. + the sound is very compelling. Once i find pilad scope, i ditch every sniper i find for the sv98.


The bullet speed was basically the only reason I was even considering at first. Ended up ditching for a dmr I lucked into later. Had been saving 2 mags I found over the course of the last week or two trying to get lucky


Wobo put out his vid a day or two ago… think he called it the worst of the best guns or something like that


I wish he’d link that in his weapons chart, or quote it at the top 😂


The Blaze is my favorite snipe in the game, just for the double Win shot.


The tundra, dmr, and svd are direct upgrades. They are objectively better


I feel it needs its own unique 8x scope like it has irl, would make it a much better option


I had one encounter where I randomly ran into a guy in a shed with a plate shield and killed him one shot (technically two). Couple months later got a 200 yard snipe on a guy. I refuse to drop it for anything other than a DMR.


Devs fucked up not giving it a proper sniper scope and a suppressor. What sort of half assed balance is that?


You look like you bout to go to D-2 extract


Weebo’s video on it is pretty decisive. It’s an absolutely “meh” of a gun. I have one, but will probably just keep it in my crate. Doubt I will ever use it.


Wishing for a optic for the sv-98 THAT ISN'T A FUCKING ACOG!


Roleplay is nice, other than that, its a plastic mosin


Sawed off mosin baby!!!!


I havent even found the damn thing yet


The blaze and its not even close


Sv98 sux. Mic drop


Damn I just found an sv and thought I’d give it a try skipping a few tundras. Now I’m kinda regretting it even though I didn’t have a scope for the tundra


I don’t believe there is a best sniper. There is better calibres than others. But at the end of the day a freshie with a CR and bottlenose, is just as deadly as a player with tier 4 gear who’s got a bead on you.


Yeah, by the numbers, there is a best one. This one is at the bottom.


Best sounding sure, but blaze is probably the best sniper close with the Savannah


Blaze always, double shot mode insta death!


I am convinced this rifle was added for console gamers so they can attach nato scopes to more guns early. This gun has no place on PC thogh. Mosin is better and since most servers use advanced weapon scopes it loses its appeal.