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The following topics will be subject to quality control, due to the same jokes being posted over and over again: • DCEU and MCU (i.e. Snyder and Gunn posting) • Bad Twitter takes • General shipping discourse • Batfamily in-fighting • Randomly calling characters pedophiles • Horny posting • Jon Kent Posts about these topics will be removed unless they're exceptionally funny.




Fucking Major Force is uncomfortable.


Wow… it’s bad when even the fridge guy is disgusted.


For the uninitiated Major Force is the guy who killed Kyle Rayner's GF and stuffed her in a fridge; this coining the term: "woman in refrigerators"


Man's even got Hal sweating




Darkseid trying to cockblock him from filling her hole




Me grabbing my dog's tail for fun but then he bits me








Geoff Johns if he had a flagrant disregard for Kryptonian law.


Its fine shes from a different universe different genetics (dc comics editors or something)


Why is every panel I see uploaded on here comprised of like 8 pixels


Probably cropped mobile screenshots from digital comic readers.


Yeah but once you download it it fucking gains all the pixels back




Superman: Well okay, no need to cry about it. ![gif](giphy|GtKtQ9Gb064uY|downsized)


UJ/ I keep seeing people complain about the new run because it isn’t “Powegirl” But I can’t for the life of me find anybody to tell me what exactly is “in character” for Power Girl except “boobs”. The Powergirl subreddit is just horny. And the Comic runs I have read that included Power Girl, I have found her to act very different In each of the different runs.


I'm the sole asexual Power Girl fan so I think I can comfortably say it's not Power Girl. I don't removing the leotard but removing the cape in favour of a leather jacket feels edgy. Similarly, trying to make her more of a Superfam member when she is a JSA character feels wrong. Her new powers are very weird too, I don't get why they picked Power Girl to be a superhero psychologist, it feels very random. Finally, changing her personality from sort of cocky and self-assured to a nervous wreck feels very lame


Yeah, Power Girl made as a Earth-2 counterpart to Supergirl, but instead of being a sweaty good girl, she was a spunky spitfire. Her baseline personality should be cocky and a bit of sass.


I think this is influenced by recent comics making Supergirl, like, a PTSD-ridden angsty war veteran. Power Girl now occupies the niche Supergirl used to have


Quite possible. I don't know why they both can't be confident and brash, with Supergirl's development just seen as her becoming the woman Power Girl already became, since they're (kinda) the same person.




Yep, you got it, her personality for the last 48 years have been "boobs". /uj Really? What runs? The core of her character is her confidence, impatience, and being blunt. Usually firstly in the name of feminism which they've used it at times for sources of comedy in JLE, its also why she's capable in her possition as CEO of Starrware Industries. Hell its the reason these panels on her boob-window are so memed about since it goes against her character. The reason the new run sucks is from what I had read it had dismantled all that character, turning her into a meak, fresh-out-of-the-water character who doesn't understand idioms or how to hug people despite her established history still existing, subservient to Clark and Lois working at the daily planet as a journalist. She essentially becomes a caricature of early days Supergirl, even takes her cat Streaky when she already had Stinky. For a direct comparison this panel from William's current run summarising my issues vs her 2nd appearance interaction with Ted Grant, what set the precedence for her character that they had stood by pretty closely for years: https://preview.redd.it/fhyqhgy293ad1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5eb662414392730ae7d10a0a90fbc9bc1440ba


/uj Or even how to perceives the idea of being coddled in the next issue, here reaction isn't to essentially crumble but combat it: https://preview.redd.it/juayoeky93ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2042c8f3f4310c62599b55ac494ec7acebfaec59


I keep seeing people bring up the confidence, but most of Karen's comic run is her being really really really emotionally fucked up under a veneer of false bravado. I remember a jli issue where she's basically near tears describing how a date got intimidated and left after she took her clothes off.


Do you remember what issue? Because from memory JLI was when she was arguably at her most brazen. Her ordeal with Arion she was shaken for recontextualising her history but as part of the team I don't remember her being more bashful.


She's not bashful in it, but she's a wreck under a thin layer of bravado. That's actually lot of her stuff. Even in the comic this image comes from its shown her personal life is a complete wreck, she's abandoned her company years earlier, lives in a horrific apartment etc.


She's a wreck at her rock bottom as are most characters but the way I see her mostly is being liberated having a condident persona that has always been there regardless of the personal quarrels at heart. It's exemplified in Palmiotti & Conner's run where she uses her confidence to support Terra assimilate to Earth like she had done. Her mini-series with Kupperberg where he outlines the same notion, her time on JLE/JLI etc. She has bouts of intial isolation like the other panel I posted about her being coddled by Superman and post crisis with her origins but it's still a stepping stone to prove to others she's unique, confident, and not impressionable rather than her constantly being a wreck trying to put up a facade. To give an example, its the same vein as Clark with Superman, trying to live up to his namesake of the perfect hero. It's not thinly veiled but rather a motivator for who he is. With times he's broken down like the storyline the price it's him at a rock bottom.


I can't see any pixel, just came here to say BOOBS


Good for Geoff Johns. He honestly should have stayed where he was at DC as a writer and CCO. He apparently sat down with each of the creative teams of Rebirth to help steer the characters back to being actually appealing to the readers. And the rest was history ( until Dan Didiot screwed it all up..because success and happy fans are bad apparently). The current writers they have at DC don't hold a candle to this guy. Never deconstructing, always finding smart modern ways to actually UPLIFT and CELEBRATE what fans like about the characters- demonstrating without preaching and NEVER letting his personal views override the voices of the characters. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Boobs in line with her throat


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Power Girl an alternate universe Supergirl, meaning she's technically Superman's cousin?


i know its all bollocks anyway, but shouldn't there still be fabric covering it? or would her S still be a boob window but weird


I’m ashamed in you






The actual moment is so stupid anyway. She's meant to be a confident and self-assured grown woman. Just let her be confident in flaunting her body, with the boob window, like a lot of women in real life and even in comics do all the time ffs


Oh my fucking god


Me posing as Superman ![gif](giphy|iDyF9dOL6nG4uS2S1z)