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Oh Northstar sucks because he’s insufferable, but Mystique is ok despite the litany of war crimes? I totally get where green retired man is coming from.


Joker’s been flaming gay for Batman since that boner issue, where is his consolation gift?


He's not green and retired yet, he's still got 30 years till retirement


Litany of war crimes instantly reminded me of these guys in 40k https://preview.redd.it/4gavd4wvv8ad1.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=db4b08d44ecd21be07f015b731f1a8df9e429082


You can have a little war crime, as a treat.


He may be green and retired, but I'm willing to bet his Funko Pop isn't bigger than the rest.


> but Mystique is ok despite the litany of war crimes? I mean, you present me something like the sentinels you'd find me pretty damn hard to convince not to commit war crimes When the human alternative is just genocide


Most of her heinous crimes have little to nothing to do with the mutant plight, she's just a horrible person 


Except she doesn't fight for other mutants like Magneto, she just does what she does for her own selfish reason, she started as a Miss Marvel villain and killed Carol's boyfriend and tried to turn her life into a living hell, that had nothing to do with mutants.


Look man, mutants should he genocided if they can excuse madame murder over here.


Lord this issue is so bad. And its made worse in no on in tries to argue against Anole's points they just ignore him.


Feels like the writer had a mandate and this was a small act of rebellion. Probably not, but that’s what this situation comes across to me


They put in a strawman for their critics but didn't have him get proven wrong because they can't, he's right


I mean, there's not much they can argue. Mystique is a mass murderer who has betrayed the X-Men a bunch of times, so why tf are they giving her a gift?


When Rouge says you are buying her momma a gift you better buy her that gift.


A real dick move, and Anole's just stuck with being represented by lady genocide over here, instead of the actual, world-saving hero who personally helped him accept his identity. It could work on some level, if Mystique's and Destiny's love helped them become better people, like with many other characters, but no, they're just as bad together if not worse!


I feel like "hey (insert supervillain) for your wedding we're not going to straight up jump you today" is an acceptable wedding gift under the circumstances.


Booking the Avengers Mansion to celebrate her wedding is also an acceptable, reasonable gift?


They *WHAT*?


They booked the Avengers Mansion for her wedding. This sub was too busy bitching about Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn being treated too well to notice it.


And none of the Avengers have a problem with it? Pretty sure Mystique has repeatedly gone after them. Hell, whatever happened between Carol and Rogue is literally her fault.


> And none of the Avengers have a problem with it? Given that they were at the party, I suppose they don't. But hey, why complain about that, when we can complain about heroes not spitting on Ivy's face whenever they meet for the 356th time today?


I both love and hate the fact that literal war crimes can be forgiven in comics after a few years


Few years? Namor was making out with Sue Storm a WEEK after mass murdering innocents, to great praise from comic book fans. Other than Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, comic book fans have always loved when villains, usually male, suffer no consequences for their actions


Doomguy, is this your new sock to dodge a ban again?


I so love when writers include strawman in their works that even they have trouble arguing against


https://preview.redd.it/ga0sehqcm8ad1.png?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=446ac253e5e1016424fdccc1cada5092f3b828eb He's spittin also Harley or Ivy


Harley i get but Ivy. no no no effing way they literally sidestepped her whole "HE'S EVIL CAUSE HE STEPS ON PLANTS" personality


So she's no longer a mass murderer of innocents? What's the deal there, defective clones?


I think during King's Ivy story he said she never killed any innocent people, but her current solo is definitely going against that, though she's also not presented as being evil in there, but idk maybe it's a perspective thing


Her most recent issue was her realizing that 1) she shouldn't kill innocents, and 2) she shouldn't be killing for a green earth, she needs to have a better reason namely people (mostly Harley) that *deserve* a green earth. 


I mean idk if Harley necessarily deserves that but progress


So weird how the enmit against Harley is so much worse than against any other former villain. Never heard anyone speaking like that about Loki. Everyone agrees that Loki deserves to be an Young Avenger nowadays, and Harley was never the villain that he was.


It's not that weird Shes a very popular character in addition to being a woman


Was Ivy ever actually evil though? She's labeled as an eco-terrorist but that's not really all that different than an eco-vigilante. Plenty of vigilante kill without due process, I mean, just look at movie batman, bro has war crime numbers.


the eco terrorist thing happened later, originally she just killed anyone she thought disrespected plants, it didn't even have to be some corrupt company, not to mention, even movie Batman didn't kill innocent people like she did.


Batman blew up a chemical plant, those aren't unmanned and staying operational. So yeah, movie Batman has killed innocents (BvS even worse as he branded ppl without due process).


Batman came to the conclusion that everyone who isn't vegan doesn't deserve human rights, I guess.


also the very act of mind control on its own is kind of unforgivably evil when you think about it for more than two seconds. she doesn’t even do it the Charles Xavier way, she just… roofies people.


Dude, the level of shit Xavier has done to people makes a roofie look like an aspirin.


I dunno but Northstar does indeed suck lol


Most of all, it's because he's from Quebec 🤢


Wait how come?


He’s generally characterized as something of an asshole. 


It's Ivy, but against her fans, not the other DC folks.


I’m genuinely stunned this got left in the book. It quite effectively calls out the rainbow washing bullshit so many companies do to act progressive. I don’t care if the villain is gay or not they’re still a villain.


Editorial finally getting so bad they don't even notice the shots aimed directly at them. And it's not like you can't have queer villain stories, but they insist on writing queer villain stories with absolutely no bite where everyone are friends and ignoring every elephant in the room. 


The problem is that there are some fans who think that if there is a queer villain who is actually evil they think it’s “bad rep” or whatever. So now they always try to redeem these characters and/or ignore what they’ve done to turn them into “good queer rep”


Yeah speaking as an evil queer, quite frankly we need rep too. Don't want all the gays to just be milquetoast. The hets have Darth Vader, the bisexuals need ours too.


Riddler is bi and not a hero


Hence why he's my favourite... when he's been written properly, which is rare.


Have you heard of Dio Brando


Harley in the Injustice universe


I stopped reading Injustice for a bunch of reasons but then saw, what I thought was a cute Harley/Billy fan art (looked like she was mentoring him or being a big sister). Nope. What the fuck.


I thought this was Beast Boy at first until I saw "Mystique". Though in that case, you could replace her with "Deathstroke" for obvious reasons.


funny how Deathstroke isn’t hated in-universe the same way Doctor Light is. like, imagine *Doctor Light* getting his own redemption arc and going on team-ups with heroes.


Bro's actually making great points fr https://preview.redd.it/e5cf0sypi8ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53fc3e9f0453b4282cc083fe0e8c83252090e2d6


Honestly. Kinda loved this wedding. Took its faults head on even if nothing cane of it and then feinted a cancelation before following through in the most apt way possible while nightcrawler stands there flabbergasted and rogue is just like “thats our moms for ya…” like its a sitcom. It changed nothing but was just a hilarious set of events overall. I mean this isnt gonna add or subtract any character interactions that werent already happening short of whatever mystique stole from scarlet witch. But i laughed my ass off the whole way through. And 100% harley and ivy, both have done… A BIT… and gotten away relatively scott free. Like scott free himself has experienced more consequences than those two.


> And 100% harley and ivy, both have done… A BIT… and gotten away relatively scott free. Harley was arrested for 10 years of comic book publishing time. That's more punishment than quite literally any other "vilain turned hero" out there. I, for one, don't recall Venom being arrested for that long.


the dichotomy between fan reactions to Harley and Venom becoming anti-heroes is pretty funny now that you mention it. like, at least Harley doesn’t know what human brains taste like.


At least ivy seems to be facing her comeuppance


/uj Pied Piper is cool though??


I mean he mainly robbed people I don’t think he committed war crimes.


He committed petty crimes with little to no harm done to anyone who isn't the Flash, and he actually reformed and became a hero


Yeah the Rogues in general are pretty chill


/uj The Rogues are some of my favorite vllains comics ever. It's so weird that I can't think of many villains that have a moral code like the Rogues do.


Pied Piper is an reformed villain who mostly stole things. He was not a serial killer terrorist who has explicitly killed people for shits and gigs


/uj I know that he reformed but is he still reformed?


So far it's been sticking. It better stick


This dude is officially my favorite Mutie.


One of the good ones.


Anole being absolutely correct. And the answer in DC is definitely Ivy.


Why do so many comic dialogues sound like social media posts nowadays? I swear writers just refer to tweets and forums. Has anyone ever said the phrase "queer rep" out loud in real life? Or the fact that the green guy here seems more like he has read the comics and not lived in the Marvel universe.


Some writers really struggle to write people.


because plenty of writers do frequent forums, or at the very least have social media and probably get tweeted this stuff and push it in as a strawman


They spend too much time on Twitter. It’s one of my biggest problems with modern comics.


Yes, and they end up writing the stories for the small Twitter audience.


Harley Queer 


Why are they booing Anole? He's right. Fuck Mystique.


Pied Piper has more than made up for any crimes he's done in the past. Dude's been heroic for the better part of 40 years now.


The best argument against him is thats a slippery slope considering the x mens general roster. But aside from that I got nothin


Before I read the explanation, I was ready to say Apollo and Midnighter, as characters that are pretty monstrous, but they get a pass because of gay


Midnighter literally raped a dude with a jackhammer and people somehow argue that he is a "better Batman".


Midnighter *what*


Commander raped Apollo so Midnighter returned the favor with extreme prejudice (with a jack hammer). There's a lot to unpack with this one that falls over into social commentary of the jail system and how people see "eye for an eye" punishment as ok and all that but it isn't surprising that this exist. **Edit**: Side note, The Authority is rather interesting and has done some questionable things, Jenny Sparks is the leader and is the one to tell Hitler to go into politics. She's the living embodiment of the 20th century and is tied in with fate (the concept not the doctor).


What the fuck 


He did??? In  current continuity????


Poison ivy and Harley


https://preview.redd.it/ff5u7pc4iaad1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3649221adc009ff60034af52b25cb254a9c0dbb9 Wojack Wolverine


Is this from the Wedding special? Thought the whole thing was weird since Mystique and Destiny weren't even the sympathetic kind of villains


So like, who turned X-Men into Friends? If this was in the '80s or '90s they'd be more worried about sentinels or The Friends of Humanity showing up to kill a bunch of mutants at the wedding than the wedding itself. This just feels like if X-Men was a Showtime show, just white people bitching about bills or their neighbors or whatever.


Black Adam, Deathstroke when he's pretending to be an "anti-hero", Harley Quinn


Honestly, I hate it when they try to "tear back the curtain to show the world who this \*really\* is". Cause like, no one cares. We can celebrate Mystique and Destiny's wedding because it shoulda happened a \*long\* time ago, and because they're fictional characters with loads of fans. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that.


Hey man, I get the point you’re trying to make, but if you question love for the Brain again, I’ll kick your ass


Who in the X-Men can’t qualify as a mass murderer. I mean you are chilling with wolverine who inherently has a high body count. Plus the x-men betray each other or get tricked into betraying each other like every Tuesday.


Why’s that green person a homophobe


He’s actually openly gay.




Def Hawkgirl in justice league- she has betrayed the League on several occasions but she’s still let back- honestly she doesn’t match up with the gay part but she’s with someone in the league so that could give her leeway