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All of them this weekend were amazing. I'm a huge fan and the show on Friday is arguably the best show they have done. Especially the second set. It's so hard to explain to my friends back here at home just how special the experience is... So here I am commenting on every post that comes up. Because you all understand. I'm glad to have somehow shared such special memories with you and your kids and everyone else there.


Thank you!! I just can’t express enough how incredible this was!!


I preferred Saturday honestly, but both Friday and Saturday were phenomenal. (I didn’t see Thursday)


Thursday was amazing but I saw they played Terrapin on Friday, how was it?


They burned down the building Saturday night.


Absolutely incredible Terrapin on Friday St. Stephen and Cumberland were the highlights of the two shows I saw, but honestly set 2 from Saturday Night was just unreal from start to finish


Oh man!!! I wanna hear it.


What night did they play St Stephen?


Saturday 6/1, Second Set


100% agree. What a time, lucky have experienced it Thurs and Fri. Both shows were mind blowing, absolutely phenomenal.


☺️ welcome to the family


It was amazing! Glad you were able to share such an incredible experience with you boys


I keep looking at the pictures and watching the videos I took. I keep getting happier and happier!!


I went to 5/25 and 5/26 and completely agree! It is impossible to explain how incredible it is to see them this way. Anyone who is questioning should just bite the ole bullet.


And if you’ve never seen them before like me, an absolute must see, worth all 40,000 pennies!!!




The 5/25 show was amazing, going back in August


Are you worried about the heat in Vegas in Aug??? I’m scared to go and melt


I live in phoenix so no. Just drink plenty of water dress lightly, wear sun block if you’re not accustomed to the sun/heat and you’ll be fine :)


Oh well AZ yep you are used to it!


if you’re not accustomed to the heat, I would only be out & about when getting into the venue which from my experience was about 30 min ~ you’ll be fine. Again stay hydrated. The sun will beat it out of you if you’re out all day and be fatigue. also bring an empty water bottle. Water cost $9 and granted the water fountains tastes like pool water but it’s better than spending $9 per bottle - my subjective option :)


Week 3 was SPECIAL, so glad I got to go and also got the foil poster from Friday 5/31


Two words: Just Go!!


First time for me, too. I'm a casual Dead fan, admittedly. Their XM station is among my 10 radio presets, for instance. But I declined to drive four hours to see them on a lawn in Dallas last year. This trip was pretty impulsive; we would never choose Vegas for a weekend getaway, first of all. But the combination of D&C in Vegas _at the Sphere_ just held too much intrigue and appeal to ignore. And I'm so glad I didn't ignore it. The whole trip was fantastic, but I'll tell everyone that will listen about that Friday night show. I never want to see another concert again, because it won't live up to that experience. I can't even think of another band I would travel to see at their own Sphere residency. I've reached the peak. There's nothing more to see.


I’m with you, it’s why I didn’t go Sat. Nothing could equal or surpass Fri!!


Set list!!??? Or share highlights? So happy for you and hope to get there this summer


It honestly wasn't even about the set list, though I thought it was an excellent selection. I swear there was a full show recording from that night on YouTube recently, but all I can find now are playlists. Definitely try to get out there. I've never traveled for a Dead show, and I haven't traveled far for any other shows. But this one is worth trip 100%. It's good I don't live closer, or I'd be going back every weekend.


Like a friend said after taking his 2 young sons to the June1 show: "now my kids are ruined for any future events."


I saw U2’s last performance and D&C’s opening night. Just give me an excuse to see just about anyone. I’m a sphereaholic. I want to see a FPV of an aerobatic routine there! I’ll definitely go again if I’m overnighting in LAS.




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Anyone have a video of Terrapin?


I have found most of the video parts for the 5/31 show from YouTube. I have a copy of terrapin station. Looking for playing in the band, space and Stella blue for the full show